32 research outputs found

    Solid effect DNP polarization dynamics in a system of many spins

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    We discuss the polarization dynamics during solid effect dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in a central spin model that consists of an electron surrounded by many nuclei. To this end we use a recently developed formalism and validate first its performance by comparing its predictions to results obtained by solving the Liouville von Neumann master equation. The use of a Monte Carlo method in our formalism makes it possible to significantly increase the number of spins considered in the model system. We then analyse the dependence of the nuclear bulk polarization on the presence of nuclei in the vicinity of the electron and demonstrate that increasing the minimal distance between nuclei and electrons leads to a rise of the nuclear bulk polarization. These observations have implications for the design of radicals that can lead to improved values of nuclear spin polarization. Furthermore, we discuss the potential to extend our formalism to more complex spin systems such as cross effect DNP

    Phase transitions in electron spin resonance under continuous microwave driving

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    We study an ensemble of strongly coupled electrons under continuous microwave irradiation interacting with a dissipative environment, a problem of relevance to the creation of highly polarized non-equilibrium states in nuclear magnetic resonance. We analyze the stationary states of the dynamics, described within a Lindblad master equation framework, at the mean-field approximation level. This approach allows us to identify steady state phase transitions between phases of high and low polarization controlled by the distribution of disordered electronic interactions. We compare the mean-field predictions to numerically exact simulations of small systems and find good agreement. Our study highlights the possibility of observing collective phenomena, such as metastable states, phase transitions and critical behaviour in appropriately designed paramagnetic systems. These phenomena occur in a low-temperature regime which is not theoretically tractable by conventional methods, e.g., the spin-temperature approach

    Dynamic nuclear polarisation by thermal mixing: quantum theory and macroscopic simulations

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    A theory of dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) by thermal mixing is suggested based on purely quantum considerations. A minimal 6-level microscopic model is developed to test the theory and link it to the well known thermodynamic model. Optimal conditions for the nuclear polarization enhancement and effects of inhomogeneous broadening of the electron resonance are discussed. Macroscopic simulations of nuclear polarization spectra displaying good agreement with experiments, involving BDPA and trityl free radicals, are presented

    Heteronuclear DNP of 1H and 19F nuclei using BDPA as a polarizing agent

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    This work explores the dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) of 1H and 19F nuclei in a sample of 25/75 (% v/v) fluorobenzene/toluene containing the radical 1,3-bisphenylene-2-phenylallyl radical (BDPA) as a polarizing agent. Previously, heteronuclear effects in DNP were studied by analysing the shapes of DNP spectra, or by observing cross-relaxation between nuclei of different types. In this work, we report a rather specific DNP spectrum, where 1H and 19F nuclei obtain polarizations of opposite signs upon microwave (MW) irradiation. In order to explain this observation, we introduce a novel mechanism called heteronuclear thermal mixing (hn-TM). Within this mechanism the spectra of opposite signs can then be explained due to the presence of four-spin systems, involving a pair of dipolar coupled electron spins and hyperfine coupled nuclear spins of 1H and 19F, such that a condition relating their Larmor frequencies |ω1e-ω2e |≈ ωH-ωF is satisfied. Under this condition, a strong mixing of electron and nuclear states takes place, enabling simultaneous four-spin flip-flops. Irradiation of electron spin transitions with MW followed by such four-spin flip-flops produces non-equilibrium populations of |αHβF ⟩ and |βHαF ⟩ states, thus leading to the enhancements of opposite signs for 1H and 19F. Signal enhancements, build-up times and DNP-spectra as a function of MW power and polarizing agent concentration, all provide additional support for assigning the observed DNP mechanism as hn-TM and distinguishing it from other possible mechanisms. We also develop a quantum mechanical model of hn-TM based on averaging of spin Hamiltonians. Simulations based on this model show very good qualitative agreement with experimental data. In addition, the system exhibits cross-relaxation between 1H and 19F induced by the presence of BDPA, which was detected by measuring the 1F NMR signal build-up upon saturation of 1H nuclei with a train of radio-frequency pulses. We demonstrate that such cross-relaxation most likely originates due to the same electron and nuclear states mixing in the four-spin systems

    An Effect of Co–W Barrier Sublayer on the Functional Characteristics of Au–Ru Contact Coatings

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    Funding Information: Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the frame of the state assignment FSSN-2020-0003. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The performance characteristics (microhardness, porosity, roughness, and transient resistance) of Au–Ru coatings with and without the Co–W alloy barrier sublayer electrodeposited on the surface of contact blades of commercially produced reed switches were investigated. It was found that the barrier sublayer reduces the average roughness of the coatings without significant change in their porosity. The Au–Ru coatings without sublayer exhibited a greater variation in the transient resistance during an increase in the pressing force. The service time of reed switches with the barrier sublayer increased in both testing modes: in low-power (50 mV, 5 µA, 50 Hz) by more than 4 × 106 switching cycles, and in mean-power (12 V, 0.25 A, 50 Hz) by more than 1.8 × 106 switching cycles.publishersversionpublishe

    On the accuracy of the state space restriction approximation for spin dynamics simulations

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    We present an algebraic foundation for the state space restriction approximation in spin dynamics simulations and derive applicability criteria as well as minimal basis set requirements for practically encountered simulation tasks. The results are illustrated with NMR, ESR, DNP and Spin Chemistry simulations. It is demonstrated that state space restriction yields accurate results in systems where the time scale of spin relaxation processes approximately matches the time scale of the experiment. Rigorous error bounds and basis set requirements are derived.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Many-body kinetics of dynamic nuclear polarization by the cross effect

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    Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is an out-of-equilibrium method for generating nonthermal spin polarization which provides large signal enhancements in modern diagnostic methods based on nuclear magnetic resonance. A particular instance is cross-effect DNP, which involves the interaction of two coupled electrons with the nuclear spin ensemble. Here we develop a theory for this important DNP mechanism and show that the nonequilibrium nuclear polarization buildup is effectively driven by three-body incoherent Markovian dissipative processes involving simultaneous state changes of two electrons and one nucleus. We identify different parameter regimes for effective polarization transfer and discuss under which conditions the polarization dynamics can be simulated by classical kinetic Monte Carlo methods. Our theoretical approach allows simulations of the polarization dynamics on an individual spin level for ensembles consisting of hundreds of nuclear spins. The insight obtained by these simulations can be used to find optimal experimental conditions for cross-effect DNP and to design tailored radical systems that provide optimal DNP efficiency

    Spin dynamic simulations of solid effect DNP: the role of the relaxation superoperator

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    Relaxation plays a crucial role in the spin dynamics of dynamic nuclear polarisation. We review here two different strategies that have recently been used to incorporate relaxation in models to predict the spin dynamics of solid effect dynamic nuclear polarisation. A detailed explanation is provided how the Lindblad-Kossakowski form of the master equation can be used to describe relaxation in a spin system. Fluctuations of the spin interactions with the environment as a cause of relaxation are discussed and it is demonstrated how the relaxation superoperator acting in Liouville space on the density operator can be derived in the Lindblad-Kossakowski form by averaging out non-secular terms in an appropriate interaction frame. Furthermore we provide a formalism for the derivation of the relaxation superoperator starting with a choice of a basis set in Hilbert space. We show that the differences in the prediction of the nuclear polarisation dynamics that are found for certain parameter choices arise from the use of different interaction frames in the two different strategies. In addition we provide a summary of different relaxation mechanism that need to be considered to obtain more realistic spin dynamic simulations of solid effect dynamic nuclear polarisation

    Salivary gland immunohistochemistry vs substantia nigra sonography: comparative analysis of diagnostic significance

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    Introduction. Parkinson's disease (PD) urges for new instrumental methods of diagnosis. Transcranial sonography of the substantia nigra (SN TCS) is an established method for early PD diagnosis but its application is limited. Recently, biopsies (primarily that of salivary gland) and test for abnormal -synuclein are suggested to verify PD. Materials and methods. We assessed 12 individuals with PD, HoehnYahr 2.3 0.4. The assessments included: UPDRS, NMSQ, NMSS, RBDSQ, PDQ-8, MoCA, and HADS scoring; SN TCS; and sublingual gland immunohistochemistry for phosphorylated -synuclein (PS-129) with automated morphometric analysis. Results. Substantia nigra hyperechogenicity was shown in 75% of patients whereas biopsy revealed PS-129 in 100% of patients. Echogenic area of the substantia nigra was 0.24 [0.21; 0.3] cm2. PS-129 inclusion area varied from 28.47 [27.55; 96.26] to 238.77 [234.13; 272.49] m2, and PS-129 proportion varied from 13.4% to 93.4% of the nervous fiber area across the patients. We found relations between PS-129 and NMSQ (r = 0.8; p 0.001), NMSS (r = 0.9; p 0.001), PDQ-8 (r = 0.7; p = 0.003), UPDRS-I (r = 0.7; p = 0.009), UPDRS-II (r = 0.6; p = 0.03), and HADS (anxiety r = 0.8; p = 0.002; depression r = 0.6; p = 0.04) scores. Conclusion. The results demonstrate a higher biopsy sensitivity as compared to SN TCS. Automated morphometric analysis has been newly applied to assess PS-129 occurrence. Immunohistochemistry results are directly related to non-motor symptom severity, which may indicate high probability of PS-129 presence and diagnosis confirmation in early disease

    Two-Point Correlators of Fermionic Currents in External Magnetic Field

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    We study the two-point correlation functions under an influence of the constant homogeneous magnetic field. In addition to the correlators of scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axial-vector fermionic currents, we calculate the non-diagonal one including the tensor and pseudoscalar currents. The tensor current is a fermionic part of the Pauli Lagrangian relevant for the electromagnetic interaction of fermions through the anomalous magnetic moment. Its contribution to the photon polarization operator is briefly discussed