617 research outputs found

    The quasi two-day wave: the results of numerical simulation with the COMMA - LIM Model

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    The quasi two-day wave (QTDW), a prominent feature of the mesosphere mainly around solstices, is simulated with the COMMA-LIM Model (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere - Leipzig Institute for Meteorology). The calculations are made approximately one month after the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere when the QTDW reaches its maximum in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The results show that the QTDW produces a moderate westward forcing of the zonally averaged flow and a poleward driving of the residual mean meridional circulation.Die Quasi Zwei-Tage Welle (QTDW), eine deutliche Erscheinung in der Mesosphäre kurz nach dem Sommer Solstitium, wird mit dem COMMA-LIM Modell (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere - Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) simuliert. Die Zwei-Tage Welle wurde unter Juli-Bedingungen an der unteren Modellgrenze angeregt, zu der Zeit, zu der sie ihr Maximum in der Mesosphäre und unteren Thermosphäre erreicht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine sich westwärts ausbreitende Welle, die auf den Grundstrom eine moderate Beschleunigung nach Westen ausübt. Die residuelle mittlere Meridional Zirkulation erfährt dadurch eine zum Pol gerichtete Triebkraft

    CMS Hasche Sigle (Hrsg.), Steueroptimierte Gestaltungen in Restrukturierung, Sanierung und Insolvenz

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    Buchbesprechung Das Werk behandelt in sieben Teilen alle wesentlichen Elemente zu den Themen Restrukturierung und Sanierung in der Insolvenz in steuertechnischer Hinsicht. Es ist nicht nur auf das Insolvenzrecht bezogen. Es werden vielmehr auch sonstige steuerliche Sachverhalte erörtert, die im Zusammenhang mit der Sanierung von Unternehmen stehen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen steuerrechtlich relevanten Büchern im Zusammenhang mit der Insolvenz nehmen die Autoren auch zu den Themen Compliance Stellung und unternehmen einen Ausflug zur Rechtslage in Österreich und der Schweiz

    The 48 Layer COMMA-LIM Model: model description, new aspects, and climatology

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    COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere - Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) ist ein 3D-mechanistisches Gitterpuktsmodell, welches sich von ca. 0 bis 135 km in logarhitmischen Druckkordinaten z = -H ln(p=p0) erstreckt, wobei H=7 km und p0 den Referenzdruck am unteren Rand bezeichnet. Die vertikale Auflösung von COMMA-LIM wurde auf 48 Schichten erhöht. Zugleich wurde die Beschreibung des Strahlungsprozesses verbessert, zusammen mit den Beiträgen zur Temperaturbilanz durch atmosphärische Wellen und Turbulenz. Weitere Veränderungen betreffen die numerische Realisation der horizontalen Diffusion und des Filterproblems. Die Beschreibung ist unterteilt in den dynamischen Teil und die Strahlungsbeträge. Die jahreszeitlichen Klimatologien werden vorgestellt und diskutiert.COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere - Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) is a 3D-mechanistic gridpoint model extending up from 0 to 135 km with a logharithmic vertical coordinate z = -H ln(p=p0), where H=7 km and p0 is the reference pressure at lower boundary. The resolution of the 24 layer version has been increased to 48 layers and several improvements are made in the parameterisation of radiative processes, heating/cooling due to atmospheric waves and turbulence, as well as in the numerical realization of the horizontal diffusion and filtering. This description is divided into the section describing the changes in the dynamical part and the modifications in radiation routines. After all, the seasonal climatologies will be shown and discussed to demonstrate what the COMMA-LIM is capable of reproducing

    On one integrable system with a cubic first integral

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    Recently one integrable model with a cubic first integral of motion has been studied by Valent using some special coordinate system. We describe the bi-Hamiltonian structures and variables of separation for this system.Comment: LaTeX with AMS fonts, 9 page

    The influence of NCEP-data assimilated into COMMA-LIM on the 16-day wave

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    The general circulation model COMMA-LIM solves the primitive equations on a sphere using gridpoints. The relative large interval between adjacent gridpoints (5° × 5.6° latitude versus longitude) causes an incorrect meridional temperature gradient in the coarsly resolved troposphere that leads to too weak winds there, particularly in the lower winter stratosphere above the polar region. By using the technique of nudging 11-year averaged NCEP zonal mean temperature data were assimilated into COMMA-LIM. This means that longitudinal dependent processes as calculated by the model still influence the atmosphere. The nudging method has improved not only the lower atmosphere, but also the middle atmospheric jets show a more realistic behaviour. A numerical experiment by forcing the 16-day wave was carried out in order to investigate the influence of an improved background circulation on the vertical propagation of planetary waves.Das globale Zirkulationsmodell COMMA-LIM berechnet die primitiven Gleichungen auf einem Kugelgitter. Der relativ große Gitterabstand von 5°× 5.6° in Breite und Länge und die grobe vertikale Auflösung führen zu einem inkorrekten meridionalen Temperaturgradienten in der Troposphäre, so dass die troposphärischen Jets und der polare Winterwirbel zu schwach ausgeprägt sind. Mit Hilfe der Methode des Nudging wurden in den unteren 30 km der Atmosphäre 11-Jahres gemittelte NCEP Reanalysedaten des Temperaturfeldes assimiliert. Dabei wurde nur der zonale Mittelwert der berechneten Temperatur an die Reanalysedaten relaxiert, so dass die Antriebsterme, die von COMMA-LIM berechnet werden, erhalten bleiben. Durch diese Methode wurden Wind- und Temperaturfeld sowohl in der Troposphäre als auch in der mittleren Atmosphäre verbessert. Ein Experiment zur Ausbreitung der 16-Tage Welle wurde unter den neuen Bedingungen durchgeführt, und der Einfluß der veränderten Atmosphäre auf die vertikale Wellenausbreitung wurde untersucht

    Designing systems for the care we need: A transformation journey in Southwestern Ontario.

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    Primary care is considered the foundation of any health system. In Ontario, Canada Bills 41 and 74 introduced in 2016 and 2019, respectively, aimed to move towards a primary care-focused and sustainable integrated care approach designed around the needs of local populations. These bills collectively set the stage for integrated care and population health management in Ontario, with Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) introduced as a model of integrated care delivery systems. OHTs aim to streamline patient connectivity through the healthcare system and improve outcomes aligned with the Quadruple Aim. When Ontario released a call for health system partners to apply to become an OHT, providers, administrators, and patient/caregiver partners from the Middlesex-London area were quick to respond. We highlight the critical elements and journey of the Middlesex-London Ontario Health Team since its start

    Sustentabilidade das regiões costeiras e oceânicas – necessidade de um novo relacionamento entre ciência e gestão

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    As zonas costeiras e oceânicas proveem benefícios e serviços ecossistêmicos que têm sido cada vez mais ameaçados pelos diversos usos desses ecossistemas. Garantir a sustentabilidade dessas áreas é uma tarefa complexa que demanda diferentes moldes de gestão, mais integradores e ecossistêmicos, e também de produção do conhecimento científico, mais interdisciplinar e aplicado. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa científica interdisciplinar e a ciência pós-normal ref letem uma nova maneira de produzir ciência, entender os ecossistemas marinhos e praticar a gestão a partir de abordagens que promovam um novo relacionamento entre ciência e gestão na pesquisa oceanográficaOcean and coastal zones provide a range of benefits and ecosystem services that have been extensively threatened by the multiple uses of such ecosystems. Achieving marine sustainability is a complex task that requires integrated and ecosystem-based management systems and new models for knowledge production which are more interdisciplinary and applied. In this regard, interdisciplinary scientific research and post-normal science constitute a new manner of producing science, of understanding and managing marine ecosystems through approaches which promote a new relationship between science and policy in ocean researc

    Evaluation of Learn and Serve America, Higher Education: First Year Report, Volume I

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    This report presents evaluation results for the first year of the Learn and Serve America, Higher Education (LSAHE) initiative, sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNS). It addresses impacts of LSAHE on communities, higher education institutions, and service providers

    The coast of the Macro metropolis: so far from God and so close to the Devil

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    O maniqueísmo do título deste artigo antecipa o interesse em aqui analisar as particularidades da polarização da zona costeira em uma escala espacial mais abrangente. Tal análise é feita sob a ótica do ordenamento territorial, da abordagem ecossistêmica e da governança ambiental, e considera os fluxos e dinâmicas incidentes sobre a zona costeira em um contexto de desenvolvimento sustentável. Por meio do estudo de caso da Macrometrópole Paulista (MMP), seu Plano de Ação 2013-2040, e as ações propostas para seu litoral, reconhece-se que, tão perto da metrópole expandida, o litoral macrometropolitano segue longe de um caminho sustentável e socialmente justo. Argumenta-se que o planejamento espacial e a governança deste território demandam uma ampla revisão dos paradigmas que amparam os instrumentos setoriais e multissetoriais de gestão. Novos paradigmas devem considerar diferentes escalas espaciais, como a zona costeira, a zona econômica exclusiva e regiões metropolitanas adjacentes. Nesse sentido, faz-se necessário que o planejamento da MMP considere novos arranjos de governança que abarquem a dinamicidade do território e suas dimensões socioambientais e ecossistêmicas. Devem, ainda, incorporar macroprocessos tanto do ponto de vista administrativo e territorial quanto do ponto de vista socioambiental, incluindo os atores apropriados a essa escala e, em especial, garantindo a participação da sociedade civil.The Manichaeism in the title of article anticipates the interest here to analyze the particularities of coastal zone polarization on a broader spatial scale. Territorial planning, ecosystem-based approach, governance, and considering existing flows and dynamics in the context of sustainable development are the bases of this analysis. Using the case study of the São Paulo Macro Metropolis (SPMM), its 2013-2040 Action Plan, and the proposed actions for its coastline as examples, the fact that being so close to the expanding metropolis, the macro metropolitan coastline is far from a socially, fair and sustainable path is verified. Spatial planning and governance of this territory require a broad revision of the paradigms that support sectoral and multisectoral management instruments. This revision should consider different spatial scales, such as the coastal zone, the exclusive economic zone, and adjacent metropolitan regions. In this sense, it is necessary for SPMM planning to consider new governance arrangements that encompass the dynamics of the territory and its socio-environmental dimensions. It is also necessary to incorporate macro-processes from the administrative, territorial, social, and environmental perspectives, including the stakeholders, according to the management scale, and, particularly, ensuring the participation of civil society
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