434 research outputs found

    Reconciling just preservation

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    Treves et al.’s target article can play an important role in reconciling the needs of future generations and non-human animals in conservation. Human capacities are adequate for interpreting and defining many non-human animal needs. Worldviews are more complex, however, and conservation science, like the target article itself, suffers from a lack of diversity and inclusiveness. This may pose practical impediments to realizing just preservation

    Community Variation of Gastrointestinal Parasites Found in Urban and Rural Coyotes (Canis latrans) of Calgary, Alberta

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    We compared parasite variation in coyote feces collected in eight urban sites within Calgary, Alberta, to those in six rural sites outside the city limits. Four hundred and sixty fresh fecal samples (\u3c 4 days old) were collected weekly between July 2009 and June 2010. Fecal flotation analysis identified parasites to the level of genus. We calculated parasite richness, diversity, and evenness. Parasite richness was significantly greater in rural than urban sites. Disparities in the parasite community included a significant variation in parasite richness, diversity, and evenness among rural and urban sites. Toxascaris leonina and Cystoisospora spp. were shared among all urban sites, while these species in addition to Taenia-like spp. and Trichuris spp. were shared among all rural sites. Both urban and rural sites yielded evidence of Toxocara canis, Taenia-like spp., and Giardia spp., which are potential zoonotic parasites. Toxocara canis was at highest prevalence in a core urban site, Inglewood Wildlands, which exhibits unique biotic and abiotic characteristics. Factors of exposure to parasites, such as diet, behavior, and environmental factors, are suggested to be most influential on variation in urban and rural coyote parasitism. We suggest coyotes are an important focal species for further research in urban disease ecology, due to the resilient nature of the carnivore and its propensity to co-exist with people and domestic animals

    Spatial and Temporal Variation of Coyote (Canis latrans) Diet in Calgary, Alberta

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    We examined the diet of a portion of Calgary’s urban coyotes to provide baseline data on feeding ecology, to determine spatial and seasonal effects on diet, and to assess whether anthropogenic food sources (primarily garbage) and domestic cats or dogs were part of coyote diet. Bi-weekly surveys of seven study sites were conducted between August 2006 and September 2007. We analyzed 484 coyote scats. The top five prey types consumed by the coyotes studied were small mammals (84.71%), herbaceous plants (44.63%), crabapples (33.88%), woody plants (16.94%) and anthropogenic food sources (14.05%). Domestic animals – cats (Felis catus) and dogs (Canis familiaris) – were found in 6 scats (1.24% of all scats sampled). Large parks had the greatest amount of scats containing native berries (χ26=1700, p\u3c0.001) while smaller parks had higher levels of crabapples (χ26=3700, p\u3c0.001) and anthropogenic content (χ26=413.4, p\u3c0.001) in scats. Scats containing domestic animals were relatively few, highly localized and occurred primarily in the Calgary neighbourhood with the most frequent reports of aggression/predation behaviour in coyotes. Herbaceous plants (χ22=89.273, p\u3c0.001), crabapples (χ22=5023, p\u3c0.001) small mammals (χ22=755.3, p\u3c0.001) and anthropogenic food sources (χ22=183.9, p\u3c0.001) were all consumed most during the Dispersal season. Woody plants (χ22=998.0, p\u3c0.001) were consumed significantly more during Pup-Rearing. Coyotes in Calgary consume predominantly natural prey items. However, the presence of anthropogenic food items in 14% of scats suggests heightened risk of food conditioning, a potential for habituation to humans, which can increase human-coyote conflict. We recommend stricter enforcement of garbage laws, responsible husbandry practices with domestic pets (leash animals), and targeted educational campaigns

    Portrayal of Interactions Between Humans and Coyotes (Canis latrans): Content Analysis of Canadian Print Media (1998-2010)

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    Print media is one form of public discourse that provides a means to examine human-coyote interactions. We conducted a content analysis of 453 articles addressing coyote events reported in the Canadian print media between 1998 and 2010. We found 119 articles about human-coyote interactions, of which 32 involved a report of coyote biting (26) or attempting to bite (6) a person. 108 articles were about coyote-dogs and 32 about coyotes-cat interactions. Remaining articles were on topics unrelated to interactions (e.g. culls). Basing our analysis in grounded theory, we identified important descriptive and emotional themes surrounding these events. The most common words describing coyotes were: brazen, wiley, mangy, nuisance, wild and vicious. Interactions were described as attacks in 185 articles, while only 32 “attacks” were identified. Coyotes were portrayed as not natural in cities, as an invasive species, and more recently using language depicting criminal behaviour. Descriptions of coyotes killing or attacking people were inflammatory (e.g. savaged, ripped juts open), whereas descriptions of people killing coyotes were not (e.g. euthanized). Five emotional responses emerged describing humans involved in coyote interactions. Of these, statements of fear were most prevalent and yielded the richest understanding of perceptions about the risk of coyote-human interactions, including: fear for children’s safety (73), fear for disease (44), fear for pet safety (43), and fear for self or others safety (35). Traumatic response was reported in 28 articles, while sadness and grief were described in 17. Two other themes were: 1) animal welfare concerns, 2) frustration due to lack of agency response. Popular media plays a critical role in shaping public understanding and can influence people’s emotional experiences, perceptions and management consequences. We highlight that coyotes are prejudiced (and stereotyped) based on the isolated and sensationalized incidents. Coyotes in particular elicit a wide range of emotional responses in people, and there is often a wide gap between perception and reality of risk when understanding whether it is possible for humans and coyotes to co-exist. Hence, there is a strong need for media literacy about the unintended or intended maligning of coyotes to the general public, as the consequence can be social amplification of risk and the unwarranted persecution of coyotes

    Factors associated with overweight cats successfully completing a diet-based weight loss programme: an observational study

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    Background The most common approach for controlled weight loss in cats is dietary caloric restriction, using a purpose-formulated diet. Most previous studies have only assessed short-term outcomes, and no previous study has examined overall success (i.e. odds of reaching target weight). The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with overweight cats successfully completing a diet-based weight loss programme to reach target weight. Results Sixty-two cats were included, and 28 (45%) completed their weight loss programme. The remaining 34 cats (55%) did not reach target weight, of which 2 (3%) were euthanised for unrelated reasons. Reasons for cats stopping the programme prematurely included inability to contact owner (n = 19), owner requested that the programme be completed prior to reaching target weight (n = 5), the cat developed another illness (n = 3), refusal to comply with requirements for weight management (n = 2), owner illness (n = 2), and personal issues of the owner (n = 1). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that rate of weight loss and weight loss required were positively (odds ratio [OR] 157.81, 95% confidence interval [CI] 10.00–2492.67) and negatively (OR 0.89, 95% CI 0.81–0.98) associated with the odds of completing the weight loss programme, respectively. Conclusions Future studies should consider developing better methods of supporting the owners of the most obese cats during weight management, since these cats are least likely to complete reach target weight

    Case Report A Rare Case of a 15-Year-Old Boy with Two Accessory Nipples: One in the Forearm and One in the Milk Line

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    A 15-year-old male presented for evaluation of a volar forearm mass that he noticed four years before. The mass was not painful and his main concern was cosmesis. The mass was two centimeters in diameter with a pinpoint central sinus and scant drainage. After excision, the pathology report noted pilosebaceous units and smooth muscle bundles, consistent with an accessory nipple. In addition, the patient had another accessory nipple in the "milk line" on his torso. While accessory nipples and breast tissue have been reported in numerous locations throughout the body, this is the first reported case of an accessory nipple on the forearm

    Larvisida Dan Pupisida Isotearil Alkohol Etoksilat Terhadap Larva Dan Pupa Aedes Aegypti

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    Isotearil alkohol etoksilat merupakan larvasida yang bekerja sebagai barier fisik bagi pertumbuhan nyamuk. Larvasida ini membentuk lapisan yang sangat tipis (monomolecular surface film) dan menurunkan tegangan permukaan air. Permasalahan penelitian adalah bagaimana efektifitas isotearil alkohol etoksilat dalam membunuh larva dan pupa nyamuk vektor DBD Ae. aegypti. Tujuan penelitian ingin mengetahui efektifitas isotearil alkohol etoksilat dalam membunuh larva dan pupa nyamuk vektor DBD Ae. aegypti. Metode penelitian dengan pengujian efikasi isotearil alkohol etoksilat terhadap larva Aedes aegypti. Penelitian menggunakan 5 dosis, yaitu 0,5 ml/m2, 0,75 ml/m2, 1,0 ml/m2, 1,5 ml/m2 dan 2 ml/m2 serta kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isotearil alkohol etoksilat selama satu minggu membunuh larva dan pupa Ae. aegypti ± 75%. Hasil analisis data menggunakan Anova menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan jumlah kematian larva Ae. aegypti pada dosis yang berbeda (p=0,999). Simpulan penelitian adalah isotearil alkohol etoksilat dosis 0,5, 0,75, 1,0, 1,5 dan 2 ml/m2 kurang efektif digunakan untuk membunuh larva dan pupa nyamuk vektor DBD Ae. aegypti. Isotearil alcohol ethoxylate is larvicide who works as a physical barrier to mosquito\u27s growth. This larvicides form is very thin layer (monomolecular surface film) and lowers the surface tension of water. The research problem was how effectiveness of alcohol ethoxylate isotearil for killing mosquito larvae and pupae dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Research purpose was to determine the effectiveness of alcohol ethoxylate isotearil for killing larvae and pupae of dengue mosquitoes vector Aedes aegypti. Research methods used to test the efficacy of alcohol ethoxylate isotearil against Aedes aegypti larvae. Research used 5 doses, 0.5ml/m2, 0.75ml/m2, 1.0ml/m2, 1.5ml/m2, and 2ml/m2, and control. The results showed that the alcohol ethoxylate isotearil for a week to kill the larvae and pupae of Aedes aegypti ± 75 %. Data analysis using ANOVA showed no difference in mortality of larvae of Aedes aegypti at different doses (p=0.999). Therefore, isotearil alcohol ethoxylate dose of 0.5 , 0.75 , 1.0 , 1.5 and 2 ml/m2 were not effective used to kill mosquito larvae and pupae dengue vector Aedes aegypti

    Complex multicomponent patterns rendered on a 3D DNA-barrel pegboard

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    DNA origami, in which a long scaffold strand is assembled with a many short staple strands into parallel arrays of double helices, has proven a powerful method for custom nanofabrication. However, currently the design and optimization of custom 3D DNA-origami shapes is a barrier to rapid application to new areas. Here we introduce a modular barrel architecture, and demonstrate hierarchical assembly of a 100 megadalton DNA-origami barrel of similar to 90nm diameter and similar to 250nm height, that provides a rhombic-lattice canvas of a thousand pixels each, with pitch of similar to 8nm, on its inner and outer surfaces. Complex patterns rendered on these surfaces were resolved using up to twelve rounds of Exchange-PAINT super-resolution microscopy. We envision these structures as versatile nanoscale pegboards for applications requiring complex 3D arrangements of matter, which will serve to promote rapid uptake of this technology in diverse fields beyond specialist groups working in DNA nanotechnology
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