2,657 research outputs found

    Prevalence and Predictors of School Social Workers’ Professional Quality of Life

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    This study examined the professional quality of life (PQL) of school social workers working in New Orleans, Louisiana. The existence of a direct relationship between helping professionals’ well-being and providing services to clients who have experienced trauma has been well documented. In this study, the PQL theory provided a framework for understanding the negative and positive aspects of helping or serving trauma-exposed clients. The negative aspects, collectively referred to as compassion fatigue, included burnout (BO) and secondary traumatic stress (STS), while the positive aspects were referred to as compassion satisfaction (CS). The study employed a nonexperimental, cross-sectional, quantitative design to investigate the prevalence rates of STS, BO, and CS in New Orleans school social workers. It also investigated the relationship between PQL factors and caseload size, caseload trauma, and time spent in direct services with client trauma. Prevalence data were collected from 53 school social workers using the PQL scale. Regression analyses were performed to determine the existence of predictive relationships between PQL factors and caseload size, percentage of trauma-exposed clients on caseload, and time spent in direct services with client trauma. The findings indicated that STS is more likely when more than half of a practitioner’s caseload is comprised of trauma exposed clients. These findings can be used for positive social change by reinforcing the need for schools to provide a trauma-informed approach when developing and providing resources to school social workers

    The views of adolescents entering junior high school

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    Biological Control of the Raspberry Eriophyoid Mite Phyllocoptes gracilis Using Entomopathogenic Fungi

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    There is an urgent need to develop biological control methods against the eriophyoid mite, Phyllocoptes gracilis, which causes significant losses in organic raspberry production in Europe. The use of entomopathogenic fungi (EF) is a sustainable alternative to conventional chemical pesticides, reducing the risks of pesticide resistance and other negative environmental impacts of agriculture. The objective of this study was to assess the pathogenicity of three strains of EF, two of Beauveria bassiana and one of Metarhizium anisopliae, on P. gracilis under laboratory conditions. Fungal spore suspensions (1 × 107 spores per mL) were sprayed on detached leaves infested with P. gracilis. Treated mites were kept under controlled conditions (25 ± 3 °C, 72 ± 10% relative humidity and photoperiod of 16:8 (light/dark)) and mite mortality was assessed three, five and seven days after inoculation. At all three measurement points (days after inoculation), the mortality of P. gracilis was highest for B. bassiana strain BB 1.1 and M. anisopliae strain MA 10.1. Our data demonstrate that EFs are promising candidates for the development of biological control agents against P. gracilis in raspberry crops

    Teaching against the Tide: Transgressing Norms in the American College Composition Classroom

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    In the same vein, we find transgression in what is perhaps an unlikely place; the classroom and educational practices. Two articles emphasize the need for transgression in education. The first, Camille Alexander's Teaching Against the Tide suggests that transgressing a canonical syllabus becomes a way of creating a contact zone between students and professors, thereby increasing students' learning and engagement in classes

    Away from Home: Black British Women’s Writing, 1970 and Beyond

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    CFP for an edited book under contract with Cambridge Scholars Publishing

    Giving Backchat: Gendered Social Critiques in Anglo-Caribbean, Migrant Female Literature

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    Giving backchat is a popular term in the Anglophone Caribbean and is locally considered a form of gendered speech. This form of discourse is like the African American concept of talking back with the exception of intent; giving backchat is not intended to convey disrespect whereas backtalk is impertinent. Typically applied to girls and young women, giving backchat is a way of challenging, interrogating, and upsetting social, cultural, and familial gender-biased norms in closed and sometimes unyielding groups that seek to impose forced silences on female group members. This project examines the appearances giving backchat makes throughout the texts of Anglophone Caribbean female writers-particularly those who are migrant, immigrant, and resident in Britain beginning in the 19th century and extending to the 21st century. Female authors with Caribbean roots residing in the UK such as Mary Prince, Mary Seacole, Jean Rhys, Una Marson, Beryl Gilroy, Joyce Gladwell, Andrea Levy, Jean Binta Breeze, and Eintou Pearl Springer utilise giving backchat in their texts, which include slave narratives, travelogues, novels, and poetry, to question the often stagnant roles women occupy in societies; to challenge false immigrant narratives or immigrant narratives exclusive of girls and women of colour; and to create dialogues more inclusive of the colonised or formerly colonised, female Other living in the Imperial, host society. This project examines several examples of immigrant narratives by these authors, fiction and nonfiction, to determine how giving backchat functions in these texts to promote a discourse focused on issues relevant to Anglophone Caribbean immigrant women living in the UK

    Testing the Limits: Forbidden Love in Two Anglophone Caribbean Texts

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    Testing the Limits: Forbidden Love in Two Anglophone Caribbean Texts by Camille Alexander Buxton is initiated by the discussion whether forbidden love, a form of romantic love that is a recurrent theme in literature, is constructed or natural. In the article the theme is addressed as a characteristic of natural, human emotions rather than a social construct with a specific code of conduct, indicative of Western culture. Forbidden love is a theme in some Caribbean texts, and in the article, Buxton examines texts from two Trinidadian authors, Shani Mootoo's (2005) He Drown She in the Sea and Elizabeth Nunez's (2006) Prospero's Daughter

    Les outils et moyens disponibles permettant aux diététicien-ne-s de maintenir leurs connaissances à jour et d'avoir une pratique fondée sur les preuves: travail de Bachelor

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    Introduction : Dans le milieu de la santé, l'Evidence-Based Practice, ou la pratique fondée sur les preuves occupe une place centrale dans les prises de décisions cliniques. C'est également le cas pour les diététicien-ne-s qui, au travers de l'Evidence-Based Dietetics Practice, s'emploient à utiliser les données issues de la recherche afin de fournir des soins de qualité à leurs patients. En Suisse romande, les diététicien-ne-s se doivent d'avoir accès à ces informations, mais comment le font-ils/elles ? Selon nos recherches, il n'existe actuellement pas de document mettant en avant des outils et moyens afin d'aider les diététicien-ne-s à tenir leurs connaissances à jour. L'objectif de notre travail est de proposer un catalogue référençant différents outils et moyens permettant aux diététicien-ne-s de Suisse romande d’avoir accès aux données probantes issues de la recherche. Méthodologie : Notre travail a été effectué sous la forme d'un scan environnemental comportant 4 volets : un scan dans les références des modules de nutrition clinique du Bachelor en nutrition et diététique ; dans les bases de données Medline via Pubmed et Google Scholar ; sur Google ; et au travers de deux interviews réalisées auprès de diététicien-ne-s travaillant en Suisse romande. Résultats : Différents outils et moyens ont été relevés, avec notamment des guidelines/recommandations, des boîtes à outils, des newsletters, des alertes, des journaux et des ouvrages. Ceux-ci ont été répertoriés dans un catalogue sous la forme d'un tableau Excel. De plus, il est ressorti lors de nos interviews et discussions que la manière de rechercher de l’information se faisait par pathologie, c’est pourquoi nous avons décidé de les classer selon cette catégorie. Des bases de données spécifiques à la nutrition et diététique ont également été relevées lors de ces scans. Il s'agit de Practice-Based Evidence in Nutrition des Dietitians of Canada avec la collaboration de la British Dietetic Association et de la Dietitians Association of Australia ainsi que de l'Evidence Analysis Library de l'Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Conclusion : Notre travail a permis la conception d’un catalogue dans lequel sont classés et décrits des outils et moyens pouvant être susceptibles d’aider les diététiciens dans leur pratique clinique. Néanmoins, certains aspects devront encore être retravaillés pour faciliter l’accès aux données probantes. Finalement, la perspective d’offrir la possibilité à tous les utilisateurs d’étoffer ce catalogue, permettra d’améliorer et d’enrichir celui-ci, avec peut-être comme objectif de devenir un espace d’échange et de partage pour les diététicien-ne-s

    Extraction of Uranium from Seawater: Design and Testing of a Symbiotic System

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    Uranium present in low concentration in ocean water has the potential to greatly augment the current fuel reserve for nuclear power generation, but the challenge of extracting it economically remains. Two new designs of seawater uranium extraction systems are proposed in this paper—a stationary system and a continuous system—both of which utilize a braided polymer adsorbent. The stationary system simplifies the recovery procedure, and it is predicted to produce uranium at 326/kg.Thecontinuoussystemisattachedtoanoffshorewindturbinesystemtoeliminatetheneedforadditionalmooringandincreasetheoverallenergy−gatheringabilityofthewindfarmsystem.Thissystemcouldmaximizetheadsorbentyieldandachieveaproductioncostof326/kg. The continuous system is attached to an offshore wind turbine system to eliminate the need for additional mooring and increase the overall energy-gathering ability of the wind farm system. This system could maximize the adsorbent yield and achieve a production cost of 403/kg of uranium.MIT Energy InitiativeS. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundatio

    Direct Democracy, State Governments, and the Re-energized GMO Debate : Implications of California's Proposition 37

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    It is often convenient to divide the world into those countries that have been generally accepting of agricultural biotechnology and those that are not. While the debate over biotechnology continues to rage where biotechnology has not been accepted, in adopting countries the debate is often seen as being over. This has been the case for the United States. In fact, the debate over agricultural biotechnology has continued but has not had a high profile. The debate in the United States has been re-energized due to California's 2012 Proposition 37, which would have required labeling of GM-foods in the state. Given the importance of California in both the national food system and national politics, Proposition 37 had national and international ramifications. While Proposition 37 was rejected by a narrow margin, it has spurred other state- and municipal-level initiatives regarding the regulation of biotechnology. This article examines the political dynamics underlying Proposition 37 and the economic implications of similar regulatory initiatives becoming law in the future. The article argues that proposed measures can have a major influence on attempts to regulate in other jurisdictions
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