236 research outputs found

    Phytosociological and ecological study of springs in Trentino (south-eastern Alps, Italy)

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    A phytosociological survey of the crenic vegetation was made in Trentino (south-eastern Alps), combining the field method of the Braun-Blanquet approach with a numerical syntaxonomical analysis. A set of 139 phytosociological releves, including vascular plants and bryophytes, were classified using cluster analysis. The vegetation types were assigned to 7 different phytosociological classes: Platyhypnidio-Fontinalietea antipyreticae, Montio-Cardaminetea, Adiantetea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae, Molinio- Arrhenatheretea, Galio-Urticetea, Mulgedio-Aconitetea. The classes Platyhypnidio-Fontinalietea antipyreticae and Montio- Cardaminetea represent the core of crenic vegetation, including permanently or intermittently submerged plant communities, mostly made up of bryophytes, or non-submerged communities dominated by bryophytes or vascular plants. The other classes include chasmophytic bryophyte-rich communities and hygrophilous or tall herb communities lying around the periphery of the springs. 23 vegetation types were identified and, whenever possible, classified at the association level, or as phytocoena. The environmental parameters showed different ranges among vegetation types. A number of environmental variables were recorded during the vegetation survey, including altitude, shading, discharge, flow velocity, with exhaustive hydrochemical sampling. Conductivity, alkalinity and pH showed similar distribution patterns, clearly separating the vegetation types into two distinct groups, differing in the nature of the substratum. The altitudinal range was very broad and shading was also very variable. Nitrate and phosphate levels showed that the majority of vegetation types were irrigated by oligotrophic crenic waters. Finally, the bryophyte-dominated vegetation types belonging to the class Platyhypnidio-Fontinalietea antipyreticae occurred in springs with the highest discharge values and variation. Discriminant analysis confirmed that the environmental descriptors that best accounted for the among-group variation were pH and alkalinity (first variate); the second variate reflected a gradient of altitude and discharge

    Ecological profiles of wetland plant species in the northern Apennines (N. Italy)

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    Eighteen selected species occurring in the wetlands of the northern Apennines were studied by the ecological profile method. By this method, it is possible to identify the ecological factors mostly influencing species distribution within a particular vegetation. Moreover, it is possible to evaluate both ecological amplitude and ecological preferences of species. Ecological profiles were built for three factors (altitude, pH and electrical conductivity) from a data set of 265 phytosociological relevés, used for altitude, and from a set of 92 measures, carried out in selected sites, for idrochemical variables. By numerical classification, based on chord distance and minimum variance, the ecological species groups for each factor were individuated. Subsequently, they were ordered by correspondence analysis for detecting relationships between ecological groups and classes of factors. By applying a goodness-of-fit test to ecological profiles, the species significantly deviating from uniformity were detected. They can be regarded as indicators for the corresponding ecological factor. We found seven indicator species for altitude (Carex nigra, C. rostrata, Juncus filiformis, J. alpino-articulatus, Eriophorum latifolium, E. angustifolium and Warnstorfia exannulata), four indicator species for electrical conductivity (Campylium stellatum, Carex tumidicarpa, Eriophorum latifolium and Juncus alpino-articulatus) and one indicator species for pH (Sphagnum capillifolium). The ecological profiles of the wetland species in the northern Apennines were compared with those reported in literature for the same species from the Alps (namely Dolomites). In this way, a certain degree of ecological shift in several wetland species of the northern Apennines was documented. For altitude, it is possible to explain the shift considering the reduced elevational amplitude of northern Apennine wetlands with respect to those of the Alps. For pH, Sphagnum capillifolium occurs in less acidic habitats than in the Alps, probably due to the absence of ombrotrophic mires, and Viola palustris occurs mostly in neutro- basiphytic habitats. Some hypotheses to explain the ecological behaviour of this last species were proposed

    Increased adrenal steroid secretion in response to CRF in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea

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    Objectie: To evaluate adrenal steroid hormone secretion in response to corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) or to adrenocorticotropin hormone in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea. Design: Controlled clinical study. Setting: Department of Reproductive Medicine and Child Development, Section of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Pisa, Italy. Patient(s): Fifteen women with hypothalamic amenorrhea were enrolled in the study. Eight normal cycling women were used as control group. Interention(s): Blood samples were collected before and after an injection of ovine CRF (0.1 g/kg iv bolus) or after synthetic ACTH (0.25 mg iv). Main outcome measure(s): Plasma levels of ACTH, 17-hydroxypregnenolone (17OHPe), progesterone (P), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP), cortisol (F), 11-deoxycortisol (S) and androstenedione (A). Result(s): Basal plasma concentrations of ACTH, cortisol, 11-deoxycortisol, DHEA and 17OHPe were significantly higher in patients than in controls, whereas plasma levels of progesterone and 17-OHP were significantly lower in patients than in controls. In amenorrheic women the ratio of 17-OHPe/DHEA, of 17-OHPe/17-OHP and of 11-deoxycortisol/cortisol were significantly higher than in controls, while a significant reduction in the ratio of 17-OHP/androstenedione, of 17-OHP/11-deoxycortisol was obtained. In response to corticotropin-releasing factor test, plasma levels of ACTH, cortisol, 17-OHP, 11-deoxycortisol, DHEA and androstenedione were significantly lower in patients than in controls. In response to adrenocorticotropin hormone, plasma levels of 17-OHP, androstenedione and androstenedione/cortisol were significantly higher in patients than in controls. Conclusions: Patients suffering for hypothalamic amenorrhea showed an increased activation of hypothalamus-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis, as shown by the higher basal levels and by augmented adrenal hormone response to corticotropin-releasing factor administration. These data suggest a possible derangement of adrenal androgen enzymatic pathway

    Intraspecific Functional Trait Response to Advanced Snowmelt Suggests Increase of Growth Potential but Decrease of Seed Production in Snowbed Plant Species

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    In ecological theory, it is currently unclear if intraspecific trait responses to environmental variation are shared across plant species. We use one of the strongest environmental variations in alpine ecosystems, i.e., advanced snowmelt due to climate warming, to answer this question for alpine snowbed plants. Snowbeds are extreme habitats where long-lasting snow cover represents the key environmental factor affecting plant life. Intraspecific variation in plant functional traits is a key to understanding the performance and vulnerability of species in a rapidly changing environment. We sampled snowbed species after an above-average warm winter to assess their phenotypic adjustment to advanced snowmelt, based on differences in the natural snowmelt dynamics with magnitudes reflecting predicted future warming. We measured nine functional traits related to plant growth and reproduction in seven vascular species, comparing snowbeds of early and late snowmelt across four snowbed sites in the southern Alps in Italy. The early snowbeds provide a proxy for the advanced snowmelt caused by climatic warming. Seed production was reduced under advanced snowmelt in all seed-forming snowbed species. Higher specific leaf area (SLA) and lower leaf dry matter content (LDMC) were indicative of improved growth potential in most seed-forming species under advanced snowmelt. We conclude, first, that in the short term, advanced snowmelt can improve snowbed species’ growth potential. However, in the long term, results from other studies hint at increasing competition in case of ongoing improvement of conditions for plant growth under continued future climate warming, representing a risk for snowbed species. Second, a lower seed production can negatively affect the seed rain. A reduction of propagule pressure can be crucial in a context of loss of the present snowbed sites and the formation of new ones at higher altitudes along with climate warming. Finally, our findings encourage using plant functional traits at the intraspecific level across species as a tool to understand the future ecological challenges of plants in changing environments

    The phytochelatin synthase from Nitella mucronata (Charophyta) plays a role in the homeostatic control of iron(II)/(III)

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    Although some charophytes (sister group to land plants) have been shown to synthesize phytochelatins (PCs) in response to cadmium (Cd), the functional characterization of their phytochelatin synthase (PCS) is still completely lacking. To investigate the metal response and the presence of PCS in charophytes, we focused on the species Nitella mucronata. A 40 kDa immunoreactive PCS band was revealed in mono-dimensional western blot by using a polyclonal antibody against Arabidopsis thaliana PCS1. In two-dimensional western blot, the putative PCS showed various spots with acidic isoelectric points, presumably originated by post-translational modifications. Given the PCS constitutive expression in N. mucronata, we tested its possible involvement in the homeostasis of metallic micronutrients, using physiological concentrations of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn), and verified its role in the detoxification of a non-essential metal, such as Cd. Neither in vivo nor in vitro exposure to Zn resulted in PCS activation and PC significant biosynthesis, while Fe(II)/(III) and Cd were able to activate the PCS in vitro, as well as to induce PC accumulation in vivo. While Cd toxicity was evident from electron microscopy observations, the normal morphology of cells and organelles following Fe treatments was preserved. The overall results support a function of PCS and PCs in managing Fe homeostasis in the carophyte N. mucronata

    Inside the "African Cattle Complex": Animal Burials in the Holocene Central Sahara

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    Cattle pastoralism is an important trait of African cultures. Ethnographic studies describe the central role played by domestic cattle within many societies, highlighting its social and ideological values well beyond its mere function as 'walking larder'. Historical depth of this African legacy has been repeatedly assessed in an archaeological perspective, mostly emphasizing a continental vision. Nevertheless, in- depth site-specific studies, with a few exceptions, are lacking. Despite the long tradition of a multi-disciplinary approach to the analysis of pastoral systems in Africa, rarely do early and middle Holocene archaeological contexts feature in the same area the combination of settlement, ceremonial and rock art features so as to be multi- dimensionally explored: the Messak plateau in the Libyan central Sahara represents an outstanding exception. Known for its rich Pleistocene occupation and abundant Holocene rock art, the region, through our research, has also shown to preserve the material evidence of a complex ritual dated to the Middle Pastoral (6080-5120 BP or 5200-3800 BC). This was centred on the frequent deposition in stone monuments of disarticulated animal remains, mostly cattle. Animal burials are known also from other African contexts, but regional extent of the phenomenon, state of preservation of monuments, and associated rock art makes the Messak case unique. GIS analysis, excavation data, radiocarbon dating, zooarchaeological and isotopic (Sr, C, O) analyses of animal remains and botanical data are used to explore this highly formalized ritual and lifestyles of a pastoral community in the Holocene Sahara

    Effect of activin-A on progesterone synthesis in human luteal cells

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of activin-A on basal and hCG-stimulated P production by human luteal cells. DESIGN: Mixed luteal cell cultures and distinct cultures of two luteal cell types: small and large luteal cells from early and midluteal phase. SETTING: Corpora lutea (CL) were obtained from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Catholic University, Rome, Italy. PATIENTS: Fifteen nonpregnant women between 30 and 45 years of age underwent surgery for nonendocrine gynecological diseases. INTERVENTIONS: Corpora lutea were obtained at the time of hysterectomy. The luteal cells were dispersed in Ham's F-12 medium containing collagenase at 37 degrees C in shaking water bath for 2 hours, filtered, centrifuged, and resuspended in fresh medium. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The cells diluted to a final concentration of 60,000 to 100,000 cells/mL of medium. After 24 hours, the cells attached to the wells and were incubated with or without hCG and/or activin-A at different concentrations. RESULTS: Activin-A starting from 25 micrograms/L significantly decreased basal and hCG (250 mIU/mL [conversion to SI unit, 1.00])-induced P production by mixed luteal cells. The small luteal cells responded to hCG (250 mIU/mL), and the treatment with activin-A (from 25 to 100 micrograms/L) reduced their basal and hCG-induced P production. Activin-A addition did not change the amount of P release by large luteal cells at any concentration. CONCLUSIONS: These results imply that activin-A plays a role in the local regulation of human CL

    Long-term herbivore removal experiments reveal how geese and reindeer shape vegetation and ecosystem CO2-fluxes in high-Arctic tundra

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    1. Given the current rates of climate change, with associated shifts in herbivore population densities, understanding the role of different herbivores in ecosystem functioning is critical for predicting ecosystem responses. Here, we examined how migratory geese and resident, non-migratory reindeer—two dominating yet functionally contrasting herbivores—control vegetation and ecosystem processes in rapidly warming Arctic tundra. 2. We collected vegetation and ecosystem carbon (C) flux data at peak plant growing season in the two longest running, fully replicated herbivore removal experiments found in high-Arctic Svalbard. Experiments had been set up independently in wet habitat utilised by barnacle geese Branta leucopsis in summer and in moist-to-dry habitat utilised by wild reindeer Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus year-round. 3. Excluding geese induced vegetation state transitions from heavily grazed, mossdominated (only 4 g m−2 of live above-ground vascular plant biomass) to ungrazed, graminoid-dominated (60 g m−2 after 4-year exclusion) and horsetail-dominated (150 g m−2 after 15-year exclusion) tundra. This caused large increases in vegetation C and nitrogen (N) pools, dead biomass and moss-layer depth. Alterations in plant N concentration and CN ratio suggest overall slower plant community nutrient dynamics in the short-term (4-year) absence of geese. Long-term (15-year) goose removal quadrupled net ecosystem C sequestration (NEE) by increasing ecosystem photosynthesis more than ecosystem respiration (ER). 4. Excluding reindeer for 21 years also produced detectable increases in live aboveground vascular plant biomass (from 50 to 80 g m−2; without promoting vegetation state shifts), as well as in vegetation C and N pools, dead biomass, moss-layer depth and ER. Yet, reindeer removal did not alter the chemistry of plants and soil or NEE. 5. Synthesis. Although both herbivores were key drivers of ecosystem structure and function, the control exerted by geese in their main habitat (wet tundra) was much more pronounced than that exerted by reindeer in their main habitat (moist-todry tundra). Importantly, these herbivore effects are scale dependent, because geese are more spatially concentrated and thereby affect a smaller portion of the tundra landscape compared to reindeer. Our results highlight the substantial heterogeneity in how herbivores shape tundra vegetation and ecosystem processes, with implications for ongoing environmental change
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