79 research outputs found

    Facilitating the Italian Mafia: The Grey Zone of Complicity and Collusion

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    Despite structural and operational differences, Italian mafiasshare an ability to expand and infiltrate global economies whilstremaining rooted within their local territory. They are not onlythe product of specific socio-economic and political conditionsbut also of the extensive complicity on which they can count. It isthis fertile‘grey zone’of mafia relations with accomplices identi-fied as enablers, facilitators, sponsors and helpers that is ana-lysed here. Engaging with the existing literature and usinga range of new judicial sources, including evidence from mafiatrials, this article develops in-depth case studies to identify andexamine the hidden face of Italian mafia

    Il welfare e il suo doppio

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    Gran parte della produzione letteraria sulla camorra si sofferma sugli aspetti di controllo militare del territorio e sulle attività predatorie nella politica e nell’economia. Meno attenzione viene prestata ai fattori sociali di riproduzione dei gruppi di crimine organizzato. Gli aspetti di mutualità e solidarietà interna alle camorre non hanno mai ricevuto una sistematica e approfondita osservazione. Questa ricerca invece propone l’analisi degli elementi di legittimazione e di consenso dei gruppi di camorra nei territori in cui sono insediati. Il welfare e il suo doppio è un lavoro che si articola attraverso un ricco impianto che ricorre a metodologie quantitative ed etnografiche: un approccio situato al punto di incontro tra sociologia e antropologia nell’analisi delle politiche sociali, che utilizza documenti giudiziari inediti e di difficile reperibilità. Un impegnativo lavoro sul campo in territorio casertano ha permesso infatti di decifrare le forme di assistenza sociale presenti: quelle pubbliche e quelle mafiose. Ne emerge il panorama di un insieme criminale che assicura un’incredibile protezione nei confronti degli affiliati e delle loro famiglie, che concorre con le tutele offerte dal welfare pubblico. I risultati di questo studio mostrano però che è proprio nei territori più condizionati dalla presenza mafiosa che nascono nuove forme di lotta sociale. È qui, infatti – dove le infiltrazioni criminali interessano gli appalti dei servizi di welfare – che sono nate le più innovative azioni sociali in difesa delle categorie più deboli

    Recent advances and insights into bromelain processing, pharmacokinetics and therapeutic uses

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    Bromelain is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes that is extracted primarily from pineapples. It is present in almost all the aerial parts of the plant—the peels, leaves, stems and fruit—although only the fruit and stems contain significant amounts. The market-demand for bromelain is quickly increasing, especially in the health sector as it can be used as a drug and/or nutraceutical. Although the complete molecular mechanism has not been fully identified, bromelain possesses several properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-oedema, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic, mucolytic, anticancer and cicatrizing effects that have been evaluated in several clinical trials. However, one of the main limitations for the clinical use of this supplement is the varying composition of extracts, which leads to heterogeneity in results and, therefore, difficulty in making evidence-based prescriptions. In fact, different geographic locations, land and modes of cultivation, as well as extraction methods, can all give extracts with different activities, depending on the plant part used. Additionally, although novel extraction techniques have been developed to improve bromelain purification and extraction and give higher yields without loss in enzymatic activity, these methods are still expensive and challenging. This review will describe the state of the art in the main conventional and unconventional extraction and purification methods of bromelain and discuss the advantages and limitations of these strategies. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles and the clinical applications that have arisen from randomized controlled clinical trials are also discussed. Finally, future perspectives for bromelain extracts will be presented

    Emerging Processing Technologies for the Recovery of Valuable Bioactive Compounds from Potato Peels

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    Potato peel (PP) is the major underutilised by-product in the potato-processing industry and a potential source of valuable bioactive molecules. Among them, glycoalkaloids and polyphenols are important precursors for steroid hormones and natural antioxidants, respectively. Moreover, the huge quantities of industrial potato-peel waste that are produced are a rich source of primary metabolites, which principally include starch as well as non-starch polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, lignin and cellulose. All carbohydrates are prone to undergo fermentation to produce ethanol, lactic and acetic acid. Finally, the main portion of PP is made up of alcohol-insoluble matter with a dietary fibre content of approximatively 40%. The present review summarises the recent advances and emerging technologies in potato-peel extraction and further valorisation processing in the food industry

    Complications After Treatment of Head and Neck Venous Malformations With Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate Foam

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate complications in patients with head and neck venous malformations (VMs) treated with foam sclerotherapy using sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STS)

    Complications After Treatment of Head and Neck Venous Malformations With Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate Foam

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate complications in patients with head and neck venous malformations (VMs) treated with foam sclerotherapy using sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STS)

    Advances in Technologies for Highly Active Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Krill Oil: Clinical Applications

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    Euphausia superba, commonly known as krill, is a small marine crustacean from the Antarctic Ocean that plays an important role in the marine ecosystem, serving as feed for most fish. It is a known source of highly bioavailable omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid). In preclinical studies, krill oil showed metabolic, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and chemo preventive effects, while in clinical trials it showed significant metabolic, vascular and ergogenic actions. Solvent extraction is the most conventional method to obtain krill oil. However, different solvents must be used to extract all lipids from krill because of the diversity of the polarities of the lipid compounds in the biomass. This review aims to provide an overview of the chemical composition, bioavailability and bioaccessibility of krill oil, as well as the mechanisms of action, classic and non-conventional extraction techniques, health benefits and current applications of this marine crustacean

    Ацетил-L-карнитин при дистимических расстройствах в пожилом возрасте: двойное слепое, мультицентровое, контролируемое рандомизированное исследование в сравнении с флуоксетином

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    Introduction. L-Acetylcarnitine (LAC), the acetyl ester of carnitine naturally present in the central nervous system and involved in several neural pathways, has been demonstrated to be active in various animal experimental models resembling some features of human depression. The aim of the study is to verify whether LAC can have an antidepressant action in a population of elderly patients with dysthymic disorder in comparison with a traditional antidepressant such as fluoxetine.Methods. Multicentric, double-blind, double-dummy, controlled, randomized study based on a observation period of 7 weeks. 80 patients with DSM-IV diagnosis of dysthymic disorder were enrolled in the study and subdivided into 2 groups. Group A patients received LAC plus placebo; group B patients received fluoxetine 20 mg/die plus placebo. Clinical assessment was performed through several psychometric scales at 6 different moments.Results. Group A patients showed a statistically significant improvement in the following scales: HAM-D, HAM-A, BDI and Touluse–Pieron Test. Comparison between the two groups, A and B, generally showed very similar clinical progression.Discussion. The results obtained with LAC and fluoxetine were equivalent. As the subjects in this study were of senile age, it is possible to hypothesize that the LAC positive effect on mood could be associated with improvement in subjective cognitive symptomatology. The difference in the latency time of clinical response (1 week of LAC treatment, compared with the 2 weeks' latency time with fluoxetine) suggests the existence of different mechanisms of action possibly in relation to the activation of rapid support processes of neuronal activity.Введение. Показано, что ацетил-L-карнитин (АЦ-L-К), ацетиловый эфир карнитина, в норме присутствующий в центральной нервной системе и участвующий в метаболических процессах нервной ткани, обладает активностью в различных экспериментальных моделях животных, напоминающих депрессию у человека. Цель исследования – подтвердить антидепрессивное действие АЦ-L-К у пожилых пациентов с дистимическими расстройствами по сравнению с традиционным антидепрессантом флуоксетином.Материалы и методы. В мультицентровое двойное слепое плацебоконтролируемое рандомизированное исследование продолжительностью 7 нед были включены 80 пациентов с диагнозом дистимического расстройства по DSM-IV. Пациенты были разделены на 2 группы: в группе А получали АЦ-L-К и плацебо; в группе Б получали флуоксетин по 20 мг 2 раза в день и плацебо. Клиническая оценка эффекта проводилась 6 раз по нескольким психометрическим шкалам.Результаты. В группе А отмечено статистически достоверное улучшение по следующим шкалам: HAM-D, HAM-A, BDI и тесту Тулуза–Пьерона. Сопоставление групп А и Б выявило практически одинаковую клиническую динамику.Обсуждение. Получены одинаковые результаты по эффективности приема АЦ-L-К и флуоксетина. В связи с пожилым возрастом пациентов предполагается, что положительное влияние АЦ-L-К на настроение может быть связано с улучшением когнитивных симптомов. Различие во времени наступления клинического эффекта (через 1 нед после начала приема АЦ-L-К и через 2 нед от начала приема флуоксетина) предполагает наличие разных механизмов действия, возможно связанных с быстрой активацией метаболических процессов в нервной ткани

    Evaluation of Endoglin (CD105) expression in pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma

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    BACKGROUND: The Intratumoral Microvessel Density (IMVD) is commonly used to quantify tumoral vascularization and is usually assessed by pan-endothelial markers, such as CD31. Endoglin (CD105) is a protein predominantly expressed in proliferating endothelium and the IMVD determined by this marker measures specifically the neovascularization. In this study, we investigated the CD105 expression in pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma and assessed the neovascularization by using the angiogenic ratio IMVD-CD105 to IMVD-CD31. METHODS: Paraffin-embedded archival tumor specimens were selected from 65 pediatric patients affected by rhabdomyosarcoma. The expression levels of CD105, CD31 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) were investigated in 30 cases (18 embryonal and 12 alveolar) available for this study. The IMVD-CD105 to IMVD-CD31 expression ratio was correlated with clinical and pathologic features of these patients. RESULTS: We found a specific expression of endoglin (CD105) in endothelial cells of all the rhabdomyosarcoma specimens analyzed. We observed a significant positive correlation between the IMVD individually measured by CD105 and CD31. The CD105/CD31 expression ratio was significantly higher in patients with lower survival and embryonal histology. Indeed, patients with a CD105/CD31 expression ratio < 1.3 had a significantly increased OS (88%, 95%CI, 60%-97%) compared to patients with higher values (40%, 95%CI, 12%-67%). We did not find any statistical correlation among VEGF and EFS, OS and CD105/CD31 expression ratio. CONCLUSION: CD105 is expressed on endothelial cells of rhabdomyosarcoma and represent a useful tool to quantify neovascularization in this tumor. If confirmed by further studies, these results will indicate that CD105 is a potential target for combined therapies in rhabdomyosarcoma.We thank Professor Franco Locatelli for critical reading this paper and for his suggestions. We would also like to thank the children ’ s parents, who gave their informed consent for publication and “Il cuore grande di Flavio ”Onlus. Dr. Marta Colletti is a post-doctoral fellow of the Umberto Veronesi Founda- tion. To Valentina Polcini for proofreading.S