35 research outputs found


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    Os frigoríficos de aves geram quantidade significativa de efluentes líquidos, pois, para o abate de cada ave são gastos aproximadamente 15 litros de água. As principais características desses efluentes são as elevada carga orgânica e concentração de nutrientes, principalmente nitrogênio e fósforo. Uma alternativa para reduzir custos de tratamento com esse resíduo seria utilizá-lo de maneira direta no solo. Os nutrientes presentes no efluente podem ser utilizados na agricultura para que substituam os fertilizantes comerciais sintéticos. O presente experimento, com o objetivo de avaliar a aplicação de efluente bruto de frigorífico de frango em um Latossolo Vermelho, observou os possíveis impactos ambientais pela lixiviação de íons, a partir da montagem de colunas em PVC de 10 x 60 cm (diâmetro x altura), preenchidas com 50 cm de solo. Nas colunas de solo, foram aplicadas quatro doses, com quatro repetições, as quais foram definidas segundo a necessidade de nitrogênio para produtividade de 9,17 Mg ha-1 de milho (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200%). Em cada coluna, foram feitas cinco aplicações de água de 1,42 L, que corresponderam à maior precipitação registrada na região (180,95 mm no dia). Os teores dos íons Ca, Mg, K e P lixiviados não ultrapassam os limites de qualidade de água, estabelecidos pela resolução do CONAMA; enquanto os teores de N extrapolaram muito tais condições. A análise de percolação apontou diferenças no incremento de N, K e Carbono Orgânico nas camadas superiores (0-20 cm) em relação às camadas inferiores (20-50 cm)

    Cultivo em consórcio de repolho, alface e cenoura / Cultivation in cabbage consortium, lettuce and carrot

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    Este trabalho buscou identificar a viabilidade agronômica e econômica de diferentes consórcios utilizando repolho, alface e cenoura, considerando o repolho como cultura principal. Para tal, foram montados 5 tratamentos, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em: repolho em monocultivo (T1), repolho em consórcio com alface (T2), repolho em consórcio com cenoura (T3), repolho em consórcio com alface e cenoura (T4) e alface em monocultivo (T5). A alface foi plantada em dois ciclos, primeiramente a americana e na sequência a cultivar crespa. Para a cultura do repolho avaliou-se número de folhas (cm) e massa fresca (Kg). Na cultura da alface quantificou-se o número de folhas, comprimento da maior folha (a partir do solo), altura, Massa Fresca (MF); Massa Folha (MFO); Massa da raiz (MRA); Comprimento Radicular (CRA); Diâmetro (DIA). Para a cenoura se avaliou o comprimento (cm) e o diâmetro (mm) das raízes e a produtividade em quilos por parcela. Para todas a culturas foi calculado a produtividade (kg ha-1) e também o Índice de Equivalência de Área (IEA) para os consórcios. Com base nos resultados observou-se que a cultura do repolho sofre pouca influência da competição com as outras culturas em consórcio, não sendo identificada nenhuma diferença estatística para nenhuma de suas variáveis ligadas a produtividade. A alface foi a única cultura que apresentou diferenças quando em monocultivo e em consórcio. De acordo com os IEAs calculados, pode-se concluir que apenas o consórcio de repolho com cenoura não é viável

    Cultivo em consórcio de repolho, alface e cenoura / Cultivation in cabbage consortium, lettuce and carrot

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    Este trabalho buscou identificar a viabilidade agronômica e econômica de diferentes consórcios utilizando repolho, alface e cenoura, considerando o repolho como cultura principal. Para tal, foram montados 5 tratamentos, com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em: repolho em monocultivo (T1), repolho em consórcio com alface (T2), repolho em consórcio com cenoura (T3), repolho em consórcio com alface e cenoura (T4) e alface em monocultivo (T5). A alface foi plantada em dois ciclos, primeiramente a americana e na sequência a cultivar crespa. Para a cultura do repolho avaliou-se número de folhas (cm) e massa fresca (Kg). Na cultura da alface quantificou-se o número de folhas, comprimento da maior folha (a partir do solo), altura, Massa Fresca (MF); Massa Folha (MFO); Massa da raiz (MRA); Comprimento Radicular (CRA); Diâmetro (DIA). Para a cenoura se avaliou o comprimento (cm) e o diâmetro (mm) das raízes e a produtividade em quilos por parcela. Para todas a culturas foi calculado a produtividade (kg ha-1) e também o Índice de Equivalência de Área (IEA) para os consórcios. Com base nos resultados observou-se que a cultura do repolho sofre pouca influência da competição com as outras culturas em consórcio, não sendo identificada nenhuma diferença estatística para nenhuma de suas variáveis ligadas a produtividade. A alface foi a única cultura que apresentou diferenças quando em monocultivo e em consórcio. De acordo com os IEAs calculados, pode-se concluir que apenas o consórcio de repolho com cenoura não é viável

    348 Uric acid is associated with acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock at presentation in acute coronary syndrome patients

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    Abstract Aims we focused on the role of Uric Acid (UA) as a possible determinant of Heart Failure (HF) related issues in Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) patients. Main outcome were acute HF and cardiogenic shock at admission, secondary outcomes were the need of Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) use and the admission Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF). Methods and results we consecutively enrolled 1269 ACS patients admitted to the cardiological Intensive Care Unit of the Niguarda and San Paolo hospitals (Milan, Italy) from June 2016 to June 2019. Hyperuricaemia was defined as a value higher than 6 mg/dl for females and 7 mg/dl for males. All the evaluated outcomes occurred more frequently in the hyperuricemic subjects (n = 292): acute HF 35.8 vs. 11.1% (P < 0.0001), cardiogenic shock 10 vs. 3.1% (P < 0.0001), NIV 24.1 vs. 5.1% (P < 0.0001) with lower admission LVEF (42.9 ± 12.8 vs. 49.6 ± 9.9, P < 0.0001). By multivariable analyses, UA was confirmed to be significantly associated with all the outcomes with the following odds ratio (OR): acute HF OR = 1.119; 95% CI: 1.019–1.229; cardiogenic shock OR = 1.157; 95% CI: 1.001–1.337; NIV use OR = 1.208; 95% CI: 1.078–1.354; LVEF β = −0.999; 95% CI: −1.413 to − 0.586. Conclusions The main result of our study was the finding of a significant association between UA and acute HF, cardiogenic shock, NIV use and LVEF. Due to the cross-sectional nature of our study no definite answer on the direction of these relationship can be drawn and further longitudinal study on UA changes over time during an ACS hospitalization are needed

    The Role of Uric Acid in Acute and Chronic Coronary Syndromes.

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    Uric acid (UA) is the final product of the catabolism of endogenous and exogenous purine nucleotides. While its association with articular gout and kidney disease has been known for a long time, new data have demonstrated that UA is also related to cardiovascular (CV) diseases. UA has been identified as a significant determinant of many different outcomes, such as all-cause and CV mortality, and also of CV events (mainly Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) and even strokes). Furthermore, UA has been related to the development of Heart Failure, and to a higher mortality in decompensated patients, as well as to the onset of atrial fibrillation. After a brief introduction on the general role of UA in CV disorders, this review will be focused on UA's relationship with CV outcomes, as well as on the specific features of patients with ACS and Chronic Coronary Syndrome. Finally, two issues which remain open will be discussed: the first is about the identification of a CV UA cut-off value, while the second concerns the possibility that the pharmacological reduction of UA is able to lower the incidence of CV events

    KIT/PDGFRA Variant Allele Frequency as Prognostic Factor in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs): Results From a Multi-Institutional Cohort Study

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    Background: The patient selection for optimal adjuvant therapy in gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) is provided by nomogram based on tumor size, mitotic index, tumor location, and tumor rupture. Although mutational status is not currently used to risk assessment, tumor genotype showed a prognostic influence on natural history and tumor relapse. Innovative measures, such as KIT/PDGFRA-mutant-specific variant allele frequency (VAF) levels detection from next-generation sequencing (NGS), may act as a surrogate of tumor burden and correlate with prognosis and overall survival of patients with GIST, helping the choice for adjuvant treatment. Patients and methods: This was a multicenter, hospital-based, retrospective/prospective cohort study to investigate the prognostic role of KIT or PDGFRA-VAF of GIST in patients with radically resected localized disease. In the current manuscript, we present the results from the retrospective phase of the study. Results: Two-hundred (200) patients with GIST between 2015 and 2022 afferent to 6 Italian Oncologic Centers in the EURACAN Network were included in the study. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves analysis was used to classify "low" vs. "high" VAF values, further normalized on neoplastic cellularity (nVAF). When RFS between the low and high nVAF groups were compared, patients with GIST with KIT/PDGFRA nVAF > 50% showed less favorable RFS than patients in the group of nVAF ≤ 50% (2-year RFS, 72.6% vs. 93%, respectively; P = .003). The multivariable Cox regression model confirmed these results. In the homogeneous sub-population of intermediate-risk, patients with KIT-mutated GIST, the presence of nVAF >50% was statistically associated with higher disease recurrence. Conclusion: In our study, we demonstrated that higher nVAF levels were independent predictors of GIST prognosis and survival in localized GIST patients with tumors harboring KIT or PDGFRA mutations. In the cohort of intermediate-risk patients, nVAF could be helpful to improve prognostication and the use of adjuvant imatinib

    Body mass index and baseline platelet count as predictive factors in Merkel cell carcinoma patients treated with avelumab

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    BackgroundMerkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and aggressive skin cancer, associated with a worse prognosis. The Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors (ICIs) avelumab and pembrolizumab have been recently approved as first-line treatment in metastatic MCC (mMCC). The clinical observation of improved outcomes in obese patients following treatment with ICIs, known as the “obesity paradox”, has been studied across many types of tumors. Probably due to the rarity of this tumor, data on mMMC patients are lacking.Patients and methodsThis is an observational, hospital-based, study to investigate the role of Body Mass Index (BMI) as predictive biomarker of ICI response in mMCC patients treated with avelumab as first-line treatment. The study population included the patients treated from February 2019 to October 2022 in an Italian referral center for rare tumors. Clinico-pathological characteristics, BMI, laboratory parameters (NLR and platelet count), and response to avelumab were analyzed from a MCC System database prospectively collected.ResultsThirty-two (32) patients were included. Notably, the presence of pre-treatment BMI ≥ 30 was significantly associated with longer PFS [BMI < 30 Group: median PFS, 4 months (95% CI: 2.5-5.4); BMI ≥ 30 Group: median PFS, not reached; p<0.001)[. Additionally, the median PFS was significantly higher in patients with higher PLT (median PFS: 10 months in the “low PLT” Group (95% CI: 4.9, 16.1) vs 33 months (95% CI: 24.3, 43.2) in the “high PLT” Group (p=0.006). The multivariable Cox regression model confirmed these results.ConclusionTo our knowledge, this is the first study that investigates the predictive role of BMI in MCC patients. Our data were consistent with the clinical observation of improved outcomes in obese patients across other tumor types. Thus, advanced age, a weakened immune system, and the obesity-associated “inflammaging”, are key factors that could impact the cancer immune responses of mMCC patients

    Ambiental impacts caused by the application of poultry slaughterhouse wastewater on soils

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    Poultry slaughterhouses generate significant amounts of wastewater, therefore, for the slaughter of each bird about 15 liters of water are spent. The main characteristics of these effluents are the high organic load and concentration of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus. An alternative to reduce treatment costs of this residue would be to use it directly within the soil. The nutrients present in the effluent can be used in agriculture to replace the synthetic commercial fertilizers. This trial aimed at evaluating the application of poultry raw effluent in a Oxisol and registered possible environmental impacts by ions leaching, in 10 x 60 cm (diameter x height) PVC columns filled with 50 cm of soil. Four doses were applied with four replications in soil columns, which were defined according to nitrogen requirement regarding a 9.17 Mg ha-1 corn yield (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200%). In each column, there have been five 1.42 L water applications, which corresponded to the highest rainfall recorded in the region (180.95 mm during a day). Ions of Ca, Mg, K and P leachate contents do not exceed the limits of water quality, established by CONAMA Resolution; while N contents extrapolated too much such conditions. The leaching analysis showed differences in the increment of N, K and organic carbon in the upper layers (0-20 cm) in relation to the lowest ones (20-50 cm).Os frigoríficos de aves geram quantidade significativa de efluentes líquidos, pois, para o abate de cada ave são gastos aproximadamente 15 litros de água. As principais características desses efluentes são as elevada carga orgânica e concentração de nutrientes, principalmente nitrogênio e fósforo. Uma alternativa para reduzir custos de tratamento com esse resíduo seria utilizá-lo de maneira direta no solo. Os nutrientes presentes no efluente podem ser utilizados na agricultura para que substituam os fertilizantes comerciais sintéticos. O presente experimento, com o objetivo de avaliar a aplicação de efluente bruto de frigorífico de frango em um Latossolo Vermelho, observou os possíveis impactos ambientais pela lixiviação de íons, a partir da montagem de colunas em PVC de 10 x 60 cm (diâmetro x altura), preenchidas com 50 cm de solo. Nas colunas de solo, foram aplicadas quatro doses, com quatro repetições, as quais foram definidas segundo a necessidade de nitrogênio para produtividade de 9,17 Mg ha-1 de milho (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200%). Em cada coluna, foram feitas cinco aplicações de água de 1,42 L, que corresponderam à maior precipitação registrada na região (180,95 mm no dia). Os teores dos íons Ca, Mg, K e P lixiviados não ultrapassam os limites de qualidade de água, estabelecidos pela resolução do CONAMA; enquanto os teores de N extrapolaram muito tais condições. A análise de percolação apontou diferenças no incremento de N, K e Carbono Orgânico nas camadas superiores (0-20 cm) em relação às camadas inferiores (20-50 cm)

    Intramedullary spinal cord cavernous malformations presenting with unexplained chest pain: Case report and review of the literature

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    Intramedullary spinal cord cavernous malformations are very uncommon in pediatric age, with only 26 cases reported within the available literature to date. The diagnosis of such lesions is often difficult and delayed because of their rarity and bizarre clinical presentation. Case report: We report a case of intramedullary spinal cord cavernous malformation in a girl, in which sudden onset chest pain was the only presenting symptom, followed by appearance of neurological deficits after 5 days. We review the available literature discussing clinical features and principles of management of these lesions in children. \ua9 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Response of crisp lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) to organic and inorganic sources of fertilization

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    The use of organic products to promote plant growth is becoming ever-more important as the paradigm of sustainable production of foodstuffs becomes increasingly common. Accordingly, the objective of the current study was to evaluate the response of lettuce to organic and inorganic sources of nutrients in soils representative of those found in Parana State, Brazil, across successive cultivations. Experimental methodology involved randomized blocks, with5 repetitions. Treatments used were: 1- control (Test);2-100% mineral fertilizer (MF); 3- 100% chicken litter (CL); 4- 100% liquid pig manure (LMP); 5- 50:50 mixture of CL and MF (CL+MF); 6- 50:50 mixture of LMP and MF (LMP+MF) and 7- 50% CA + 50% (CL+LMP). Experimental plot size was 0.7 m², and young Verônica cultivar individuals were planted with a 0.30 x 0.30 m spacing. There were two experimental plantings: in the first, the first using the treatments described above; the second, investigated the residual effect of fertilization of the first planting. For the first cropping, highest wet (326.5 and 315.4 g plant-1)and dry (14.2 and 19.74 g plant-1) above ground biomasses, were obtained with the LMP +MF and CL+MF treatments. No significant differences were encountered for the treatments in the second harvest. The effect of mineral fertilization in the production of Veronica cultivar lettuce, is greatest when it is combined with organic fertilization such as chicken litter (CL) or liquid pig manure (LMP)