58 research outputs found

    Linfoma malt primario de la lengua

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    Los linfomas derivados de los tejidos linfoides asociados a las mucosas (MALT) primarios de la lengua son infrecuentes. Se documenta el caso de una paciente de 80 años de edad, con un tumor en el dorso de la lengua filiado histológicamente como linfoma extranodal de células B. Se sugiere como posible origen del linfoma un proceso reactivo de origen desconocido, al presentar las glándulas salivales menores adyacentes al tumor un cuadro compatible con una sialadenitis mioepitelial.Primitive malignant lymphoma mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) on the tongue are rare entities. We report here a case of an old woman (80 years old) with a tumor in the dorsum of the tongue, which was histologically diagnosed as an extra-nodal marginal B cell lymphoma. An inflammatory reaction resembling myoepithelial sialoadenitis was observed in the minor salivary glands adjacent at the tumour, suggesting a possible derivation of the lymphoma from a previous reactive process of unknown origin

    Rare presentation of a testicular angiofibroma treated with testis sparing surgery

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    Introduction: Testicular benign tumors are very rare (< 5%). Testicular Angiofibroma (AF) is one of those, however the gold standard of treatment and follow-up is still unclear. Case report: A 47 years-old man with only one functioning testis was referred to our clinic for a palpable right testicular mass and atrophic contralateral testis. Patient underwent testis-sparing surgery with inguinal approach and intraoperative frozen sections examination with diagnosis of AF. Final histology confirmed AF. Post-operative follow-up was uneventful. Clinical and ultrasonographic follow-up was negative after 8 months. Conclusion: We report a conservative surgery in a patient with AF of the solitary testis. AF is a benign para-testicular fibrous neoplasm that could be misinterpreted as malignant tumor and treated with orchiectomy. Testis-sparing surgery is recommended in this case with intraoperative pathological examination. The excision of the mass is enough but in front of a possible recurrence a long follow-up is advisable

    Prognostic role of tumor necrosis, microvessel density, vascular endothelial growth factor and hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha in patients with clear cell renal carcinoma after radical nephrectomy in a long term follow-up.

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    Angiogenesis is a critical step in the growth, invasive progression and metastatic spread of solid tumors. We investigated the importance of tumor necrosis, and microvessel density (MVD), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) immunohistochemical expression in a large series of clear cell renal carcinomas treated with radical nephrectomy and assessed the prognostic value of their expression in terms of patient survival at long-term follow up. Fifty patients with clear cell RCC were examined. The features considered when evaluating the patients were age, tumor size and grade, intratumoral vascular and renal capsula invasion, histological necrosis, and MVD, vascular and tumoral cell VEGF, and vascular, tumoral cytoplasmic and nuclear HIF-1α expression on the histologic specimens. All considered parameters were correlated with patient specific survival. Mean age was 62.06 ± 6.8 years. Median follow-up was 191.66 months; median survival was 120.86 months. Twenty-one patients developed metastases in the follow-up. Tumor necrosis, microvascular invasion and renal capsula infiltration are more likely to occur in high stage and grade RCC; cytoplasmic HIF-1α is highly expressed in high grade RCC. Survival is dependent upon tumor stage and grade, the presence of intratumoral vascular invasion and capsular infiltration, and tumor necrosis; MVD also resulted as being an important prognostic factor. VEGF and HIF-1α correlate with prognosis in high stage tumors where VEGF is the most important independent prognostic factor for cancer specific death. The histological and immunohistochemical parameters considered in our study can influence disease recurrence and survival in RCC

    Buccal mucosa is a promising graft in Peyronie's disease surgery. Our experience and a brief literature review on autologous grafting materials.

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    Aim: Peyronie's Disease (PD) is an under reported acquired benign condition that, at the moment, is not curable with medical therapy. Surgery represent the gold standard of treatment. Surgical approaches are several and they consist in "plication techniques" or plaque incision/excision with grafting of resulting albuginea defect. Among grafting procedures, albuginea defect substitution with autologous materials demonstrated over the years not inferior results respect to heterologous grafts. Buccal mucosa graft (BMG) is not usually emphasized in many review articles and clinical series are yet limited. Methods: We present our experience with seventeen plaque incision procedures and BMG in surgical correction of complex penile curvatures due to PD performed in a period of 30 months. Our analyses was focused on buccal mucosa graft characteristics as major determinant of the surgical success. We also conducted a brief literature review on autologous grafting materials used in reconstructive penile surgery for PD. Results: Our cosmetics and functional results consists in a 100% of functional penile straightening with no relapses and 5,8% of de novo erectile dysfunction. Mean age was 56.4 years, mean follow-up of 22.5 (6-36) months. No complications graft related were observed. Operative time was 115.3 minutes in mean. Over 94% of patients referred they were "really much better" and "much better" satisfied based on PGI-I questionnaire administrated at the last follow- up visit. Conclusion: BMG is revealing as an optimal choice for reconstructive surgery in PD. Anatomical characteristics consisting in the great elasticity, the quick integration time and the easy harvesting technique lead to high cosmetics and functional success rate, without omitting economical and invasiveness aspects

    Testicular sparing surgery in small testis masses: A multinstitutional experience

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    Introduction: The incidence of benign testicular tumors is increasing in particular in small lesion incidentally found at scrotal ultrasonography. Primary aim of this study was to perform radical surgery in malignant tumor. Secondary aim was to verify the efficacy of the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway recently adopted in management of small masses with testis sparing surgery in benign lesions. Materials and methods: In this multicenter study, we reviewed all patients with single testis lesion less than 15 mm at ultrasound as main diameter. We applied the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway described by Sbrollini et al. (Arch Ital Urol Androl 2014; 86:397) which comprises: 1) testicular tumor markers, 2) repeated scrotal ultrasound at the tertiary center, 3) surgical exploration with inguinal approach, intraoperative ultrasound, and intraoperative pathological examination. Definitive histology was reviewed by a dedicated uro-pathologist. Results: Twenty-eight patients completed this clinical flowchart. The mean lesion size was 9.3 mm (range 2.5-15). Testicular tumor markers were normal except in a case. Intraoperative ultrasound was necessary in 8/28 cases. We treated 11/28 (39.3%) with immediate radical orchiectomy and 17/28 (60.7%) with testis-sparing surgery. Definitive pathological results were: malignant tumor in 6 cases (seminoma), benign tumor in 10 cases (5 Leydig tumors, 2 Sertoli tumors, 1 epidermoid cyst, 1 adenomatoid tumor, 1 angiofibroma), benign disease in 11 (8 inflammation with haemorragic infiltration, 2 tubular atrophy, 1 fibrosis), and normal parenchyma in 1 case. We observed a good concordance between frozen section examination and definitive histology. Any malignant tumor was treated conservatively. Any delayed orchiectomy was necessary based on definitive histology. Conclusions: The incidence of benign lesions in 60% of small testis lesions with normal tumor markers makes orchiectomy an overtreatment. Testicular sparing surgery of single testicular nodules below 15 mm is a safe option, but requires a standardized pathway in diagnosis. Our pathway has shown good reliability and security profile to be applied in a multicenter management for small scrotal masses. Our study has shown the reliability of the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway in the management of single testicular masses. The higher incidence of benign lesions in 60% of patients makes often orchiectomy an overtreatment

    Variation of inflammatory indexes in patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis treated with an herbal compound/extract

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    Introduction: Inflammation is a highly prevalent finding in the prostate. Men with inflammation have higher IPSS score and increased prostate size. For men with prostatic inflammation, there is a significantly increased risk of developing acute urinary retention and the need of a surgical approach to the disease. Some laboratory tests (i.e. fibrinogen, C-reactive protein), can play a role in identifying patients at greatest risk of complications and adverse outcomes after surgery. There have been several experiences exploring the role of nutraceutical approach to the prostate inflammation. Aim of our study were to describe the variation in symptoms and inflammatory indexes in men affected by chronic abacterial prostatitis, treated with an herbal extract containing Curcuma Longa 500 mg, Boswellia 300 mg, Urtica dioica 240 mg, Pinus pinaster 200 mg and glycine max 70 mg. Materials and methods: A prospective multicenter study was conducted from February 2021 and March 2022. One hundred patients, with a diagnosis of Chronic Prostatitis were enrolled in a multicentric phase III observational study. They were treated with the herbal extract, one capsule per day, for 60 days. No placebo arm was included. In each patient, inflammatory indexes, PSA, prostate volume, IIEF-5, PUF, uroflowmetry (Qmax), IPSS-QoL, NIH-CPPS were registered and statistically compared at baseline and at the follow up visit. Results: The variation obtained on the inflammation indexes showed a global improvement after treatment, including the PSA reduction. We also recorded a significant improvement on IPSS-QoL, NIH-CPPS, PUF and Qmax scores. Conclusions: The herbal extract considered in our study may represent a promising and safe therapeutic agent leading to a reduction of inflammation markers, and could be used in the treatment of prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia

    Explorative surgery for acute scrotal pain: The importance of patient age, side affected, time to surgery and surgeon

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    Introduction and objective: Testicular torsion must be diagnosed quickly and accurately. The delay of the diagnosis and the subsequent delay of surgery may lead to loss testicular viability and orchidectomy. Aim of our retrospective evaluation was to define which element should be considered as major support to the clinician in distinguishing spermatic cord torsion from the other diseases mimicking this clinical emergency requiring surgical exploration. Material and methods: We retrospectively reviewed all clinical and instrumental data of emergency scrotal exploration performed for acute scrotal pain at two different Urological Department in a 10 year period. Results of surgical exploration represented the four diagnostic categories in which patients were divided for statistical evaluation. We evaluated the relationship between diagnosis performed by testicular surgical exploration and the all clinical data available including surgeon involved in the procedures. Results: A total of 220 explorative scrotal surgery were considered. We divided the cases in 4 categories according to the diagnostic results of each surgical procedure. Of all, spermatic cord torsion was diagnosed in 45% (99/220). The total testis salvage rate was of 78.8%. The patients with a diagnosis of spermatic cord torsion were older than patients with appendix torsion (15 vs 11 years in mean). When the affected side was the left, the probability to have a diagnosis of spermatic cord torsion was higher than the right side [χ2 (2, N = 218) = 11.77, p < 0.01]. Time elapsing between onset of symptoms and testicular salvagewas significantly lower even than in case of appendix torsion/necrosis (p < .0001), and of others pathologies diagnosed (p = .0383). Conclusion: In case of spermatic cord torsion, in addition to the clinical data, patient age and left side affected may represent an independent diagnostic predicting factor. The time elapsing between onset of symptoms and explorative surgery remain the only still prognostic factor for testicular viability

    Is there a role of global DNA-methilation and histon acetylation in clear cell renal carcinoma? Analysis of renal nephrectomy specimens in a long term follow-up

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    La deregolazione della espressione genica rappresenta il segno distintivo delle neoplasie. Sebbene le lesioni geniche sono state oggetto delle più importanti ricerche scientifiche in campo oncologico degli ultimi anni, i ricercatori stanno acquisendo sempre maggiori certezze sul fatto che le modificazioni epigenetiche a livello del DNA giochino un ruolo di primo piano nel processo di oncogenesi. Tali modificazioni si verificano a livello della cromatina nucleare, senza alterare in alcun modo la sequanza nucleotidica delle basi azotate da cui è composto il DNA stesso, e si manifestano attraverso dei pattern specifici di espressione genica che risulta ereditabile attraverso successive divisioni cellulari. Allo stato attuale delle conoscenze, il marcatore epigenetico meglio noto è la metilaizone del DNA. L’iniziale scoperta di un livello ridotto di metilazione globale del DNA nei tumori, è stato subio accompagnato dalla identificazione di loci ipermetilati a livello dei geni oncosoppressori. Attualmente è inoltre noto che il pattern di metilazione del DNA si verifica in un background di complessità strutturale cromatinica ed è influenzato dalla modificazione della struttura degli istoni, comunemente alterati nelle cellule neoplastiche. Tutti gli studi oncologici si propongono come obiettivo la precoce identificazione delle lesioni neoplastiche e la determinazione del rischio evolutivo in termini prognostici. La possibilità di individuare zone di ipermetilazione del DNA è da considerarsi pertanto un promettente strumento diagnostico in campo oncologico dal momento che aberranti eventi di metilazione intervengono frequentemente all’interno del DNA delle cellule neoplastiche, verificandosi precocemente nel processo di oncogenesied è possibile che specifici pattern di ipermetilazione siano presenti in differenti neoplasie. Marcatori molecolari di metilazione possono inoltre essere utilizzati per ottimizzare le classificazioni delle neoplasie, per predire la prognosi dei pazienti oncologici e la risposta alla terapia. L’aspetto sicuramente più significativo è che in virtù della loro natura dinamica e della loro potenziale reversibilità, le modificaizoni epigenetiche possono rappresentare dei bersagli terapeutici nella cura delle neoplasie. Dal momento che interessanti studi molecolari hanno individuato la presenza dei marcatori epigenetici anche nelle neoplasie urologiche ed, in particolare, anche in quelle del rene, nel nostro lavoro abbiamo analizzato lo stato di metilazione globale e di acetilazione istonica in 50 carcinomi renali a cellule chiare sottoposti ad interventi di chirurgia radicale, allo scopo di valutare il loro valore diagnostico e prognostico, accanto ai consueti parametri clinico-patologici. Dal nostro studio è emerso che la percentuale media di metilazione globale del DNA era significativamente maggiore nel tessuto neoplastico rispetto a quello sano, mentre la acetilazione istonica è risultata minore nelle cellule neoplastiche rispetto a quelle non neoplastiche del parenchima renale circostante. Sebbene non sia emersa una correlazione statisticamente significativa con la sopravvivenza, il livello di metilazione globale del DNA è risultato maggiore nei pazienti con carcinomi di grado istologico peggiore indicando che, al di là del grado istologico di Fuhrman, il pattern di metilaizone globale e di acetilazione istonica rappresentino dei possibili marcatori di aggressività nei carcinomi renali a cellule chiare

    Sentinel Node Biopsy in Melanoma: A Short Update

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    Several controversies are still ongoing about sentinel node biopsy in melanoma. It is basically a staging procedure for melanoma > 0.75 mm in thickness or for thinner melanoma in the presence of ulceration, high mitotic rate, and/or lymphovascular invasion. Complete lymph node dissection after a positive sentinel node can also allow a better locoregional disease control but seems not to prevent the development of distant metastases. The use of sentinel node biopsy in atypical Spitz tumors should be discouraged because of their peculiar biological properties