117 research outputs found

    Cu-CHA material efficient in the SCR process in the presence of water and CO2

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    A reproducible method for the synthesis of SCR active Cu-CHA materials has been developed, which allows the incorporation of up to 4% of copper inside the cavities of the zeolite. These materials are highly efficient in the removal of NOx by reaction with ammonia, even in the presence of water and CO2 in the reaction atmosphere. Cu2+ species are the active species in the reaction and in contact with water and CO2, the hydrated-carbonate Cu2+ species placed in the 8-rings were identified as the responsible for the improvement in the activity.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Nowotwór przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej po wszczepieniu rozwidlonej protezy dakronowej. Opis przypadku

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    A 72-year-old patient developed a mass in the iliac fossa six months after implantation of a Dacron Bifurcation Graft. At first, it was thought to be a false aneurysm but after exploratory surgery it proved to be a solid mass. The histological examination showed that the cause was a desmoid tumour. After reconstruction by an extraanatomical bypass and tumour resection including the vascular graft, the patient remained without relapse for eighteen months. Tumour growth with an alloplastic vascular graft is rare. The treatment of choice is the surgical removal of the tumour including the parts of the graft involved.Sześć miesięcy po wszczepieniu rozwidlonej protezy dakronowej u 72-letniego chorego stwierdzono guz dołu biodrowego. Pomimo podejrzenia tętniaka rzekomego, w trakcie zabiegu zdiagnozowano guz lity. W badaniu histopatologicznym rozpoznano guza włóknistego (desmoid). Wykonano przęsło pozaanatomiczne, a następnie wycięto guz wraz z protezą naczyniową. W ciągu 18 miesięcy po zabiegu, nie obserwowano wznowy guza. Powstanie zmian nowotworowych po wszczepieniu protezy naczyniowej jest niezwykle rzadką patologią. Leczeniem z wyboru jest usunięcie guza wraz z odpowiednim odcinkiem protezy

    Empowering users regarding the sensitivity of their data in social networks through nudge mechanisms

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    The use of online social networks (OSNs) is a continuous trade-off between relinquishing some privacy in exchange for getting some social benefits like maintaining (or creating new) relationships, getting support, influencing others’ opinions, etc. OSN users are faced with this decision each time they share information. The amount of information or its sensitivity is directly related to the amount of users’ loss of privacy. Currently, there are several approaches for assessing the sensitivity of the information based on the willingness of users to provide them, the monetary benefits derived from extracting knowledge of them, the amount of information they provide, etc. In this work, we focus on quantifying data sensitivity as the combination of all of the approaches and adapting them to the OSN domain. Furthermore, we propose a way of scoring publication sensitivity as the accumulative value of the sensitivity of the information types included in it. Finally, an experiment with 196 teenagers was carried out to assess the effectiveness of empowering users regarding the sensitivity of the publication. The results show a significant effect on users’ privacy behavior by the nudge message and the sensitivity included in it

    Intensification of methanol steam reforming process using Cu-modified Ni-based supported catalysts

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    Hydrogen is conventionally manufactured in large scale by the steam reforming of methane or naphthas. The perspective of using hydrogen as a fuel depends of finding alternatives to the existing production technologies and feedstock. Oxygenated compounds are an interesting alternative and are been investigated extensively. The process of steam reforming of mixtures of oxygenated hydrocarbons does not contribute to a net increase in atmospheric CO2, as oxygenated obtained from renewable resources are considered to be CO2 neutral. In previous works has been demonstrate that Steam Reforming of oxygenated compounds is a complex reactions network where in a previous step, decomposition reaction take place followed by the reforming of decomposition products. Its known that DME (or methanol) receives particular attention due to its properties similar to those of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)and it can be used as a clean high-efficiency compression ignition fuel. In other way, it has been demonstrate that DME-SR to produce H2 occurs through two main reactions in series, DME-Hydrolysis and MeOH-Steam Reforming. Therefore, bifunctional catalysts are necessary, with and acid funcion active in DME-HYD and a redox for reforming step. On the other hand, methanol is also regarded as an important feedstock for hydrogen production due to its high energy density and superior transportability, especially for small-scaled and portable fuel cell applications. In comparison with CH4-SR, the reaction temperature of methanol steam reforming is much lower and the gas off contains typically 60%-70% H2. In this contribution the Steam Reforming of MeOH has been studied using a Ni-based supported catalysts modified with copper and an optimized formulation was considered to incorporate in a microreformer, as an intensification of process to direct hydrogen supply on board.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards an argumentation system for assisting users with privacy management in online social networks

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    In this paper, we present an argumentation system for supporting users of online social networks on their decision making. The purpose of the argumentation system is to give a reasoned recommendation to a specific user on whether he/she should or should not perform an action in the social network (e.g. post a comment, share a photo) taking into account his/her privacy preferences. We both define the argumentation framework and the architecture of the argumentation system. Finally, we illustrate the system with a practical example in a pedagogic social networ

    Towards an argumentation system for assisting users with privacy management in online social networks

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    In this paper, we present an argumentation system for supporting users of online social networks on their decision making. The purpose of the argumentation system is to give a reasoned recommendation to a specific user on whether he/she should or should not perform an action in the social network (e.g. post a comment, share a photo) taking into account his/her privacy preferences. We both define the argumentation framework and the architecture of the argumentation system. Finally, we illustrate the system with a practical example in a pedagogic social networ

    Hacia la diversificación energética: Bioenergía

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    La apuesta por la sostenibilidad, el aumento de la producción interna, la exploración de otras fuentes de energía y, en la medida de lo posible, la conservación de recursos son una receta a tener en cuenta para reducir facotres como la contaminación y evitar además la excesiva dependencia externa

    Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator Receptor Transcriptionally Controlled Adenoviruses Eradicate Pancreatic Tumors and Liver Metastasis in Mouse Models

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    Treatment options for pancreatic cancer have shown limited success mainly owing to poor selectivity for pancreatic tumor tissue and to a lack of activity in the tumor. In this study, we describe the ability of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) promoter to efficiently and selectively target pancreatic tumors and metastases, which enables the successful management of pancreatic cancer. We have generated a replication-defective reporter adenovirus, AduPARLuc, and a conditionally replicating adenovirus, AduPARE1A, and we have studied the selectivity and antitumoral efficacy in pancreatic tumors and metastases. Toxicity was studied on intravascular delivery. We demonstrate that the uPAR promoter is highly active in pancreatic tumors but very weak in normal tissues. Tumor specificity is evidenced by a 100-fold increase in the tumor-to-liver ratio and by selective targeting of liver metastases (P < .001). Importantly, the AduPARE1A maintains the oncolytic activity of the wild-type virus, with reduced toxicity, and exhibits significant antitumoral activity (25% tumor eradication) and prolonged survival in pancreatic xenograft models (P < .0001). Furthermore, upon intravascular delivery, we demonstrate complete eradication of liver metastasis in 33% of mice, improving median survival (P = 5.43 x 10(-5)). The antitumoral selective activity of AduPARE1A shows the potential of uPAR promoter-based therapies in pancreatic cancer treatment