27 research outputs found

    Epidemiological Measures To Protect Public Health In Varna For The Period From The Liberation To The Beginning Of The Balkan War

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    In the critical situation of the global COVID-19 pandemic in which we are currently, it is good to look at history and see how the population of Varna coped with the suppression of epidemics after the Liberation with the means and capabilities of the then-existing medicine and health care.Prior to the Liberation in 1878, the country had often been hit by major epidemics of cholera, plague, and malaria. The reasons were: bad hygienic conditions, lack of sanitary control over the infectious diseases, untimely treatment of the diseased. As a port city, major military units would gather and the lack of supervision over the infectious diseases led to mass epidemics which took the lives of thousands. Immediately after the Liberation, the Bulgarian medical community realized the necessity of immediate measures and organization of anti-epidemic initiatives.The objective of this report is to historically research the first measures undertaken for the solution of public problems regarding dealing with epidemics, decrease of mortality rates and determining their significance for the improvement of the population’s health in Varna during the period reviewed.Performed is a review of archived documents and historical analysis of the first anti-epidemic initiatives in Varna. The results are part of a broader research, which indicates that for the period from 1902 to 1910 infectious diseases have decreased 10 times. Taking timely and adequate measures in the fight against infectious diseases leads to the improvement of public health

    Specifics of the workplace conflict in the implementation of state health control

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    Конфликтът е неразделна част от нашия живот. За съжаление той е наше всекидневие и реалност. При осъществяването на държавен здравен контрол служителите често попадат в конфликтни ситуации, които се отразяват неблагоприятно на психоемоционалното им състояние. Дейността на здравните инспектори е строго специфична с ненормирано работно време и мобилни работни места, които, освен че са разнообразни поради вида на посещаваните обекти, са и с широк териториален обхват. Необходими са сериозни познания на действащата нормативна уредба и високо ниво на професионална компетентност. В процеса на работа здравните инспектори общуват и взаимодействат с разнообразни хора. Деловите умения за воденето на проверки, срещи и работа с граждани са от голямо значение за служителите от държавните инспекции, тъй като са важна предпоставка за управление и намаляване на конфликтите на работното място.Целта на настоящото проучване е да се установи степента и спецификата на конфликта при осъществяването на държавен здравен контрол.Проведено е анкетно проучване на служители от Регионалните здравни инспекции и Областните дирекции по безопасност на храните в градовете Варна, Добрич и Сливен.Данните показват, че много служители при изпълнение на служебните си задължения попадат в конфликтни ситуации поне веднъж седмично. Като най-честа причина за възникналите конфликтни ситуации анкетираните посочват остарялата нормативна уредба, недостатъчната информация, достигаща до гражданите, лошата икономическа ситуация и голямото психическо натоварване по време на работа. Добрата комуникация, деловият тон и положителната нагласа винаги помагат конфликтите да се разрешават лесно и бързо.Conflict is an integral part of our lives. Unfortunately, everyday we are part of it. In implementing state health control, employees often fall into conflict situations that adversely affect their psycho-emotional condition. The activities of health inspectors are very specific with irregular working hours and mobile workplaces, which in addition to being different because of the type of sites visited are also with a wide territorial range. Serious knowledge of the current legislation and a high level of professional competence are necessary. While working, health inspectors communicate and interact with various people. Business skills for conducting inspections, meetings and work with citizens are of great importance for employees from state inspections for the management and reduction of the conflict at the workplace.The purpose of this study was to determine the extent and specifics of the conflict in the implementation of state health control. A survey of employees of Regional Health Inspections and District Directorates of Food Safety in Varna, Dobrich, Sliven was conducted. Data show that all employees, in the performance of their duties, fall into conflict situations at least once a week. As the most common cause of emerging conflict situations, respondents indicated outdated regulations, lack of information reaching the public, the poor economic situation and the great mental stress at work. Good communication, business conduct and positive attitude always help and conflicts can be resolved easily and quickly

    Awareness of the students from the X-ray laboratory technician program about the risk factors of the work process

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    При упражняване на професията си здравните работници са изложени на съществен риск, затова още в процеса на обучение трябва да бъдат формирани знания за организацията на трудовия процес и професионалната култура относно здравето и безопасността по време на работа. Целта на разработката е да се установи осведомеността на студентите от специалност „Рентгенов лаборант` в МК-Варна за рисковите фактори на трудовия процес, свързани с практикуването на професията. Анкетирани са 33 студенти от втори и трети курс. Почти всички твърдят, че са осведомени за потенциалните рискове за здравето. Логично, на първо място студентите са посочили опасността от йонизиращи лъчения. Интересно е, че като втори по значение фактор 72.7% от второкурсниците изтъкват „полагане на нощен труд / работа на смени`, a 90.9% от третокурсниците - стреса на работното място. Като предпазни мерки анкетираните посочват спазване на нормите за радиационна защита и използването на дозиметри и предпазно работно облекло. Независимо от подготовката си по темата 40.9% от студентите от трети курс не дават конкретен отговор на въпроса кои са основните начини за предпазване на здравето на работното място. Закономерна е разликата в преценката от нуж-дата от допълнителна информация - 81.8% от студентите от втори курс и 41% от третокурсниците желаят да повишат осведомеността си по темата основно чрез провеждането на семинари от специалисти.During the practice of their profession, health workers are exposed to significant risk, so knowledge of the organization of the work process and occupational culture regarding health and safety at work have to be formed during the training process. The aim of the project is to establish the awareness of the students from the X-Ray Laboratory Technician program at the Medical College-Varna of the risk factors in the work process related to the practicing of the profession. Thirty-three second- and third-year students were interviewed. Almost everyone claimed they were aware of the potential health risks. Logically, first of all, the students have indicated the danger of ionizing radiation. Interestingly, as a second by significance factor, 72.7% of second-year students indicated night work/shift work and 90.9% of third-year students - workplace stress. As precautionary measures, respondents indicate compliance with radiation protection standards and the use of dosimeters and protective work clothing. Regardless of their training on this subject, 40.9% of third-year students do not give a specific answer to the question of what are the main ways of protecting health at work. There is a natural difference in the assessment of the need for additional information - 81.8% of second-year students and 41% of third-year students want to raise their awareness on the topic mainly by conducting seminars by specialists

    The transformation of the cultural memory through a prism of the Cyberspace

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    The paper considers the analysis of the cultural memory, which at the beginning of the XXI century underwent essential changes. The beginning of the memory research as a special phenomenon belongs to the Russian scientist, Nikolaj Miljukov [1] who has proved the emergence of social memory with the emergence of the intellectuals. In the article “Intellectuals and Historical Tradition”, Miljukov emphasizes the importance of social memory for the forward positive development of society. Since Halbwachs social memory gets the status of the independent research project. At the end of the XIX century the main theoretical concepts of social memory are formed: cultural and historical, semiotics, informational, psychological. The beginning of the third millennium is marked by the basic change of research trajectories of social memory. Specific research projects are put in the forefront. Such articles can be used as an example. The main research objective consists in the identification of the sociocultural bases of the transformation of social memory research. In modern investigations of the cultural memory, this phenomenon finds the new paradigmatic characteristics, which are fully submitted in the modern Internet space

    Оптимизационные модели и алгоритмы для сетевых задач распределения ресурсов

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    Запропоновано ефективні алгоритми нелінійного програмування для задач розрахунку мереж, а також побудовано нові мережеві моделі для визначення оптимальних потоків і розподілу ресурсів. Розглянуто задачі з нелінійними цільовими функціями загального вигляду та мережевою структурою обмежень, що дало змогу охопити єдиним підходом достатньо широкий спектр мереж. Для розрахунків застосовано модифікації добре відомих методів нелінійного програмування. Запропоновані методи першого порядку зіставні за швидкістю збіжності з методами послідовного квадратичного програмування за рахунок ефективного алгоритму розв’язання допоміжних квадратичних задач та зручної процедури обчислення крокового множника. Проаналізовано та чисельно протестовано серію моделей задач розподілу ресурсів, що враховують замовлення споживачів, змінну продуктивність джерел постачання та наявність тимчасових сховищ продукту. Порівняння результатів розрахунку прикладних задач із застосуванням стандартного пакета Solver та спеціально створеної комп’ютерної програми за методом лінеаризації Б.М. Пшеничного продемонструвало можливість зменшення кількості ітерацій у процедурах одного порядку в декілька разів. Побудовані моделі та алгоритми оптимізації потокорозподілу дають змогу створювати ефективні інформаційно-аналітичні системи для оптимального керування функціонуванням мережевих розподільчих систем.The efficient algorithms for nonlinear programming problems for calculating networks have been offered, as well as the new network models to determine the optimal flows and distribution of resources have been constructed. The problems with nonlinear objective functions of general form and network structure of restrictions, which allow reaching quite a wide range of networks using common approach, were considered. For calculations the modifications of well-known methods of nonlinear programming were applied. The proposed methods of the first order is comparable by convergence rate with the methods of sequential quadratic programming through an efficient algorithm for the solution of the auxiliary quadratic problems and convenient procedure of step factor calculation. A series of models of resource distribution problems, taking into account the customers’ orders, the variable performance of sources and temporary storage of the product, was analyzed and numerically tested. The comparison of calculation results of applied problems using a standard package Solver and a specially designed computer program by the method of linearization of B.M. Pshenichniy demonstrated the possibility of reducing the number of iterations in the procedures of the same order by several times. The constructed models and algorithms of optimization of flow distribution allow creating effective information-analytical system for optimum control of functioning of the network distribution systems.Предложены эффективные алгоритмы нелинейного программирования для задач расчета сетей, а также построены новые сетевые модели для определения оптимальных потоков и распределения ресурсов. Рассмотрены задачи с нелинейными целевыми функциями общего вида и сетевой структурой ограничений, что позволило охватить единым подходом достаточно широкий спектр сетей. Для расчетов применены модификации хорошо известных методов нелинейного программирования. Предложенные методы первого порядка сопоставимы по скорости сходимости с методами последовательного квадратичного программирования за счет эффективного алгоритма решения вспомогательных квадратичных задач и удобной процедуры вычисления шагового множителя. Проанализирована и численно протестирована серия моделей задач распределения ресурсов, учитывающих заказы потребителей, переменную производительность источников и наличие временных хранилищ продукта. Сравнение результатов расчета прикладных задач с применением стандартного пакета Solver и специально созданной компьютерной программы по методу линеаризации Б.М. Пшеничного продемонстрировало возможность уменьшения количества итераций в процедурах одного порядка в несколько раз. Построенные модели и алгоритмы оптимизации потокораспределения позволяют создавать эффективные информационно-аналитические системы для оптимального управления функционированием сетевых распределительных систем


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    The antimicrobial activity of 18 different extracts from in vivo and in vitro grown L. album L. plants was evaluated against clinical bacteria and yeasts using the well diffusion method. All the used extracts demonstrated antibacterial activity, whereas only the water extracts from leaves (in vivo) possessed antifungal activity against Candida albicans NBIMCC 72 and Candida glabrata NBIMCC 8673 (14 and 20 mm diameter of inhibition zones and MIC 10 mg/ml, respectively). The methanol and ethanol extracts obtained from the in vitro propagated plants had a broader spectrum of antibacterial activity than those from in vivo plants, while the opposite tendency was observed for the chloroform extracts. All tested flower extracts possessed antimicrobial activity. The chloroform extract from in vivo flowers demonstrated the highest activity against E. faecalis NBIMCC 3915, S. aureus NBIMCC 3703, P. hauseri NBIMCC 1339 and P. aeruginosa NBIMCC 3700 (22 mm, 13 mm, 11 mm, 23 mm zone diameter of inhibition and MIC 0.313 mg/ml, respectively). The water extracts from leaves (both in vivo and in vitro) possessed higher antibacterial activity than extract from flowers. The obtained results showed that both in vivo and in vitro propagated L. album L. could be used as a source of antibacterial substances

    Gallstones, Body Mass Index, C-Reactive Protein, and Gallbladder Cancer: Mendelian Randomization Analysis of Chilean and European Genotype Data

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is a neglected disease with substantial geographical variability: Chile shows the highest incidence worldwide, while GBC is relatively rare in Europe. Here, we investigate the causal effects of risk factors considered in current GBC prevention programs as well as C-reactive protein (CRP) level as a marker of chronic inflammation. APPROACH AND RESULTS: We applied two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) using publicly available data and our own data from a retrospective Chilean and a prospective European study. Causality was assessed by inverse variance weighted (IVW), MR-Egger regression, and weighted median estimates complemented with sensitivity analyses on potential heterogeneity and pleiotropy, two-step MR, and mediation analysis. We found evidence for a causal effect of gallstone disease on GBC risk in Chileans (P = 9 × 10−5) and Europeans (P = 9 × 10−5). A genetically elevated body mass index (BMI) increased GBC risk in Chileans (P = 0.03), while higher CRP concentrations increased GBC risk in Europeans (P = 4.1 × 10−6). European results suggest causal effects of BMI on gallstone disease (P = 0.008); public Chilean data were not, however, available to enable assessment of the mediation effects among causal GBC risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: Two risk factors considered in the current Chilean program for GBC prevention are causally linked to GBC risk: gallstones and BMI. For Europeans, BMI showed a causal effect on gallstone risk, which was itself causally linked to GBC risk. (Hepatology 2021;73:1783-1796).Fil: Barahona Ponce, Carol. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; Alemania. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Scherer, Dominique. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; AlemaniaFil: Brinster, Regina. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; AlemaniaFil: Boekstegers, Felix. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; AlemaniaFil: Marcelain, Katherine. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Gárate Calderón, Valentina. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; Alemania. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Müller, Bettina. Instituto Nacional del Cáncer; ChileFil: de Toro, Gonzalo. Hospital Puerto Montt; Chile. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Retamales, Javier. Instituto Nacional del Cáncer; ChileFil: Barajas, Olga. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Ahumada, Monica. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Morales, Erik. Hospital Regional de Talca; Chile. Universidad Católica del Maule; ChileFil: Rojas, Armando. Universidad Católica del Maule; ChileFil: Sanhueza, Verónica. Hospital Padre Hurtado; ChileFil: Loader, Denisse. Hospital Padre Hurtado; ChileFil: Rivera, María Teresa. Hospital del Salvador; ChileFil: Gutiérrez, Lorena. Hospital San Juan de Dios; ChileFil: Bernal, Giuliano. Universidad Católica del Norte; ChileFil: Ortega, Alejandro. Hospital Regional; ChileFil: Montalvo, Domingo. Hospital Regional Juan Noé Crevani; ChileFil: Portiño, Sergio. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Bertrán, Maria Enriqueta. Ministerio de Salud; ChileFil: Gabler, Fernando. Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Hospital Clinico San Borja Arriaran; ChileFil: Spencer, Loreto. Hospital Regional Guillermo Grant Benavente; ChileFil: Olloquequi, Jordi. Universidad Autónoma de Chile; ChileFil: Fischer, Christine. Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg; AlemaniaFil: Jenab, Mazda. International Agency For Research On Cancer; AlemaniaFil: Aleksandrova, Krasimira. German Institute Of Human Nutrition; AlemaniaFil: Katzke, Verena. German Cancer Research Center; AlemaniaFil: Gonzalez-Jose, Rolando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas; Argentin

    Trends in the undergraduate education in public health in Bulgaria

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    Introduction: One of the leading priorities of the global public health is the education of a sufficient number, well qualified professionals to provide services responsive to the needs and expectations of the society.Aim: The present report aims to analyse the developments in the undergraduate level education in public health in Bulgaria and to assess the content of the programmes in relation to the competences, which the public health professionals should obtain during their training as recommended by ASPHER.Мaterials and Methods: We have performed comparative analysis of the study plans of all Bachelor programmes in public health in Bulgaria (3 and 4 years) according the following criteria:  form and duration of the education, studied disciplines and study hours by discipline, and their structure (lectures/practical training).Results: The undergraduate education in Bulgaria is organized in two main models: Professional Bachelor for the Public Health Inspector programme with a 6-semester duration and Bachelor with an 8-semester duration for the Public Health Protection and Control and Public Health and Health Care Management programmes. The analysis by programmes reveals that practical training has a bigger share in the Professional Bachelor programmes; higher number of disciplines with a greater number of study hours are included in the Bachelor of Public Health Protection and Control covering to a greater degree the professional competencies as recommended by ASPHER. The Public Health and Health Care Management programme has a prevailing focus on management and less on other professional competencies with smaller number of hours for practical training.Conclusion: The analysed programmes provide training and develop skills focused on the protection of environmental health risk factors or management and, to a lower degree, assessment of the population health and development, and provision of public health interventions

    Education and Career Development of Bachelors in Public Health // Обучение и професионална реализация на бакалаври по обществено здраве

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    A sufficient number of qualified staff in the field of public health (PH) is a problem that the world's health systems face at a time of pandemic. Appropriate training programs and a clear set of competencies are required to strengthen the capacity of working health professionals in Europe. We aim to study and analyse the Bachelor course of training of healthcare specialists in Bulgaria and Europe and the opportunities and barriers for their career development. The research is aimed at different groups of participants and institutions related to the training and career development of bachelors in the healthcare systems of Bulgaria and Europe and includes: higher education institutions; heads of public health institutions; and students enrolled in a master's program in health care. A thorough historical review of the legislation governing the establishment and development of health education in Bulgaria from the Liberation to the present day has been carried out. The survey results and the own theoretical analysis of training practices in European countries and Bulgaria have shown that the healthcare training in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe mainly focuses on prevention disciplines related to hygiene and epidemiology of infectious diseases and a significant number of clinical disciplines. The factors favouring or hindering the career development of health professionals in Bulgaria have been studied and analysed. The results are summarised after surveys among practising healthcare Bachelors through in-depth semi-structured interviews with managers in healthcare institutions. The career development of Public Health Inspectors, mediated by the normative framework, is also discussed.Наличието на достатъчно квалифицирани кадри в областта на общественото здраве (ОЗ) е проблем, с който здравните системи в света в този момент на пандемия най-трудно се справят. За укрепване на капацитета на работещите професионалисти по ОЗ в Европа се изискват подходящи образователни програми и ясен набор от компетенции. Главна цел на научното изследване е: Да се проучи и анализира обучението на специалистите по ОЗ в образователно-квалификационна степен „бакалавър“ в България и Европа и възможностите и бариерите за тяхната професионална реализация. Изследванията са насочени към различни групи участници и институции, свързани с обучението и реализацията на бакалаврите по ОЗ в България и Европа и включва: висши учебни заведения; ръководители в институции по опазване здравето на населението и студенти в магистърска програма по ОЗ. Извършен е обстоен исторически преглед на нормативната уредба, регламентираща създаването и развитието на обучението по ОЗ в България от Освобождението до днес. Резултатите от анкетното проучване и собствения теоретичен анализ на обучението в европейските страни и България показаха, че в центъра на обучението по ОЗ в България и страните от Източна Европа са специализираните профилактични дисциплини, свързани с хигиена и епидемиология на инфекциозните болести и значителен брой клинични дисциплини. Проучени и анализирани са факторите, благоприятстващи или възпрепятстващи реализацията на специалисти по ОЗ в България. Резултатите са обобщени след проведени проучвания на мнението на работещи бакалаври по ОЗ чрез дълбочинни полуструктурирани интервюта с ръководители в институции по опазване на ОЗ. Обсъдена е професионалната реализация на инспекторите по ОЗ, пречупена през нормативната рамка

    Platinum mineralization comparative characteristics of the some Far East deposits

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    In this article shown platinum mineralization comparative characteristics for three deposits: Kondoer-traditional unique deposit and other two probably alternative source of platinum: the Poperechnoe ironmanganese deposit and the Malmyzh copper-porphyry deposit. Platinoids of the Kondoer deposit are the chain Pt>>Ir>Os>Ru=Rh>Pd. The presences of platinum crystals are characteristic, there are over 50 rare and new platinoids minerals in different combinations. There are gold and silver. Platinoids from the iron-manganese ore of Poperechnoe are as Pt>>Rh≈Ir>Ru≈Os>Pd. A scattered dissemination of arsenide sulfate and sulfides of Rh, Ir, Ru, Os are noted in the platinum. Palladium is present as impurities in gold and platinum. The gold content is different-with admixtures Ag, Pb, Cd, Fe. At this stage the platinoids content in oxidized ores of the Malmyzh gold-copper porphyry deposit is Pt ≈ Pd. The gold is present as electrum. There is native silver cadmium