7 research outputs found


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    Number of lateral branches and overall development of seedlings is a crucial parameter for achieving the required quality standards dedicated to modern intensive production systems. Branched seedlings have formed the structure of the canopy, which is defined and cultivation model for future plantations. In addition to the uniformity of the plantation better and earlier productivity is achieved. The research, in order to standardize the techniques for induction of lateral branching, was conducted in 2013 in the nursery (Koprivna, Eastern Croatia) on 3 cherry cultivars grafted on Gisela 6 rootstock. The treatments included the application of different combinations of Bioregulators 6-Benzyladenine and gibberellic acid 4 and 7 (BA+GA4+7) as well as cyclanilide on cultivars Ā“CarmenĀ“, Ā“Grace StarĀ“ and Ā“Black StarĀ“. All applied treatments resulted in a significant increase in the number of new branches compared to the control. Cultivar Black Star induced the development of the highest number of branches. Treatment BA + GA4 + 7 increased the number of lateral shoots compared to the control in all the investigated cultivars. The most significant induction in the number of branches has been achieved with Cyclanilide treatment which improved more correct distribution and resulted in a more uniform length of induced shoots. Combination of the treatment cyclanilide and BA + GA4 + 7 has not resulted in synergistic increase in the number of branches in response to treatment with cyclanilide. The applied treatments also significantly influenced the length of the branches and the branching angle. Results of this study indicate the need for further testing of cyclanilide as a potential regulator of growth in nursery production.Broj lateralnih grana, odnosno ukupna razvijenost sadnica, danas predstavlja ključni parametar za postizanje potrebnih standarda kvalitete namijenjenim suvremenim intenzivnim sustavima uzgoja. Razgranate sadnice imaju formiranu strukturu kroÅ”nje, čime je definiran i uzgojni model budućega nasada. Pored uniformiranosti nasada, postiže se bolja i ranija produktivnost. Istraživanje u cilju standardiziranja tehnike indukcije lateralnoga grananja provedeno je 2013. godine u rasadniku voćnih sadnica (Koprivna, Istočna Hrvatska) na 3 sorte treÅ”nje cijepljenih na podlozi Gisela 6. Tretmani su uključivali aplikaciju različitih kombinacija bioregulatora 6-benzyladenina i giberelina (BA + GA4+7) te ciklanilida na sortama Carmen, Grace Star i Black Star. Svi su primijenjeni tretmani rezultirali značajnim povećanjem broja novih grana u odnosu na kontrolu. Sorta Black Star inducirala je razvoj najvećega broja grana. Tretman BA + GA4+7 povećao je broj lateralnih izboja u odnosu na kontrolu kod svih ispitivanih sorti Najznačajnija indukcija broja grana postignuta je pri tretmanu s ciklanilidom, koji je poboljÅ”ao pravilniju distribuciju i rezultirao uniformnijom dužinom induciranih izbojaka. Kombinacija tretmana ciklanilid i BA + GA4+7 nije rezultirala sinergičnim povećanjem broja grana u odnosu na tretman s ciklanilidom. Primijenjeni su tretmani, također, značajno utjecali na dužinu grana i kut grananja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na potrebu daljnjih ispitivanja ciklanilida, kao potencijalnoga regulatora rasta u rasadničarskoj proizvodnji. Tretman BA + GA4+7 rezultirao je povećanjem broja lateralnih izboja u odnosu na kontrolu kod svih ispitivanih sorti

    HDL Subclasses and the Distribution of Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    The aim of this multicentric study was to assess the impacts of oxidative stress, inflam- mation, and the presence of small, dense, low-density lipoproteins (sdLDL) on the antioxidative function of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses and the distribution of paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity within HDL in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI). In 69 STEMI patients and 67 healthy control subjects, the lipoproteinsā€™ subclasses were separated using polyacrylamide gradient (3ā€“31%) gel electrophoresis. The relative proportion of sdLDL and each HDL subclass was evaluated by measuring the areas under the peaks of densitometric scans. The distribution of the relative proportion of PON1 activity within the HDL subclasses (pPON1 within HDL) was estimated using the zymogram method. The STEMI patients had significantly lower proportions of HDL2a and HDL3a subclasses (p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively) and lower pPON1 within HDL3b (p = 0.006), as well as higher proportions of HDL3b and HDL3c subclasses (p = 0.013 and p < 0.001, respectively) and higher pPON1 within HDL2 than the controls. Independent positive associations between sdLDL and pPON1 within HDL3a and between malondialdehyde (MDA) and pPON1 within HDL2b were shown in the STEMI group. The increased oxidative stress and increased proportion of sdLDL in STEMI are closely related to the compromised antioxidative function of small HDL3 particles and the altered pPON1 within HDL

    Development factors of innovative startap ecosystem

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    Rezultati ovog istraživanja predstavljaju važan doprinos naučnoj literaturi koja se bavi proučavanjem inovativnih startap ekosistema i startap kompanija. Istraživanje podrazumeva prikupljanje podataka o osnivačima i startap kompanijama, kao glavnim učesnicima u inovativnom startap ekosistemu. Startap kompanije imaju važnu ulogu u podsticanju svih drugih učesnika u pravcu razvoja inovacija i sprovođenja inovativnih aktivnosti. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja kreiran je originalni merni instrument u vidu upitnika kojim se ispituju faktori razvoja inovativnog startap ekosistema. Istraživanjem se dobija detaljan uvid u profil i poslovanje startap kompanija u okviru inovativnog startap ekosistema. Ispitivanje pojedinačnog i zajedničkog uticaja faktora razvoja inovativnog startap ekosistema na startap kompanije je omogućeno koriŔćenjem različitih statističkih metoda. Faktori razvoja inovativnog startap ekosistema grupisani su u sledeće celine: faktori koji utiču na odluku osnivača o investiranju i pokretanju startap kompanije, opÅ”ti faktori koji utiču na funkcionisanje i održivost inovativnog startap ekosistema i faktori rizika koji utiču na rast i razvoj startap kompanije u inovativnom startap ekosistemu. Prema sprovedenom istraživanju u okviru doktorske disertacije, odluka osnivača o investiranju i pokretanju startap kompanije najviÅ”e zavisi od uticaja faktora: troÅ”kovi i uslovi finansiranja i tražnja za proizvodom ili uslugom. Kao najvažniji opÅ”ti faktori koji utiču na funkcionisanje i održivost inovativnog startap ekosistema u izdvajaju se: administrativni uslovi za poslovanje, nivo preduzetničke kulture u inovativnom startap ekosistemu, zakonska reÅ”enja u oblasti poslovanja startap kompanija i druÅ”tveni događaji (npr. umrežavanja, okupljanja i sl.). Istraživanjem su utvrđeni i glavni faktori rizika koji najviÅ”e utiču na rast i razvoj startap kompanije u inovativnom startap ekosistemu, a to su: rizik sposobnosti proÅ”irenja poslovanja i rizik nabavke. Pored utvrđivanja najvažnijih faktora razvoja inovativnog startap ekosistema, koriŔćenjem odgovarajuće statističke analize izvrÅ”eno je i njihovo grupisanje u odgovarajuće dimenzije. Povezivanjem ovih dimenzija sa startap kompanijama u inovativnom startap ekosistemu i ispitivanjem njihovih relacija daje se značajan doprinos kvantitativnim istraživanjima u ovoj oblasti i stvaraju dobre osnove za buduća istraživanja.The results of this research represent an important contribution to the scientific literature that deals with the study of innovative startup ecosystems and startup companies. The research involves collecting data on founders and startup companies as leading participants in the innovative startup ecosystem. Startup companies have an essential role in encouraging all other participants in the direction of innovation development and implementation of innovative activities. For this research, an original measuring instrument was created as a questionnaire that examines the development factors of the innovative startup ecosystem. The research provides a detailed insight into the profile and operations of startup companies within the innovative startup ecosystem. Examining the individual and joint impact of development factors of the innovative startup ecosystem on startup companies is made possible by using different statistical methods. The factors were grouped into the following units: factors that influence the founder's decision to invest and launch a startup company, general factors that influence the functioning and sustainability of the innovative startup ecosystem, and risk factors that influence the growth and development of the startup company in the innovative startup ecosystem. According to the research carried out as part of the doctoral dissertation, the founder's decision to invest and launch a startup company mainly depends on the factors such as the influence of costs, financing conditions, and demand for a product or service. The most important general factors influencing the functioning and sustainability of the innovative startup ecosystem are administrative conditions for business, entrepreneurial culture in the innovative startup ecosystem, legal solutions in the field of startup companies, and social events (e.g., networking, gatherings, etc.). The research also determined the main risk factors that most affect the growth and development of a startup company in the innovative startup ecosystem: the risk of the ability to expand the business and the risk of procurement. In addition to determining the most critical factors of the development of the innovative startup ecosystem, their grouping into appropriate dimensions was performed using appropriate statistical analysis. Connecting these dimensions with startup companies in the innovative startup ecosystem and examining their relationships significantly contributes to quantitative research in this area and creates good foundations for future research

    Entrepreneurial Orientation of Public Universities in Republic of Serbia-Empirical Study

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    This study explores the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the activities of state universities in the Republic of Serbia. Using the ENTRE-U scale, the researchers have graded the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of the employees at state universities in the Republic of Serbia. In the theoretical part, the detailed literature review is provided, which contributes to a better understanding of terms like entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial university. Using data from 282 respondents who work at the state universities in the Republic of Serbia, the researchers validate the ENTRE-U questionnaire in a specific context. With this, it is proven that the ENTRE-U scale is applicable not only for developed countries but also for the developing countries, such as the Republic of Serbia. The general conclusion is that with using the ENTRE-U scale, it is possible to predict the level of innovativeness, as well as the nature of innovative activities that are conducted at state universities in the Republic of Serbia. The entrepreneurially oriented universities differ from those which lack entrepreneurial orientation by the extent of their research mobilization, unconventional approaches, the level of cooperation with industries, and the way university policies are implemented

    Entrepreneurial Strategic Orientation: Prerequisite for SMEs Success in IoT and Digital Transformation Sphere?

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    Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is a multidimensional construct that reflects a firmā€™s tendency to be innovative, proactive, and risk-taking. Previous research has demonstrated that companies with a strong EO possess a competitive advantage in the market when compared to those with a conservative approach to management. The objective of this study is to analyse the entrepreneurial orientation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using the ENTRE-U scale and to identify the dimensions of EO that are critical for achieving business success in the context of digital transformation and IoT implementation. The identification of these dimensions is facilitated through a survey method and exploratory factor analysis. After administering the ENTRE-U scale to a representative sample of SMEs that use modern technologies, such as IoT, four distinct dimensions of EO emerged. Each dimension of EO has a significant impact on firm performance. By adhering to the established EO dimensions and using the proposed methodology, managers can develop an efficient business model that aligns with the current digital market demands, enhances SMEs (survival, resilience, and sustainability), and addresses the high uncertainty prevalent in todayā€™s business environment

    Peryferie w języku, literaturze i kulturze chorwackiej

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    Księga abstraktĆ³w oraz program międzynarodowej konferencji kroatystycznej, zorganizowanej w związku z jubileuszem 25-lecia filologii chorwackiej na Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach