908 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Stacked Sequential Learning for Pedestrian Detection

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    Pedestrian classifiers decide which image windows contain a pedestrian. In practice, such classifiers provide a relatively high response at neighbor windows overlapping a pedestrian, while the responses around potential false positives are expected to be lower. An analogous reasoning applies for image sequences. If there is a pedestrian located within a frame, the same pedestrian is expected to appear close to the same location in neighbor frames. Therefore, such a location has chances of receiving high classification scores during several frames, while false positives are expected to be more spurious. In this paper we propose to exploit such correlations for improving the accuracy of base pedestrian classifiers. In particular, we propose to use two-stage classifiers which not only rely on the image descriptors required by the base classifiers but also on the response of such base classifiers in a given spatiotemporal neighborhood. More specifically, we train pedestrian classifiers using a stacked sequential learning (SSL) paradigm. We use a new pedestrian dataset we have acquired from a car to evaluate our proposal at different frame rates. We also test on a well known dataset: Caltech. The obtained results show that our SSL proposal boosts detection accuracy significantly with a minimal impact on the computational cost. Interestingly, SSL improves more the accuracy at the most dangerous situations, i.e. when a pedestrian is close to the camera.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure, 1 tabl

    Una alternativa actual al dualismo en Psicología: la Ciencia Conductual Contextual

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    El artículo busca constatar el carácter dualista que aún invade la Psicología, y cómo los problemas pragmáticos y filosóficos de la misma tienen como solución más socorrida el acudir a un monismo materialista, encarnado en la figura del reduccionismo cerebrocentrista. Así mismo, se presentan las características, filosofía y aplicaciones de la CBS (Ciencia Conductual Contextual) en vistas a ofrecer una alternativa dentro de la propia Psicología que supere el dualismo imperante y preserve la independencia de la Psicología como campo autónomo en la ciencia, entre la biología y la sociología.The article tries to verify the dualist character that still invades psychology, and how the pragmatic and philosophical problems of it have as a most useful solution to resort to a materialist monism, embodied in the figure of brain-centered reductionism. Likewise, the characteristics, philosophy and applications of the CBS (Contextual Behavioral Science) are presented in order to offer an alternative within the psychology that overcomes the prevailing dualism and preserves the independence of psychology as an autonomous field in science, among biology and sociology

    Didactic programming for 3º ESO

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCDEF). Ciencias da actividade física e do deporte. Curso 2017/201

    Proyecto de obra y actividad de un concesionario de automóviles en el Polígono de Vilar do Colo

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    [Resumen] La empresa LARICAR, S.L. se dedicada a la venta y reparación de vehículos y tras sus estudios de mercado, la empresa concluye que están en disposición de abrir un nuevo concesionario para la zona de Ferrolterra. El proyecto consiste en una nave de venta y reparación de vehículos con oficinas. Cumpliendo con las exigencias de la empresa contratista, se decide ubicar la nave en la parcela B3 del P.I. (Polígono Industrial) “Vilar do Colo”, Fene (A Coruña).[Resumo] A empresa LARICAR, S.L. está dedicado á venda e reparación de vehículos e despois dos seus estudos de mercado, a compañía conclúe que están preparados para abrir un novo concesionario para a área de Ferrolterra. O proxecto consiste nunha nave para a venda e reparación de vehículos con oficinas. Cumprindo os requisitos da empresa contratista, decidimos localizar a nave na parcela B3 de P.I. (Polígono Industrial) "Vilar do Colo", Fene (A Coruña).[Abstract] The company LARICAR, S.L. is dedicated to the sale and repair of vehicles and after its market studies, the company concludes that they are ready to open a new dealership for the Ferrolterra area. The project consists of a warehouse for the sale and repair of vehicles with offices. Fulfilling the requirements of the contractor company, it is decided to locate the ship on plot B3 of P.I. (Industrial Estate) "Vilar do Colo", Fene (A Coruña).Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría industrial. Curso 2017/201

    A Two-Dimensional Multi-Species Model for Different Listeria Monocytogenes Biofilm Structures and Its Numerical Simulation

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    [Abstract] In this work we propose a two-dimensional multi-species model to describe the dynamics of biofilms formed by the pathogenic bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. Different Listeria monocytogenes strains produce biofilms with different structures, namely flat, honeycomb and clustered. Previous works showed that glucose impaired uptake and the appearance of damaged or dead cells are critical mechanisms underlying Listeria monocytogenes biofilm dynamics. Here we explicitly propose an extension of the two-dimensional multi-species model proposed by Alpkist and Klapper to account for those mechanisms. The result is a continuous two-dimensional multi-species model with non-linear detachment and mass action nutrient consumption. Moreover, we also propose a set of efficient numerical methods to solve the coupled model and we have developed their computer implementation from scratch in C/C++. Mainly based on finite differences schemes, these numerical techniques include Crank-Nicolson schemes for time discretization, Gibou’s ghost node techniques and level set methods to cope with the free boundary associated to the determination of the time-dependent biofilm domain. To finish with, we compare our simulation results with the dynamics of real biofilms as observed in the laboratory. More precisely, by using model parameters calibrated to experiments, the numerical results clearly illustrate the performance of the proposed model and the numerical methods to reproduce the real dynamics of flat, clustered and honeycomb structures shown by different Listeria monocytogenes strains.ALN and CV acknowledge the funding by MINECO from Spanish Government (Grant MTM2016-76497-R) and by Xunta de Galicia (Grants GRC2014/044 and ED431C2018/033). ALN acknowledges FPU fellowship (FPU13/02191) from the Spanish Government program MECD-FPU. CV and ALN as members of CITIC also akcnowledge the grant ED431G 2019/01, funded by Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional of Xunta de Galicia through FEDER funds with 80%, from FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 Program and 20% from Secretaría Xeral de Universidades. EBC acknowledges funding from Contrato Programa and grant Ref. IN607B 2017/02 from Xunta de Galicia. All grants include FEDER fundsXunta de Galicia; GRC2014/044Xunta de Galicia; ED431C2018/033Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; IN607B 2017/0

    Envejecimiento e inmigración en los espacios urbanos españoles. Un análisis a escala municipa

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    La población española, lastrada por una de las tasas de natalidad más bajas de la Unión Europea, ha visto emerger al envejecimiento como una amenaza a la sostenibilidad del estado de bienestar. La inmigración ha sido vista desde algunos medios como un eventual paliativo a los efectos del inexorable crecimiento de la población anciana sobre la sociedad española. Las razones aducidas por estas posturas favorables a la inmigración se apoyaban en la juventud de la población inmigrante, con una edad media sensiblemente inferior a la española; efecto acrecentado por los fenómenos de reagrupación familiar que con el tiempo acompañan a los inmigrantes laborales. Estas opiniones, además, se vieron reafirmadas por la gran cantidad de inmigrantes que llegaron a España en un lapso de tiempo muy breve, concretamente entre mediados de los años 1990 y poco más allá de mediados de la primera década del presente siglo; si bien la crisis iniciada en 2008 ha supuesto un cambio sustancial, frenando la llegada de nuevos inmigrantes. En el presente trabajo pretendemos medir el impacto de la inmigración sobre la estructura de edad los municipios urbanos españoles, concretamente su contribución a la variación entre 2002 y 2008 de la población mayor (considerado como freno al envejecimiento en términos absolutos), al colectivo de los jóvenes (contribución directa al rejuvenecimiento de la población española a corto plazo) y a la natalidad (expectativas de continuación del rejuvenecimiento a medio plazo).Abstract: The Spanish population, burdened by one of the lowest birth rates in the European Union, has seen the emergence of aging as a threat to the sustainability of the welfare state. Immigration has been seen from some media as a possible palliative effect of the inexorable growth of the elderly population on Spanish society. The reasons given by these pro-immigration positions were based on the youth of the immigrant population, with an average age well below the Spanish; effect enhanced by the phenomena of family reunification that eventually accompanies labor migrants. These views also were reinforced by the large number of immigrants who arrived in Spain on a very short time lapse, especially between mid-1990 and slightly beyond middle of the first decade of this century, although the crisis that began in 2008 has seen a substantial change, slowing the arrival of new immigrants. In this paper, we measure the impact of immigration on the age structure of Spanish urban municipalities, specifically its contribution to the variation between 2002 and 2008 of the population (aging brake considered in absolute terms), the collective young (direct contribution to the rejuvenation of the Spanish population in the short term) and the birth (below expectations rejuvenation medium term).

    Inmigración y distribución de la población anciana en España (2002-2011): una aproximación desde la escala municipal

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    Academic literature concerning immigration in Spain over the last fifteen years has been extensive in respect of the fact that it has been a mass phenomenon. However, little or no in-depth attention has been paid to the repercussions of immigration on the demographic aging of the population. The present paper addresses this topic from a perspective that focuses primarily on municipal units. It investigates various groups of immigrants that, although differing in regard to their internal structure and motivations for coming to Spain, are among those that have supplied the largest contingents: British, Moroccan, Ecuadorian and Romanian citizens. The analysis covers two dif - ferent periods. The first is 2002 to 2007, when economic growth and the demand for foreign labour were both high. The second is 2008 to 2011, when the crisis made itself felt in a particularly forceful way. The results show a slight contribution to demographic ageing, although with variations.La literatura científica sobre el fenómeno inmigratorio en la España de los últimos quince años ha sido abundante en tanto y cuanto a su carácter masivo. Sin embargo, muy poco o nada se ha profundizado en la repercusión de la inmigración sobre la población anciana. En este artículo se aborda este tema, desde una perspectiva que se aproxima a la escala municipal y a determinados colectivos de inmigrantes que, aunque diferentes en cuanto a su estructura interna y motivaciones de llegada, se cuentan entre los que han aportado mayores contingentes: británicos, marroquíes, ecuatorianos y rumanos. Se divide el análisis en dos períodos diferentes, 2002-2007, en el que el crecimiento económico y la demanda de mano de obra foránea eran elevadas, y 2008-2011, en el que la crisis dejó sentir ya de manera rotunda su incidencia. Los resultados muestran una aportación leve al crecimiento de la población de mayor edad, aunque con matices. [fr] La littérature scientifique sur le phénomène migratoire de ces quinze dernières années en Espagne est abondante, à la mesure de son caractère massif. Cependant, très peu d’études, voire aucune, n’ont été faites sur l’influence de l’immigration sur la population du troisième âge. Cet article aborde ce sujet d’un point de vue proche à l’échelle locale et à certains collectifs d’immigrés qui, bien que différents quant à leur structure interne et leurs motivations d’arrivée, figurent parmi ceux qui ont apporté les plus grands contingents : Britanniques, Marocains, Équatoriens et Roumains. L’analyse est divisée en deux périodes différentes : 2002-2007, pendant laquelle la croissance économique et la demande de main d’oeuvre étrangère étaient élevées; et 2008-2011, pendant laquelle les effets de la crise se faisaient déjà sentir de manière évidente. Les résultats montrent un apport léger à la croissance de la population du troisième âge, bien qu’avec quelques nuances

    A chemosensor for dihydrogenphosphate based on an oxoazamacrocycle possessing three thiourea arms

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    We report a new H-bond macrocyclic chromogenic chemosensor in organic media, H3L, which displayed drastic changes in its UV–vis spectra revealing selectivity for dihydrogenphosphate over other inorganic anions, such as acetate or fluoride. The X-ray crystal structures of the [H4L⋯NO3]·(CH3CN)4 and [H4L⋯CF3CO2]·(CH3CN)2 salt complexes are also reportedR. B. thanks the Xunta de Galicia (Spain), Projects PGIDI10PXIB209028PR and INCITE09E1R209058ES. M. V. L. thanks the Directorate-General for Research and Development of the Xunta of Galicia (INCITE09 209 084 PR) and the Ministry for Science and Innovation of Spain (CTQ2009-14431/BQU) for financial supportS

    Symmetrical and unsymmetrical voltage sag effects on the three-phase synchronous machine stability

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    This paper focuses on the effects of voltage sags, both symmetrical and unsymmetrical, on the three-phase Synchronous Machine (SM). Voltage sags on SM cause speed variations, current and torque peaks and hence may cause tripping and equipment damage. The consequences of voltage sags on the machine behaviour depend on different factors such as sag’s magnitude (or depth), duration, initial point-on-wave and the parameters of the electrical machine. In this study, three SMs of different rated power have been considered in order to simulate the voltage sag effects for specific conditions and analyze the machine stability.Postprint (published version