6,076 research outputs found

    Sons, Brothers and Relatives in the Entourages of the Roman Provincial Commanders during the Republic: A Characteristic Behaviour of the Roman Ruling Class

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    Durante la época de la República era una costumbre bien conocida que el cónsul o pretor destinado a una provincia se dotara de una serie de colaboradores y acompañantes que constituían la cohors o comitiva del imperator. Dicha comitiva solía componerse de personas vinculadas a los círculos sociales y particularmente familiares del mandatario en cuestión, siendo habitual encontrar en éstas a parientes, hermanos e incluso hijos de los mandos romanos. Aunque los autores clásicos no suelen conceder demasiada atención el papel que cumplían los hijos y parientes en el séquito de colaboradores de un mandatario provincial, su presencia habitual en estas comitivas indica que se trataba de un comportamiento característico y representativo de la clase política romana, cuyo interés no se hallaba sólo en contribuir a la promoción política y social de los implicados, sino en el hecho en sí de participar de unos hábitos distintivos y privativos de la nobilitas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The probability of non-confluent systems

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    We show how to provide a structure of probability space to the set of execution traces on a non-confluent abstract rewrite system, by defining a variant of a Lebesgue measure on the space of traces. Then, we show how to use this probability space to transform a non-deterministic calculus into a probabilistic one. We use as example Lambda+, a recently introduced calculus defined through type isomorphisms.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2013, arXiv:1403.768

    Proof Normalisation in a Logic Identifying Isomorphic Propositions

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    We define a fragment of propositional logic where isomorphic propositions, such as A∧BA\land B and B∧AB\land A, or A⇒(B∧C)A\Rightarrow (B\land C) and (A⇒B)∧(A⇒C)(A\Rightarrow B)\land(A\Rightarrow C) are identified. We define System I, a proof language for this logic, and prove its normalisation and consistency

    Path planning and map monitoring for self-driving vehicles based on HD maps

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    Este trabajo ha sido realizado dentro del contexto del proyecto Techs4AgeCar en el grupo de investigación Robesafe, cuyo objetivo es el desarrollo de un vehículo de conducción autónoma. Forma parte de dos líneas distintas del proyecto, la de mapeado y la de planificación, ya que ambas están directamente relacionadas. Se ha desarrollado un planificador de rutas global basado en mapas de alta defición (HD Maps) offline previamente generados. Por otro lado, también se ha cubierto toda la parte de generación de mapas que posteriormente son utilizados por el planificador. Además, se ha desarrollado un módulo capaz de aprovechar la información proporcionado por el mapa, de forma que se monitorizan los elementos relevantes y cercanos al coche que afectan a la ruta, como son carriles, intersecciones y elementos regulatoriosThis work has been done within the context of the Techs4AgeCar project in the Robesafe research group, whose project focuses on the development of an autonomous driving vehicle. This work is part of two different layers of the project, mapping and planning layers, since both are directly related. A global route planner has been developed based on previously generated offline HD Maps. Therefore, the entire part of generating maps that are later used by the planner has also been covered. In addition, a module capable of taking advantage of the information provided by the map has been developed, so that the relevant elements close to the vehicle that affect the route such as lanes, intersections and regulatory elements are monitored.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial (M 141

    The Vectorial λ\lambda-Calculus

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    We describe a type system for the linear-algebraic λ\lambda-calculus. The type system accounts for the linear-algebraic aspects of this extension of λ\lambda-calculus: it is able to statically describe the linear combinations of terms that will be obtained when reducing the programs. This gives rise to an original type theory where types, in the same way as terms, can be superposed into linear combinations. We prove that the resulting typed λ\lambda-calculus is strongly normalising and features weak subject reduction. Finally, we show how to naturally encode matrices and vectors in this typed calculus.Comment: Long and corrected version of arXiv:1012.4032 (EPTCS 88:1-15), to appear in Information and Computatio

    Event-Driven Monte Carlo: exact dynamics at all time-scales for discrete-variable models

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    We present an algorithm for the simulation of the exact real-time dynamics of classical many-body systems with discrete energy levels. In the same spirit of kinetic Monte Carlo methods, a stochastic solution of the master equation is found, with no need to define any other phase-space construction. However, unlike existing methods, the present algorithm does not assume any particular statistical distribution to perform moves or to advance the time, and thus is a unique tool for the numerical exploration of fast and ultra-fast dynamical regimes. By decomposing the problem in a set of two-level subsystems, we find a natural variable step size, that is well defined from the normalization condition of the transition probabilities between the levels. We successfully test the algorithm with known exact solutions for non-equilibrium dynamics and equilibrium thermodynamical properties of Ising-spin models in one and two dimensions, and compare to standard implementations of kinetic Monte Carlo methods. The present algorithm is directly applicable to the study of the real time dynamics of a large class of classical markovian chains, and particularly to short-time situations where the exact evolution is relevant
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