310 research outputs found

    A legalidade do DDI – Due Diligence de Integridade da PETROBRAS com base na doutrina da Multi-level governance

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    [Purpose] The work aims to investigate the fundamentals of the Due Diligence of Integrity of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - PETROBRAS, as well as to analyze the judiciary decisions about its application and to examine the legality of the procedure based on the doctrine of multi-level governance. [Methodology/approach/design] Bibliographic review of the mentioned theorists and jurisprudential research. [Findings] The present work intends to justify the legality of the Integrity Due Diligence of PETROBRAS by the regulatory competence conferred by the anti-corruption legislation and, later, by the State-Owned Companies law, from the perspective of multi-level governance. [Practical implications] The conclusion can be applied to the governance practices of public companies and mixed-capital companies, which are subjected to the principle of legality.[Purpose] The work aims to investigate the fundamentals of the Due Diligence of Integrity of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - PETROBRAS, as well as to analyze the judiciary decisions about its application and to examine the legality of the procedure based on the doctrine of multi-level governance. [Methodology/approach/design] Bibliographic review of the mentioned theorists and jurisprudential research. [Findings] The present work intends to justify the legality of the Integrity Due Diligence of PETROBRAS by the regulatory competence conferred by the anti-corruption legislation and, later, by the State-Owned Companies law, from the perspective of multi-level governance. [Practical implications] The conclusion can be applied to the governance practices of public companies and mixed-capital companies, which are subjected to the principle of legality.Resumo [Propósito] O trabalho tem como objetivo investigar os fundamentos do Due Diligence de Integridade da Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – PETROBRAS, analisar as decisões do judiciário quando questionado sobre sua aplicação e examinar a legalidade do procedimento com base na doutrina da multi-level governance. [Metodologia/abordagem/design] Revisão bibliográfica dos teóricos mencionados e pesquisa jurisprudencial. [Resultados] O presente trabalho justifica a legalidade do Due Diligence de Integridade da PETROBRAS pela competência regulatória conferida pela legislação anticorrupção e, posteriormente, pela lei das estatais, sob a perspectiva da multi-level governance. [Implicações práticas] As conclusões podem ser aplicadas nas práticas de governança de empresas públicas e sociedades de economia mista, as quais se submetem ao princípio da legalidade

    No palanque : a evolução do discurso dos presidentes brasileiros da ditadura militar à democratização

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Departamento de Jornalismo, Memorial de Projeto Final em Jornalismo, 2012.O presente projeto experimental é uma série de quatro reportagens radiofônicas sobre o discurso dos ex-presidentes brasileiros, da ditadura militar à democratização. A intenção é mostrar a evolução da fala dessas autoridades – tanto na linguagem quanto no conteúdo. Por meio de trechos de pronunciamentos de ex-presidentes e depoimentos de especialistas em linguística e ciência política, este trabalho apresenta as principais mudanças nos discursos dos governantes e expõe, também, aspectos da fala que se mantiveram inalterados apesar das significativas mudanças políticas no contexto da redemocratização brasileira

    Aplicación Actual de los Sistemas Biométricos

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    La Biometría constituye una herramienta criminalística de incalculable valor. Su basamento es, que los seres humanos poseen características morfológicas mensurables que los diferencian de sus iguales, a través de análisis estadísticos de particularidades biológicas individuales y sus fenómenos. Hoy, las Tecnologías de Información nos permiten mensurar informáticamente esas características a través de procedimientos automatizados, dando lugar a los Sistemas Biométricos, que permiten los procesos de identificación: es decir, registrar identidad; y procesos de verificación: de constatar identidades, logrando la identificación dual de las personas para usos civiles y penales, para permitir o negar libre acceso o salidas de un territorio o restringir accesos a sitios físicos o virtuales

    A trajetória presidencial de Collor vista pelo fotojornalismo do correio braziliense, em Brasília, de 1989 a 1992

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    Este trabalho procura, a partir das perspectivas da História Cultural, estudar o tratamento imagético dado pelo fotojornalismo do jornal Correio Braziliense ao candidato e presidente Fernando Collor de Mello, de 1989 a 1992, e revelar o discurso contido nas fotografias. Procura ainda analisar as relações de Collor com a imprensa como forma de confrontar com o tratamento dado a ele pelo Correio Braziliense, bem como analisar a dinâmica jornalística da criação de representações

    Substrate and indolebutyric acid in the rooting of pomegranate cuttings collected in two seasons

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    The pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) presents potential for commercial exploitation as a fruit, ornamental or medicinal plant. However, for its usage in orchards, it is ideal that the seedlings come from vegetative propagation techniques. The aim of this work was to test the usage of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and substrates, at two harvesting times (before and after fruiting) in the cutting propagation of pomegranate. The work was carried out at UTFPR, Campus Dois Vizinhos. The experiments were installed in a randomized block design, in a 4 x 4 factorial scheme (IBA concentration x substrate), with four replications and ten cuttings per experimental unit. IAB was tested at concentrations 0; 1000; 2000 and 3000 mg L-1. The used substrates were Red Latosol, medium textured sand, commercial substrate MecPlant® and a mixture of Red Latosol + sand + commercial (1:1:1, v/v). The cuttings were placed in beds in a screened protected environment, with 50% shading. Irrigation was performed three times a day for 30 min., by a micro sprinkler. After 60 days, rooting (%), cuttings with callus (%), number of primary leaf and root shoots, length of the three largest roots and percentage of dead cuttings were evaluated. Cutting presented itself as a potential technique to be adopted for pomegranate, using sand, with the use of IBA at concentrations between 1600 and 1750 mg L-1. Cuttings must be collected before fruiting. However, rhizogenesis close to 50% was achieved at the time after such phenological stage

    Influence of minimal residual disease by multiparametric flow cytometry at day 15 of induction in risk stratification of children with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated at a referral hospital in southern Brazil

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    Background: The minimal residual disease (MRD) is the most important prognostic factor for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children. This study aimed to investigate the influence of detecting the MRD by the multiparametric flow cytometry (MFC) at day 15 (D15) of the induction on the analysis of the risk group classifications of the different childhood ALL treatment protocols used in a referral hospital in southern Brazil. Method: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients with B-cell ALL, aged 1 to 18 years, treated at a hospital from January 2013 to April 2017. Main results: Seventy-five patients were analyzed. Regarding the MRD by the MFC at D15, the analyses showed statistical significance when the MRD was grouped into three categories, 10%, with the following distribution: 30.7%, 52.0%, and 17.3%, respectively. There was a significant association between D15 MRD-MFC 10% and the likelihood of dying or relapsing. The cumulative hazard ratio for the relapse of patients with D15 MRD-MFC 10% was 19.2%, 59.8%, and 80.1%, respectively. Conclusion: Our analysis suggests D15 MRD-MFC < 0.1% as a cut-off point for patients with more favorable outcomes and that the MRD at D15 in risk classifications is particularly useful for the stratification of patients with a more favorable prognosis

    Herbicide resistance technologies in soybean cultivars

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    The objective of this work was to carry out a technical analysis of the biotechnologies that confer resistance to herbicides in soybeans. Two experiments were carried out (I and II) in the agricultural years 2016/17 and 2017/18, using a randomized block design with six &nbsp;and four &nbsp;replicates. In experiment I, two forms of management in weed control were evaluated for each technology studied (Roundup Ready® and Liberty Link®) and for conventional soybeans, as well as grain yield. In experiment II, the efficiency of using different herbicides to control voluntary soybeans (with and without technology) was evaluated. The pre-emergent herbicides in both managements proposed for the cultivars controlled the weeds from the emergence of the soybean crop to the application of the post-emergent herbicides in both crops. Likewise, all post-emergent herbicides showed weed control above 90% at 14 and 28 days after application. In the evaluation of the chemical control of Garra IPRO voluntary soybean, the herbicide 2,4-D stood out among the others for being more efficient in both agricultural years (above 90%). The herbicides glyphosate, 2,4-D and metsulfuron-methyl are the most effective in controlling voluntary soybean cultivars BRS 284 and CZ16B39LL

    Diminished Expression of Complement Regulatory Proteins on Peripheral Blood Cells from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients

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    CD55, CD59, CD46, and CD35 are proteins with complement regulatory (Creg) properties that ensure cell and tissue integrity when this system is activated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Creg expression on peripheral blood cells from SLE patients and its association with cytopenia and disease activity. Flow cytometric analyses were performed on blood cells from 100 SLE patients and 61 healthy controls. Compared with healthy controls, we observed in SLE patients with lymphopenia and neutropenia decreased expression of CD55, CD59, and CD46 (P < 0.05). In SLE patients with anemia, CD59 and CD35 were decreased on red blood cells. Furthermore, there was a negative correlation between CD55 and CD59 on neutrophils and the disease activity. The results suggest there is an altered pattern of Creg expression on the peripheral blood cells of SLE patients, and the expression is correlated with disease activity and/or with activation of the complement system