2,331 research outputs found

    SIG Tel@ Amazônia: promoting dialogue between specialists and primary care professionals in maternal and child health/ SIG Tel@ Amazônia: promovendo a interlocução entre especialistas e profissionais de Atenção Básica na saúde materno-infantil

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    The Brazilian Indigenous Health Survey showed an increase in birth rates but also found an increase in deaths from malnutrition in early childhood. The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention involving primary care and childcare professionals' training on breastfeeding for indigenous infants. A cross-sectional panel-type descriptive study to assess breastfeeding interventions was conducted in two Special Indigenous Health Districts (SIHDs) of Amazonas State (Upper Rio Solimões and Upper Rio Negro) in 2018. The analysis compared the preintervention (January-June) and postintervention (September-December) periods in the two SIHDs and compared the intervention SIHDs with one SIHD that did not receive the intervention (Middle Rio Purus SIHD). As a result, there was a growth in lactation consultations after the intervention, with a 2,398% increase in Upper Rio Solimões and a 423% increase in Upper Rio Negro. Although the results show no evidence of early weaning, exclusive breastfeeding was ongoing for indigenous infants over six months of age. The participatory focus of the project's awareness-raising workshop guaranteed the health teams' active involvement. The Ministry of Health promotes training activities on the importance of counseling young indigenous women. However, the results show some uncertainty that this service is happening in the indigenous communities served by these SIHDs. Breastfeeding in indigenous peoples presents challenges that require specific public health interventions. Regarding the involvement of leaders and health professionals, there is an expectation of breastfeeding improvements in the region.

    Can the curriculum be used to estimate critical velocity in young competitive swimmers?

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    The aims of the present study were to assess critical velocity using the swimmer curriculum in front crawl events and to compare critical velocity to the velocity corresponding to a 4 mmol·l(-1) of blood lactate concentration and to the velocity of a 30 min test. The sample included 24 high level male swimmers ranged between 14 and 16 years old. For each subject the critical velocity, the velocity corresponding to a 4 mmol·l(-1) of blood lactate concentration and the mean velocity of a 30 min test were determined. The critical velocity was also estimated by considering the best performance of a swimmer over several distances based on the swimmer curriculum. Critical velocity including 100, 200 and 400 m events was not different from the velocity of 4 mmol·l(-1) of blood lactate concentration. Critical velocity including all the swimmer events was not different from the velocity of a 30 min test. The assessment of critical velocity based upon the swimmer curriculum would therefore seem to be a good approach to determine the aerobic ability of a swimmer. The selection of the events to be included in critical velocity assessment must be a main concern in the evaluation of the swimmer. Key pointsCritical velocity using 100, 200 and 400 m events was not different from the velocity of 4 mmol·l(-1) of blood lactate concentration.Critical velocity using all the swimmer events was not different from the velocity of a 30 min test.The assessment of critical velocity based upon the swimmer curriculum seemed to be a good approach to determine the aerobic capacity of a swimmer.The decision on the events to be analysed must be a main concern in the evaluation of the swimmer critical velocity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Capacidade para o trabalho e saúde dos vigilantes de uma Universidade pública

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    Objetivo: evaluar la capacidad para el trabajo y el estado de salud de los guardias de seguridad de una Universidad Pública. Métodos: estudio transversal, descriptivo y analítico llevado a cabo con 119 guardias de seguridad. Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: Índice de Capacidad para el Trabajo (ICT), Cuestionario de salud del paciente (PHQ-9), Cuestionario internacional de actividad física (IPAQ corto), Test de identificación de disturbios en el uso de alcohol (AUDIT), Estudio de resultados médicos (MOS), y Demanda-Control-Apoyo (DCS). Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas para describir las muestras en estudio y se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman para evaluar el ICT. El nivel de significancia fue establecido al 5%. Resultados: las muestras estaban compuestas por hombres, de edad promedio 54.9 años (DE=5.7); el 80% tenia pareja y un 75% tenía educación básica. La mayoría (95%) solamente tenía un trabajo y el promedio de tiempo de servicio era de 24.8 años (DE=11) en un rango entre 3 y 43 años. El 88.9% trabajaban ≤40 horas y el 75% no trabajaban en horarios nocturnos o rotativos. El promedio de puntuación alcanzado en capacidad para el trabajo fue bueno (40.7 puntos), con una correlación significativa en relación al soporte social en el trabajo (valor de p=0.002), condiciones de salud (p=0.094) y síntomas de depresión (p=0.054). Conclusión: este estudio mostró que muchas características afectan la puntuación de capacidad para el trabajo. Considerando los resultados, notamos que se deben promover los hábitos de vida saludable y una reorganización de los ambientes de trabajo.Objetivo: avaliar a capacidade para o trabalho e o estado de saúde dos vigilantes de uma Universidade pública. Métodos: foi desenvolvido um estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico com 119 vigilantes. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (ICT), Questionário sobre a Saúde do Paciente (PHQ-9), Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ curto), Teste de Identificação dos Transtornos Devido ao Uso de Álcool (AUDIT), Escala de Apoio Social utilizada no Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) e Demanda-Controle-Apoio Social no Trabalho (DCS). Foi utilizada estatística descritiva para descrever a amostra do estudo e utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman para avaliar o ICT. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: a amostra foi composta por homens: media de idade de 54,9 anos (DP=5,7); 80% casados e 75% tem ensino fundamental. A maioria (95%) tem apenas um emprego, a méd dia do tempo de servicçoe foi de 24,8 anos (DP=11), variando de 3 a 43 anos. 88,9% trabalhavam ≤ 40 horas e 75% não trabalhavam à noite ou em turnos alternantes. O valor médio da capacidade para o trabalho foi bom (40,7 pontos), com associação significativa com apoio social no trabalho (p= 0,002), condições de saúde (p=0,094) e sinais e sintomas de depressão (p=0.054). Conclusão: esse estudo mostrou que muitas características podem afetar a capacidade para o trabalho. Considerando os resultados, pode-se notar que hábitos de vida saudáveis e a reorganização do ambiente de trabalho devem ser estimulados.Objective: to evaluate the work ability and health status of security guards at a public University. Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study was carried with 119 security guards. The following instruments were used: Work Ability Index (WAI), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ, short), Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Medical Outcomes Study (MOS), and Demand-Control-Support (DCS). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the study samples and the Spearman's coefficient correlation was performed to assess the WAI. Significance level was set at 5%. Results: samples were composed by men; the mean age was 54.9 years (SD=5.7); 80% had partners, and 75% had basic education. The majority (95%) had only one job, the average length of service was 24.8 years (SD=11), ranging from 3 to 43 years. 88.9% worked ≤40 hours and 75% did not work at night shift or rotating shifts. The average score given to work ability was good (40.7 points), with significant correlation to social support at work (p-value=0.002), health conditions (p-value=0.094), and depression symptoms (p-value=0.054). Conclusion: this study showed that many characteristics might affect the work ability scores. Considering the results, we note that healthy life habits and a reorganization of work environments should be encouraged

    Work ability and health of security guards at a public University: a cross-sectional study

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    Objective: to evaluate the work ability and health status of security guards at a public University. Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study was carried with 119 security guards. The following instruments were used: Work Ability Index (WAI), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ, short), Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Medical Outcomes Study (MOS), and Demand-Control-Support (DCS). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the study samples and the Spearman’s coefficient correlation was performed to assess the WAI. Significance level was set at 5%. Results: samples were composed by men; the mean age was 54.9 years (SD=5.7); 80% had partners, and 75% had basic education. The majority (95%) had only one job, the average length of service was 24.8 years (SD=11), ranging from 3 to 43 years. 88.9% worked ≤40 hours and 75% did not work at night shift or rotating shifts. The average score given to work ability was good (40.7 points), with significant correlation to social support at work (p-value=0.002), health conditions (p-value=0.094), and depression symptoms (p-value=0.054). Conclusion: this study showed that many characteristics might affect the work ability scores. Considering the results, we note that healthy life habits and a reorganization of work environments should be encouraged

    Vamos viajar? – uma abordagem da Aprendizagem baseada em Problemas no Cálculo Diferencial e Integral com alunos de Engenharia

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    For many students, the discipline of Differential and Integral Calculus is abstract, difficult, with many mathematical symbolsand boring. This discipline has been responsible for high rates of disapproval and school dropout. Thus, it is important to reflect on the teaching and learning of notions of Calculus, something that was done here and specifically involved applications of derivatives. One possible approach to this discipline is through the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) an active learning methodology. However, there is little research involving this methodology and the discipline of Differential and Integral Calculus. We apply the PBL in engineering classes. The problems chosen involved optimization and derivative applications. We found out that the use of PBL has positive aspects such as increased attention and interest on the part of the students, significant interaction with colleagues, and increased awareness of the need for study and research to solve a real problem. Some unusual situations have occurred, such as solving the problem in a different way than expected, difficulties related to understanding the problem, confusion and errors in the use of previous contents. There was a greater motivation and engagement of most students over a traditional class, and although they presented difficulties, they were able to associate theory with practice. Through the insertion of motivating problems, certain obstacles noted in the teaching and learning of Calculus can be attenuated.La disciplina del cálculo diferencial e integral ha sido responsable de las altas tasas de fracaso y deserción. Por lo tanto, es importante reflexionar sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los conceptos de cálculo. Un posible enfoque para este tema es a través de la metodología activa de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (PBL). Sin embargo, hay poca investigación sobre esta metodología y su uso en disciplinas de cálculo diferencial e integral. En este trabajo, al investigar la práctica en sí, aplicamos BPA en las clases de ingeniería, con el objetivo de responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las potencialidades del uso de BPA en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de contenido derivado en la disciplina del cálculo diferencial e integral I , haciendo posible resolver problemas reales? Los problemas elegidos involucraron aplicaciones de optimización y derivadas. Descubrimos que el uso de PBL tiene aspectos positivos como mejorar la atención e interés de los estudiantes, permitir una interacción significativa con sus compañeros y aumentar la percepción de la necesidad de estudios e investigaciones para resolver un problema real. Se han producido algunas situaciones inusuales, como resolver un problema de formas diferentes a las esperadas, dificultades relacionadas con la comprensión de los problemas, así como confusión y errores en el uso de contenido anterior. La mayoría de los estudiantes estaban más motivados y comprometidos con una clase tradicional, y aunque tenían dificultades, podían asociar la teoría con la práctica. Mediante la inserción de problemas motivadores, se pueden mitigar / superar ciertos obstáculos relacionados con el cálculo de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.A disciplina de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral I tem sido responsável por altos índices de reprovação e evasão. Assim, é importante refletir acerca do ensino e da aprendizagem de conceitos do Cálculo. Uma abordagem possível para essa disciplina é por meio da metodologia ativa Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas – ABP (em inglês, Problem-Based Learning – PBL). Entretanto, há poucas pesquisas envolvendo essa metodologia e sua utilização em disciplinas de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral. Neste trabalho, por meio de investigação da própria prática, utilizamos a ABP em turmas de Engenharia, objetivando responder à seguinte questão: Quais são as potencialidades do uso da ABP no ensino de derivadas na disciplina de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral I, possibilitando a resolução de problemas reais? Os problemas escolhidos envolveram otimização e aplicações de derivadas. Constatamos que o uso da ABP possui aspectos positivos como uma potencialização da atenção e do interesse por parte dos estudantes, a viabilização de uma interação significativa com os colegas, além do aumento da percepção da necessidade de estudos e pesquisas para se resolver um problema real. Algumas situações inusitadas ocorreram, tais como a resolução de um problema de maneiras diferentes da tradicionalmente prevista, as dificuldades relacionadas à compreensão dos problemas, bem como confusão e erros no uso de conteúdos prévios. Houve uma maior motivação e um engajamento da maioria dos estudantes em relação a uma aula tradicional e, embora tenham apresentado dificuldades, eles conseguiram associar a teoria com a prática. Por meio da inserção de problemas motivadores, determinados obstáculos ligados à aprendizagem de Cálculo podem ser atenuados / superados

    Contributions of Mathematical Modelling for Learning Differential Equations in the Remote Teaching Context

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    Background: The study of the use of Mathematical Modeling as a pedagogical alternative has been an emerging research topic and it is directly linked to the importance of improving the teaching and learning of Mathematics and the development of skills. However, few researches in Mathematics Education have been dedicated to investigating the use of Modeling in the Differential Equations course and in the pandemic context. Objectives: Identify and analyse the possible contributions of mathematical modelling activities, in the aspects related to learning and the development of criticality in Engineering students. Design: The research is qualitative in its methodological assumptions, designed from the development, execution, and assessment of four mathematical modelling activities involving 1st and 2nd order ordinary differential equations. Setting and participants: The activities were carried out with 117 undergrad students from nine Engineering degrees at a federal university in the countryside of the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil), enrolled in the Differential Equations I course, in the 1st semester of 2020. Data collection and analysis: Data were collected through the activities carried out, the recording of classes taught remotely, and assessment questionnaires, being analysed through a categorisation made from the confrontation with the theoretical framework that underpinned the research. Results: The results allow us to state that the mathematical modelling activities carried out are rich opportunities for students’ motivation and learning, allowing for a differentiated exploration of the applications of the mathematical contents involved, contributing to a critical interpretation of reality, albeit in an incipient way. Conclusions: Based on the research carried out, we can conclude by highlighting the importance of current and future research in mathematics education in higher education, pointing to a teaching of differential equations that breaks with the traditional model of formula tables and methods of resolution

    Does combined dry land strength and aerobic training inhibit performance of young competitive swimmers?

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    The aim of the current study was twofold: (i) to examine the effects of eight weeks of combined dry land strength and aerobic swimming training for increasing upper and lower body strength, power and swimming performance in young competitive swimmers and, (ii) to assess the effects of a detraining period (strength training cessation) on strength and swimming performance. The participants were divided into two groups: an experimental group (eight boys and four girls) and a control group (six boys and five girls). Apart from normal practice sessions (six training units per week of 1 h and 30 min per day), the experimental group underwent eight weeks (two sessions per week) of strength training. The principal strength exercises were the bench press, the leg extension, and two power exercises such as countermovement jump and medicine ball throwing. Immediately following this strength training program, all the swimmers undertook a 6 week detraining period, maintaining the normal swimming program, without any strength training. Swimming (25 m and 50 m performances, and hydrodynamic drag values), and strength (bench press and leg extension) and power (throwing medicine ball and countermovement jump) performances were tested in three moments: (i) before the experimental period, (ii) after eight weeks of combined strength and swimming training, and (iii) after the six weeks of detraining period. Both experimental and control groups were evaluated. A combined strength and aerobic swimming training allow dry land strength developments in young swimmers. The main data can not clearly state that strength training allowed an enhancement in swimming performance, although a tendency to improve sprint performance due to strength training was noticed. The detraining period showed that, although strength parameters remained stable, swimming performance still improved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lithium intercalation in nanostructured thin films of a mixed-valence layered vanadium oxide using an ionic liquid electrolyte

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    AbstractNanostructured thin films of a mixed-valence, layered vanadium oxide were prepared using layer-by-layer deposition. The thin films were characterized by electronic (UV–vis) spectroscopy, quartz crystal microbalance, profilometry and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The highest charge capacity was obtained for films that consisted of 25 bilayers. The electrochemical characterization of the films was performed in conventional organic solvent and ionic liquid (IL) based electrolytes. The results revealed better performance, in terms of stability during consecutive charge/discharge cycles, when ILs were employed. This can be attributed to several factors, including reduced mechanical stress caused by insertion of more than 1 mol of Li+ per mol of V5+ in the film structure, decrease of crystallinity in the electrode material during the first few charge/discharge cycles and/or formation of a more compatible SEI. Nanostructured thin films of layered vanadium oxide prepared using layer-by-layer deposition showed potential for applications in lithium microbatteries

    The use of neural network technology to model swimming performance

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    to identify the factors which are able to explain the performance in the 200 meters individual medley and 400 meters front crawl events in young swimmers, to model the performance in those events using non-linear mathematic methods through artificial neural networks (multi-layer perceptrons) and to assess the neural network models precision to predict the performance. A sample of 138 young swimmers (65 males and 73 females) of national level was submitted to a test battery comprising four different domains: kinanthropometric evaluation, dry land functional evaluation (strength and flexibility), swimming functional evaluation (hydrodynamics, hydrostatic and bioenergetics characteristics) and swimming technique evaluation. To establish a profile of the young swimmer non-linear combinations between preponderant variables for each gender and swim performance in the 200 meters medley and 400 meters font crawl events were developed. For this purpose a feed forward neural network was used (Multilayer Perceptron) with three neurons in a single hidden layer. The prognosis precision of the model (error lower than 0.8% between true and estimated performances) is supported by recent evidence. Therefore, we consider that the neural network tool can be a good approach in the resolution of complex problems such as performance modeling and the talent identification in swimming and, possibly, in a wide variety of sports. Key pointsThe non-linear analysis resulting from the use of feed forward neural network allowed us the development of four performance models.The mean difference between the true and estimated results performed by each one of the four neural network models constructed was low.The neural network tool can be a good approach in the resolution of the performance modeling as an alternative to the standard statistical models that presume well-defined distributions and independence among all inputs.The use of neural networks for sports sciences application allowed us to create very realistic models for swimming performance prediction based on previous selected criterions that were related with the dependent variable (performance).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efetividade da abordagem "ver e tratar" em lesões pré-invasivas no colo uterino

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness between the see-and-treat (S&T) approach and the conventional one (with prior biopsy) for squamous intraepithelial lesions of uterine cervix. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 900 nonpregnant women with cytology suggestive of high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, between 1998 and 2004. The S&T approach consists of a large loop excision of the transformation zone procedure and is recommended when cytology is suggestive of high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, satisfactory colposcopy with abnormalities compatible with the suspected cytological results, and the lesion is limited to the ectocervix or extends up to one centimeter of the endocervical canal. A subgroup of 336 patients whose colposcopy was considered satisfactory was analyzed, and they were divided into two groups for comparison: patients treated without prior biopsy (n = 288) and patients treated after a biopsy showing high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (n = 48). Patients who were not treated or only treated more than a year later after recruitment at the colposcopy unit were considered dropouts. RESULTS: Of patients recruited during the study period, 71 were not treated or were only treated for at least a year. The overall dropout rate was 7.9% (95% CI: 6.1;9.7). Mean time elapsed between patient recruitment and treatment was 17.5 days in the S&T group and 102.5 days in the prior biopsy group. Dropout rates were 1.4% (95% CI: 0.04;2.7) and 5.% (95% CI: 0;12.3), respectively (p=0.07). The proportion of overtreated cases (negative histology) in the S&T group was 2.0% (95% CI: 0.4;3.6). CONCLUSIONS: The difference in the mean time elapsed between patient recruitment and treatment indicates that S&T is a time-saving approach The proportion of negative cases from using the S&T approach can be regarded as low.OBJETIVO: Comparar a efetividade do método "ver-e-tratar" (V&T) com a abordagem tradicional (biópsia prévia) das lesões escamosas intraepiteliais do colo uterino. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, de 1998 a 2004, com 900 pacientes não gestantes que apresentavam citologia sugestiva de lesão intraepitelial escamosa de alto grau. O método V&T inclui a excisão ampla da zona de transformaçao que é indicada quando a citologia é sugestiva de lesão intra-epitelial escamosa de alto grau, a colposcopia é satisfatória e compatível com a alteração citológica e a alteração colposcópica deve estar limitada à ectocérvice e ao primeiro centímetro do canal cervical. Foi analisado o subgrupo de 336 pacientes com colposcopias consideradas satisfatórias, compreendendo dois grupos para comparação: pacientes tratadas sem biópsia prévia (n=288) versus pacientes tratadas após a biópsia mostrando lesão intraepitelial escamosa de alto grau (n=48). Foram consideradas perdas as pacientes não tratadas ou tratadas apenas um ano ou mais após recrutamento pela clínica de colposcopia, no grupo V&T. RESULTADOS: Das pacientes recrutadas durante o período do estudo, 71 não foram tratadas ou foram tratadas apenas um ano mais tarde, fornecendo uma taxa global de abandonos de 7,9% (IC 95%: 6,1;9,7). O tempo médio entre a captação da paciente e o tratamento foi de 17,5 dias no V&T e 102,5 dias no grupo biópsia prévia. As taxas de perdas foram de 1,4% (IC 95%: 0,04;2,7) no grupo V&T e de 5,9% (IC 95%: 0;12,3) no de biópsia prévia (p=0,07). A proporção de tratamentos desnecessários (histologia negativa) no grupo V&T foi 2,0% (IC 95%: 0,4;3,6). CONCLUSÕES: A diferença de tempo médio entre a captação da paciente e o tratamento indicou que o V&T é um método que poupa tempo. A proporção de casos negativos quando o método V&T foi utilizado pode ser considerada baixa.OBJETIVO: Comparar la efectividad del método "ver-y-tratar" (V&T) con el abordaje tradicional (biopsia previa) de las lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales del colon uterino. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado en la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil, de 1998 a 2004, con 900 pacientes no gestantes que presentaban citología sugestiva de lesión intraepitelial escamosa de alto grado. El método V&T incluye la excisión amplia de la zona de transformación que es indicada cuanto la citología es sugestiva de lesión intraepitelial escamosa de alto grado, la colposcopia es satisfactoria y compatible con la alteración citológica y la alteración colposcópica debe estar limita a la ectocervix y la primer centímetro del canal cervical. Fue analizado el subgrupo de 336 pacientes con colposcopias consideradas satisfactorias, comprendiendo dos grupos para comparación: pacientes tratadas sin biopsia previa (n=288) versus pacientes tratadas posterior a la biopsia mostrando lesión intraepitelial escamosa de alto grado (n=48). Fueron consideradas pérdidas las pacientes no tratadas o tratadas sólo un año o más posterior al reclutamiento por la clínica de colposcopia, en el grupo V&T. RESULTADOS: De las pacientes reclutadas durante el período de estudio, 71 no fueron tratadas o fueron tratadas sólo un año más tarde, suministrando una tasa global de abandonos de 7,9% (IC 95%: 6,1;9,7). El tiempo promedio entre la captación de la paciente y el tratamiento fue de 17,5 días en el V&T y 102,5 días en el grupo biopsia previa. Las tasas de pérdidas fueron de 1,4% (IC 95%: 0,04;2,7) en el grupo V&T y de 5,9% (IC 95%: 0;12,3) en el de biopsia previa (p=0,07). La proporción de tratamientos innecesarios (histología negativa) en el grupo V&T fue 2,0% (IC 95%:0,4;3,6). CONCLUSIONES: La diferencia de tiempo promedio entre la captación de la paciente y el tratamiento indicó que el V&T es un método que ahorra tiempo. La proporción de casos negativos cuando el método V&T fue utilizado puede ser considerada baja