104 research outputs found

    Geography And Health: The Place As Premise Of The Informational Activity Of Primary Care In The Brazilian Unified Health System

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    O presente artigo visa chamar a atenção para a necessidade de se considerar o lugar como uma variável importante da atividade de informação em saúde na Atenção Básica do Brasil. Enquanto processo normatizado e fundamentado no centralismo do Estado e numa metodologia restrita de se enxergar a saúde, a atividade informacional, como é concebida hoje, acaba por minar novas possibilidades de compreender os lugares do país de uma maneira emancipatória, autônoma e que dê voz às forças ascendentes que habitam o cotidiano. Nesse sentido, alertamos para a necessidade de se compreender a saúde na sua relação com os lugares e da influência destes em todos os processos da vida social. Uma nova atividade informacional deve, entretanto, ser capaz de capturar as realidades locais e suas geografias, sendo assim mais susceptível de sucesso, no que diz respeito a garantir a saúde e a vida de todos.25372173

    Geography and health: the place as premise of the informational activity of Primary Care in the Brazilian Unified Health System

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    The aim of this article is to warn the necessity of considering the place as an important variable of the information activity in the Brazilian Primary Care. Informational activity, as a standardized process, based on the State centralism and on a constrained view on health, undermines new opportunities to understand the places of the country in an emancipatory, autonomous way, in which voice is given to the upward forces that inhabit everyday life. Thus, we need to understand health's relationship with places, as well as their influence on all the processes of social life. A new informational activity must be able to capture local realities and their geographies, being, therefore, more likely to ensure health and life for everyone.O presente artigo visa chamar a atenção para a necessidade de se considerar o lugar como uma variável importante da atividade de informação em saúde na Atenção Básica do Brasil. Enquanto processo normatizado e fundamentado no centralismo do Estado e numa metodologia restrita de se enxergar a saúde, a atividade informacional, como é concebida hoje, acaba por minar novas possibilidades de compreender os lugares do país de uma maneira emancipatória, autônoma e que dê voz às forças ascendentes que habitam o cotidiano. Nesse sentido, alertamos para a necessidade de se compreender a saúde na sua relação com os lugares e da influência destes em todos os processos da vida social. Uma nova atividade informacional deve, entretanto, ser capaz de capturar as realidades locais e suas geografias, sendo assim mais susceptível de sucesso, no que diz respeito a garantir a saúde e a vida de todos

    Geografia e saúde: o lugar como premissa da atividade informacional da Atenção Básica do Sistema Único de Saúde

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    The aim of this article is to warn the necessity of considering the place as an important variable of the information activity in the Brazilian Primary Care. Informational activity, as a standardized process, based on the State centralism and on a constrained view on health, undermines new opportunities to understand the places of the country in an emancipatory, autonomous way, in which voice is given to the upward forces that inhabit everyday life. Thus, we need to understand health's relationship with places, as well as their influence on all the processes of social life. A new informational activity must be able to capture local realities and their geographies, being, therefore, more likely to ensure health and life for everyone.The aim of this article is to warn the necessity of considering the place as an important variable of the information activity in the Brazilian Primary Care. Informational activity, as a standardized process, based on the State centralism and on a constra253721735sem informaçãosem informaçãoO presente artigo visa chamar a atenção para a necessidade de se considerar o lugar como uma variável importante da atividade de informação em saúde na Atenção Básica do Brasil. Enquanto processo normatizado e undamentado no centralismo do Estado e numa

    Introduction to thinking of Milton Santos: reflections about the “work of geographer…”

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    It’s usual for scholars and the geographic community in general suggest the book “To a New Geography” as the highlight theory Miltoniana. In the opposite, we understand that the Miltoniano theoretical project has it’s beginning ten years before with the book’s production “The Geographer’s Job in the Third World”. In this sense, the present article seeks make an analyze of this book, having the objective to show that’s from this job of Milton Santos starts to produce several elements which will be changed in books later, ending with the production “ The space’s nature”.É comum aos estudiosos e à comunidade geográfica em geral apontarem o livro “Por uma Geografia Nova” como o marco da teoria miltoniana. Ao contrário, compreendemos que o projeto teórico miltoniano tem seu início dez anos antes com a produção do livro “O Trabalho do Geógrafo no Terceiro Mundo”. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo busca fazer uma análise desse livro, com o objetivo de demonstrar que é a partir dessa obra que Milton Santos começa a lançar vários elementos que serão aprofundados em livros subseqüentes, culminando com a produção “A Natureza do Espaço”

    The Brazilian coast: exploration, occupation and preservation - A comparative study between littoral regions of the States of São Paulo and Rio Grande do Norte

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    This paper is a comparative study of the spaces systems evolution of two zones in the Brazilian coast: Ubatuba (in the São Paulo State, south-eastern Brazil) and Tibau do Sul (in the Rio Grande do Norte State, north-eastern Brazil). These systems changed by successive deteriorations associated to the society evolution. The study researched the changes of the space organization and the social and environmental conflicts characterized for two patterns of territory occupation: the tourism areas (for recreational and tourist uses) and the environmental protected areas (national parks and permanent protection areas).Este artigo propõe um estudo comparativo da evolução dos sistemas espaciais de duas áreas do litoral brasileiro: Ubatuba (Estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil) e Tibau do Sul (Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, nordeste do Brasil). Estes sistemas foram moldados ao longo do tempo por sucessivas alterações em responda à evolução da sociedade. Interessou-nos investigar a evolução da organização espacial dessas localidades sob a ótica dos conflitos sócio-ambientais derivados de dois tipos de ocupação territorial, a turística (pelas residências secundárias) e a ligada à preservação/conservação da natureza (pelas unidades de conservação e áreas de preservação)

    The ileum as a determinant organ of the functional liver cell mass in rats

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate if the ileum resection changes the functioning liver cell mass, the hepatic metabolism and the biodistribution of radiopharmaceutical in rats. METHODS: Twelve Wistar rats weighing 285g±34g were randomly divided into the ileum resection group (n = 6) and sham group rats (n = 6). After 30 days, they were anesthetized and 0.1mL of 99m-Tc-phytate(0.66MBq) was injected via femoral vein. After 30 minutes, blood samples were collected for red blood cells radioactive labeling and serum ALT, AST and gammaGT. Liver samples were used for 99m-Tc-phytatepercentage of radioactivity/gram of tissue and histopathology. Student’s t test was used with significance 0.05. RESULTS: There was a higher uptake of 99m-Tc-phytate in the liver of sham rats, compared to the ileum resection group (p<0.05). GammaGT, ALT and AST were increased in ileum resection rats compared to sham (p<0.05). The he patocytes count was significantly lower in ileum resection group than in sham (p<0.05). Liver: body mass ratio was lower in experimental animals than in sham group (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: These data support that the ileum has important role in liver function and liver mass regulation, and they have potential clinical implications regarding the pathogenesis of liver injury following lower bowel resection

    Provenance of the middle Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Arequipas basin (South Peru) and implication for the geodynamic evolution of the Central Andes

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    The southern Peruvian margin is considered a type locality for long-lived, active continental margin and has been the site of almost continuous subduction since at least the Cambrian. Following Triassic rifting, the southern Peruvian margin is supposed to have experimented extensional backarc setting but definitive evidences are scarce. Unlike other margin, the southern Peruvian margin has not been modified by terrane accretion since the onset of subduction and hence the sedimentary rocks of its adjacent basin may have the potential to record the geodynamic history of the margin between the Mitu Triassic rifting episode and the late Cretaceous onset of compression. In this study, we investigate the provenance of middle Jurassic–Santonian sedimentary rocks deposited in the Southern Peruvian Arequipa basin based on the measurement of 42 Sr-Nd isotopic composition, 993 U-Pb zircons ages and 232 Lu-Hf isotopes. The middle Jurassic formation (Puente and Cachios formations) have mean ÎμNd (0) values between from -8.5 (standard deviation (STD): 0.76) and -9.6 (STD:3.05) and are dominated by Brazilian/Pampean (0.5-0.7 Ga) Greenville/Sunsas (0.9–1.3 Ga) zircon U-Pb peak age which suggest an Eastern Cordillera provenance. An eastern provenance is also confirmed by the presence of juvenile to evolved nature of Hf isotopic Permian zircons that may be sourced by the the Eastern Cordillera. The Labra formation is marked by the first appearance of Triassic-Jurassic zircons from the Chocolate formation and by a strong increase in Famatinian zircon contribution but has similar other zircon age population contributions and Æ•Nd(t=0) values to those of the middle Jurassic formations thus suggesting a mixed provenance between Eastern Cordilera and/or Altiplano and Coastal Cordillera sources. The Titonian Gramadal Formation show similar Æ•Nd(t=0) values but distinct U-Pb zircon age pattern with almost similar contribution from all Precambrian sources of the Amazon craton and Eastern Cordillera which suggest a main source located in the Eastern Cordillera or in the Amazon craton. The presence of Jurassic zircons and dominance of Greenville/Sunsas and Brazilian/Pampean zircons population suggest a mixed provenance with sources located both in Coastal and Eastern cordilleras for the Hualhuani formation (Berrasian). Finally, the Santonian Chilcane Formation has the highest Æ•Nd(t=0) value (-5.5) and is characterized by strong contribution of Andean volcanic arc zircon, Jurassic, Permian, and Famatinian zircons which suggest a that these sedimentary rocks are mainly alimented by the Coastal Cordillera. Our multidisciplinary provenance dataset suggests that the middle Jurassic to early Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Arequipa basin are predominantly sourced by the Eastern Cordillera and to a lesser extent by the Coastal Cordillera. These associated with recent reevaluation of the depositional setting of the Jurassic to early cretaceous formation and the cumulative proportion curves of zircon age distribution suggest that the Arequipa basin tectonic setting is not that of backarc setting but rather reflect a rift like setting

    Provenance sedimentary from Arequipa – Tarapacá Basin, based on U-Pb detrital zircons, and Sm-Nd isotopes: implications for southwestern of Gondwana

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    The beginning of the subduction processes began approximately ~ 530 Ma (Cawood et al., 2005), where an intense magmatism was manifested in the Ordovician that ends at the end of the Devonian (Chew et al., 2007), followed by a process of quiescence magmatic during the Pennsylvanian. The Permico is an assembly of Gondwana where heat accumulation in the Triassic led to a distensive period on a continental scale, which produced the generation of rift processes (i.e. Rift Mitu, Spikings et al., 2016). The closing of the Mitu rift is the reflection of the beginning of an oblique subduction, produced by the subduction of the Farallón oceanic plate under the South American continental plate, this subduction process is known as the beginning of the "Andean Cycle" (Romeuf et al., 1995, Boekhout et al., 2013, Haschke et al., 2006, Ramos & Aleman, 2000, Oliveros et al., 2006). This period is mainly marked by important processes of distention that gave rise to synchronous Mesozoic basins that developed in Western Gondwana. These distension processes were generated by negative roll-back processes (Ramos & Mpodozis., 1989). The Arequipa - Tarapacá basin (Vicente et al., 2006), is an extensive basin developed between 10 ° - 22 ° Lat. South. Where the present work is based on the establishment of sedimentary provenience, for the classic stratotype described by (Jenks, 1945; Vicente et al., 1981) in the valley of the Yura river where approximately ~ 5km of Mesozoic sediments emerge. The present work is based on the presentation of unpublished data of U-Pb in detrital zircons as, Sm-Nd geochemistry in total rock for said sediments. Based on this methodology, we will establish provenance of sediments of the Yura group, as well as the paleogeography of Mesozoic sediments in this portion of the Central Andes

    Repercussões do tempo operatório em pulmões de ratos idosos

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    A duração das operações pode representar um fator importante para uma série de complicações pós-operatórias, especialmente para os indivíduos idosos. Objetivo: estudar a repercussão nos pulmões, de operações de diferentes tempos de duração. Métodos: Vinte ratos idosos (18 meses) e 20 jovens (3 meses) foram separados aleatoriamente em grupos A e B respectivamente. Os grupos foram divididos em A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3 and B4, com cinco ratos cada. Os animais foram anestesiados com pentobarbital (20mg/Kg) intraperitoneal. No subgrupo A1 e B1 foi feita operação com duração de 30 minutos, nos grupos A2 and B2 60 minutos, em A3 and B3 a operação foi feita em 120 minuto e os animais A4 e B4 (controle) não foram operados. O procedimento consistiu de laparotomia xifopubiana que foi aberta e fechada tantas vezes quanto necessário para atingir os tempos estipulados. Após o quinto dia pós-operatório os animais foram mortos com superdose de anestésico e biópsias de ambos os pulmões foram realizadas. Os achados histopatológicos foram transformados em escores. Resultados: os grupos de ratos jovens atingiram os escores: A1= escore 6, A2=11; A3=28; A4=5. Os ratos idosos tiveram os escores: B1=12; B2=34; B3=51 e B4=6. A análise estatística revelou diferenças significantes entre os escores dos grupos A e B. Conclusões: O tempo prolongado nas operações realizadas em ratos idosos contribuiu para o aparecimento de alterações pulmonares de modo significante. Quanto maior o tempo operatório, mais intensas e mais freqüentes as complicações pulmonare

    Municipal Coastal Management and National Policy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Brazilian Marine Biome: A Critical Analysis

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    The Coastal Zone (CZ), declared as National Heritage by the 1988 Federal Constitution, is endowed as an area of strategic importance. Coastal economic activities are responsible for the majority portion of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), linked to ports, fishing, mining (i.e., oil), and tourism. Thus, the intense degradation of natural resources puts both socio-economic sustainability and local populations’ environmental quality at risk. This study presents actors and public policies relevant to Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). It seeks to resolve existing conflicts while respecting the compatibility of coastal uses sustainably, considering that the interrelationships of economic, environmental and social phenomena resulting from the overlapping of the different uses of the Brazilian coast generate different impacts. The study aims to assess municipal coastal management in line with Marine Spatial Plans (MSP), with relevance to the provisions of Bill nº 6969/2013. Such legislation “institutes the National Policy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Marine Biome and associated coastal ecosystems (PNCMar)” and analyses municipal public power, between integral and participant of the integrated coastal management, together with union and state governments, responsible for elaborating, implementing, executing and monitoring their respective Coastal Management Plans. The methodology consists of collecting bibliographic and documentary data and reviewing articles, laws, bills, federal decrees and classic texts that addressed ICZM and MSP. For an integrated, sustainable coastal management, Bill nº 6969/2013 requires adjustments, with coastal municipalities remaining in management in a decentralised, participatory manner to make their local spatial planning instruments compatible.A Zona Costeira (ZC), declarada como Patrimônio Nacional pela Constituição Federal de 1988, é dotada de área de importância estratégica. As atividades econômicas costeiras são responsáveis pela maior parte do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) nacional, vinculadas a portos, pesca, mineração (ou seja, petróleo) e turismo. Assim, a intensa degradação dos recursos naturais coloca em risco a sustentabilidade socioeconômica e a qualidade ambiental das populações locais. Este estudo apresenta atores e políticas públicas relevantes para a Gestão Integrada da Zona Costeira (GIZC). Procura resolver os conflitos existentes respeitando a compatibilidade dos usos costeiros de forma sustentável, considerando que as inter-relações dos fenômenos econômicos, ambientais e sociais decorrentes das sobreposições dos diferentes usos da costa brasileira geram diferentes impactos. O estudo visa avaliar a gestão costeira municipal em consonância com os Planos Espaciais Marinhos (PEM), com relevância para o disposto no Projeto de Lei n.º 6969/2013. Tal legislação “institui a Política Nacional de Conservação e Uso Sustentável do Bioma Marinho e ecossistemas costeiros associados (PNCMar)” e analisa o poder público municipal, ente integrante e participante da gestão costeira integrada, junto aos governos federal e estadual, responsáveis para a elaboração, implementação, execução e monitoramento dos respectivos Planos de Gerenciamento Costeiro. A metodologia consiste na coleta de dados bibliográficos e documentais e na revisão de artigos, leis, projetos de lei, decretos federais e textos clássicos que versavam sobre GIZC e PEM. Para uma gestão costeira integrada e sustentável, o Projeto de Lei nº 6969/2013 requer ajustes, permanecendo os municípios costeiros na gestão de forma descentralizada e participativa para compatibilizar seus instrumentos de ordenamento do território local