15 research outputs found

    How Times of Covid-19 Have Shaken The Foundations of Primary Care

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    The COVID pandemic has presented an exceptional challenge to Primary Care, with unexpected scenarios. Despite being used to move in the uncertainty, this situation has made us rethink multiple organizational, assistance, and competence aspects, discovering weaknesses but also strengths and opportunities. It has been necessary to reorganize, to make quick decisions, in a context of enormous stress and concern. Essential aspects of our practice are based on communication and the principles of bioethics. We have translated into film script format situations experienced with patients and with our colleagues in health centers, in family doctor's offices, in homes, to reflect the value of communication facing the difficulties experienced in the COVID-19 pandemic. We have also raised situations that confronted us regarding ethical conflicts facing highly demanding decision making cases, within a scenario of absolute exceptionality. Communication skills and bioethics are essential tools for dealing with such complex situations where we feel so vulnerable.La pandemia de la COVID ha enfrentado a Atención Primaria a un desafío excepcional, con escenarios inesperados. Aún acostumbrados a movernos en la incertidumbre, esta situación nos ha hecho replantearnos múltiples aspectos organizativos, asistenciales y competenciales, descubriéndonos debilidades, pero también fortalezas y oportunidades. Fue necesario reorganizarse, tomar decisiones rápidas, en un contexto de enorme estrés y preocupación. Aspectos esenciales en nuestra praxis son la comunicación y los principios de la bioética. Trasladamos a formato de guion cinematográfico situaciones vividas con los pacientes y con nuestros propios compañeros, en los centros de salud, en las consultas del médico de familia, en los domicilios, para reflexionar sobre el valor de la comunicación en el afrontamiento de las dificultades vividas en la pandemia COVID-19. Planteamos asimismo situaciones que nos enfrentaron a conflictos éticos ante la toma de decisiones de gran exigencia, en una situación de absoluta excepcionalidad

    Basic guidelines for detecting sedentarism and recommendations for physical activity in primary care

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    La detección del sedentarismo en adultos mediante instrumentos sencillos y útiles es un objetivo primordial tanto en salud pública como en el ámbito clínico, ya que este factor de riesgo es una de las causas más importantes de enfermedad no transmisible en el mundo y es muy prevalente en las sociedades desarrolladas como la española. Se describen 2 instrumentos validados, sencillos y útiles para detectar y/o manejar el sedentarismo en adultos: a) el cuestionario internacional de actividad física en su versión corta, y b) el podómetro, para cuantificar el número de pasos realizados en un día. Aumentar los niveles de actividad física es importante para la prevención primaria de algunas enfermedades crónicas (cardiopatía coronaria, diabetes tipo 2, osteoporosis, cáncer de colon) y para mejorar la calidad de vida. El personal sanitario debe conocer el grado de motivación y la disponibilidad del paciente y su familia para el cambio de conducta hacia la actividad física. Las actividades físicas de intensidad moderada no presentan prácticamente ninguna contraindicación y los riesgos son muy escasos.The detection of physical inactivity in adults, using simple and useful tools is primary objective in both public health and in clinical settings, since this risk factor is one of the major causes of non-communicable disease in the world, and is very prevalent in developed societies such as in Spain. Two validated instruments are described that are simple and useful for detecting and/or monitoring physical inactivity in adults: (i) the international physical activity questionnaire in its short version, and (ii) the pedometer to measure the number of steps taken in a day. Increased levels of physical activity are important for the primary prevention of some chronic diseases (coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, colon cancer) and to improve the quality of life. Medical personnel must determine the motivation level and the availability of patients and their families to change their behavior towards physical activity. Moderate-intensity physical activities have hardly any contraindications and the risks are few

    Implementation of the EIRA 3 Intervention by Targeting Primary Health Care Practitioners : Effectiveness in Increasing Physical Activity

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that physical inactivity (PI) is responsible for 20 to 30% of all non-communicable diseases. We aimed to analyze the effectiveness of a multiple health behavior change (MHBC) intervention to increase physical activity (PA) in patients 45 to 75 years old who had at least 2 of 3 unhealthy behaviors (tobacco use, reduced fruit and vegetable consumption, and insufficient PA). The MHBC intervention is based on the Transtheoretical Model and the conceptual framework of the "5 A's" and includes an individually tailored intervention, group sessions, and the use of community resources. We included 3062 participants, 1481 in the intervention group and 1581 in the control group. After 12 months, there were no differences in PA intensity measured by metabolic_equivalent_of_task_minutes/week (adjusted mean difference: 284.093, 95% CI: −298.24, 866.42) nor in the proportion of participants who increased PA levels to moderate or high (OR: 1.02, 95% CI: 0.85, 1.23; p = 0.822), and no differences in blood pressure, weight loss, or waist circumference. We found an increased proportion of patients in the intervention group who followed the WHO recommendations for PA (OR: 1.29; 95% CI: 1.04, 1.60; p = 0.02). We concluded that the intervention did not lead to a significant increase in PA

    Complex multiple risk intervention to promote healthy behaviours in people between 45 to 75 years attended in primary health care (EIRA study): study protocol for a hybrid trial

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    CDATA[CDATA[Background: Health promotion is a key process of current health systems Primary Health Care (PHC) is the ideal setting for health promotion but multifaceted barriers make its integration difficult in the usual care. The majority of the adult population engages two 01 more risk behaviours, that is why a multiple intervention might be more effective and efficient The primary objectives are to evaluate the effectiveness, the cost effectiveness and an implementation strategy of a complex multiple risk intervention to promote healthy behaviours in people between 45 to 75 years attended in PHC. CDATA[CDATA[Methods: This study is a cluster randomised controlled hybrid type 2 trial with two parallel groups comparing a complex multiple risk behaviour intervention with usual care It will be carried out in 26 PHC centres in Spam The study focuses on people between 45 and 75 years who carry out two or more of the following unhealthy behaviours tobacco use, low adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern or insufficient physical activity level The intervention is based on the Transtheoretical Model and it will be made by physicians and nurses in the routine care of PHC practices according to the conceptual framework of the ''5A''s" It will have a maximum duration of 12 months and it will be carried out to three different levels (individual, group and community) Incremental cost per quality adjusted life year gamed measured by the tanffs of the EuioQo! 5D questionnaire will be estimated. The implementation strategy is based on the ''Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, a set of discrete implementation strategies and an evaluation framework. CDATA[CDATA[Discussion: EIRA study will determine the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a complex multiple risk intervention and will provide a better understanding of implementation processes of health promotion interventions in PHC setting. It may contribute to increase knowledge about the individual and structural barriers that affect implementation of these interventions and to quantify the contextual factors that moderate the effectiveness of implementation

    Guía básica de detección del sedentarismo y recomendaciones de actividad física en atención primaria

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    La detección del sedentarismo en adultos mediante instrumentos sencillos y útiles es un objetivo primordial tanto en salud pública como en el ámbito clínico, ya que este factor de riesgo es una de las causas más importantes de enfermedad no transmisible en el mundo y es muy prevalente en las sociedades desarrolladas como la española. Se describen 2 instrumentos validados, sencillos y útiles para detectar y/o manejar el sedentarismo en adultos: a) el cuestionario internacional de actividad física en su versión corta, y b) el podómetro, para cuantificar el número de pasos realizados en un día. Aumentar los niveles de actividad física es importante para la prevención primaria de algunas enfermedades crónicas (cardiopatía coronaria, diabetes tipo 2, osteoporosis, cáncer de colon) y para mejorar la calidad de vida. El personal sanitario debe conocer el grado de motivación y la disponibilidad del paciente y su familia para el cambio de conducta hacia la actividad física. Las actividades físicas de intensidad moderada no presentan prácticamente ninguna contraindicación y los riesgos son muy escasos

    Primer informe del Observatorio de la Academia de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria de España (AMFE) en la universidad española, 2023

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    Objetivos: conocer el grado de implementación de la Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria (MFyC) en el grado de Medicina de todas las universidades españolas. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal, llevado a cabo entre enero y marzo de 2023. Cuestionario ad hoc, cumplimentado por docentes de las 44 facultades de Medicina (año académico 2022-2023), sobre seis temáticas centradas en la asignatura de MFyC, las prácticas tuteladas, las rotaciones, metodologías docentes y evaluativas, y el profesorado. Resultados: participan 41 facultades (93,2%), 83% públicas y 17% privadas. La asignatura de MFyC está implantada en 34 facultades (82,9%), siendo obligatoria en 32 (94,1%), un 78% del total. La asignatura se denomina Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria solo en 14 facultades (34%) y cuenta con gran variabilidad en créditos ECTS: 3 créditos en 13 facultades (36%) y 6 créditos en 11 facultades (30%). Se imparte en quinto curso en 21 facultades (51%) y en sexto curso en 13 (32%). Hay prácticas tuteladas de MFyC en 28 facultades (68%) y créditos propios en 19 (46%). Mediana duración de 5 semanas. Gran variabilidad en las denominaciones. Coordinación por MFyC en 14 facultades (50%). Hay rotaciones en el centro de salud en 34 facultades (83%), siendo obligatorias en 29 (85%). No hay departamentos de Medicina Familiar, y solo hay unidades docentes universitarias en 4 facultades. Actualmente, hay 3 catedráticos y 13 profesores titulares. Conclusiones: se observa una progresión de la MFyC en la universidad en asignaturas, contenidos y profesorado, pero aún estamos lejos del nivel en el que se encuentran las universidades de otros países. Debilidades: gran heterogeneidad en denominación, contenidos, metodologías, carga docente y estructura. Fortalezas: implementación de metodologías docentes y evaluativas innovadoras

    Implementation of the EIRA 3 Intervention by Targeting Primary Health Care Practitioners: Effectiveness in Increasing Physical Activity

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that physical inactivity (PI) is responsible for 20 to 30% of all non-communicable diseases. We aimed to analyze the effectiveness of a multiple health behavior change (MHBC) intervention to increase physical activity (PA) in patients 45 to 75 years old who had at least 2 of 3 unhealthy behaviors (tobacco use, reduced fruit and vegetable consumption, and insufficient PA). The MHBC intervention is based on the Transtheoretical Model and the conceptual framework of the “5 A’s” and includes an individually tailored intervention, group sessions, and the use of community resources. We included 3062 participants, 1481 in the intervention group and 1581 in the control group. After 12 months, there were no differences in PA intensity measured by metabolic_equivalent_of_task_minutes/week (adjusted mean difference: 284.093, 95% CI: −298.24, 866.42) nor in the proportion of participants who increased PA levels to moderate or high (OR: 1.02, 95% CI: 0.85, 1.23; p = 0.822), and no differences in blood pressure, weight loss, or waist circumference. We found an increased proportion of patients in the intervention group who followed the WHO recommendations for PA (OR: 1.29; 95% CI: 1.04, 1.60; p = 0.02). We concluded that the intervention did not lead to a significant increase in PA


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    Resumen: Desde Lalonde sabemos que los determinantes que más influyen en la Salud de la población son el estilo de vida, la genética y el entorno. La sanidad representa solo el 10% y es el determinante que más recursos consume. Está demostrado que un enfoque salutogénico centrado en los determinantes sociales de la salud y el apoyo de políticas públicas para mejorar el entorno, son más eficientes a largo plazo que la medicina centrada en los hospitales, la tecnología y la superespecialización. La Atención Primaria (AP) que tiene un enfoque centrado en la persona y las familias con una visión comunitaria, es el nivel idóneo para proveer atención sanitaria, y para influir en los estilos de vida. Sin embargo no se invierte en AP. En este artículo revisamos los condicionantes socioeconómicos y políticos que influyen de manera global en la falta de interés en el desarrollo de la AP. Abstract: At Lalonde we know that the determinants that most influence the health of the population are lifestyle, genetics and the environment. Health represents only 10% and is the determinant that consumes the most resources. It has been shown that a salutogenic approach focused on the social determinants of health and the support of public policies to improve the environment are more efficient in the long term than medicine focused on hospitals, technology and super-specialization. Primary Care (PC) that has an approach centered on the person and families with a community vision, is the ideal level to provide health care, and to influence lifestyles. However it is not invested in PC. In this article we review the socioeconomic and political factors that globally influence the lack of interest in the development of PC