539 research outputs found

    Nuclear structure beyond the neutron drip line: the lowest energy states in 9^9He via their T=5/2 isobaric analogs in 9^9Li

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    The level structure of the very neutron rich and unbound 9^9He nucleus has been the subject of significant experimental and theoretical study. Many recent works have claimed that the two lowest energy 9^9He states exist with spins Jπ=1/2+J^\pi=1/2^+ and Jπ=1/2−J^\pi=1/2^- and widths on the order of hundreds of keV. These findings cannot be reconciled with our contemporary understanding of nuclear structure. The present work is the first high-resolution study with low statistical uncertainty of the relevant excitation energy range in the 8^8He+n+n system, performed via a search for the T=5/2 isobaric analog states in 9^9Li populated through 8^8He+p elastic scattering. The present data show no indication of any narrow structures. Instead, we find evidence for a broad Jπ=1/2+J^{\pi}=1/2^+ state in 9^9He located approximately 3 MeV above the neutron decay threshold

    Consistent Conjectural Variations Equilibrium In A Bilevel Human Migration Model

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    In this paper, we develop a bi-level human migration model using the concept of conjectural variations equilibrium (CVE). In contrast to previous works, here we construct a bi-level programming model. The upper level agents are municipalities of competing locations, whose strategies are investments into infrastructures of the locations (cities, towns, etc.). These investments aim at making the locations more attractive for both the residents and potential migrants from other locations. At the lower level of the model, the present residents (grouped into professional communities) are also considered as potential migrants to other locations. They make their decision where to migrate (if at all) comparing the expected values of the utility functions of the destinations and original locations, which are estimated by taking into account their group's conjectures concerning equilibrium migration flows between the involved locations. Applying a special technique to verify the consistency of the conjectures (influence coefficients), the existence and uniqueness results for the consistent conjectural variations equilibrium (CCVE) are established

    Measurement of two-halo neutron transfer reaction p(11^{11}Li,9^{9}Li)t at 3AA MeV

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    The p(\nuc{11}{Li},\nuc{9}{Li})t reaction has been studied for the first time at an incident energy of 3AA MeV delivered by the new ISAC-2 facility at TRIUMF. An active target detector MAYA, build at GANIL, was used for the measurement. The differential cross sectionshave been determined for transitions to the \nuc{9}{Li} ground andthe first excited states in a wide range of scattering angles. Multistep transfer calculations using different \nuc{11}{Li} model wave functions, shows that wave functions with strong correlations between the halo neutrons are the most successful in reproducing the observation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    The role of the g9/2 orbital in the development of collectivity in the A = 60 region: The case of 61Co

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    An extensive study of the level structure of 61Co has been performed following the complex 26Mg(48Ca, 2a4npg)61Co reaction at beam energies of 275, 290 and 320 MeV using Gammasphere and the Fragment Mass Analyzer (FMA). The low-spin structure is discussed within the framework of shell-model calculations using the GXPF1A effective interaction. Two quasi-rotational bands consisting of stretched-E2 transitions have been established up to spins I = 41/2 and (43/2), and excitation energies of 17 and 20 MeV, respectively. These are interpreted as signature partners built on a neutron {\nu}(g9/2)2 configuration coupled to a proton {\pi}p3/2 state, based on Cranked Shell Model (CSM) calculations and comparisons with observations in neighboring nuclei. In addition, four I = 1 bands were populated to high spin, with the yrast dipole band interpreted as a possible candidate for the shears mechanism, a process seldom observed thus far in this mass region

    Initial operation of the recoil mass spectrometer EMMA at the ISAC-II facility of TRIUMF

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    The Electromagnetic Mass Analyser (EMMA) is a new vacuum-mode recoil mass spectrometer currently undergoing the final stages of commissioning at the ISAC-II facility of TRIUMF. EMMA employs a symmetric configuration of electrostatic and magnetic deflectors to separate the products of nuclear reactions from the beam, focus them in both energy and angle, and disperse them in a focal plane according to their mass/charge (m∕q) ratios. The spectrometer was designed to accommodate the γ-ray detector array TIGRESS around the target position in order to provide spectroscopic information from electromagnetic transitions. EMMA is intended to be used in the measurement of fusion evaporation, radiative capture, and transfer reactions for the study of nuclear structure and astrophysics. Its complement of focal plane detectors facilitates the identification of recoiling nuclei and subsequent recoil decay spectroscopy. Here we describe the facility and report on commissioning efforts

    The reactivity of cyclopropyl cyanide in titan's atmosphere: a possible pre-biotic mechanism

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    Cyclopropyl cyanide and other simple nitriles detected in Titan's atmosphere could be precursors leading to the formation of organic macromolecules in the atmosphere of Saturn's largest satellite. Proposing a thermodynamically possible mechanism that explains their formation and supports experimental results represents a difficult challenge. Experiments done in the Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory at the University of Trento (AMPL) have studied the ion-molecule reaction between cyclopropyl cyanide and its protonated form, with reaction products being characterized by mass spectrometry. In addition to the expected ion-molecule adduct stabilized by non-covalent long-range interactions, in this work we prove that another distinct species having the same mass to charge ratio (m/z) of 135 is also produced. Moreover, from a previous study of the neutral cyclopropyl cyanide potential energy surface (PES) which shows a partial biradical character it has been possible to characterize the formation through the bimolecular reaction of a new covalent cyclic organic molecule. Calculations have been carried out at the ab initio Møller-Plesset (MP2) level of theory, ensuring the connectivity of the stationary points by using the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) procedure. In order to characterize the reaction transition state, multireference calculations were done using a complete active space involving six electrons and six molecular orbitals [CAS (6 e, 6 m.o.)]. This study opens the possibility of exploring the formation of new organic molecules by gaseous phase ion-molecule interaction schemes, with such molecules having relevance in interstellar space and in astrobiology (and may be involved in prebiotic molecular evolution)

    Optimization of the Bioactivation of Isoflavones in Soymilk by Lactic Acid Bacteria

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    Soybeans and soy-based products contain isoflavones which can be used for nutraceutical and medical applications. In soybeans and in unfermented soy foods, isoflavones are normally present as glycosides. Isoflavone glycosides can be enzymatically converted to isoflavone aglycones, thus releasing the sugar molecule. The effective absorption of isoflavones in humans requires the bioconversion of isoflavone glycosides to isoflavone aglycones through the activity of the enzyme β-glucosidase. The objective was to assess the capacity of 42 bacterial strains (belonging to Lactobacillus, Streptococcus and Enterococcus) to produce β-glucosidase activity. The strain that showed the highest β-glucosidase activity (Lactobacillus plantarum 128/2) was then used for the optimization of the bioconversion of genistin and daidzin present in commercial soymilk to their aglycone forms genistein and daidzein. The contribution of process parameters (temperature, inoculum size, time) to the efficiency of such bioactivation was tested. Lactobacillus plantarum 128/2 was able to completely bioactivate soymilk isoflavones under the following conditions: 25 °C temperature, 2% inoculum size and 48 h process time. These results confirm the suitability of lactic acid bacteria for the bioactivation of isoflavones present in soymilk and provide an interesting candidate (L. plantarum 182/2) for food industries to perform this transformation.Jon Kepa Izaguirre was the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government

    Dehydrohalogenation and dehydration reactions of i‑C3H7Br and i‑C3H7OH by sodium ions studied by guided ion beam techniques and quantum chemical methods

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    Dehydrohalogenation and dehydration reactions of gas-phase i-C3H7Br and i-C3H7OH molecules induced by collision with Na+, all participants being in their electronic ground state, were studied experimentally in our laboratory using a radiofrequency-guided ion beam apparatus and covering the 0.10-10.00 eV center of mass (CM) energy range. In Na+ + i-C3H7Br collisions the formation of [C3H6-Na]+ and [HBr-Na]+ by dehydrohalogenation was observed and quantified, as well as that of the ion-molecule adduct [Na-i-C3H7Br]+ together with its decomposition products C3H7+ and NaBr. In Na+ + i-C3H7OH collisions the dehydration product [H2O-Na]+ was also found, while [C3H6-Na]+ was hardly detected. Moreover, the [Na-i-C3H7OH]+ adduct formation as well as its decomposition into C3H7+ and NaOH were also quantified. For all these processes, absolute reaction cross sections were measured as a function of the CM collision energy. From measured excitation functions, rate constants for the formation of [C3H6-Na]+, [HBr-Na]+, and [H2O-Na]+ at 303 K were obtained. Complementing the experiments, exhaustive ab initio structure calculations at the MP2 level of theory were performed, giving information on the most relevant features of the potential energy surfaces (PESs) where the dehydrohalogenation, dehydration, and decomposition reactions take place adiabatically for both collision systems. On these PESs different stationary points associated with potential energy minima and transition state barriers were characterized, and their connectivity was ensured using the intrinsic-reaction-coordinate method. The main topology features of the ab initio calculated PESs allowed a qualitative interpretation of the experimental data also exposing the role of the sodium ion as a catalyst in elimination reaction

    Independent measurement of the Hoyle state β\beta feeding from 12B using Gammasphere

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    Using an array of high-purity Compton-suppressed germanium detectors, we performed an independent measurement of the β\beta-decay branching ratio from 12B^{12}\mathrm{B} to the second-excited (Hoyle) state in 12C^{12}\mathrm{C}. Our result is 0.64(11)%0.64(11)\%, which is a factor ∼2\sim 2 smaller than the previously established literature value, but is in agreement with another recent measurement. This could indicate that the Hoyle state is more clustered than previously believed. The angular correlation of the Hoyle state γ\gamma cascade has also been measured for the first time. It is consistent with theoretical predictions
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