241 research outputs found

    Global Citizenship in Higher Education: An Exploration of Students from a Hispanic-Serving Institution in the U.S.A-Mexico Border

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    Alcocer, Luis F. Global Citizenship in Higher Education, an Exploration in Students from a Hispanic Serving Institution in the US-Mexico Border. Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), May 2020, 120 pp.,20 tables, 3 figures, references 103 titles. In this mixed design study, I explored the relationship between participation in short-term study abroad programs and global citizenship. , I and inquired on the meaning making process of Global Citizenship and study abroad in student leaders in a Hispanic-serving Institution located in the US-Mexico border. The theoretical framework is centered in the global citizenship dimensions - social responsibility, global competence and global civic engagement - developed by Morais and Ogden (2011). I collected 1713 (N=1713) responses and classified them in three groups: Study Abroad alumni (n1=98), In ternational experience different than study abroad (n2=1160), and non-international experience (n3=455). Quantitative participants (n=4) were selected and interviewed through purposive sampling. Students with study abroad and international experience different than study abroad reported a statistically significant difference in social responsibility and global competence, and no statistically significant difference in global civic engagement. The qualitive findings reveal that students perceive global citizenship as an ongoing dynamic process that involves empathy, ethics, connection to the community and leadership

    Hispanic Doctoral Students Challenges: Qualitative Results

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    Fifty doctoral students and graduates of a doctoral program in education on the Mexico border responded to five open ended questions which are part of the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate (CID). According to the CID developers, Walker, Golde, Jones, Bueschel and Hutchings, ―the purpose… is to examine the relationship between student experiences in a doctoral program and the outcomes of doctoral education. The responses address the full range of responsibilities which may be expected of a holder of the doctorate, including research, teaching, and the application of knowledge and skills in the discipline to practical problems in the world outside the university.‖ Preliminary analysis of findings indicate that Hispanic doctoral students feel more supported with a structured format to assist them in the development of their proposals, social events to promote bonding of members, and structuring classes to keep cohorts moving forward together through core courses and specialization clusters

    Descriptive Comparison of Hispanic Doctoral Students (2007-2014) with Carnegie Initiative of the Doctorate National Survey Results

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    One hundred doctoral students and graduates of a doctoral program in education on the Mexico border were asked to complete a survey developed by the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate (CID). According to the CID developers, Walker, Golde, Jones, Bueschel and Hutchings, “the purpose of the survey is to examine the relationship between student experiences in a doctoral program and the outcomes of doctoral education. The survey addresses the full range of responsibilities which may be expected of a holder of the doctorate including research, teaching, and the application of knowledge and skills in the discipline to practical problems in the world outside the university.” Fifty percent of those surveyed responded

    Aportaciones a la corología del género Quercus en el Sistema Ibérico meridional

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    Se aportan citas de varios taxones del género Quercus poco conocidos o novedosos en el extremo meridional del Sistema Ibérico.SUMMARY: New records of several rare taxa of the genus Quercus found in the southern extreme of the Iberian Mountains are here reported

    Sistemas aumentativos y alternativos de comunicación en las personas con discapacidad

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    [Resumen] En este artículo se presentan distintos Sistemas de Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa basados en la tecnología, recursos para afrontar un amplio espectro de situaciones comunicativas en personas con diversas discapacidades y en distintas etapas de la vida. Se parte de una visión actual desde la que se comprende que el “sistema de comunicación” no es sólo una alternativa al habla verbal, sino que es complementaria a la misma y que es el uso de múltiples sistemas lo que facilitará el proceso del desarrollo comunicativ

    Análisis de las propiedades físico mecánicas de la losa de concreto en el pavimento rígido adicionando Polvos Industriales, Lima 2021

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    En la actualidad el medio de comunicación más utilizado a nivel mundial son las carreteras debido a la necesidad que tiene las personas en mantenerse comunicados, una de susprincipales características del pavimento rígido es que pueda soportar cargas pesadas pero no está libre de fallas así como ahuellamiento o fisuras. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades físicas mecánicas dela losa de concreto de pavimento rígido con la adición de los polvos industriales. Sellevó a cabo una metodología que partió con la obtención de los materiales posteriormente al laboratorio para los ensayos. Este estudio de investigación fue aplicado con un nivel explicativo, enfoque cuantitativo presentarondos variables y un diseño experimental, la población fue infinita ya que se enfoca en los ensayos para los agregados y la muestra fueron las dosificaciones a evaluar. Se ensayaron 3 especímenes y una muestra patrón. Los resultados mostraron quela trabajabilidad con los polvos industriales fue optima y dieron buenos resultados.La resistencia a la comprensión aumenta al añadirle polvos industriales así como la resistencia a la tracción. Un buen diseño de mezcla también es importante para mejorar las características físicas del pavimento dando resultados satisfactorios

    Propuesta de índice de calidad de suelos para la Reserva de Producción Faunística de Chimborazo.

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    Se propuso índices de calidad de suelos; para el monitoreo edáfico en la Reserva de Producción Faunística de Chimborazo. Se determinó el área de estudio mediante mapas de georreferenciación en donde se limitaron tres áreas importantes: para uso agrícola, áreas de recreación o de turismo y áreas de cuidado especial demarcadas como “No Intervenidas”. Se establecieron las rutas para cada una de las áreas con el propósito de abarcar la máxima extensión posible de la reserva; posteriormente se tomaron muestras de suelos con la técnica de muestreo aleatorio simple y se conformaron tres tipos, y se analizaron en el Laboratorio de Suelos de la Facultad de Recursos Naturales de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, se obtuvieron resultados de acuerdo a los parámetros analizados en los tres tipos de suelos, se estableció una relación entre la afectación que podría estar incidiendo la actividad con respecto a este recurso. Se evaluó y se correlacionó los parámetros de acuerdo a índices de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) y se enmarcó una ponderación por cada parámetro y cada actividad realizando una evaluación cualitativa. Se obtuvieron parámetros como conductividad eléctrica y la materia orgánica, los cuales son los más afectados por la actividad turística. La textura del suelo de la ruta Primer refugio – Templo Machay – Árbol Solitario – Casa Cóndor (Suelo de uso turístico) fue arena franca, velocidad de infiltración fue de 0.13 mm/s o 468 cm/h, de la ruta Bosque Polylepis (Suelo no intervenido) fue arena franca y la velocidad de infiltración 0.25 mm/s o 900 cm/h, y la Ruta Centro de Información – Primer Refugio Ruta Chorrera – Templo Machay (Suelo agrícola) fue franco arenoso y la velocidad de infiltración 0.14 mm/s o 504 cm/h. Se concluye que la mayor incidencia de demanda es la actividad turística; seguida por la actividad agrícola en una ponderación de “extremadamente buena” a “buena”. Se recomienda para futuras investigaciones sobre estudios de desgaste de suelo, cuidado y preservación, ya que estos indicadores relativamente buenos se considerarían un estándar de calidad.Soil quality indexes were proposed; for edaphic monitoring in the Reserve of Fauna Production of Chimborazo. The study area was determined by georeferencing maps where three important areas were limited: for agricultural use, recreation or tourism areas and special care áreas marked as "Not Intervened". Routes were established for each of the areas in order to cover the maximum possible extent of the reserve; Soil samples were then taken with the simple random sampling technique and three types were formed and analyzed in the Soil Laboratory of Natural Resources Faculty of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, results were obtained according to the analyzed parameters in the three types of soils, a relation was established between the affectation that could be affecting the activity with respect to this resource. Parameters were evaluated and correlated according to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) indexes and a weighting was framed for each parameter and each activity by a qualitative assessment. Parameters such as electrical conductivity and organic matter were obtained, which are the most affected by the tourist activity. Soil texture of the route First refuge - Machay Temple - Solitary Tree - Casa Condor (Land for tourism use) was open sand, infiltration velocity was 0.13 mm/s or 468 cm/h, from the route Polylepis Forest (unattended) was the open sand and velocity of infiltration 0.25 mm/s and 900 cm/h, and the Route Information Center - First Refuge Ruta Chorrera - Machay Temple (sandy soil) was sandy and infiltration rate 0.14 mm/s or 504 cm/h. It is concluded that the highest incidence of demand is the tourist activity; Followed by agricultural activity in a weighting of "extremely good" to "good". It is recommended for future research on studies of soil wear, care and preservation, as these relatively good indicators would be considered a quality standard

    An Analysis of A Low-Energy, Low-Water Use Community in Mexico City

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    This study investigated how to determine a potential scenario to reduce energy, water and transportation use in Mexico City by implementing low-energy, low-water use communities. The proposed mixed-use community has multi-family apartments and a small grocery store. The research included the analysis of: case studies, energy simulation, and hand calculations for water, transportation and cost analysis. The previous case studies reviewed include: communities in Mexico City, Mexico, Austin, Texas, Phoenix, Arizona, New York City, New York and San Diego, California in terms of successful low-energy, low-water use projects. The analysis and comparison of these centers showed that the Multifamiliar Miguel Aleman is an excellent candidate to be examined for Mexico City. This technical potential study evaluated energy conserving measures such as low-energy appliances and efficient lighting that could be applied to the apartments in Mexico City to reduce energy-use. The use of the simulations and manual calculations showed that the application of the mixed-use concept was successful in reducing the energy and water use and the corresponding carbon footprint. Finally, this technical potential study showed taking people out of their cars as a result of the presence of the on-site grocery store, small recreation center and park on the ground floor also reduced their overall transportation energy-use. The improvement of the whole community (i.e., apartments plus grocery store) using energy-efficient measures provided a reduction of 70 percent of energy from the base-case. In addition a 69 percent reduction in water-use was achieved by using water-saving fixtures and greywater reuse technologies for the complex. The combination of high-efficiency automobiles and the presence of the on-site grocery store, small recreation center and park potentially reduced the transportation energy-use by 65 percent. The analysis showed an energy cost reduction of 82 percent reduction for apartments and a 22 percent reduction for the store. In addition, for water cost there was a 70 percent reduction for apartments and a 16 percent reduction for the store. Overall, a 64 total percent reduction in carbon dioxide (CO_(2)) was accomplished by saving energy-use in the apartments, the grocery store and transportation. Finally, a guide has been created for Mexico City to establish strategies and actions based on the results of this work in order to reduce overall energy and water-use in Mexico City. The guide is expected to be useful in the short term in Mexico City, and could be potentially adopted in the long term in other countries in the same manner as which Brazil and Colombia adopted the Mexican CONAVI’s 2010 Housing Building Code

    Planktonic bloom-forming Nodularia in the saline Lake Alchichica, Mexico

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    Lake Alchichica displays a characteristic cyanobacterial bloom associated with the onset of the stratification period. It mostly consists of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena. Filaments of Nodularia were straight, usually with an evident colorless, transparent sheath, with gas vesicles and without akinetes. The bloom developed in waters with a conductivity of 13.47 to 14.14 mS/cm. Water column temperature was between 14.1 and 21.2 C, the pH fluctuated between 8.8 and 10.0 and dissolved oxygen between 0 and 9.3 mg/l. The annual mean concentration of N-NO3 was highest in 2001 and lowest in 2000. For P-PO4 the highest mean value was measured in 2002 with the lowest value in 1999. We monitored the bloom throughout four annual cycles. The intensity of growth and extent of the presence of N. spumigena in Lake Alchichica differed among the years. The highest mean density was observed in 2001, while the lowest values were found in 2000. N. spumigena is found regularly during a three-month period, but peak concentrations are reached only for a few weeks. In calm weather and following solar heating, the Nodularia filaments floated to the lake surface, causing the bloom to become apparent. The intensity of growth was correlated with the annual concentrations of N-NO3, indicating the role of the cyanobacteria as a source of new nitrogen to the lake