308 research outputs found

    Immigrants' Assimilation Process in a Segmented Labor Market

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    While much of the literature on immigrants' assimilation has focused on countries with a large tradition of receiving immigrants and with flexible labor markets, very little is known on how immigrants adjust to other types of host economies. With its severe dual labor market, and an unprecedented immigration boom, Spain presents a perfect natural experiment to analyze immigrations' assimilation process. Using data from the 2000 to 2008 Spanish Labor Force Survey, we find that immigrants are more occupationally mobile than natives, and that much of this greater flexibility is explained by immigrants' assimilation process soon after arrival. However, we find little evidence of convergence, especially among women and high skilled immigrants. This suggests that instead of integrating, immigrants are occupationally segregating, implying that there is both imperfect substitutability and underutilization of immigrants' human capital.immigrants' assimilation effects, cohort effects, occupational distributions and mobility, segmented labor markets

    Immigrants' Assimilation Process In A Segmented Labor Market

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    JEL classification: J15, J24, J61, J62kWhile much of the literature on immigrants' assimilation has focused on countries with a large tradition of receiving immigrants and with flexible labor markets, very little is known on how immigrants adjust to other types of host economies. With its severe dual labor market, and an unprecedented immigration boom, Spain presents a quite unique experience to analyze immigrations' assimilation process. Using data from the 2000 to 2008 Labor Force Survey, we find that immigrants are more occupationally mobile than natives, and that much of this greater flexibility is explained by immigrants' assimilation process soon after arrival. However, we find little evidence of convergence, especially among women and high skilled immigrants. This suggests that instead of integrating, immigrants occupationally segregate, providing evidence consistent with both imperfect substitutability and immigrants' human capital being under-valued. Additional evidence on the assimilation of earnings and the incidence of permanent employment by different skill levels also supports the hypothesis of segmented labor markets.Financial support from the Spanish ministry of Education and Science (grant SEJ2006-712) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (grant SGR2005-712) is also gratefully acknowledgedmPeer reviewe

    More than meets the eye: use of computer vision algorithms to identify stone tool material through the analysis of cut mark micro-morphology.

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    Artifcial intelligence algorithms have recently been applied to taphonomic questions with great success, outperforming previous methods of bone surface modifcation (BSM) identifcation. Following these new developments, here we try diferent deep learning model architectures, optimizers and activation functions to assess if it is possible to identify a stone tool?s raw material simply by looking at the cut marks that it created on bone. The deep learning models correctly discerned between fint, sandstone and quartzite with accuracy rates as high as 78%. Also, single models seem to work better than ensemble ones, and there is no optimal combination of hyperparameters that perform better in every possible scenario. Model fne-tuning is thus advised as a protocol. These results consolidate the potential of deep learning methods to make classifcations out of BSM?s microscopic features with a higher degree of confdence and more objectively than alternative taphonomic procedures.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    La defensa jurídica de la Administración local

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    Cultivos energéticos y residuos agro-ganaderos como sustratos para optimizar el potencial de generación de biogás en procesos de digestión anaerobia

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    El estudio de optimización de aquellas condiciones adecuadas para un proceso de digestión anaerobia empleando cultivos energéticos y residuos agroindustriales supone un importante avance en el sector ganadero, y es el tema tratado en el trabajo de Tesis. Por un lado, debido a la baja actividad existente actualmente en cuanto al tratamiento de sustratos en plantas de biogás en España se necesita impulsar esta tecnología. Por otro lado, en literatura se encuentran infinitos estudios acerca de la digestión anaerobia con multitud de sustratos, lo que sucede es que la mayor parte de ellos se realizan a pequeña escala, la cual no es reproducible a escala real ya que en este caso no se reflejan todos los obstáculos o dificultades que supone el escalado. Por ello y en consonancia con el desarrollo de la economía verde, se facilita con este proyecto la puesta a punto de instalaciones generadoras de biogás proporcionando diversas opciones y aportando una garantía de funcionamiento y continuidad. Concretamente, se han llevado a cabo evaluaciones desarrolladas a escala de planta piloto persiguiendo como objetivos reproducir la digestión anaerobia de la forma más sencilla y real posible, y conseguir potenciales de generación de biogás elevados empleando diferentes mezclas de sustratos.The optimization study of initial conditions of an anaerobic digestion using energy crops and agroindustrial waste involves an important progress to livestock sector, and it is the main topic of this study. On the one hand, there are few biogas plants in Spain today. For this reason that technology is necessary to impulse it. On the other hand, a lot of studies about anaerobic digestion employing different substrates are found in literature. However, most of the research papers are performed in a small scale which is not reproducible in a real scale because obstacles or difficulties from a big scale are not reflected. Thus, according to green Economy, this study facilitates the set-up of biogas facilities, provides different mixtures in the feeding and provides a guarantee of operation and continuity of the biogas plant. Specifically, assessments developed in a pilot scale have been studied to get two main aims, a simple replication of anaerobic digestion process, and an elevate biogas yield using different mixture of substrates. The results obtained after evaluating the biogas/methane yield for each substrate help to the optimize the substrates proportion in the feeding

    Solicitud de aplicación del régimen jurídico de los municipios de régimen común

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