15 research outputs found

    Internal fit of two all-ceramic systems and metal-ceramic crowns

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the internal fit (IF) of glass-infiltrated alumina (ICA - In-Ceram Alumina), yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (Y-TZP - IPS e.max ZirCAD), and metal-ceramic (MC - Ni-Cr alloy) crowns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty standardized resin-tooth replicas of a maxillary first molar were produced for crown placement and divided into 3 groups (n=20 each) according to the core material used (metal, ICA or Y-TZP). The IF of the crowns was measured using the replica technique, which employs a light body polyvinyl siloxane impression material to simulate the cement layer thickness. The data were analyzed according to the surfaces obtained for the occlusal space (OS), axial space (AS) and total mean (TM) using two-way ANOVA with Tukey s multiple comparison test (p<0.05). RESULTS: No differences among the different areas were detected in the MC group. For the Y-TZP and ICA groups, AS was statistically lower than both OS and TM. No differences in AS were observed among the groups. However, OS and TM showed significantly higher values for ICA and Y-TZP groups than MC group. Comparisons of ICA and Y-TZP revealed that OS was significantly lower for Y-TZP group, whereas no differences were observed for TM. CONCLUSIONS: The total mean achieved by all groups was within the range of clinical acceptability. However, the metal-ceramic group demonstrated significantly lower values than the all-ceramic groups, especially in OS

    Rib Fracture in Buffalo with Ruminal Cannula

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    Background: Buffalos are very rustic animals that are adapted to adverse conditions, but the lack of adequate management can increase the susceptibility of these animals to several diseases. Rib fracture in this species is usually related to mineral deficiency and complications resulting from unappropriated management. Rib fractures in ruminants are rarely diagnosed and usually present conservative treatment; however, cases with presence of contaminated wounds require extra attention. The objective of this work was to report an atypical case of open fracture of the last rib in a buffalo with ruminal cannula, describing the case from diagnosis to surgical treatment.Case: An adult female water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) that was well fed and receiving minerals, with implantation of a ruminal cannula, presented a lesion around the ruminal cannula, with increasing volume, exudation, and myiasis. Thegeneral parameters and behavior of the animal were apparently normal. The animal presented normal appetite and respiration and good physical condition and nutritional state, with pain reaction to the touch in the region of the lesion andtheir adjacencies; it presented no claudication and reluctance to remain in left lateral decubitus, and no discomfort. The clinical inspection of the cutaneous lesion showed an oblique-type fracture in the body of the last left rib, with exposed bone in the lumbar region and extremity exposed to the ruminal cannula, already presenting necrosis. The region was cleaned, removing larvae (myiasis) for better exposition of the fracture; in the following day, an osteotomy was done to remove exposed bone fragments. A trichotomy, cleaning, and debridement of the lesion and their adjacencies were done, with subsequent sedation and locoregional paralumbar anesthesia with lidocaine for resection of necrotic bone fragments. Cutaneous and muscle syntheses were not done because the region presented permanent contact with the rumen content. The post-operatory management was based on daily cleanings and bandages, with administration of antibiotics every 48 h for 20 days. The total recovery of the animal occurred within 45 days after the surgery.Discussion: Despite rib fractures in buffalos are mainly related to mineral deficiency, the case of the present study showed that these fractures are not always related to pre-existent causes. The clinical signs of the lesion were focal, because they refer to an open fracture that did not caused injuries to other structures, thus not determining an associated symptomatology. Opened rib fractures are rare, and most of them are healed by second intention without veterinary intervention. Regarding open fractures, the decontamination and debridement of a lesion and their adjacencies with removal of necrotic tissuesand use of antibiotics are essential for prevention of infections. When the lesion is in a contaminated region by permanent contact with rumen content, as in this case, daily cleaning with bandages is needed for a best healing, but synthesis oftissues is not indicated because there is a possibility of contamination and formation of abscesses. Therefore, procedures that ensure the decontamination of the wound and prevention of infections with prolonged use of antibiotics are essential for a better healing of open rib fractures in regions that are subjected to constant contamination

    Efeito do desafio ácido nas propriedades superficiais das camadas externa e interna de dentes acrílicos reforçados

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    Resumo Introdução Os dentes acrílicos artificiais devem apresentar característica de resistência aos ácidos, a fim de assegurar a manutenção de suas propriedades, ao longo de sua vida útil. Entretanto, não há estudos disponíveis na literatura pertinente sobre as propriedades superficiais de dureza e rugosidade das diferentes camadas de resina acrílica que compõem os dentes artificiais submetidos a ensaios de erosão simulada. Objetivo Avaliar a dureza e rugosidade superficiais das camadas externa e interna de dentes artificiais acrílicos reforçados submetidos a desafio ácido. Metodologia Molares (SR Postaris e Trilux) seccionados transversalmente foram avaliados inicialmente quanto à dureza Vickers e rugosidade. Esses ensaios foram repetidos após metade das amostras de cada tipo de dente (n=10) ser imersa em água destilada (controle) e outra metade em vinagre durante 15 min/dia por 28 dias. Os resultados foram analisados por ANOVA 2-critérios e teste de Tukey (α=0,05). Resultado A dureza inicial da camada externa dos dois diferentes tipos de dente não sofreu alteração significativa pelo desafio ácido (p>0,05) e a imersão em vinagre não causou efeito deletério à dureza inicial da camada interna dos dois tipos de dentes avaliados (p>0,05). Após 28 dias, a rugosidade inicial de ambos os tipos de dentes estudados, para as duas camadas, não foi alterada com água ou vinagre (p>0,05). Conclusão Os dentes acrílicos reforçados foram resistentes ao desafio ácido uma vez que suas camadas interna e externa não apresentaram alteração significativa de dureza e rugosidade superficiais


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    In recent years concerns have been expressed about the impact of products on the environment. Consumers and manufacturers have directed their attention to environmentally friendly products, energy-saving actions, organic food products, lead-free inks, recyclable paper, non-phosphate detergents, among others. This survey provides a brief review of environmental issues and identifies consumers' sustainable purchasing behavior, their level of awareness about environmental issues and green products according to the variables accessibility, sustainable awareness, brand, price and quality. The data collection was performed with an electronic questionnaire, obtaining 302 respondents. Results revealed that brand is the factor with the greatest influence on sustainable purchasing behavior, not having a concern with price and quality. Accessibility to sustainable products and sustainable consumer awareness also influence their product acquisition practices

    Discursos práticos sobre ocorrências, processos decisórios e decorrências de Conferências Municipais de Saúde

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    Que significados podem ser evidenciados em discursos de participantes de Conferências Municipais de Saúde acerca de tais eventos, seus processos decisórios e decorrências? Para analisar tais discursos práticos, referidos a eventos ocorridos em seis municípios do Ceará em 2007, realizou-se estudo de casos múltiplos, a partir de análise documental, entrevistas e grupos focais, com análise hermenêutica e dialética. Sobre as ocorrências dos eventos, evidenciam-se as oportunidades de expressão e mobilização de alguns grupos de interesses por demandas específicas, em cenários de interlocução competitiva e busca de mediações políticas visando eficácia simbólica eventual. Dentre as decorrências a partir das decisões deliberadas, destacam-se discursos sobre a negligência de governos municipais na incorporação dessas demandas em suas agendas políticas e na implantação de estratégias institucionais correspondentes. Como, também, a ausência de monitoramento a fim por parte dos respectivos Conselhos Municipais de Saúde.What can be elicited from the discourse analysis of Municipal Health Conferences attendees regarding these meetings, its decision-making processes and results? This is a multiple case study of events that took place in six towns in the State of Ceará (Northeast of Brazil) in 2007, based on documental review, interviews and focus groups, with a hermeneutics and dialectic analysis. Throughout these meetings, there are evidences of the voice and the advocacy of groups with specific requests, under a landscape of competitive dialogue and the search of political mediations pursuing symbolical effectiveness. From the decision-making process point of view, the more relevant elements are the statements concerning the negligence of municipal governments on incorporating these resolutions on their political agenda and its corresponding institutional implantation strategies, as well as the absence of supervision by the Municipal Health Councils

    Effect of acid challenge on the surface properties of external and internal layers of cross-linked acrylic teeth

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    <p></p><p>Abstract Introduction Artificial acrylic teeth must be resistant to acids for ensure the maintenance of their properties throughout their useful life. However, there are no studies available in the literature about the surface properties of hardness and roughness of the different layers of acrylic resin that make up the artificial teeth submitted to simulated erosion tests. Objective To evaluate the surface hardness and roughness of external and internal layers of artificial cross-linked acrylic teeth submitted to acid challenge. Methodology First molars (SR Postaris and Trilux) transversely sectioned had its Vickers hardness and roughness initially evaluated. These tests were repeated after half of the tooth samples (n=10) be immersed into distilled water (control) and half in vinegar during 15 min/day for 28 days. Data were analyzed using 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Result The initial external layers hardness of both was not significantly altered by acid challenge (p> 0.05) and the immersion in vinegar caused no deleterious effect on the initial internal layers hardness of the two tested teeth (p>0.05). After 28 days, the initial roughness of both teeth evaluated for the two layers was not affected by water or vinegar (p>0.05). Conclusion The reinforced acrylic teeth were resistant to acid challenge since its internal and external layers showed no significant change in hardness and surface roughness.</p><p></p

    Efetividade de diferentes estratégias de intervenção com ferro nos níveis de hemoglobina e ferritina em escolares de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil Effectiveness of different iron supplementation strategies on hemoglobin and ferritin levels among schoolchildren in Teresina, Piauí State, Brazil

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    O estudo avaliou o efeito das intervenções com sulfato ferroso e com ferro bisglicina quelato nas concentrações de hemoglobina e ferritina sérica em escolares de 7-11 anos, de ambos os sexos, de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Foi desenvolvido ensaio clínico-comunitário, randomizado, envolvendo 138 escolares, com níveis de hemoglobina < 11,5g/dL, alocados, individualmente, em dois grupos de tratamento. Um grupo (n = 71) recebeu 40mg de sulfato ferroso, uma vez/semana, e o outro (n = 67) 3,8mg de ferro bisglicina quelato, fracionados em biscoitos consumidos três vezes/semana, durante oito semanas. Houve um incremento (p < 0,01) médio, nas concentrações de hemoglobina, de 1,1g/dL entre os escolares que receberam sulfato ferroso e de 0,9g/dL para aqueles que receberam ferro bisglicina quelato, embora sem diferença (p > 0,05) na comparação intergrupos. Nenhum impacto foi observado (p > 0,05) nas reservas corporais de ferro. Entretanto, escolares que apresentaram depleção das reservas corporais de ferro (< 15ng/mL), no início dos tratamentos, tiveram aumento (p < 0,01) nas concentrações médias de ferritina sérica, após a intervenção, embora com efeito similar (p > 0,05) entre os grupos de tratamento. Os resultados confirmam a efetividade das intervenções e ratificam o uso do esquema semanal com sulfato ferroso e com ferro bisglicina quelato no tratamento da deficiência do mineral e da anemia ferropriva.<br>This study evaluated the effectiveness of supplementation with ferrous sulfate and iron bis-glycinate chelate on hemoglobin and serum ferritin levels among schoolchildren (7-11 years) of both sexes. A randomized community-based trial including 138 anemic children (hemoglobin < 11.5g/dL) was conducted in Teresina, Piauí State, Brazil. Children were assigned to two treatment groups on an individual basis. One group (n = 71) received 40mg iron as ferrous sulfate once weekly and the other group (n = 67) received 3.8mg of iron bis-glycinate chelate-enriched cookies, 3x/week, for 8 weeks. The interventions showed a significant increase (p < 0.01) in hemoglobin levels (1.1g/dL) for children who received ferrous sulfate and 0.9g/dl in those who received iron bis-glycinate chelate, although not significant in the inter-group comparison (p > 0.05). No effect was observed on body iron for either intervention (p > 0.05). Children with depleted iron stores (< 15ng/mL) at the beginning of interventions showed increased serum ferritin concentrations after 8 weeks (p < 0.01), although no difference between treatments (p > 0.05) was observed. The results confirm the effectiveness of the iron supplementation interventions and corroborate the use of iron salts or ferrous bisglycinate chelate on a weekly basis to overcome iron deficiency and anemia