58 research outputs found

    Desaposentação à luz da doutrina e jurisprudência

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    Analisa-se, primeiramente, a contextualização histórica da seguridade social, com referências à evolução da legislação previdenciária e seus respectivos princípios regentes. Em seguida, são avaliadas as formas de aposentadoria, previstas no regime geral de previdência social, com a especificação de suas modalidades. Por conseguinte, analisa-se se a desaposentação à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e da jurisprudência formada pelos tribunais a respeito. Examina-se se a desaposentação pode ser considerada legítima, na medida em que não há lei específica prevendo tal possibilidade e como os tribunais têm decidido a respeito da possibilidade de renúncia


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    O presente artigo busca proporcionar um diálogo entre as teorias de justiça modernas, em particular o utilitarismo de Bentham, o liberalismo de Nozick e a teoria de justiça de Rawls, sob a perspectiva do desenvolvimento sustentável que busca a simetria entre a prosperidade econômica, a inclusão social e sustentabilidade ambiental. Nesse sentindo, questionamos se as teorias de justiça modernas conseguem ser a gramática para alcançar o objetivo proposto pela dimensão do desenvolvimento sustentável? Segue-se o método crítico dialético e a técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica. Nas considerações finais sinaliza-se que as teorias de justiça moderna não se conciliam com sustentabilidade ambiental

    Low-cost/high-precision smart power supply for data loggers

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    This paper presents a low-cost/high-precision smart power supply for application on data loggers. The microprocessor unit is the brain of the system and manages the events and was optimized to provide electrical energy to the electronic devices under normal operation and under the presence of disruptive events. The measurements showed that when switching either from battery to AC or from AC to battery, neither caused the shutdown of the power supply nor affected the behavior of the power supply. The power supply was able to charge 80% of the battery on a fast recharge of 1 h and the remaining 20% on a slow recharge of 2 h. The current allocated to the battery did not affect the operation of the power supply. The tests also showed that the power supply was able to transmit relevant information about its operation to external computers through a serial connection. This information includes the voltages at the battery and at the output of the voltage regulators, the voltage level of the AC network, the level of the battery charge and if it was being recharged, the current being drained, the internal temperatures at two locations (one measured on the resistor that limits battery charge and another measured on the output diode of the regulators), and whether the cooling system is being used. The total cost of this smart power supply is less than $150, demonstrating good potential for its popularization.This work was partially supported by FCT national funds, under the national support to R&D units grant, through the reference project UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/2020. This research was also partially supported by the FAPESP agency (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) through the project with the reference 2019/05248-7. Professor João Paulo Carmo was support by a PQ scholarship with the reference CNPq 304312/2020-7

    Wireless device with energy management for mlosed-loop deep brain stimulation (CLDBS)

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective and safe medical treatment that improves the lives of patients with a wide range of neurological and psychiatric diseases, and has been consolidated as a first-line tool in the last two decades. Closed-loop deep brain stimulation (CLDBS) pushes this tool further by automatically adjusting the stimulation parameters to the brain response in real time. The main contribution of this paper is a low-size/power-controlled, compact and complete CLDBS system with two simultaneous acquisition channels, two simultaneous neurostimulation channels and wireless communication. Each channel has a low-noise amplifier (LNA) buffer in differential configuration to eliminate the DC signal component of the input. Energy management is efficiently done by the control and communication unit. The battery supports almost 9 h with both the acquisition and stimulation circuits active. If only the stimulation circuit is used as an Open Loop DBS, the battery can hold sufficient voltage for 24 h of operation. The whole system is low-cost and portable and therefore it could be used as a wearable device.This work was partially supported by the FAPESP agency (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) through the project with the reference 2019/05248-7. Professor João Paulo Carmo was supported by a PQ scholarship with the reference CNPq 304312/2020-7

    Estudo sobre os Efeitos do Estado de Emergência no Jornalismo no Contexto da Pandemia Covid-19. Relatório

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    A análise às respostas ao inquérito, realizado entre os dias 22 de maio e 8 de junho de 2020, a 890 profissionais detentores de um título de jornalista ou de equiparado, inscritos na Comissão da Carteira Profissional de Jornalista (CCPJ), dá-nos a imagem geral de que o jornalismo também viveu tempos de confinamento, na sequência das seis semanas em que decorreu a Declaração de Estado de Emergência (DEE), em Portugal. O domicílio dos jornalistas substituiu as redações, o número dos profissionais que deixaram de fazer reportagem aumentou, uma percentagem significativa enfrentou as consequências do lay-off e viu os seus rendimentos ou os do seu agregado familiar baixarem. As tendências de precarização da profissão e a crise dos média agudizaram-se. Estes são alguns dos resultados do Estudo sobre os Efeitos da Declaração do Estado de Emergência no Jornalismo no Contexto da Pandemia Covid-19, uma iniciativa realizada em parceria por investigadores do Centro de Administração de Políticas Públicas e do Instituto de Ciências Sociais, da Universidade de Lisboa, do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, da Universidade do Minho e do Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX, da Universidade de Coimbra, com o apoio da Comissão da Carteira Profissional de Jornalista (CCPJ), do Sindicato de Jornalistas (SJ) e da Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação (Sopcom).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Process optimization of the flaring gas for field applications

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    During petroleum industry operations, burning flammable gas components in the flaring stacks is common, normally a symbol for stable production, but flaring these components creates harmful emissions for the environment. This flaring gas has components with a high quantity of heating power, an important measurement that quantifies the energy that can potentially be obtained from this wasted resource. This paper aims to evaluate the energy usage of the flaring gas, estimating the possible energy produced with this usable resource by modeling a treatment and energy generation process employing the Aspen HYSYS® simulator. The flaring gas is characterized using different models and compositional ranges of natural gas to know what kind of gas it is and identify what type of equipment could be used for treatment and energy generation from this resource. After the gas characterization, the selection of the equipment of treatment and energy generation is necessary; this is done using a multicriteria analysis by taking into consideration the variables of gas composition, electrical efficiency, economic performance, and GHG emissions, ensuring to generate the greatest amount of energy possible to be produced with this flaring gas. By increasing the LHV, 0.95 MMSCF of flared gas of an oilfield in the VMM basin produced 5133 kW, enough energy to supply gas treatment and power generation facilities and four times the total gross consumption energy of a model oilfield in the basin, while the CO2 emissions were reduced 11.4%, and cost savings using this resource instead of diesel were obtained. In conclusion, to minimize flaring and to recover and reuse these waste components, looking for alternatives for the use of this gas-like power generation is an important option that reduces pollutants emission, gives a new source of fuel, and gives an energy usefulness to this wasted resource.This research was funded by PROPESQ/UFPB research edit N◦001/2022 of the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB). The O.H.A.J. was funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), grant numbers 407531/2018-1 and 303293/2020-9. The F.S. was funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), grant number 307588/2020-3. The research was also partially supported by the Portuguese FCT with project reference UIDB/00690/2020 and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020). João Paulo Carmo was supported by a PQ scholarship with the reference CNPq 304312/2020-7info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Subserous lymphangioma of the sigmoid colon: an uncommon cause of acute abdomen in pediatric patients

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    Lymphangioma is a rare, benign lesion derived from a malformation of the lymphatic system, which is more frequently found in the head, neck, and axilla. However, it may be present anywhere in the body, and the diagnosis involves adults as children with some distinct clinical features among them. In pediatric patients, abdominal cystic lymphangioma occurs mostly in the mesentery presenting abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, or, more rarely, hemorrhage. The authors report the case of a child with a short-course history of fever, abdominal pain, and constipation. The physical examination disclosed the presence of an abdominal mass and signs of peritoneal irritation. Imaging was consistent with a cystic lesion compressing the sigmoid colon and laterally displacing the remaining loops. Exploratory laparotomy was undertaken, and a sigmoidectomy, followed by Hartman’s colostomy, was performed. Histological examination revealed the nature of the lesion as a cystic lymphangioma. The authors highlight the clinical features of this entity and call attention to this disease in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen or abdominal pain, mainly in pediatric patient

    Stability and adaptability of herbaceum cotton in the Cerrado of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a estabilidade e a adaptabilidade, e agrupar ambientes de cultivo, com dados de produtividade de oito genótipos do algodoeiro, avaliados em 16 ambientes localizados no Cerrado de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul, na safra 1998/1999. O delineamento utilizado foi em quadrado latino 8x8. As análises individual e conjunta foram realizadas, considerando-se os efeitos de genótipos e ambientes fixos. Os parâmetros foram avaliados pelo método da ecovalência e pelo modelo AMMI. A linhagem CNPA 94773 foi a mais estável e adaptada às condições ambientais. Houve adaptabilidade específica e interação positiva de genótipos a grupos de ambientes: ITA 90 (Campo Novo dos Parecis, Chapadão do Sul, Sorriso, Itiquira e Sapezal); ITA 96, FMT Fetagri e FMT Saturno (Rondonópolis e Pedra Preta); BRS 197 (Nova Mutum, Primavera do Leste e Campo Verde); BRS FACUAL (Quatro Marcos e Campo Verde); CNPA 94773 (Ponta Porã, Sapezal, Alto Taquari e Lucas do Rio Verde) e BRS Antares (Ponta Porã, Alto Taquari e Lucas do Rio Verde).The objective of this work was to analyze stability and adaptability, and to group environments with productivity data of eight cotton genotypes in 16 environments of Cerrado of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, in 1998/1999 harvest. Statistical model used was the simple square 8x8. The individual and combined statistical analysis were performed by considering genotype and environment effects fixed. Parameters of the cultivars or lines were evaluated by the covalence, method and by the AMMI procedure. The lineage CNPA 94773 was the stablest and most adapted to environmental conditions. There was a positive specific adaptability and interaction of the genotypes with the environments: CNPA ITA 90 cultivar (Campo Novo dos Parecis, Chapadão do Sul, Sorriso, Itiquira and Sapezal); ITA 96, FMT Fetagri and FMT Saturno (Rondonópolis and Pedra Preta); BRS 197 (Nova Mutum, Primavera do Leste and Campo Verde); BRS FACUAL (Quatro Marcos and Campo Verde); CNPA 94773 (Ponta Porã, Sapezal, Alto Taquari and Lucas do Rio Verde) and BRS Antares (Ponta Porã, Alto Taquari and Lucas do Rio Verde)