122 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of the Exercises Prepared to Play Zeybek Music on the Violin (The Case of Aydın Kadıoğlu Zeybek)

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the exercises prepared for violin adaptations which are similar to the traditional playing styles of zeybeks. For this purpose, an experimental study was carried out on the Aydın Kadıoğlu Zeybeği sample. The research was conducted with Gazi University Gazi Faculty of Education Department of Fine Arts Education Division of Music Education violin students in the 2017-2018 academic year with a single-group pretest-posttest experimental design. Ten exercises prepared by the researcher were studied with the students within the eight week lesson plan. With Aydın Kadıoğlu Zeybeği Musical Performance Evaluation Scale, students' pretest and posttest recordings were scored by three violin educators. Aydın Kadıoğlu Zeybeği violin adaptation consists of seven measures. A significant difference was found in favor of the posttest in terms of intonation, being able to play the correct note, right-hand techniques, left-hand techniques, and being able to play an acceptable tempo for each measure, both for each criterion and the sum of all criteria. A significant difference was found in favor of the posttest in the sum of all criteria for the entire piece. As a result, it was understood that the exercises prepared for the playing of Aydın Kadıoğlu Zeybeği made a positive contribution to the playing of the piece. When violin adaptations are adapted by adhering to traditional performances used for educational purposes, it is recommended that these adaptations be studied with preparatory exercises

    Investigation of cytotoxic effects of curcuma longa, zingiberaceae and dianthus caryophllus, which are commonly used as food supplements in daily life

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, günlük yaşamda gıda takviyesi olarak kullanılan ve halk sağlığı açısından önemli bir yeri olan zencefil, zerdeçal ve karanfil tohumlarının sağlıklı hücreler üzerinde sitotoksik etkilerini araştırmaktır. İn vitro hücre kültürü çalışması olarak tasarlanan bu çalışmada, bitki özlerinin sağlıklı hücreler üzerindeki etkisini araştırmak için fibroblast hücreleri kullanılmıştır. Sitotoksisiteyi belirlemek için MTT hücre canlılığı testi kullanılmıştır. MTT testi ISO 10993-5 standartlarına göre yapıldı ve MTT yönteminde hücre canlılığı % 70'in altında olduğu hesaplandığında, numunenin sitotoksik potansiyelde olduğu kabul edilmiştir. MTT testinden elde edilen absorbans değerlerine göre hesaplanan canlılık değerleri incelendiğinde; Zencefil ve zerdeçal ekstrelerinin, en yüksek konsantrasyonlar dahil olmak üzere herhangi bir konsantrasyonda sitotoksik olmadığı hesaplanmıştır. Öte yandan, 1:2 oranında karanfil ekstresi konsantrasyonunun sitotoksik ve canlılığın % 26.7 olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda, özellikle karanfil kullanımının zerdeçal ve zencefil ile karşılaştırıldığında sitotoksik etkiye sahip olması bakımından mevcut kullanımıyla, bitkisel gıda takviyeleri açısından dikkate değer olduğu tespit edilmiştir.The aim of this study is to investigate the cytotoxic effects, which have an important place ,in terms of public health as using herbal food supplement, of ginger, turmeric and clove seeds over healthy cells. In this study, designed as an in vitro cell culture study, fibroblast cells were used to investigate the effect of plant extracts on healthy cells. MTT cell viability test was used to determine cytotoxicity. The MTT test was performed according to ISO 10993-5 standards and when the cell viability was calculated to be below 70% in the MTT method, the sample was considered potential cytotoxic. When the viability values calculated according to the absorbance values obtained from MTT test are examined; It was calculated that ginger and turmeric extracts were not cytotoxic at any concentration, including the highest concentrations. On the other hand, it was calculated that 1: 2 concentration of clove extract was cytotoxic and the viability was 26.7%. As a result of this study, it has been found that clove use is remarkable in terms of plant nutritional supplements with its current use in terms of cytotoxic effect compared to turmeric and ginge

    An overview of the polyphony approaches in Turkish Music

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    Bu çalışmada; “Geleneksel Türk Müziğine İlişkin Temel Özellikler”,“Müzikte Çoksesliliğin Tarihsel Gelişim Süreci”, “Çoksesli Türk MüziğininTarihsel Gelişin Süreci”, “Türk Müziğinde Çokseslilik Yaklaşımları” ve“Çokseslilik Yaklaşımlarına İlişkin Örnek Denemeler” başlıkları adı altındagenel bilgilere değinilmiş ve mevcut durum değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.Araştırma kısmen betimsel, kısmen de deneme boyutunda düşünüldüğü içinkarma modelde ele alınıp düzenlenmiştir. Çokseslilik yaklaşımlarına ilişkinolarak ise Hüseyni ve Karcığar makamları ekseninde; tonal sistemde, dörtlüsistemde, karma sistemlerde ve Türk Müziği ses sistemi ekseninde homofonikve polifonik denemeler yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda bazı genellemelerdebulunarak; yapılacak denemelerde makamsal etkiyi bozmaksızın belli birsistematik içerisinde çalışmanın önemi vurgulanmıştır.In this study; “Basic Features of Traditional Turkish Music”,“Historical Development Process of Polyphony in Music”, “HistoricalDevelopment Process of Polyphonic Turkish Music”, “Polyphony Approachesin Turkish Music” and “Sample Essays on Polyphonic Approaches” generalinformation under these titles is mentioned and current situation assessmenthas been made. Since the research is thought to be partly descriptive and partlyexperimental, it has been handled and organized in a mixed model. Regardingpolyphonic approaches, on Tune Hüseyni and Tune Karcığar; in tonal system,quad system, mixed systems and homophonic and polyphonic experiments havebeen carried out on the Turkish Music sound system axis. By making somegeneralizations as a result of the research; the importance of working in acertain systematic without disturbing the cantillation effect was emphasized inthe trials to be carried out

    2006 ilköğretim müzik dersi öğretim programına dayalı olarak hazırlanan öğretmen kılavuz ve öğrenci çalışma kitaplarının uygulamadaki görünümüne yönelik bir değerlendirme

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    The aim of this investigation was to evaluate practicing of teacher's book and student's workbook based on music classes 2006 primary education teaching program of sixth grade.Universe of this investigation consisted of Primary Schools of central districts of Ankara depended on Ministry of National Education. By choosing twenty Primary Schools depended on Çankaya, Etimesgut, Kazan, Keçiören, Yenimahalle districts, sample groups were formed.To analyze all data interview method was used and all data of interview were achieved with the partial intercourse analysis method.After collecting all data, results were acquired about practicing of teacher's book and student's workbook based on music classes 2006 primary education teaching program of sixth grade level taking part within the sample group. To the results, neccessary suggestions for failing sides were offered.Bu araştırma, 2006 ilköğretim müzik dersi 6.sınıf öğretim programına dayalı öğretmen kılavuz kitabı ve öğrenci çalışma kitaplarının uygulamadaki görünümünü değerlendirmek için hazırlanmıştır.Araştırmanın evrenini Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı Ankara ili merkez ilçe ilköğretim okulları, örneklemini ise; Çankaya, Etimesgut, Kazan, Keçiören, Yenimahalle ilçelerine bağlı yirmi ilköğretim okulu oluşturmuştur.  Araştırmada görüşme yöntemi kullanılmış olup; elde edilen verilerin çözümlenmesinde kısmi içerik analizi yöntemi uygulanmıştır.Araştırma sonucuna dayanarak; 2006 ilköğretim müzik dersi 6. sınıf öğretim programına dayalı öğretmen kılavuz ve öğrenci çalışma kitaplarının örneklem grubu dahilin de uygulamadaki görünümüne ilişkin bulgular ortaya koyulmuş, aksayan yönlerine dair gerekli önermelerde bulunulmuştur

    Türk Sanat Müziği dizilerinin bilgisayar destekli makamsal analizi

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    In this study, the scales of Turkish Classical Music was analised in terms of mellodic pattern and it was compared according to the quantitative data. In this inquiry, scale and mellodic pattern features in music formation were pointed and in order to make a musical analysis, mellodic pattern features are transformated into quantitative data. The study is limited by sol stabilized maqam /mode. The study is a qualitative search. In this inquiry, relational scanning model based on determining relation by correlation was used. In order to get quantitative data, oral works of art in song and folk song forms from the repertoire of TRT TSM were used. Relation between the data gained from song and folk song forms was searched statistically according to the significance level. As a result of the search, according to musical analysis; it is determined that the quantitative datas gained from GTSM scales shows parallelism with qualitative datas. It is attained that this method of analysis is tend to make musical denomination.Bu çalışmada; Türk sanat müziği dizileri seyir bakımından incelenmiş ve nicel veriler doğrultusunda karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmada, makam oluşumunda dizi ve seyir özellikleri esas alınmış ve makamsal analiz yapmak için seyir özellikleri nicel veriler haline dönüştürülmüştür. Araştırma, sol kararlı makamlar ile sınırlandırılmıştır. Çalışma nitel bir araştırmadır. Araştırmada, korelasyon yoluyla ilişki saptamaya dayalı ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Nicel verileri elde etmek amacıyla, TRT TSM repertuarı şarkı ve türkü formundaki sözlü eserler kullanılmıştır. Şarkı ve türkü formundan elde edilen veriler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlılık düzeyine göre ilişki aranmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, makamsal analize göre; GTSM dizilerinden elde edilen nicel verilerin nitel verilerle paralellik gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu analiz yönteminin, makamsal adlandırma yapmaya yönelik olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Road traffic injuries and risk factors

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    This study determines the characteristics of Road Traffic Injuries (RTIs) among Qatari drivers and examines the human behavioural and environmental risk factors associated in occurrence of RTIs. This cross sectional survey was conducted in the primary health care centers during the period of February – July 2009. A random sample of 1800 Qatari drivers was approached and 1406 drivers responded and agreed to participate in this study (78.1%). Face to face interview was conducted by well trained research assistants based on a questionnaire. The study revealed that of the studied Qatari drivers (1406), 14.5% of them were injured. Young drivers in the age group (25 – 34) years were more involved in RTIs (35.8%). The RTIs occurred more among male drivers than females with the ratio 1.7:1 (

    Human antral follicles <6 mm: a comparison between in vivo maturation and in vitro maturation in non-hCG primed cycles using cumulus cell gene expression

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    abstract: Within the context of an oocyte in vitro maturation (IVM) program for reproductive treatment, oocyte cumulus complexes (COCs) derived from follicles ,6 mm in patients with PCOS were matured in vitro. Key transcripts related to meiotic maturation (FSHR, LHCGR, EGFR, PGR) and oocyte competence (AREG, ADAMTS, HAS2, PTGS2) were quantified in cumulus cells (CCs) before and after maturation. Control CC samples were collected from PCOS and normo-ovulatory patients who had undergone conventional gonadotrophin stimulation for IVF/ICSI. Additional control samples from a non-stimulated condition were obtained ex vivo from patients undergoing ovariectomy for fertility preservation. Expression data from CCs from follicles with a diameter of ,6 mm before (IVM-CCs) and after in vitro maturation (IVM-CCs) were obtained after pooling CCs into four groups in relation to the percentage of matured (MII) oocytes obtained after 40 h of IVM (0; 40 -60; 61-80; 100% MII) and values were compared with in vivo matured controls (IVO-CCs). Genes encoding key receptors mediating meiotic resumption are expressed in human antral follicles of ,6 mm before and after IVM. The expression levels of FSHR, EGFR and PGR in CCs were significantly down-regulated in the IVO-CCs groups and in the 100% MII IVM group compared with the BM groups; all the receptors studied in the 100% MII IVM group reached an expression profile similar to that of IVO-CCs. However, after maturation in a conventional IVF/ICSI cycle, IVO-CCs from large follicles contained significantly increased levels of ADAMTS1, AREG, HAS2 and PTGS2 compared with IVM-CCs and IVM-CCs; the expression patterns for these genes in all IVMCCs were unchanged compared with IVM-CCs. In conclusion, genes encoding receptors involved in oocyte meiotic resumption appeared to be expressed in CCs of small human antral follicles. Expression levels of genes-encoding factors reflecting oocyte competence were significantly altered in IVM-CCs compared with in vivo matured oocytes from large follicles. Observed differences might be explained by the different stimulation protocols, doses of gonadotrophin or by the intrinsic differences between in vivo and in vitro maturation

    Pre-maturation with cAMP modulators in conjunction with EGF-like peptides during in vitro maturation enhances mouse oocyte developmental competence

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    Recent studies have independently shown that cyclic adenosine 3'5'-monophosphate (cAMP) modulation prior to in vitro maturation (IVM) and epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like peptide supplementation during IVM improve subsequent oocyte developmental outcomes. This study investigated the effects of an IVM system that incorporates these two concepts. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were collected from pre-pubertal mice either 46 hr post-equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) (IVM) or post-eCG + post-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation (in vivo maturation; IVV). IVM COCs were treated with the cAMP modulators forskolin and IBMX for 1, 2, or 4 hr (pre-IVM phase) prior to IVM. COCs then underwent IVM with the EGF-like peptides amphiregulin or epiregulin, or with the common IVM stimulants follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or EGF. A pre-IVM phase increased the size of the subsequent blastocysts' inner-cell-mass compared to standard IVM, regardless of IVM treatment (P < 0.05). Unlike FSH or EGF, amphiregulin or epiregulin significantly increased blastocyst quality (trophectoderm and total cell numbers) and/or yield (P < 0.01) compared to standard IVM, and were the only treatments that produced blastocysts comparable to IVV-derived blastocysts. Forskolin acutely up-regulated EGF-like peptide mRNA expression after a 2-hr pre-IVM phase (P < 0.001), although EGF receptor and ERK1/2 activities were not significantly different than control. IVV-like levels of EGF-like peptide mRNA expression during IVM were maintained only by supplementing with EGF-like peptides and EGF, since expression levels induced by FSH were significantly lower in vitro than during IVV. However, EGF receptor and ERK1/2 phosphorylation levels were not significantly different across treatment groups. In conclusion, a pre-IVM phase in conjunction with IVM in the presence of EGF-like peptides endows high oocyte developmental competence, as evidenced by increased embryo yield and/or quality relative to FSH and EGF.D. Richani, X. Wang, H. Zeng, J.E.J. Smitz, J.G. Thompson, and R.B. Gilchris

    Regulation of sheep oocyte maturation using cAMP modulators

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    Physical removal of mammalian cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) from ovarian follicles results in spontaneous resumption of meiosis, largely because of a decrease in cAMP concentrations, causing asynchrony between cytoplasmic and nuclear maturation and decreased oocyte developmental competence. The aim of this study was to modulate cAMP concentrations within ovine COCs to delay spontaneous nuclear maturation and improve developmental competence. Abattoir-derived sheep COCs were cultured for 2 hours (pre-IVM) in 100 μM forskolin (FSK) plus 500 μM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). Pre-IVM (100 μM FSK and 500 μM IBMX) culture increased COC cAMP concentrations 10-fold compared with controls (P < 0.05). With regard to nuclear maturation, with FSK and IBMX and/or with FSH and cilostamide delayed completion of meiosis (metaphase II) by 3 to 4 hours compared with standard IVM (FSH-stimulated induction of meiosis). In this study, pre-IVM (with FSK and IBMX) followed by IVM (with FSH and cilostamide), increased ovine COC cAMP concentrations and delayed, but did not inhibit, completion of nuclear maturation. This did not affect embryo development rates, but increased total cell number of blastocysts compared with IVM with FSH alone (103 ± 6 vs. 66 ± 4 cells, respectively; mean ± SEM; P < 0.05). We inferred that regulation of ovine oocyte cAMP concentrations during IVM improved embryo quality compared with embryos produced by standard IVM methods.Ryan D. Rose, Robert B. Gilchrist, Jennifer M. Kelly, Jeremy G. Thompson, Melanie L. Sutton-McDowal