526 research outputs found

    Comparação das categorias espaciais por meio de sistemas lingüístico e pictórico em pré-escolares de diferentes grupos sócio-econômico-culturais

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    A research into a system, related to psycholinguistics, which is to be applied to a CEAPE program for preschool-age children is described. The choice fell upon spacial representation through linguistic and pictorial systems. A cross-section of ages was studied (from 3 to 6). Sample children came from 3 groups: those from a CEAPE program, a control group of children not covered by CEAPE and a high level socio-economic group from the city of S. Paulo, Brazil. The differentiating power of the items was studied in the 3 groups. With regard to socio-economic-cultural level and stimulation, significant differences in linguistic understanding to the advantage of the high level socio-economic-cultural group were observed Percentages of categories in which all subjects, answered correcty were respectively: 41.7% (S. Paulo), 30.6% (CEAPE) and 25.0% (non-CEAPE). Ninety-five percent of the members of the 3 groups gave correct answers to 50.0% (S. Paulo), 47.2% (CEAPE) and 36.1% (non-CEAPE) of the items, respectively.Foi investigado um sistema discriminativo relacionado à psicolingüística a ser aplicado no Programa Centro de Educação e Alimentação de Pré-Escolar (CEAPE). Optou-se por explorar a representação espacial por meio de sistemas lingüístico e pictórico. A amostra estudada foi constituída de 105 crianças de 3 a 6 anos e meio pertencentes a três grupos: do Programa CEAPE, de um grupo controle "Não-Ceapense" e de um outro de nível sócio-econômico alto da cidade de São Paulo. Estudou-se o poder discriminativo das perguntas nos três grupos de pré-escolares. Em relação às variáveis, nível sócio-econômico-cultural e estimulação, houve diferenças significativas para testes de compreensão lingüística em favor do grupo de alto nível sócio-econômico-cultural. As percentagens de categorias dominadas por 100% dos componentes dos três grupos foram, respectivamente: 41,7% (São Paulo), 30,6% (CEAPE) e, 25,0% (não CEAPE); 95% dos componentes dos três grupos dominaram, respectivamente, 50,0% (São Paulo), 47,2% (CEAPE) e 36,1% (não CEAPE) das categorias

    Evaluation of linear tomography and cone beam computed tomography accuracy in measuring ridge bone width for planning implant placement

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    The development of oral implantology has led to the establishment of various image-acquisition methods as important surgical diagnosis tools, such as linear (LT) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), indicated for planning implant placement surgeries. However, there still is little information in the literature regarding details on the difference between the accuracy of these methods. Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the difference between the accuracy of LT and CBCT in measuring ridge bone width. Methods: A sample of ten human skulls was used, totaling 40 edentulous sites, marked with 2-mm gutta-percha balls in the buccal and lingual plates. Buccal-lingual measurements of ridge width were performed on the images of both tomography types. Direct caliper measurements were used as control values, to which all LT and CBCT measurements were compared. Results: CBCT images showed significantly more accurate results in comparison with the direct caliper measurements (p<0.05). Conclusions: CBCT proved more reliable than LT regarding ridge bone measurements for dental implant planning.peer-reviewe

    Valores como predictores de satisfacción con la vida en los jóvenes

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    Numa perspectiva funcionalista, os valores são uma expressão cognitiva das necessidades humanas, princípios que orientam o comportamento para metas mais pessoais, sociais ou gerais de vida, cujo impacto psicossocial merece mais investigação. Neste estudo, analisou-se em que medida o tipo de orientação dos valores prediz a satisfação com a vida de 562 jovens portugueses (n = 303, 53,9% mulheres), com idades entre 14 e 22 anos (M = 16,9, DP = 1,71), que frequentam o ensino médio: via profissionalizante (63,7%) e regular (36,3%). Os jovens completaram o Questionário de Valores Básicos e a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida. Os resultados da análise de regressão linear indicam que a orientação dos valores explica menos de um quarto da variabilidade da satisfação com a vida, o que suscita a necessidade de se analisar o seu poder explicativo em conjunto com outras variáveis, por exemplo, de personalidade e sociocognitivas.In a functionalist perspective, values are a cognitive expression of human needs as well as principles that guide behaviors to personal, social or general life goals, whose psychosocial impact deserves more investigation. This study aimed to analyze whether the type of values orientation predicts life satisfaction in 562 Portuguese youths (n = 303, 53.9% women) aged 14 to 22 years (M = 16.9; SD = 1.71), attending high school studies, being 63.7% technical and (36.3%) regular high school.Students completed the Basic Values Survey and the Satisfaction With Life Scale. The results of the linear regression analyzes indicate that the values orientation explains less than a quarter of life satisfaction variability, which indicated the need to further analyze its explanatory power together with other variables, such as, personality and socio-cognitive.Desde el punto de vista funcional, los valores son una expresión cognitiva de las necesidades humanas, principios que orientan el comportamiento hacia metas más personales, sociales o generales de vida, cuyo impacto psicosocial necesita más investigación. En este estudio se analizó en qué medida el tipo de orientación de los valores predice la satisfacción con la vida de 562 jóvenes portugueses (n = 303, 53.9% mujeres), con edades entre 14 y 22 años ( = 16.9, P = 1.71) que frecuentan Enseñanza Secundaria: profesional (63.7%) y normal (36.3%). Los jóvenes completaron el Cuestionario de Valores Básicos y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida. Los resultados del análisis de regresión lineal indican que la orientación de los valores explica menos de una cuarta parte de la variabilidad de satisfacción con la vida, lo que plantea la necesidad de analizar su poder explicativo, junto con otras variables, por ejemplo, de personalidad y socio-cognitivas.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of Bacteria and Fungi DNA Abundance in Human Tissues

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    Whereas targeted and shotgun sequencing approaches are both powerful in allowing the study of tissue-associated microbiota, the human: microorganism abundance ratios in tissues of interest will ultimately determine the most suitable sequencing approach. In addition, it is possible that the knowledge of the relative abundance of bacteria and fungi during a treatment course or in pathological conditions can be relevant in many medical conditions. Here, we present a qPCR-targeted approach to determine the absolute and relative amounts of bacteria and fungi and demonstrate their relative DNA abundance in nine different human tissue types for a total of 87 samples. In these tissues, fungi genomes are more abundant in stool and skin samples but have much lower levels in other tissues. Bacteria genomes prevail in stool, skin, oral swabs, saliva, and gastric fluids. These findings were confirmed by shotgun sequencing for stool and gastric fluids. This approach may contribute to a more comprehensive view of the human microbiota in targeted studies for assessing the abundance levels of microorganisms during disease treatment/progression and to indicate the most informative methods for studying microbial composition (shotgun versus targeted sequencing) for various samples types

    Five new species of Ectobiidae (Blattodea) collected in the Reserva Ducke, Amazonas, Brazil

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    Herein we describe five new species of the Ectobiidae subfamilies Pseudophyllodromiinae (Amazonina spiculata sp. nov., Amazonina spinostylata sp. nov., Cariblatta duckeniana sp. nov., Cariblatta manauensis sp. nov.) and Nyctiborinae (Nyctibora nigra sp. nov.), collected in the Reserva Ducke, Manaus, state of Amazonas. The specimens were collected from litter, fallen logs, branches, and foliage. We illustrate the male genitalia of the new species

    Regionalização e Rede de Atenção à Saúde em Mato Grosso

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    Este estudo analisa a estruturação da Rede de Atenção à Saúde nas regiões de saúde do estado de Mato Grosso, considerando as ações planejadas nos instrumentos de gestão do governo do estado e da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde (SES), nos anos de 2012 a 2017, em conformidade com as diretrizes da Portaria MS/GM nº&nbsp;4.279, de 30 de dezembro de 2010, que orienta o processo de conformação das redes de atenção à saúde no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, de natureza exploratório-descritiva, do tipo documental, que analisou os documentos públicos referentes ao planejamento do governo na especificidade do setor de saúde, o que inclui o Plano Plurianual, o Plano Estadual de Saúde e o Plano Estratégico da SES. Os achados do estudo mostram que, embora algumas ações/atividades relacionadas às diretrizes da portaria estivessem contempladas nos documentos pesquisados, ainda não foram suficientes para o estabelecimento de uma rede de atenção regionalizada de qualidade e para o fortalecimento da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) com capacidade de ser coordenadora do cuidado e ordenadora da rede no estado de Mato Grosso.This study analyzes the structuring of the Health Care Network in the health regions of the state of Mato Grosso, considering the actions planned in the management instruments of the State government and the State Department of Health (SES), in the years of 2012 to 2017, in accordance with the guidelines of Ordinance MS/GM No 4.279, of December 30, 2010, which guides the process of conformation of Health Care Networks within the scope of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). This is a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study, of documentary type, which analyzed the public documents related to government planning on the specificity of the health sector, which includes the Pluriannual Plan, the State Health Plan and the Strategic Plan of the SES. The findings of the study show that, although some actions/activities related to the guidelines of the Ordinance were included in the researched documents, they were not yet sufficient for establishing a quality regionalized care network and for strengthening the Primary Health Care (PHC) with the capacity to coordinate care and order the network in the state of Mato Grosso