242 research outputs found

    Publics spéciaux: promotion du tourisme accessible dans les marais salants/ Atelier

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    No âmbito do Projeto ECOSAL ATLANTIS, foi realizado, pela Universidade de Aveiro o workshop Públicos Especiais - Promoção do Turismo Acessível nas Salinas. O desenvolvimento deste workshop teve como premissa a cada vez maior procura das salinas para fins turísticos e de lazer, uma vez que estes locais apresentam um ambiente de tranquilidade que pode proporcionar momentos de lazer e bem-estar de elevada qualidade aos visitantes. No entanto, os espaços naturais onde se localizam as marinhas e estes mesmos locais apresentam algumas dificuldades em termos de mobilidade/ acessibilidade para as pessoas com necessidades especiais. (...)En el marco del proyecto ATLANTIS ECOSAL, la Universidad de Aveiro llevó a cabo el Taller Públicos Especiales - Promoción del Turismo Accesible en las Salinas. El desarrollo de este taller tuvo como premisa la creciente demanda de las salinas para fines turísticos y recreativos, ya que estos sitios ofrecen un ambiente de tranquilidad que puede proporcionar momentos de ocio y bienestar de alta calidad a los visitantes. Sin embargo, los espacios naturales donde se localizan las salinas presentan dificultades en términos de movilidad/ accesibilidad delas personas con necesidades especiales. (...)In the scope of ECOSAL ATLANTIS Project, it was realized, by Universidade de Aveiro, the workshop Special Public the Promotion of Accessible Tourism in Saltpans. The development os this Project had, as a premise, the increasing demand of the saltpans both as a touristic and leisure purpose, in the extent that these sites can offer a pleasant environment and high-quality moments of leisure and wellness to its visitors. However, saltpans and their involving sites have some obstacles in terms of accessibility/ mobility to disabled people. (...)Dans le cadre du Project ECOSAL ATLANTIS, l'Université d'Aveiro a organisé l'atelier Publics Spéciaux - Promotion d'un Tourism Accessible dans les Marais Salants. Le développement de cet atelier a eu comme prémices l'augmentation de la demande d'utilisation des marais salants à des fins touristiques et de loisir, ces sites offrant une ambiance paisible, propice à des moments de loisir et de bien être de haute qualité aux visiteurs. Cependant, les espaces naturels où se situent les marais salants et leurs sites associés présentent quelques difficultés en termes de mobilité/ accessibilité pour des personnes handcapées. (...

    Unveiling the Catalyzing Power of Emotional Intelligence over General Intelligence and Learning Performance

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    La present tesi investiga el paper catalitzador de la intel·ligència emocional (IE) comportamental, sobre la relació entre la intel·ligència general, o g, i l'acompliment en la aprenentatge. La tesi comprèn tres articles empírics, encapçalats per una introducció global - on es presenta el marc teòric general - i un últim capítol dedicat a la discussió general dels resultats, limitacions, implicacions pràctiques i recomanacions per a la investigació futura. Tots els estudis es basen en la població de graduats de gestió en una escola de negocis líder a Europa. El primer article verifica la validesa i la fiabilitat de la mesura de múltiples avaluadors de comportament de la IE, l'Inventari de Competències Emocionals i Socials (ESCI), i qüestiona si hi ha certs tipus d'avaluadors (per exemple, en els contextos personals i professionals ), que són més aptes per avaluar determinades competències. Mentre verifica la hipòtesi que hi ha un ordre sistemàtic en les avaluacions, també mostra com algunes competències com la consciència de l'organització o l'autocontrol emocional són millor assessorats pels avaluadors amb una relació simètrica amb la persona (per exemple, amics, col·legues de treball). El segon article mou l'enfocament per a la relació entre la conducta de l'IE i una mesura d'intel·ligència general, el Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), per preguntar si aquests constructes són prou divergents per assegurar la validesa discriminant de l'IE comportamental. La contribució més important d'aquesta tesi es presenta en el tercer article. Desenvolupem i vam provar un model d'interacció tasca-dependent per inspeccionar el paper moderador de la IE sobre la relació entre la intel·ligència general i l'acompliment en la aprenentatge quan dos tipus diferents de tasques, relacionades amb dos dominis cognitius antagònics – social i no social (o material) –, son realitzats. Amb base en una mostra de 864 candidats internacionals de MBA, els resultats revelen que, a part d'un efecte positiu de les competències emocionals i socials en l'exercici de professionals executius a l'aula, aquestes competències moderen la relació entre g i l’acompliment en la aprenentatge. Mentre trobem evidències que en tasques no socials, l'IE comportamental té un efecte més fort en l'acompliment en la aprenentatge dels alumnes que estan caracteritzats per un baix nivell de g, les nostres dades dan poc suport a la hipòtesi principal per la qual, en les tasques socials, la IE té un efecte catalitzador o promotor de la relació entre les capacitats cognitives i l'acompliment en l'aprenentatge. Per facilitar la discussió d'aquests resultats hem realitzat entrevistes ex-post en grups d'enfocament amb tres equips de candidats d'MBA. En aquestes entrevistes hem descobert un problema més profund relacionat amb la naturalesa individualista dels sofisticats sistemes de treball, amb els quals els candidats MBA realitzen les seves tasques d'equip. De fet, per forma a gestionar múltiples treballs, els MBA intenten minimitzar el temps d'interacció i discussió en els seus equips, i no arriben a experimentar una efectiva col·laboració entre tots, amb diàleg i intercanvi d'idees, ajudant-se uns als altres, junts en un propòsit comú d'aprenentatge. El capítol final ofereix un debat general sobre els resultats dels tres articles empírics, reconeixent les seves limitacions i debatent idees de fructíferes oportunitats per a futures investigacions. En concret, presentem implicacions pràctiques dels nostres resultats, i suggerim dissenys específics d'investigació i certs contextos en què el model d'interacció tasca-dependent podrà reunir més evidències i estimular la futura creació d'investigació innovadora.La presente tesis investiga el papel catalizador de la inteligencia emocional (IE) comportamental, sobre la relación entre la inteligencia general, o g, y el desempeño en la aprendizaje. La tesis comprende tres artículos empíricos, encabezados por una introducción global – donde se presenta el marco teórico general- y un último capítulo dedicado a la discusión general de los resultados, limitaciones, implicaciones prácticas y recomendaciones para la investigación futura. Todos los estudios se basan en la población de graduados de gestión en una escuela de negocios líder en Europa. El primer artículo verifica la validez y la fiabilidad de la medida de múltiples evaluadores de comportamiento de la IE, el Inventario de Competencias Emocionales y Sociales (ESCI), y cuestiona si hay algunos tipos de evaluadores (ej., en los contextos personales y profesionales), que son más aptos que otros para evaluar ciertas competencias. Mientras se verifica la hipótesis de que hay un orden sistemático en las evaluaciones, también se muestra cómo algunas competencias tales como la conciencia de la organización o el autocontrol emocional son mejor asesoradas por los evaluadores con una relación simétrica con la persona (ej., amigos, colegas de trabajo). El segundo artículo mueve el enfoque sobre la relación entre la IE comportamental y una medida de inteligencia general, el Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), para cuestionar si estos constructos son lo suficientemente divergentes como para asegurar la validez discriminante de la IE comportamental. La contribución más importante de esta tesis se presenta en el tercero artículo. Desarrollamos y probamos un modelo de interacción tarea-dependiente para inspeccionar el papel moderador de la IE sobre la relación entre la inteligencia general y el desempeño en la aprendizaje cuando dos tipos distintos de tareas, relacionados con dos dominios cognitivos antagónicos – social y no social (o material) –, son realizados. Con base en una muestra de 864 candidatos internacionales de MBA, los resultados revelan que, aparte de un efecto positivo de las competencias emocionales y sociales en el desempeño de profesionales ejecutivos en el aula, estas competencias moderan la relación entre g y el desempeño en la aprendizaje. Mientras encontramos evidencias de que en tareas no sociales, el IE comportamental tiene un efecto más fuerte en el desempeño en la aprendizaje cuando los alumnos están caracterizados por un bajo nivel de g, nuestros datos dan poco suporte a la hipótesis principal por la cual, en las tareas sociales, la IE tiene un efecto catalizador o promotor de la relación entre las capacidades cognitivas y el desempeño en el aprendizaje. Para facilitar la discusión de los resultados hemos realizado entrevistas ex-post en grupos de enfoque con tres equipos de candidatos de MBA. En estas entrevistas hemos descubierto un problema más profundo relacionado con la naturaleza individualista de los sofisticados sistemas de trabajo, con los cuales los candidatos MBA realizan sus tareas de equipo. De hecho, por forma a gestionar múltiplos trabajos, los MBA intentan minimizar el tiempo de interacción y discusión en sus equipos, y no llegan a experimentar una efectiva colaboración entre todos, con dialogo y intercambio de ideas, ayudándose unos a los otros, juntos en un propósito común de aprendizaje. El capítulo final ofrece un debate general sobre los resultados de los tres artículos empíricos, reconociendo sus limitaciones y debatiendo ideas de fructíferas oportunidades para futuras investigaciones. En concreto, presentamos implicaciones prácticas de nuestros resultados, y sugerimos diseños específicos de investigación y ciertos contextos en el que el modelo de interacción tarea-dependiente podrá reunir más evidencias y estimular la futura creación de investigación novedosa.The present thesis investigates the catalyzing role of behavioral emotional intelligence (EI) over the relationship between general intelligence, or g, and learning performance. It comprises three empirical articles embedded within an overarching introduction - including an overall theoretical framework - and a final chapter dedicated to the general discussion of findings, limitations, practical implications and avenues for future research. All studies are based on the population of management graduates at a leading European business school. The first article verifies the validity and reliability of a multi-rater measure of behavioral EI, the Emotional and Social Competencies Inventory (ESCI), and inquires whether certain types of raters (e.g., in the personal and professional contexts), are relatively more apt than others, to assess specific competencies. While it confirms the hypothesis that there is a systematic order in ratings, whereby personal raters observe a higher degree of leniency bias than professional ones, it also shows how some competencies such as organizational awareness or emotional self control are best assessed by raters with a symmetric relationship with the person (e.g., friends, work peers). The second article shifts the focus onto the relationship between behavioral EI and a measure of general intelligence, the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), to inquire whether these different but related constructs are divergent enough to assure the discriminant validity of behavioral EI. The most important contribution of this thesis is presented in the third article. We develop and test a task-dependent interaction model to inspect the moderating role of EI over the relationship between general intelligence and learning performance when two distinct types of tasks, engaging two antagonistic cognitive domains – social and non-social (or material) tasks –, are undertaken. Based on a sample of 864 international MBA candidates, the results reveal that, aside a positive main effect of emotional and social competencies on the classroom performance of professional executives, these competencies moderate the relationship between g and learning performance. Whereas we find evidence that in non-social tasks, behavioral EI has a stronger effect on learning performance among candidates characterized with a low g, our data shows little support to the principal hypothesis, whereby in social tasks EI catalyzes or improves the relationship between cognitive abilities and learning performance. To aid the discussion of these findings we conduct ex-post focus groups with 3 teams of MBA candidates, and uncover a deeper problem tied with the individualistic nature of the sophisticated work systems students implement to get through their team assignments. Indeed, in order to cope with multiple requests they strive to minimize the actual interaction and group discussion with their teams, bypassing the opportunity to engage in real teamwork – that is to collaborate and help one another in their shared learning purpose. The concluding chapter stirs an overarching discussion on the results from the three empirical articles, acknowledging their limitations and offering insights of fruitful opportunities for future research. Specifically, we draw practical implications from our findings, and suggest specific research designs and context settings wherein the task-dependent interaction model we develop may gather further evidence and stimulate novel research

    Spatial mobility of U and Th in a U-enriched area (Central Portugal)

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    Uranium and thorium are toxic in different environments. The exploitation of uranium mines and associated mine drainage leaching towards streams, sediments, and soils cause relevant pollution. The U-mine areas present high concentrations of potentially toxic elements with several consequences to ecosystems and human health. Physicochemical and potentially toxic elements of mine dumps, stream sediments, and soils from the Canto Lagar uranium mine area (Central Portugal) were analyzed. Stream sediments, soils, and mine dumps show a large range in the concentration values of Fe, U, As, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Th, suggesting geological and mine contributions. Most of the selected potential toxic elements from sediments present a low to moderate contamination degree, except for As, W, and U, which vary between high and very high contamination index. The soils must not be used in agricultural or residential activities due to contamination in As and U. This abandoned mine represents an environmental risk due to the spatial mobility and dispersion of potentially toxic elements from the dumps to the sediments and soils, as well as by surface runoff and wind.This research was funded by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., grant number FCT FRH/BPD/64921/2009 and Nano-MINENV PTDC/CTA-AMB/29259/2017

    Environmental risk evaluation of potential toxic elements in stream sediments – Monfortinho area (Central Portugal)

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    Os elementos potencialmente tóxicos (EPT) em sedimentos de corrente constituem uma importante ferramenta na avaliação do risco ambiental na influência de depósitos minerais. A região de Monfortinho está localizada na bacia hidrográfica do rio Erges, que faz fronteira com Espanha. Desde a época romana, que se conhecem evidências da exploração de ouro sedimentar nesta região do país, a qual tem vindo a desaparecer ao longo do tempo. Na avaliação da distribuição espacial de EPT selecionados – As, B, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, V e Zn - foram analisadas 217 amostras de sedimentos de corrente. Os sedimentos de corrente mostram uma elevada variabilidade na concentração dos EPT, podendo concluir-se que os valores mais elevados se relacionam com as mineralizações de Au na região de Monfortinho, bem como, com as de Sn-W que ocorrem nas proximidades. A maioria dos EPT apresenta um fator de contaminação moderado, embora para o Ba, Cr e B este seja elevado a muito elevado; o que se reflete num grau de contaminação moderado a elevado para a área de estudo. Na influência dos vários EPT, a maioria da área mostra um índice de resposta à toxicidade baixo, embora em 5% das amostras este seja moderado.Potentially toxic elements (PTE) of stream sediments are an important tool in environmental risk assessment associated with mineralized deposits. εonfortinho is in the watershed of the Erges river, a transboundary river with Spain. Since Roman period, there is evidence of sedimentary gold exploitation in this region, which has ceased over time. To define a spatial distribution of selected PTE - As, B, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, V and Zn - β17 samples of stream sediments were analysed. Stream sediments show a high PTE contents variability, suggesting that the highest values are related to the Au mineralization in εonfortinho, as well as the Sn-→ mineralization’s around the study area. Almost stream sediments show a moderate PTE contamination factor, although for Ba, Cr and B has a very high contamination; which is reflected in a moderate to high degree of contamination in the area. All the PTE contribution indicate a low toxic response index for the area, although for 5% of stream sediments indicate a moderate associated toxicity.Os autores agradecem ao δNEG (atual representante dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal) pela cedência dos dados. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito do ICT – Universidade do εinho (Braga).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigating the Function of Arginine Methylation at Two Mutated Sites of CBP by CARM1

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    Supervision and mentoring in higher education: Dynamics of success

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    INTRODUCTION. Based on the inherent benchmark of mentoring and perceptoring, and conscious of the challenge of reducing the estimated school dropout rate of 12% for the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV), the main aim of the project Supervision and Mentoring in Higher Education: Dynamics of Success (SuperES) is to promote the development of pedagogical supervision skills with focus on teacher – student dyads, and thus enhance the quality of teaching in the IPV. The direct bene*ciaries are the IPV assistants, and subsequently the students, who will bene*t from a pedagogical didactic literacy program (Cunha et al., 2017). OBJECTIVE. To promote the pedagogical supervision skills of the IPV assistants, which can reduce failure and school dropouts. METHODS. The sample will consist of approximately 210 assistants and 900 students. The methodology is based on an experimental research with two groups: the experimental group, which will receive training, and the control group. To monitor the e+ectiveness of the program, a battery of questionnaires will be applied before and after its implementation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Of the 17 activities executed, the evaluation of the pedagogical supervision skills is highlighted. They are: (i) the construction/implementation/ evaluation of the SuperES Program; (ii) the construction of a computer platform/ website – Didactics & School Supervision: Caixa Geral de Ajudas; (iii) the creation of a tool, “Supervision +”, used for the self-monitoring of pedagogical skills. CONCLUSIONS. The SuperES program integrates a research action that aims to implement/ test training and research tools on the process of pedagogical supervisioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Escala de Resiliência para Adultos (ERA)

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    CLIL training guide: creating a CLIL learning community in higher education

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    The ReCLes.pt CLIL Training Guide presents the theoretical and practical basis for the creation of a CLIL Learning Community of foreign language teachers and subject teachers with the topics organized across four chapters. In Chapter 1, the objectives and structuring of the ten hours of sessions and the learning outcomes are presented with an introduction to CLIL design in higher education (HE), forms of interdisciplinary cooperation/collaboration, and a number of models for classroom management. Chapter 2 provides enriching material to help teachers bett er understand the principles of a CLIL Learning Community and CLIL itself, including interactive and student-centered methodologies, a focus on oral interaction and critical dialogue, suggested activities, and the key points for organizing a successful CLIL module. In Chapter 3, on CLIL materials and resources, sections cover the defi nition and examples of scaff olding and activating prior knowledge as well as the selection and adaptation of scaff olding materials, including the use of electronic media and a terminology-based approach. The proposed terminology-based approach focuses on the collection, description, processing, and systematic representation of concepts and their designations. As such, the use of terminology can become a key construct in CLIL teaching, involving the search, production, use, and dissemination of information. International organizations, networks, and multinational professional communities are involved in these steps within the global communication process, providing real motivation for students participating in the CLIL learning process. The final chapter …Livro Financiado por FCT no âmbito do programa ‘Partilha e Divulgação de Experiências em Inovação Didática no Ensino Superior Português’info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio