196 research outputs found

    O processo de transição no enfermeiro português emigrante no Reino Unido

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    Apesar de Portugal sempre ter sido um país de emigrantes, atualmente este fenómeno atingiu dimensões nunca antes observadas, apresentando também características diferentes dos ciclos anteriores. Motivada por vários fatores, assiste-se a uma saída em massa de pessoas altamente qualificadas, nomeadamente os enfermeiros. O Reino Unido surge como o país de destino mais escolhido por este grupo profissional e, dados do Observatório de Emigração, revelam que, só em 2014, estavam inscritos no Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), o congénere da Ordem dos Enfermeiros no Reino Unido, 3.155 enfermeiros portugueses. Estes profissionais, na sua maioria, estão a vivenciar uma experiência inédita, a emigração, com consequentes alterações variadas e complexas nas suas vidas e que podem gerar instabilidade e vulnerabilidade. O presente estudo qualitativo, do tipo exploratório e descritivo, de cariz transversal, teve como objetivos: conhecer este grupo de enfermeiros portugueses, compreender o motivo que os leva a emigrar, compreender como estão a responder a este processo de transição, quais os fatores que facilitam e dificultam esse processo, que estratégias adotam para gerir as situações adversas e quais as implicações desta vivência no seu autocuidado, saúde e bem-estar. Este estudo assume particular relevância, na medida em que poderá representar um contributo a longo prazo, com vista à implementação de estratégias que se traduzam numa ajuda efetiva a estas pessoas, favorecendo a sua saúde e o seu bem-estar. Recorreu-se à entrevista semiestruturada, procurando auscultar, à luz da Teoria das Transições de Meleis, um grupo de onze enfermeiros que se encontrava emigrado no Reino Unido. Tratou-se de uma amostra jovem, maioritariamente do sexo feminino, solteiros e sem filhos, e com pouca experiência profissional. Os resultados apurados permitem-nos afirmar que a transição é gradual e morosa, ocorrendo em simultâneo com outras transições, do tipo situacional e desenvolvimental. Apenas um dos indivíduos alvo do estudo mostrou encontrar-se na fase final do processo, ou seja, na fase de mestria, que pressupõe o domínio da situação e o alcançar do equilíbrio e bem-estar. Os restantes encontravam-se ainda a vivenciar a transição migração. Os principais motivos que levaram este grupo de enfermeiros portugueses a emigrar foi o desemprego e a impossibilidade de progredir na carreira em Portugal, assim como a busca por melhores condições de vida. O conhecimento da língua inglesa e do país de destino, a estabilidade a nível de emprego, a melhoria da condição económica e o apoio por parte dos enfermeiros portugueses já presentes no Reino Unido, revelaram-se fatores fundamentais para uma transição saudável. Pelo contrário, o afastamento da família, as diferenças na prática da Enfermagem, e o facto de terem sido alvo de comportamentos considerados discriminatórios, por parte dos ingleses, desempenharam um papel dificultador no processo

    A Igreja Católica e os partidos democratas-cristãos em contextos de transição para a democracia : os casos de Portugal e Espanha : 1974-1982

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    A presente tese centra-se no triângulo Igreja católica/partidos democratascristãos/ Estado, tendo como objecto o estudo dos partidos democratas-cristãos como instrumento de mediação da relação da Igreja católica com o Estado nos contextos de transição para a democracia em Portugal (1974-1982) e Espanha (1975-1982). Adoptando uma perspectiva institucionalista, procuramos averiguar a estratégia política da Igreja católica face aos partidos democratas-cristãos, centrando-nos para tal nos episcopados português e espanhol. Entendemos como partidos democratas-cristãos, os partidos políticos que assumiram a referência democrata-cristã durante os processos de transição para a democracia nos países peninsulares: o Partido da Democracia Cristã (PDC) e o Centro Democrático Social (CDS), em Portugal; e os partidos de âmbito nacional da Equipo Demócrata Cristiano del Estado Español (EDCC), a Federación Popular Democrática (FDP) de Gil Robles e a Izquierda Democrática (ID) de Ruiz Giménez, e o Partido Demócrata Cristiano (PDC) de Fernando Álvarez de Miranda, que integrou, em Maio de 1977, a coligação eleitoral denominada Unión de Centro Democrático (UCD), em Espanha. Começamos por recordar as dinâmicas do triângulo Igreja católica/partidos democratas-cristãos/Estado no final dos regimes autoritários. Em seguida, analisamos o comportamento das hierarquias eclesiásticas peninsulares face ao novo Estado e à nova classe política nos respectivos países; e se apoiaram, ou porque não apoiaram os partidos democratas-cristãos em formação, em particular nas primeiras eleições de âmbito nacional. A constituição dos partidos democratas-cristãos, os seus contactos e relações com a hierarquia eclesiástica e os seus programas eleitorais são estudados com o objectivo de averiguar se foram, ou como foram um instrumento de mediação na relação da instituição eclesial com o novo Estado. Por último, averiguamos como os episcopados peninsulares se posicionam face ao novo regime, ao novo Estado em afirmação, na sua globalidade, e aos partidos constituídos

    Turnaround do grupo EFACEC

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    A Work Project, presented as a part of the requirements from the Award of MBA-Master in Business Administration from the NOVA-School of Business and Economic

    Enhanced detection of tuberculous mycobacteria in animal tissues using a semi-nested probe-based real-time PCR

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    Bovine tuberculosis has been tackled for decades by costly eradication programs in most developed countries, involving the laboratory testing of tissue samples from allegedly infected animals for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) members, namely Mycobacterium bovis. Definitive diagnosis is usually achieved by bacteriological culture, which may take up to 6-12 weeks, during which the suspect animal carcass and herd are under sanitary arrest. In this work, a user-friendly DNA extraction protocol adapted for tissues was coupled with an IS6110-targeted semi-nested duplex real-time PCR assay to enhance the direct detection of MTC bacteria in animal specimens, reducing the time to achieve a diagnosis and, thus, potentially limiting the herd restriction period. The duplex use of a novel β-actin gene targeted probe, with complementary targets in most mammals, allowed the assessment of amplification inhibitors in the tissue samples. The assay was evaluated with a group of 128 fresh tissue specimens collected from bovines, wild boars, deer and foxes. Mycobacterium bovis was cultured from 57 of these samples. Overall, the full test performance corresponds to a diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of 98.2% (CIP95% 89.4-99.9%) and 88.7% (CIP95% 78.5-94.7%), respectively. An observed kappa coefficient was estimated in 0.859 (CI P95% 0.771-0.948) for the overall agreement between the semi-nested PCR assay and the bacteriological culture. Considering only bovine samples (n = 69), the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were estimated in 100% (CI P95% 84.0-100%) and 97.7% (CIP95% 86.2-99.9%), respectively. Eight negative culture samples exhibiting TB-like lesions were detected by the semi-nested real-time PCR, thus emphasizing the increased potential of this molecular approach to detect MTC-infected animal tissues. This novel IS6110-targeted assay allows the fast detection of tuberculous mycobacteria in animal specimens with very high sensitivity and specificity, being amenable and cost effective for use in the routine veterinary diagnostic laboratory with further automation possibilities.publishersversionpublishe

    A look into the Past, Embracing the Future

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    UID/HIS/04209/2019The International Multidisciplinary Congress - Web of Knowledge: A look into the Past, embracing the Future was held by IHC-CEHFCi, HERCULES Laboratory and CIDEHUS, University of Évora and took place in Évora, Portugal, from 17 to 19 May 2018.1 The Congress brought together researchers and scientists from different backgrounds intersecting the Exact Sciences with the Social Sciences revealing the visible and invisible networks. By fostering the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the study of the past, the Congress laid the framework for the present day science on which to map the future Web of Knowledge. A high-quality scientific programme was prepared, joining together experts from different fields covering a wide range of topics from Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities to Science and Technology. As a result of the quality of the panels and debates, the Organizing Committee decided to publish a digital and open access volume with blind peer-reviewed papers. This volume publishes a total of thirty-five contributions which reflect the innovative and multidisciplinary research occurring at the moment in different fields of knowledge, promoting visibility and networks of knowledge.publishersversionpublishe

    Web of Knowledge: A look into the Past, Embracing the Future

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    The International Multidisciplinary Congress - Web of Knowledge: A look into the Past, embracing the Future was held by IHC-CEHFCi, HERCULES Laboratory and CIDEHUS, University of Évora and took place in Évora, Portugal, from 17 to 19 May 2018.1 The Congress brought together researchers and scientists from different backgrounds intersecting the Exact Sciences with the Social Sciences revealing the visible and invisible networks. By fostering the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the study of the past, the Congress laid the framework for the present day science on which to map the future Web of Knowledge. A high-quality scientific programme was prepared, joining together experts from different fields covering a wide range of topics from Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities to Science and Technology. As a result of the quality of the panels and debates, the Organizing Committee decided to publish a digital and open access volume with blind peer-reviewed papers. This volume publishes a total of thirty-five contributions which reflect the innovative and multidisciplinary research occurring at the moment in different fields of knowledge, promoting visibility and networks of knowledge.Câmara Municipal de Évora, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Whole Genome Sequencing Refines Knowledge on the Population Structure of Mycobacterium bovis from a Multi-Host Tuberculosis System

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    Classical molecular analyses of Mycobacterium bovis based on spoligotyping and Variable Number Tandem Repeat (MIRU-VNTR) brought the first insights into the epidemiology of animal tuberculosis (TB) in Portugal, showing high genotypic diversity of circulating strains that mostly cluster within the European 2 clonal complex. Previous surveillance provided valuable information on the prevalence and spatial occurrence of TB and highlighted prevalent genotypes in areas where livestock and wild ungulates are sympatric. However, links at the wildlife–livestock interfaces were established mainly via classical genotype associations. Here, we apply whole genome sequencing (WGS) to cattle, red deer and wild boar isolates to reconstruct the M. bovis population structure in a multi-host, multi-region disease system and to explore links at a fine genomic scale between M. bovis from wildlife hosts and cattle. Whole genome sequences of 44 representative M. bovis isolates, obtained between 2003 and 2015 from three TB hotspots, were compared through single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variant calling analyses. Consistent with previous results combining classical genotyping with Bayesian population admixture modelling, SNP-based phylogenies support the branching of this M. bovis population into five genetic clades, three with apparent geographic specificities, as well as the establishment of an SNP catalogue specific to each clade, which may be explored in the future as phylogenetic markers. The core genome alignment of SNPs was integrated within a spatiotemporal metadata framework to further structure this M. bovis population by host species and TB hotspots, providing a baseline for network analyses in different epidemiological and disease control contexts. WGS of M. bovis isolates from Portugal is reported for the first time in this pilot study, refining the spatiotemporal context of TB at the wildlife–livestock interface and providing further support to the key role of red deer and wild boar on disease maintenance. The SNP diversity observed within this dataset supports the natural circulation of M. bovis for a long time period, as well as multiple introduction events of the pathogen in this Iberian multi-host system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Melhorar as aprendizagens através da avaliação: o potencial dos métodos centrados nos alunos no contexto do Ensino Superior

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    No contexto de mudança no Ensino Superior, reconhece-se a crescente importância da avaliação enquanto fator determinante para a qualidade do ensino, da aprendizagem e dos resultados académicos. A literatura internacional aponta para a necessidade de analisar o impacto dos diferentes métodos de avaliação, especialmente os chamados métodos alternativos ou centrados na aprendizagem.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), Portugal; Fundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detection of virulence-associated genes in pathogenic and commensal avian Escherichia coli isolates

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    Poultry colibacillosis due to Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is responsible for several extra-intestinal pathological conditions, leading to serious economic damage in poultry production. The most commonly associated pathologies are airsacculitis, colisepticemia, and cellulitis in broiler chickens, and salpingitis and peritonitis in broiler breeders. In this work a total of 66 strains isolated from dead broiler breeders affected with colibacillosis and 61 strains from healthy broilers were studied. Strains from broiler breeders were typified with serogroups O2, O18, and O78, which are mainly associated with disease. The serogroup O78 was the most prevalent (58%). All the strains were checked for the presence of 11 virulence genes: 1) arginine succinyltransferase A (astA); ii) E. coli hemeutilization protein A (chuA); iii) colicin V A/B (cvaA/B); iv) fimbriae mannose-binding type 1 (fimC); v) ferric yersiniabactin uptake A (fyuA); vi) iron-repressible high-molecular-weight proteins 2 (irp2); vii) increased serum survival (iss); viii) iron-uptake systems of E. coli D (iucD); ix) pielonefritis associated to pili C (papC); x) temperature sensitive haemaglutinin (tsh), and xi) vacuolating autotransporter toxin (vat), by Multiplex-PCR. The results showed that all genes are present in both commensal and pathogenic E. coli strains. The iron uptake-related genes and the serum survival gene were more prevalent among APEC. The adhesin genes, except tsh, and the toxin genes, except astA, were also more prevalent among APEC isolates. Except for astA and tsh, APEC strains harbored the majority of the virulence-associated genes studied and fimC was the most prevalent gene, detected in 96.97 and 88.52% of APEC and AFEC strains, respectively. Possession of more than one iron transport system seems to play an important role on APEC survival

    Unveiling biological activities of marine fungi: the effect of sea salt

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    There is an urgent need for new substances to overcome current challenges in the health sciences. Marine fungi are known producers of numerous compounds, but the manipulation of growth conditions for optimal compound production can be laborious and time-consuming. In Portugal, despite its very long coastline, there are only a few studies on marine fungi. From a collection of Portuguese marine fungi, we screened for antimicrobial, antioxidant, enzymatic, and cytotoxic activities. Mycelia aqueous extracts, obtained by high pressure-assisted extraction, and methanolic extracts of culture media showed high antioxidant, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic activities. The mycelium extracts of Cladosporium rubrum showed higher antioxidant potential compared to extracts from other fungi. Mycelia and culture media extracts of Aspergillus affinis and Penicillium lusitanum inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Kocuria rhizophila, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, including multiresistant strains. Penicillium lusitanum and Trichoderma aestuarinum inhibited the growth of clinical strains of Candida albicans, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis, and C. tropicalis. All extracts from culture media were cytotoxic to Vero cells. Sea salt induced alterations in the mycelium's chemical composition, leading to different activity profiles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio