612 research outputs found

    Speed control of separately excited dc motor using artificial intelligent approach

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    This paper presents the ability of Artificial Intelligent Neural Network ANNs for the separately excited dc motor drives. The mathematical model of the motor and neural network algorithm is derived. The controller consists two parts which is designed to estimate of motor speed and the other is which to generate a control signal for a converter. The separately excited dc motor has some advantages compare to the others type of motors and there are some special qualities that have in ANNs and because of that, ANNs can be trained to display the nonlinear relationship that the conventional tools could not implemented such as proportional-integral-differential (PID) controller. A neural network controller with learning technique based on back propagation algorithm is developed. These two neural are training by Levenberg�Marquardt. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by develop simulation model in MATLAB-Simulink program. The simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and the proposed of this neural network controller produce significant improvement control performance and advantages of the control system DC motor with ANNs in comparison to the conventional controller without using ANNs


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    Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitan Tindakan Sekolah (PTS) dua siklus dalam upaya peningkatan kemampuan guru menggunakan alat peraga melalui pendekatan (classroom visitation). Tempat penelitian di SMP Negeri SMP Negeri 1 Sekadau Hilir, Kecamatan Sekadau Hilir, Kabupaten Sekadau, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Subjek penelitian adalah sebanyak 20 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan guru dalam menggunakan alat peraga dalam pembelajaran, guru yang memperoleh kualitas baik; pada pra siklus belum ada, pada siklus I sebanyak 9 orang atau 45%, dan pada siklus II sebesar 70%. Kemampuan guru yang memperoleh kulaitas cukup; pada pra siklus dan siklus I sebanyak 11 orang atau 55% dan siklus II sebanyak 6 orang atau 30%. Kemampuan guru yang memperoleh kulaitas kurang; pada pra siklus sebanyak 10 orang atau 50%, pada siklus I sebanyak 13 orang atau 58,25%, dan pada siklus II sebnyak 4 orang atau 20%

    An analysis of the impact of taxation and government expenditure components on income distribution in Nambia

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    This research analyses the statistical relationship between income distribution and seven taxation and government expenditure components in Namibia using data from 1996-2016. The research is aimed at creating new knowledge on the research topic because no literature exists for Namibia. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) cointegration technique was employed to assess the long-run relationship between the dependent and independent variables in Eviews. The research findings indicated that there is no long-run relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables. In the short-run, the research findings indicate that government expenditure on social pensions and government expenditure on education have a balancing effect on income distribution, while tax on products, corporate income tax and customs and excise duties have an unbalancing and/or worsening effect on income distribution. Based on these findings, tertiary education loans are recommended as opposed to grants to ensure sustainability of Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NASFAF). In adjusting corporate and value added taxes, the government is cautioned to avoid overburdening consumers and employees through tax shifting in the form of high prices of goods and services and low wages and benefits. A tax mix, tax discrimination and a hybrid of taxation and government expenditure components are strongly recommended to achieve a balance.EconomicsM. Com. (Economics

    Anthoporia, a new genus in the Polyporales (Agaricomycetes)

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    A new genus, Anthoporia Karasiński & Niemelä, is proposed for the brown-rot polypore Polyporus albobrunneus Romell [= Antrodia albobrunnea (Romell) Ryvarden]. The new genus is separated from Antrodia P. Karst. s.str. in several morphological features, and it is only distantly related to Antrodia serpens (Fr.) P. Karst. (generic type of Antrodia) in recently published phylogenies. Additionally, Anthoporia albobrunnea (Romell) Karasiński & Niemelä is described and illustrated based on material collected in Białowiea National Park in northeastern Poland.Peer reviewe


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    Palm oil is one of the major fats and oils produced in Indonesia, which is of great value in the diet of many people. The quality of palm oil could be affected by various factors ranging from improper postharvest handling, processing and storage. Recently, there has been wide spread speculation that palm oil is adulterated in order to maximize profit (Madubuike et al., 2015). The quality parameters of palm oil are generally determined by the moisture content, impurity, specific gravity, percentage of free fatty acid (FFA), iodine value, peroxide value and saponification values. The objective of this research therefore was to evaluate the quality of palm oil samples obtained from elaeis guineensis growing areas of the PT. Langkat Nusantara Kepong-PTPN II North Sumatera. The results showed that mean value of the quality parameters are 0.15% moisture content; 5.71% impurity level; 0.935 specific gravity;8.43% FFA; 52.13 iodine value; 13.71meq/kg peroxide value; and 181,89 mg KOH/g saponification value. The quality parameters are associated with the method of processing.Keywords: Moisture Content, Impurity, Specific Gravity, Percentage Of Free Fatty Acid, Iodine Value, Peroxide Value And Saponification Values

    The Impact of the PBL Model on Senior High School Student Learning Outcomes Using Google Classroom

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    Abstract: The Impact of the PBL Model on Senior High School Student Learning Outcomes Using Google Classroom. This study aims to determine the effect of the problem based learning model with the help of google classroom media on the learning outcomes of high school students on the subject of oxidation-reduction reactions at SMAN 1 Siantar. This type of research is an experimental study with a pretest-posttest control design. The data collection of student learning outcomes was obtained from the pretest and posttest scores. This study resulted in the average data of student learning outcomes from the posttest in the experimental class that was greater than the control class, namely 62 and 50. Data analysis used the T-Test test which resulted in a significance value of learning outcomes less than 0.05, namely 0.003. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that learning using the PBL model with the help of google classroom media has a significant effect on senior high school student learning outcomes on oxidation-reduction material at SMAN 1 Siantar

    Thermodynamic design of energy models of semiconductor devices

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    In this preprint a system of evolution equations for energy models of a semiconductor device is derived on an deductive way from a generally accepted expression for the free energy. Only first principles like the entropy maximum principle and the principle of partial local equilibrium are applied. Particular attention is paid to include the electrostatic potential self-consistently. Dynamically ionized trap levels and models with carrier temperatures are regarded. The system of evolution equations is compatible with the corresponding entropy balance equation that contains a positively definite entropy production rate

    Analysis Effectiveness of the Online Learning through the Use of Google Classroom during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of online learning asynchronously through the use of google classroom media at Medan State University, Chemistry Education Departement, batch 2018 in the chemical separation course during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The sample of this research was 29 students of the fifth semester class A chemistry education study program in 2018. The data collection technique used was filling out a questionnaire via google form as many as 24 statements. The results obtained indicate that the benefits of google classroom are good with a percentage of 76.9%, ease, quality of user use, use of google classroom and effectiveness are 86.3%, 80.3%, 81.9%, and success respectively. 88.6% in very good category. In general, the effectiveness of online learning through the use of google classrooms at Medan State University, Chemistry Education Study Program class of 2018 is very good, students find it easy to use google classroom, have very good quality of use of learning, and have good enough use for students.Keywords: online learning, COVID-19, google classroom, effectiveness.


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tentang “Pengaruh Modernisasi Sistem Administrasi Perpajakan, Sanksi Pidana, terhadap Tingkat Kepatuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak, dengan Pemeriksaan Pajak sebagai Variabel Moderating, pada Kawasan Industri Hyundai Lippo Cikarang”. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepatuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak, variabel moderating adalah Pemeriksaan Pajak. Sedangkan, Variabel Independen dalam penelitan adalah Modernisasi Sistem Adminsitrasi Perpajakan dan Sanksi Pidana. Penggunaan data dalam penelitian ini adalah data Primer. Riset ini menyebarkan kuisioner terhadap 105 responden, yaitu karyawan dan pengusaha yang bekerja di kawasan industri Hyundai Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi. Metode penentuan sampel menggunakan metode sensus, yaitu semua populasi menjadi sampel penelitian. Pembuktian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Penelitian dilakukan dengan berberapa tahapan. Tahapan pertama adalah menggali teori dari pustaka dan pengumpulan data dari objek yang diriset. Tahapan kedua, mengumpulkan data primer melalui kuisioner penelitian. Tahapan ketiga, uji kelayakan data dengan menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Tahapan keempat, tahapan pengujian hipotesis penelitian dengan menggunakan regresi berganda baik untuk pengujian hipotesis secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Tahapan kelima, melihat moderasi dari variabel moderating, mampu atau tidak memperkuat pengaruh dari variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Hasil penelitian ini, membuktikan bahwa secara parsial dan secara simultan, variable Pemeriksaan Pajak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kepatuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak. Kemudian, moderasi dari Pemeriksaan Pajak, tidak mampu memperkuat pengaruh dari Modernisasi Sistem Administrasi Perpajakan dan Sanksi Pidana Terhadap Kepatuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak. Kata Kunci: Modernisasi Sistem Administrasi, Sanksi Pidana, Kepatuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak, Pemeriksaan Pajak

    Anmeldelse af Peter K. Westergaard, Nietzsche: Hvis man altid går til grunden: En afslutning

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    Anmeldelse af Peter K. Westergaard, Nietzsche: Hvis man altid går til grunden: En afslutnin