1,417 research outputs found

    Parallel SUMIS Soft Detector for Large MIMO Systems on Multicore and GPU

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    [EN] The number of transmit and receiver antennas is an important factor that affects the performance and complexity of a MIMO system. A MIMO system with very large number of antennas is a promising candidate technology for next generations of wireless systems. However, the vast majority of the methods proposed for conventional MIMO system are not suitable for large dimensions. In this context, the use of high-performance computing systems, such us multicore CPUs and graphics processing units has become attractive for efficient implementation of parallel signal processing algorithms with high computational requirements. In the present work, two practical parallel approaches of the Subspace Marginalization with Interference Suppression detector for large MIMO systems have been proposed. Both approaches have been evaluated and compared in terms of performance and complexity with other detectors for different system parameters.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish MINECO Grant RACHEL TEC2013-47141-C4-4-R, the PROMETEO FASE II 2014/003 Project and FPU AP-2012/71274Ramiro Sánchez, C.; Simarro, MA.; Gonzalez, A.; Vidal Maciá, AM. (2019). Parallel SUMIS Soft Detector for Large MIMO Systems on Multicore and GPU. The Journal of Supercomputing. 75(3):1256-1267. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018-2403-9S12561267753Rusek F, Persson D, Lau BK, Larsson EG, Marzetta TL, Edfors O, Tufvesson F (2013) Scaling up MIMO: opportunities and challenges with very large arrays. IEEE Signal Proc Mag 30(1):40–60Studer C, Burg A, Bölcskei H (2008) Soft-output sphere decoding: algorithms and VLSI implementation. IEEE J Sel Areas Commun 26(2):290–300Wang R, Giannakis GB (2004) Approaching MIMO channel capacity with reduced-complexity soft sphere decoding. In: Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2004. WCNC. 2004 IEEE vol 3, pp 1620–1625Persson D, Larsson EG (2011) Partial marginalization soft MIMO detection with higher order constellations. IEEE Trans Signal Procces 59(1):453–458Cîrkić M, Larsson EG (2014) SUMIS: near-optimal soft-in soft-out MIMO detection with low and fixed complexity. IEEE Trans Signal Process 62(12):3084–3097Alberto Gonzalez C, Ramiro, M, Ángeles Simarro, Antonio M Vidal (2017) Parallel SUMIS soft detector for MIMO systems on multicore. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, pp 1729–1736Hochwald BM, ten Brink S (2003) Achieving near-capacity on a multiple-antenna channel. IEEE Trans Commun 51:389–399Kaipeng L, Bei Y, Michael W, Joseph RC, Christoph S (2015) Accelerating massive MIMO uplink detection on GPU for SDR systems. In: 2015 IEEE dallas circuits and systems conference (DCAS), pp 1–4Di W, Eilert J, Liu D (2011) Implementation of a high-speed MIMO soft-output symbol detector for software defined radio. J Signal Process Syst 63(1):27–37Anderson E, Bai Z, Bischof C, Blackford LS, Demmel J, Dongarra J, Du Croz J, Greenbaum A, Hammarling S, McKenney A, Sorensen D (1999) LAPACK users’ guide. SIAM, LondonIntel MKL Reference Manual (2015) https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/mkl-reference-manualcuBLAS Documentation (2015) http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cublasDagum L, Enon R (1998) OpenMP: an industry standard API for shared-memory programming. IEEE Comput Sci Eng 5(1):46–55CUDA Toolkit Documentation, Version 7.5 (2015) https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkitRoger S, Ramiro C, Gonzalez A, Almenar V, Vidal AM (2012) Fully parallel GPU implementation of a fixed-complexity soft-output MIMO detector. IEEE Trans Veh Technol 61(8):3796–3800Senst M, Ascheid G, Lüders H (2010) Performance evaluation of the markov chain monte carlo MIMO detector based on mutual information. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp 1–


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    Two-sample PLL with improved frequency response applied to single-phase current sensorless bridgeless PFCs

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    A new implementation of the recently proposed fixed-frequency two-sample (2S) quadrature generation subsystem (QSG) digital Phase Locked Loop PLL, applicable to single-phase Power Factor Correction (PFC), is proposed. Its characteristics are high accuracy and low computational burden. The proposed PLL includes a frequency feedback loop to improve the synchronization under line frequency variations. Its performance within a digital controller of a current sensorless bridgeless PFC is evaluated by simulations and experimentally. The obtained results are compared with previously published PLLs in the literature.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant TEC2014-52316-R ECOTREND Estimation and Optimal Control for Energy Conversion with Digital Devices

    Performance analysis of 1ϕ T/4 PLLs with secondary control path in current sensorless bridgeless PFCs

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    New power factor correction (PFC) stages such as bridgeless converters and the associated current shaping techniques require grid synchronization to ensure unity Displacement Power Factor (DPF). Sensorless line current rebuilding algorithms also need synchronization with the line voltage to compensate at least for part of the current estimation error. The application of a secondary control path to reach faster and more robustly the proper operation point previously applied in single/three-phase PLLs in grid connected converters is here proposed for the current sensorless bridgeless PFCs. This work analyzes the performance of three single-phase T/4 PLL structures, first without secondary control path, and later with feedforward and feedback secondary control paths, both in simulation and experimentally, and evaluates their applicability to current sensorless digitally controlled single phase bridgeless PFCs based on the current rebuilding technique.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant TEC2014-52316-R ECOTREND Estimation and Optimal Control for Energy Conversion with Digital Devices

    Third harmonic compensation in bridgeless current sensorless PFC

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    Single-phase Bridgeless power factor correction converters (PFCs) improve the conversion efficiency in comparison with the conventional PFCs, where a diode bridge plus a DC/DC boost converter are used, due to the absence of the input rectifier, but current sensing complexity increases. Its efficiency can be further increased, and its cost reduced by avoiding the input current sensor. This paper proposes a control strategy applicable to Bridgeless PFCs, implemented in a digital device (Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA), where the grid current is not sensed. To compensate for the effect of the non-ideal operation of the converter, which result in current control errors, a third harmonic dependent function is introduced. The converter model is presented. Simulation and experimental results are used to assess the performance of the proposed method.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the grant TEC2014-52316-R ECOTREND Estimation and Optimal Control for Energy Conversion with Digital Devices

    Aplicaciones de imágenes Aster para identificar zonas de alteraciones hidrotermales en los sectores La Encañada y Celendín – Cajamarca 2021

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    En la naturaleza muchos de los depósitos y/o yacimientos metálicos se encuentran relacionados con la actividad hidrotermal, los efectos del hidrotermalismo quedan evidenciados en asociaciones de minerales de alteración hidrotermal y de mena que pueden ser aprovechados económicamente, el presente estudio de investigación se localiza en el distrito de La Encañada y Celendín, tiene por objetivo en determinar y reconocer zonas de alteración hidrotermal a través de imágenes satelitales ASTER en los sectores de La Encañada y Celendín empleando técnicas espectrales. La metodología que se utilizó para el análisis e interpretación de la imagen satelital ASTER fue mediante técnicas de combinación RGB: 461, RGB: 641, RGB: 469, RGB: 531, RGB: 943; cociente de bandas con los ratios: 4/5, 5/8 y 2/1; índices de identificación litológica – SWIR: índice OHla, OHlb, CLI y ALI y el análisis espectral con el método Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) observando picos de absorción y alta reflectancia similares de la imagen satelital ASTER y de la USGS; los cuales permitieron identificar áreas de interés o anómalas en los centros poblados de Shauarpampa, Michiquillay, Combayo, Celendín, Sucre y Huasmin, reconociendo la alteración argílica generalmente en el volcánico Huambos y fílica en el centro poblado de Michiquillay

    An efficient GPU implementation of fixed-complexity sphere decoders for MIMO wireless systems

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    The use of many-core processors such as general purpose Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) has recently become attractive for the efficient implementation of signal processing algorithms for communication systems. This is due to the cost-effectiveness of GPUs together with their potential capability of parallel processing. This paper presents an implementation of the widely employed fixed-complexity sphere decoder on GPUs, which allows to considerably decrease the computational time required for the data detection stage in multiple-input multiple-output systems. Both, the hard-and soft-output versions of the method have been implemented. Speedup results show the proposed GPU implementation boosts the runtime of the parallel execution of the methods in a high performance multi-core CPU. In addition, the throughput of the algorithm is evaluated and is shown to outperform other recent implementations and to fulfill the real-time requirements of several LTE configurations. ©2012-IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.This work was partially funded by the TEC2009-13741 project of the Spanish Ministry of Science and by the PROMETEO/2009/013 project of the Generalitat Valenciana.Roger Varea, S.; Ramiro Sánchez, C.; González Salvador, A.; Almenar Terré, V.; Vidal Maciá, AM. (2012). An efficient GPU implementation of fixed-complexity sphere decoders for MIMO wireless systems. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 19(4):341-350. https://doi.org/10.3233/ICA-2012-0410S34135019

    Fast convergence of learning requires plasticity between inferior olive and deep cerebellar nuclei in a manipulation task: a closed-loop robotic simulation

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    The cerebellum is known to play a critical role in learning relevant patterns of activity for adaptive motor control, but the underlying network mechanisms are only partly understood. The classical long-term synaptic plasticity between parallel fibers (PFs) and Purkinje cells (PCs), which is driven by the inferior olive (IO), can only account for limited aspects of learning. Recently, the role of additional forms of plasticity in the granular layer, molecular layer and deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) has been considered. In particular, learning at DCN synapses allows for generalization, but convergence to a stable state requires hundreds of repetitions. In this paper we have explored the putative role of the IO-DCN connection by endowing it with adaptable weights and exploring its implications in a closed-loop robotic manipulation task. Our results show that IO-DCN plasticity accelerates convergence of learning by up to two orders of magnitude without conflicting with the generalization properties conferred by DCN plasticity. Thus, this model suggests that multiple distributed learning mechanisms provide a key for explaining the complex properties of procedural learning and open up new experimental questions for synaptic plasticity in the cerebellar network.This work was supported by grants from the European Union, Egidio D'Angelo and Eduardo Ros (CEREBNET FP7-ITN238686, REALNET FP7-ICT270434) and by grants from the Italian Ministry of Health to Egidio D'Angelo (RF-2009-1475845) and the Spanish Regional Government, Niceto R. Luque (PYR-2014-16). We thank G. Ferrari and M. Rossin for their technical support

    Habilitadores para aplicación de teleconsulta sobre IP Multimedia Subsystem

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    En el presente trabajo se presenta el diseño e implementación de un conjunto de habilitadores o servicios genéricos para aplicaciones de teleconsulta sobre redes IMS. A partir de las funcionalidades identificadas en las aplicaciones de teleconsulta se han diseñado los habilitadores a desarrollar, que son los siguientes: una sala de espera virtual, una pizarra virtual y una multiconferencia multimedia. Estos servicios utilizan a su vez otros habilitadores genéricos referidos en el estado del arte de la arquitectura IMS. Tales servicios se han integrado en una arquitectura IMS para garantizar su funcionamiento. Para evaluar el funcionamiento de los habilitadores desarrollados se ha definido e implementado el caso de uso de una aplicación de teleconsulta avanzada