334 research outputs found


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    Alteração da coloração de alinhadores estéticos expostos a diferentes meios

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizO tratamento ortodôntico com recurso a alinhadores é cada vez mais comum, sendo uma das razões o seu valor estético face a outras alternativas de tratamento. É desejável que os alinhadores usados possuam uma boa estabilidade de cor, algo que poderá ser influenciado pelo consumo frequente de determinadas bebidas, entre outros fatores. Objetivos: O estudo tem como principal finalidade avaliar a estabilidade de cor de alinhadores da marca Invisalign® após imersão em soluções. Materiais e métodos: Para a realização deste estudo foram utilizados 80 alinhadores da marca Invisalign®. Os alinhadores foram imersos em 4 meios (água, leite, chá preto e cerveja) e em soro fisiológico, funcionando como grupo controlo. Todos os meios se encontravam a 37ºC. A alteração cromática foi analisada por meio de espetrofotometria (SpectroShade Micro Optic) e de acordo com a Comissão Internacional de Sistema de Cores e por via de fotografias. A análise ocorreu em três tempos: inicial (T0), após 7 dias (T1) e após 14 dias (T3). A análise estatística dos dados recolhidos foi feita através dos testes ANOVA fatorial de medidas repetidas. Resultados: Nenhum dos alinhadores apresentou alterações cromáticas visíveis e significativas (ΔE* > 3,7), quando expostos a todas as soluções. Os alinhadores imersos em chá preto e cerveja revelaram uma tendência em adquirir a cor amarela, tendo sido observado um aumento do valor de b*. Conclusão: Os alinhadores apresentaram estabilidade de cor satisfatória quando expostos às soluções. O tempo de imersão influenciou o grau de pigmentação dos alinhadores.Orthodontic treatment with aligners is increasingly common, one of the reasons is its aesthetic value in relation to other alternative treatments. It is desirable that the aligners used have good color stability, which can be influenced by the frequent consumption of certain drinks, among other factors. Objective: The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the color stability of Invisalign® aligners after continuous immersion in potentially dye solutions. Materials and methods: In order to carry out this study, 80 Invisalign® aligners were used. The aligners were immersed in 4 solutions (water, milk, black tea and beer) and in saline, functioning as a control group, with all solutions at 37ºC. The chromatic alteration was analyzed with spectrophotometry (SpectroShade Micro Optic), according to the International Commission of Color Systems and with photographs. The analysis took place in three stages: initial (T0), after 7 days (T1) and after 14 days (T3). The statistical analysis of the data was done through factorial ANOVA repetitive measures. Results: None of the aligners showed visible and significant chromatic changes (ΔE* > 3,7), when they were exposed to all solutions. The aligners immersed in black tea and beer showed a tendency to acquire yellow color, with an increase in the value of b* having been observed. Conclusion: The aligners showed satisfactory color stability when exposed to the solutions. The immersion time influenced the degree of pigmentation of the aligners

    Digital dentistry and guided treatments: a concise systematic review

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    Introduction: In the landscape of new digital technologies, many dental treatments have benefited from this digital advance. The development of computed tomography (CT) dental scanners has enabled powerful imaging capabilities and software applications. The prosthetic plane and implanted drill guides with the placement of trajectories based on a drill according to the position of the CT 3-D Space markers. Objective: To present, through a systematic review, the main considerations of guided surgery in implant dentistry and its respective advantages, disadvantages, and limitations. Methods: Clinical studies with qualitative and/or quantitative analysis were included, following the rules of the systematic review-PRISMA. Results: Out of a total of 102 articles found, 82 articles were evaluated and 57 were rejected for not meeting the GRADE classification, and only 25 articles were used in this study to compose the textual part. Advances in technology have contributed to the improvement of implant models. 3D reconstructions make it possible to determine the quantity and quality of available bone and also enable the simulation of implant installation in a virtual environment, reducing time and the possibility of errors, allowing for an overall reduction in the costs of oral rehabilitation. Conclusion: Guided preoperative planning or project-guided dental surgery provides high implant and dental rehabilitation success rates, also benefiting prosthetic restorations supported by fixed implants. Furthermore, the concept of using personalized implants with the help of 3D virtual treatment planning improves mandibular restoration with a good facial profile, esthetics, and dental rehabilitation

    Patient monitoring under an ambient intelligence setting

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    Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 72In recent years there has been a growing interest in developing Ambient Intelligence based systems in order to create smart environments for user and environmental monitoring. In fact, higher-level monitoring systems with vital information about the user and the environment around him/her represents an improvement of the quality of care provided. In this paper, we propose an architecture that implements a multi-agent user-profile based system for patient monitoring aimed to improve the assistance and health care provided. This system mixes logical based reasoning mechanisms with context-aware technologies. It is also presented a case based on a scenario developed at a major Portuguese healthcare institution

    Major approaches to minimally traumatic surgery in dentistry: a systematic review

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    Introduction: It is estimated that in minimally traumatic dental surgery, synthesis studies with meta-analysis and decision analysis represent almost 29% of all studies. Most of the selected studies were carried out in the USA, Netherlands, and UK. These three countries and 15 journals accounted for nearly 50% of all publications. The remaining works were published in another 61 journals and originated from 32 other countries, including Brazil. Objective: This study aimed to demonstrate, through literature review and case reports, the evolution and consequent importance of improving minimally traumatic surgery techniques in dentistry. It was hypothesized that there were statistically significant results about advances in the attempt to minimize trauma. Methods: The research was carried out from July 2021 to October 2021 and developed based on Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, Scielo, and Cochrane Library. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were systematic review studies, meta-analysis, controlled and randomized cases, non-randomized clinical cases, and opinion articles, which addressed the term minimally traumatic surgery in dentistry. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument. The risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: Since the most primordial extraction techniques were created and developed, several attempts have been made to minimize the professional's effort, reduce surgical time and alleviate bleeding and inflammatory processes, edema, pain, and ecchymosis that can affect the patients, in the trans and postoperative periods. Thus, the maximum preservation of the integrity of the soft tissues (papillae and free and inserted gingival band) adjacent to the prosthetic spaces should be sought; preservation of the alveolar bone ridge level. Based on the histological concept in which living tissues are formed by cells joined by thin elastic tissue and with nerve fibrils, capillaries, lymphatic and blood vessels. The disruption of these cells by surgical trauma provides the release of enzymes that delay healing. For this reason, surgical trauma should be minimized. Conclusion: There are many attempts to minimize the professional effort, reduce surgical time and alleviate bleeding and inflammatory processes, edema, pain, and ecchymosis that can affect patients. Thus, the maximum preservation of the integrity of the soft tissues adjacent to the prosthetic spaces and the preservation of the level of the ridge of the alveolar bone to achieve a minimization of surgical trauma must be sought

    Inter-organization cooperation for care of the elderly

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    With the growing numbers of the elderly population, the society is face to face with a set of new problems, namely the lack of resources to assist their living in a noble mode. Nevertheless, with the use of new computational technologies and novel methodologies for problem solving, some solutions to these problems are emerging (e.g., remote sensing/assistance/supervision). Therefore, it is our goal to show that under such scenarios, it is possible to bring into play different interconnected virtual organizations, through which will be provided to the population, in general, and the elderly, in particular, a number of services (e.g., healthcare, entertainment, learning), without delocalization or messing up with their routine

    Successful orthodontic and surgical treatment of a patient with Class III malocclusion: a clinical case report

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    Introduction: Class III malocclusion affects between 5% and 15% of the entire Brazilian population. Objective: The present study aimed to present a clinical case report of the ortho-surgical treatment of a patient with class III malocclusion, showing the follow-up of the good evolution of the treatment and the improvement of the patient's quality of life. Case Report: The patient EOMO, male and 53 years old, presented class III and on 02/03/2003 the patient submitted the orthodontic documentation. The first phase was the surgical expansion of the maxilla, orthodontic treatment of alignment, and maxillomandibular leveling. The second phase was maxillary advancement and mandible reduction surgery. On 07/31/2003, EOMO decided to undergo orthodontics and the indicated surgeries. Today, after years of treatment and surgeries, EOMO lives well and his appearance has improved 100%, and today he lives with a good quality of life. Final considerations: According to the clinical case presented, the treatment of Class III must be fundamentally based on the diagnosis so that the treatment is installed to correct the compromised structures instead of being compensated in places not affected by this malocclusion, that is, it must The degree of involvement of the maxilla and mandible must be evaluated so that the treatment is directed to that bone base and achieves its objectives and impacts of facial improvement. Redirection of growth in Class III cases is indicated as soon as the anomaly is diagnosed, as the displacement processes that occur in the midface can only be affected with treatment as long as the growth zones can respond to the biomechanical stimulus. Therefore, the younger the Class III patient is treated, the better the facial correction effects will be

    Clinical approaches and removal of cast metallic posts for their replacement by the fiberglass posts: a concise systematic review

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    Introduction: A successful placement of an intraradicular post needs a good endodontic treatment. Consideration should also be given to the possibility of its future removal. Authors have shown that approximately 10% of cases of teeth indicated for endodontic retreatment require removal of intraradicular posts. Objective: To carry out a concise systematic review to analyze the reasons for replacing intraradicular posts, the most effective and used techniques for removing the metallic post, the manufacture of the fiberglass post, and the difference between the two types of posts. Methods: The present study followed a systematic review model, following the rules of systematic review – PRISMA. The search strategy was performed in the PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus, and Google Scholar databases. Results and Conclusion: A total of 112 articles were found. A total of 56 articles were fully evaluated and 18 were included in this study. Based on the objective and results found in the present study, the review demonstrated the main advantages and disadvantages of the clinical performance of cast metal posts and fiberglass posts, as well as the reason for switching from metal to fiberglass posts. Despite the wear caused by endodontic treatment, it is important to check the remaining dentin to choose the best retainer, observing the amount of this remaining structure, as it directly influences the selection of the post. Regarding the removal of the metallic pin, wear, ultrasound, and seizure/removal with some traction device are used. The replacement of the metallic post can opt for fiberglass posts because they have a greater advantage compared to the metallic post, mainly for aesthetics, the manufacturing technique is more agile, they do not generate risks of root fracture and if, for any eventuality, it needs to be removed. to portray the channel, the technique is smooth and easy

    Biomechanic and classical ballet: analysis of kinetics variables of saute in first position and en pointe position with pointe shoes

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    Os movimentos no “ballet” por vezes envolvem posições articulares extremas e esforços musculares que podem exceder as amplitudes normais de movimento, gerando assim, altos valores de estresse mecânico nos ossos e tecidos moles. O objetivo deste estudo é fazer uma avaliação dinâmica de movimentos selecionados do “ballet” clássico, com intenção de adequar a metodologia biomecánica de análise à avaliação das sobrecargas inerentes ao treinamento da dança clássica, relacionando os resultados ao problema de lesões nos pés já levantado pela literatura. Um questionário anterior identificou a presença de lesões em bailarinas não profissionais que treinam em pontas. Neste trabalho, Força Reação do Solo (FRS) e pressões plantares foram registradas através de uma plataforma de força Kistler e sensores de pressão Tekscan, respectivamente. Simultaneamente, flexão articular do joelho foi observada através de um eletrogoniômetro, afim de assegurar a regularidade dos movimentos. O valor vertical máximo da força reação do solo e picos de pressão plantar para diferentes áreas do pé são aqui discutidos em dois momentos: no “Sauté” em primeira posição e na posição “en pointe”. Os valores encontrados são apresentados em médias e discutidos por seus coeficientes de variação. Os resultados corroboram com os estudos que apontam as sapatilhas de pontas como calçados pouco seguros para a prática da dançaMovements in ballet dance often involve extreme joint positions and muscular efforts that may exceed normal ranges of motion and generate high stresses on bone and soft tissues. The primary aim of this study is to give a biomechanical approach to the problem of injuries on foot resulting from point shoes training. A questionnaire has identified many injuries even at non-professional level of classical ballet training. Ground reaction forces and plantar pressure distribution were registered with a Kistler Platform and the Tekscan Systems respectively. Knee flexion in the sagital plane was simultaneously collected with a electrogoniometer. Peak vertical forces and plantar pressures are of high magnitudes for the observed movement

    Role of Nitrogen and Yttrium Contents in Manufacturing (Cr, Y)Nx Film Nanostructures

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    The high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) technique was applied to deposit multilayer-like (Cr, Y)N(x) coatings on AISI 304L stainless steel, using pendular substrate oscillation and a Cr-Y target and varying the nitrogen flow rate from 10 to 50 sccm. The microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, instrumented nano-hardness, and wear tests. The columnar grain structure became highly segmented and nanosized due to pendular substrate oscillation and the addition of yttrium. The deposition rate increased continuously with the growing nitrogen flow rate. The increase in nitrogen flow from 10 to 50 sccm increased the hardness of the coatings (Cr, Y)N(x), with a maximum hardness value of 32.7 GPa for the coating (Cr, Y)N(x) with a nitrogen flow of 50 sccm, which greatly surpasses the hardness of CrN films with multilayer-like (Cr, Y)N(x) coatings architecture. The best mechanical and tribological performance was achieved for a nitrogen flow rate of 50 sccm. This was enabled by more elevated compressive stresses and impact energies of the impinging ions during film growth, owing to an increase of HiPIMS peak voltage with a rising N2/Ar ratio