71 research outputs found

    A construção do habitus institucional: história do Instituto de Química da UNESP/Araraquara.

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    Apresentamos neste texto as principais fases de desenvolvimento do Instituto de\ud Química da UNESP/Araraquara, cuja trajetória tem início com a proposta de\ud atendimento à demanda por formação de professores de química. Ao longo de 50 anos\ud de história a Instituição enfrentou diversos desafios por meio de estratégias que revelam\ud seu habitus. Eles contribuíram para a institucionalização e consolidação de um grande\ud centro de pesquisa, ensino e extensão, embora a formação de professores e a pesquisa\ud em Ensino de Ciências nem sempre tenha encontrado espaço para se desenvolver\ud plenamente. Além de analisar em detalhes o desenvolvimento de uma grande Instituição\ud nossa pesquisa aponta para possibilidades futuras

    On the Virtualization of Audio Transducers

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    In audio transduction applications, virtualization can be defined as the task of digitally altering the acoustic behavior of an audio sensor or actuator with the aim of mimicking that of a target transducer. Recently, a digital signal preprocessing method for the virtualization of loudspeakers based on inverse equivalent circuit modeling has been proposed. The method applies Leuciuc’s inversion theorem to obtain the inverse circuital model of the physical actuator, which is then exploited to impose a target behavior through the so called Direct–Inverse–Direct Chain. The inverse model is designed by properly augmenting the direct model with a theoretical two-port circuit element called nullor. Drawing on this promising results, in this manuscript, we aim at describing the virtualization task in a broader sense, including both actuator and sensor virtualizations. We provide ready-to-use schemes and block diagrams which apply to all the possible combinations of input and output variables. We then analyze and formalize different versions of the Direct–Inverse–Direct Chain describing how the method changes when applied to sensors and actuators. Finally, we provide examples of applications considering the virtualization of a capacitive microphone and a nonlinear compression driver

    A case of countertrend: low dropout rates among chemistry degree students explained by habitus and integration

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    Abstract This work is part of a case study of an institution in which the students had a strong sense of belonging and membership, which was reflected the low dropout rates. The course in question was the degree in chemistry of Instituto de Química (Institute of Chemistry), henceforth referred to as the IQ, of Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Araraquara, in the State of São Paulo. We analyzed the school and academic histories of the twenty-seven students majoring in chemistry, in relation to social and academic integration, based on Vincent Tinto’s Student Integration Model (SIM). We also used the concept of habitus, originally presented by Pierre Bourdieu and revised by Bernard Lahire, in order to understand these integrations and qualitatively explain the low dropout rates, which were analyzed quantitatively. We adopted the methodology of sociological portraits, also proposed by Lahire, to analyze the interviews with the undergraduate students and their views in relation to these aspects. The portraits produced show a prevalence of educational histories that combined social and academic integration, favored by a “fit” of the previous habitus, which were updated or enhanced in the university. By focusing on a specific institution, we saw that the conditions offered by the university, which implicitly or explicitly promote the updating of various habitus in the graduate students, and which are favorable for their social and academic integration, are fundamental for explaining the low dropout rates. This fact makes this course unique, particularly due to the ways it creates ties with its students.Resumo Este trabalho faz parte de um estudo de caso sobre uma instituição pela qual seus alunos apresentavam um forte sentimento de pertencimento e adesão, materializado em baixos índices de evasão. Trata-se da licenciatura em química do Instituto de Química (IQ) da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) de Araraquara, no interior do estado de São Paulo. Analisamos as trajetórias escolares e acadêmicas de 27 licenciandos em química, com base na Teoria da Integração do Estudante (TIE) de Vincent Tinto, quanto à integração social e acadêmica. Também utilizamos o conceito de disposição, apresentado inicialmente por Pierre Bourdieu e revisto por Bernard Lahire, para compreender essas integrações e explicar qualitativamente os baixos índices de evasão analisados quantitativamente. Adotamos a metodologia dos retratos sociológicos, também proposta por Lahire, para analisar as entrevistas dos licenciandos quanto a esses aspectos. Os retratos apontam para uma predominância de trajetos que conjugam uma integração social e acadêmica, favorecida por umencaixe das disposições anteriores atualizadas ou reforçadas na universidade. Ao investigar o caso de uma instituição específica, percebemos que as condições oferecidas pela universidade, que implícita ou explicitamente promovem a atualização de várias disposições dos licenciandos e são favoráveis à sua integração social e acadêmica, são fundamentais para explicar os baixos índices de evasão e tornam esse curso peculiar, principalmente pelas maneiras de criar vínculos com seus alunos

    Contribuições dos estudos de perfil dos graduandos: o caso dos cursos de licenciatura e bacharelado em Química da UNESP/Araraquara

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    Este trabalho tem como foco o perfil dos estudantes dos cursos de bacharelado e licenciatura em Química da UNESP/Araraquara. Realizamos análises estatísticas e comparativas com um grande volume de dados quantitativos sobre os inscritos e aprovados no vestibular desses cursos. Interpretamos essas informações com base nos conceitos de capital cultural e econômico desenvolvidos por Pierre Bourdieu. A primeira análise diz respeito à aprovação no vestibular e traz conclusões importantes quanto aos aspectos que favorecem o ingresso na universidade: confirmação do “efeito cursinho”; maior peso do capital cultural em relação ao capital econômico; e observação do fenômeno da auto-seleção em relação ao curso de bacharelado. A segunda análise aponta para importantes diferenciações de perfil em um grupo de estudantes que poderia ser considerado homogêneo em função da opção pela Química. Além de trazer informações novas sobre o perfil dos alunos de Química, nossa análise tem o mérito de traduzir e revelar quantitativamente ideias veiculadas no senso comum sobre a aprovação no vestibular

    Sustainability Analysis of Hydrogen Production Processes: a Comparison Based on Sustainability Indicators

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    Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier and storage medium that may be employed in a variety of applications. It may be produced using different processes. In this work, process simulation is used to obtain material and energy balances for each process investigated, as well as for the evaluation of capital and maintenance costs. Process simulation outcomes are then used to estimate three key performance indicators focusing on sustainability issues: the energy return of energy invested, the levelized cost of hydrogen and the life cycle assessment. We compared several hydrogen generation processes, each denoted by a unique colour code: (i) green hydrogen, produced by electrolysis of water using electricity from renewable sources, (ii) grid hydrogen, produced by electrolysis using grid electricity, (iii) grey hydrogen, produced from natural gas using steam reforming and (iv) blue hydrogen, like grey one, but coupled with carbon capture and storage. In conclusion, the most sustainable hydrogen production method is the green hydrogen, produced by water electrolysis

    Impact of low-thermal-injury devices on margin status in laryngeal cancer. An experimental ex vivo study

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    We conducted a prospective study on 10 excised larynges from patients affected by advanced laryngeal cancer, to assess the thermal-effect due to surgical incisions made at standard distance by using: scalpel, CO2 Laser, harmonic scalpel and electrocautery. Upon histopathological examination, thermal damage (Surgical Artifact, SA), tissue lost/retraction (Shrinkage, S), and tissue alterations were compared for each instrument

    Protostellar Outflows at the EarliesT Stages (POETS). III. H2O masers tracing disk-winds and jets near luminous YSOs

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    The goal of the Protostellar Outflows at the EarliesT Stages (POETS) survey is to image the disk-outflow interface on scales of 10-100 au in a statistically significant sample (36) of luminous young stellar objects (YSO), targeting both the molecular and ionized components of the outflows. The outflow kinematics is studied at milliarcsecond scales through VLBI observations of the 22 GHz water masers. We employed the JVLA at 6, 13, and 22 GHz in the A- and B-Array configurations to determine the spatial structure and the spectral index of the radio continuum emission. In about half of the targets, the water masers observed at separation <= 1000 au from the YSOs trace either or both of these kinematic structures: 1) a spatially elongated distribution oriented at close angle with the direction of collimation of the maser proper motions (PM), and 2) a linear LSR velocity (Vlsr) gradient across the YSO position. The kinematic structure (1) is readily interpreted in terms of a protostellar jet, as confirmed in some targets via the comparison with independent observations of the YSO jets, in thermal (continuum and line) emissions, reported in the literature. The kinematic structure (2) is interpreted in terms of a disk-wind (DW) seen almost edge-on on the basis of several pieces of evidence: first, it is invariably directed perpendicular to the YSO jet; second, it agrees in orientation and polarity with the Vlsr gradient in thermal emissions (when reported in the literature) identifying the YSO disk at scales of <= 1000~au; third, the PMs of the masers delineating the Vlsr gradients hint at flow motions at a speed of 10-20 km/s directed at large angles with the disk midplane. In the remaining targets, the maser PMs are not collimated but rather tend to align along two almost perpendicular directions, and could originate in DW-jet systems slightly inclined (<= 30 deg) with respect to edge-on.Comment: 61 pages (Main: 13 pages, Appendix: 48 pages), 18 figures (5 + 13), 28 tables (1 + 27), accepted for publication in section 6. Interstellar and circumstellar matter of A&