1,188 research outputs found

    Uso de culturas de cobertura no manejo de comunidades de plantas espontâneas como estratégia agroecológica para o redesenho de agroecossistemas

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Programa de Pós-Graduação em AgroecossistemasO manejo das plantas espontâneas é um importante fator na transição para sistemas agroecológicos de produção. Uma das formas de manejo destas populações é o uso de culturas de cobertura do solo para, através de diferentes processos ecológicos, reduzir a população de plantas espontâneas. Com o objetivo de avaliar combinações de culturas de cobertura quanto à supressão de comunidades de plantas espontâneas e rendimento de feijão, foram avaliadas combinações de ervilhaca (Vicia sativa), nabo forrageiro (Raphanus oleiferus) e centeio (Secale cereale), a espécie mais utilizada pelos agricultores da região e que foi testada também em monocultivo. Para essa avaliação mediram-se a cobertura do solo, a biomassa e a taxa de degradação dos resíduos das plantas espontâneas, utilizando a técnica de litter bags. Foram medidas a biomassa das plantas espontâneas de inverno e de verão, calculando-se os índices de diversidade e o rendimento do feijão. A combinação das três espécies proporcionou os maiores índices de cobertura do solo, maior velocidade de cobertura, além da mais alta produção de biomassa. Este mesmo tratamento teve a maior taxa de degradação de resíduos vegetais. A biomassa de espontâneas de inverno foi mais alta nos tratamentos testemunha, centeio + nabo e centeio solteiro. A biomassa de espontâneas de verão foi mais alta nos tratamentos testemunha, centeio + nabo e centeio + ervilhaca. Os maiores rendimentos da cultura do feijão foram obtidos com os tratamentos com o trio centeio + ervilhaca + nabo forrageiro e centeio solteiro. Os fatores que mais influenciaram este rendimento foram a cobertura do solo pelas culturas de cobertura e a menor biomassa das plantas espontâneas de verão. Ficou evidenciado que a inclusão de culturas de cobertura permite o manejo de espontâneas de inverno e de verão, e que estão envolvidos mecanismos de alelopatia que necessitam ser investigados

    Coffea arabica L. nutritional status survey based on dris, in the Upper Paranaíba region - Minas Gerais

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    Os solos sob vegetação de Cerrado têm a característica marcante da baixa fertilidade natural, como os solos da região do Alto Paranaíba-MG, cuja característica também está associada ao uso de baixas doses de fertilizantes, o que pode acarretar desequilíbrio nutricional das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o estado nutricional da cafeicultura na região do Alto Paranaíba - MG, utilizando o método DRIS (Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação) para interpretação das análises de folhas, aplicação do Potencial de Resposta à Adubação sobre os índices DRIS e análise das correlações e interações entre concentrações dos nutrientes nas folhas e índices DRIS. As amostras foliares foram coletadas na fase fenológica do chumbinho, retirando-se dois pares de folhas de cada planta em 20 plantas ao acaso, em 59 lavouras comerciais na região do Alto Paranaíba - MG. Foram determinados os teores de nutrientes, os quais foram interpretados pelo método DRIS. O DRIS apontou os principais nutrientes limitantes à produtividade na região do Alto Paranaíba - MG: P, Fe, K = Mn e Zn = B. Os nutrientes com maior probabilidade de resposta positiva à adubação em lavouras cafeeiras do Alto Paranaíba foram: P, B, Fe, K e Mn. As correlações positivas entre os índices DRIS foram: N (P, K e S), P (K, Mg e S) e K (Mg e S), e as correlações negativas: N (Ca, B, Fe e Zn), P (Ca, B, Fe, Mn e Zn) e K(Ca, B, Fe, Mn e Zn).A striking characteristic of soils under savanna vegetation is the low natural fertility, as in soils in the Upper Paranaíba region - MG. This characteristic is aggravated by the use of low fertilizer quantities, which may cause nutritional imbalance in plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of coffee plants in the Upper Paranaíba region - MG, using the integrated system for diagnose and recommendation (DRIS) to interpret leaf analyses and apply the fertilization response potential to the DRIS index and analyze the correlations and interactions between leaf nutrient concentrations and DRIS index. Coffee leaf samples were collected in the initial fruit growth stage, removing two pairs of leaves from each plant in 20 random plants, in 59 commercial plantations of the region. Nutrient levels were determined and interpreted by the DRIS. DRIS indicated that the yield-limiting nutrients were: P, Fe, K = Mn, and Zn = B. The nutrients to which coffee plants tended to respond positively were: P, B, Fe, K, and Mn. The positives correlations between the DRIS index were: N(P, K and S), P(K, Mg and S) and K(Mg and S), and the negatives correlations: N(Ca, B, Fe, and Zn), P(Ca, B, Fe, Mn, and Zn) and K(Ca, B, Fe, Mn, and Zn)

    Mais für Ethanol-Produktion: Regionalisierung von Klimaszenarien Einfluss, N-Nutzungseffizienz und Wirksamkeit von Anpassungsstrategien.

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    Maize, besides a source of food, is also a source of energy. As any other crop, maize yield – and therefore the ethanol produced – is a response to environmental factors such as soil, weather and management. In a context of climate change, understanding responses is crucial to determine mitigation and adaptation strategies. Crop models are an effective tool to address this. The objective is to present a procedure to assess the impacts of climate scenarios on N use efficiency, yield, so as the effect of crop variety (n=2) and planting date (n=5) as adaptation strategy. The study region is Santa Catarina State, Brazil, where maize is cultivated in more than 800000 ha (average yield: 4,63 ton ha-1). Besides not yet expressive in the region, there is a growing tendency for using maize as biofuel source. Allocation of crop land was done using satellite data, allowing the coupling of weather and 253 complete soil profiles in single polygons (n=4135). DSSAT crop model was calibrated and validated using field data (2004-2010 observations). Weather scenarios generated by RCMs were selected according capability of reproducing observed weather. Simulations run for the 2012-2040 period (437 ppm of [CO2]) without adaptation strategies showed reductions of 12.5% in maize total production. By only using the best maize variety for each polygon (soil + weather), total production was increased by 6%; when using both adaptation strategies – variety and best planting date – total production was increase by 15%. The modeling process indicates N use efficiency increment ranged from 1 – 3% (mostly due [CO2] increment, but also due soil properties and leaching). This analysis showed that N use efficiency rises in high [CO2] scenarios, so as that crop variety and planting date are effective tools to mitigate deleterious effects of climate change, supporting energy crops in the study region

    Impact of climate scenarios on soybean yields in Southern Brazil

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    Soybean is a very important crop, cultivated mainly as feedstock for animal production, but also for other uses like biodiesel. Brazil is the second largest producer of soybeans, and the main exporter. About 10% of the Brazilian total production is aimed for biodiesel production. The aim of this work is to assess the impact of climate change scenarios on soybean yield and evaluate two simple adaptation strategies: cultivar and planting date. Tests were done for soil profiles from two important producing regions: Chapecó – Red Oxisol, and Passo Fundo – Rodic Hapludox. Two commercial soybean cultivars (CD202 and CD204) and seven regional circulation models (RCM) were used. All simulations were done with DSSAT. After model calibration, eleven planting dates were run for two periods (2011-2040 and 2071-2100) using the RCM`s. The cultivars did not showed differences among them. For Chapecó, the majority of RCM`s projected yield reductions, with few RCM`s projecting increments, and for only few planting dates (November). The pattern of response for both time periods was identical, although the end-of-century period presented a further yield reduction. The main reason is due reduced water holding capacity from soil, high temperatures and changes in rainfall distribution along the cropping season. For Passo Fundo, 2011-2040 yields are distinct, depending on the RCM. Simulated yields tend to follow the actual yield pattern along the different planting dates, besides discrepancies. For 2071-2100, all but one RCM indicate yields equal or lower to actual levels. Regarding planting dates, no significant changes were identified, although reductions are observed in the early planting dates (August-September). The scenarios suggest that soybean yields will be reduced, jeopardizing the viability of this crop and biodiesel production in the studied region

    Impacts of climate change on agricultural systems of the La Plata Basin (South America) and the use of crop models to design adaptation strategies

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    Climate impacts directly agricultural systems. According to previous studies, an increase in the mean temperature in many regions of the world is expected, and this will influence rainfall, evapotranspiration, among other factors. Some regions expect a decline in precipitation, while others will face an increase in temperature and precipitation. The La Plata Basin is located in South America and plays a very important role in world’s food system supply. The increase of 20% to 30% of annual precipitation during the last decades in the region shaped favorable conditions to a significant expansion of agriculture. Now, studies present a trend of increase in precipitation during the next decades in the region. However, while agriculture may benefit from a warmer climate and more precipitation, the change in climatic patterns and increased potential of extreme events occurrence pose challenges. To analyze the possible impacts of new climatic conditions, cropping systems of major economic relevance for the region – corn, soybeans and wheat – will be studied and simulated with models using future climate scenarios. These models, combined in software packages like DSSAT and SUR couple information of soil characteristics, climate data, phenological and genetic information of crops and management systems. After calibration and validation in actual conditions, simulations will be run with climate change forcing. As result, the probabilities of crop performance in future scenarios will be interpolated on regional maps. Key outputs of this work are the possible consequences of the new climatic conditions on the selected agricultural systems, especially regarding crop yield and soil characteristics and management. The results will also be used as input for climate change adaptation strategies development

    Pemanfaatan Tanaman Lokal untuk Optimalisasi Lahan Kosong Masyarakat di Desa Nampar Tabang-NTT

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    Masyarakat di Desa Nampar Tabang mayoritas penduduknya bermatapencaharian sebagai petani dan buruh tidak tetap. Beberapa warga juga merantau keluar daerah sebagai buruh. Warga masyarakat desa rata-rata mempunyai lahan luas yang belum dimanfaatkan dengan optimal misalnya lahan pekarangan rumah. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan kesadaran kepada masyarakat agar mampu mengoptimalisasikan lahan pekarangan dengan menanam tanaman lokal sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka. Desa Nampar Tabang terletak cukup jauh dari kota dan pasar sehingga perlu biaya lebih untuk dapat membeli sayuran dengan berbagai jenis. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dimaksudkan agar masyarakat tidak kesulitan mendapatkan sayuran ataupun bahan pangan lainnya untuk makan sehari-hari dengan memanfaatkan tanaman lokal yang mudah diperoleh dan diperbanyak. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Nampar Tabang, Kecamatan Lamba Leda, Kabupaten Manggarai Timur, NTT. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada tanggal 23-25 Desember 2022 dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu: 1) Koordinasi dengan perwakilan masyarakat; 2) Sosialisasi pemanfaatan tanaman lokal; 3) Praktik menanam; 4)  Evaluasi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng yang berjumlah 28 orang beserta 2 dosen pendamping yang dibagi dalam 6 kelompok untuk membantu masyarakat dalam praktik menanam tanaman. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat merasa terbantu dalam memanfaatkan lahan kosong, meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam menanam tanaman lokal, masyarakat dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-harinya akan sayuran, dan mahasiswa dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam memajukan desa. Saat pelaksanaan kegiatan ini masyarakat berpartisipasi dengan antusias dan mengikuti serta mendukung seluruh kegiatan yang dilaksanakan

    Changes in Nursing Professional Values during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the professional values. The aim of the study was to describe the changes in the professional values of hospital nurses during the first months of the pandemic in Asturias (Spain). A sample of 55 critical care, emergency, hospitalization units and management nurses were selected. The validated Professional Nursing Values Scale (26 items) was used, which consists of 3 dimensions: ethics (9 items), professional commitment (8 items) and professional mastery (9 items). For each value, it was asked to indicate whether there were changes (positive or negative) or not. Overall, positive changes in values of professional commitment and mastery were detected during the first wave of the pandemic. The values that showed the most positive changes were "Find additional training to update one's knowledge and skills", "Protect the health and safety of the population" and "Accept responsibility for one's practice". The nurses ethical values remained more steady.La crisis sanitaria provocada por la pandemia por la COVID-19 ha puesto en juego los valores profesionales. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los cambios en los valores profesionales de enfermeros/as de atención especializada durante los primeros meses de la pandemia en Asturias (España). Se seleccionó una muestra de 55 profesionales de enfermería de cuidados críticos, urgencias, plantas de hospitalización y gestión. Se administró el cuestionario validado de Escala de Valores Profesionales de Enfermería (26 ítems), que consta de 3 dimensiones: ética (9 ítems), compromiso (8 ítems) y dominio profesional (9 ítems). Para cada valor, se solicitó que indicaran si hubo o no cambios (negativos o positivos). En general, se detectaron cambios positivos en los valores profesionales de compromiso y de dominio profesional durante la primera ola de la pandemia. Los valores que acumularon más cambios positivos fueron "buscar formación para actualización", "proteger la salud y seguridad de la población" y "aceptar responsabilidad de la práctica". Los valores éticos de los enfermeros/as permanecieron más estables

    Competencias y contenidos de Salud Pública del Grado de Enfermería en las universidades españolas.

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    El Foro de Profesorado Universitario de Salud Pública pretende actualizar la formación de Salud Pública en los estudios de grado. El objetivo fue determinar las competencias y contenidos básicos de Salud Pública del Grado de Enfermería en España según el criterio del profesorado universitario. Se seleccionaron 43 de las 80 competencias profesionales reconocidas para el ámbito de la Salud Pública. La mayoría, se correspondieron con las funciones de ‘Valorar las necesidades de salud de la población’ y ‘Desarrollar las políticas de salud’. También se consensuaron 47 unidades temáticas organizadas en 7 bloques, con contenidos sobre introducción a la salud pública, demografía, determinantes de salud, epidemiología de enfermedades trasmisibles y no trasmisibles, sistemas sanitarios y gestión, y promoción y educación para la salud. El profesorado universitario consensuó competencias y contenidos de Salud Pública adecuados para el Grado de Enfermería. Dicho consenso constituye una referencia para elaborar guías docentes de Salud Pública en el Grado de EnfermeríaThe Forum of Public Health University Teachers aims to update the Public Health training in the degree studies. The aim was to determine the competences and basic contents of Public Health of Nursing Degree in Spain according to the criterion of the university academic staff. Nursing professors selected 43 of the 80 competences which are recognized for Public Health professionals. The majority corresponded to the functions ‘Assessing population health needs’ and ‘Developing health policies’. Professors also got to agree about 47 issues organized in 7 blocks, with contents on introduction of Public Health, demography, health determinants, epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases, health systems and health management, and health promotion and education for health. The university teachers agreed on Public Health competencies and contents suitable for the Nursing Degree. This consensus constitutes a reference to elaborate educational guides of Public Health for Nursing Degree.La Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve patrocinó la IV Reunión del Foro de Profesorado Universitario de Salud Pública en el Grado de Enfermería. Este foro forma parte de las actividades realizadas por el Grupo de Trabajo de Formación de los/as Profesionales de la Salud Pública auspiciado por la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE)

    Dietary fat intake and risk of disabling hearing impairment: a prospective population-based cohort study

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    Purpose: To examine the associations of specific dietary fats with the risk of disabling hearing impairment in the UK Biobank study. Methods: This cohort study investigated 105,592 participants (47,308 men and 58,284 women) aged ≥ 40 years. Participants completed a minimum of one valid 24-h recall (Oxford Web-Q). Dietary intake of total fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), saturated fatty acids (SFA), and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was assessed at baseline. Functional auditory capacity was measured with a digit triplet test (DTT), and disabling hearing impairment was defined as a speech reception threshold in noise > − 3.5 dB in any physical exam performed during the follow-up. Results: Over a median follow-up of 3.2 (SD: 2.1) years, 832 men and 872 women developed disabling hearing impairment. After adjustment for potential confounders, including lifestyles, exposure to high-intensity sounds, ototoxic medication and comorbidity, the hazard ratios (HRs), and 95% confidence interval (CI) of disabling hearing function, comparing extreme quintiles of intakes were 0.91 (0.71–1.17) for total fat, 1.09 (0.83–1.44) for PUFA, 0.85 (0.64–1.13) for SFA and 1.01 (0.74–1.36) for MUFA among men. Among women, HRs comparing extreme intakes were 0.98 (0.78–1.24) for total fat, 0.69 (0.53–0.91) for PUFA, 1.26 (0.96–1.65) for SFA, and 0.91 (0.68–1.23) for MUFA. Replacing 5% of energy intake from SFA with an equivalent energy from PUFA was associated with 25% risk reduction (HR: 0.75; 95% CI: 0.74–0.77) among women. Conclusions: PUFA intake was associated with decreased risk of disabling hearing function in women, but not in menUK Biobank was established by the Wellcome Trust medical charity, Medical Research Council, Department of Health, Scottish Government and the Northwest Regional Development Agency. It has also had funding from the Welsh Government, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, and Diabetes UK. This work was supported by FIS grants 19/319 and 20/1040, (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, State Secretary of R + D + I and FEDER/FSE