2,881 research outputs found

    On new omnibus tests of uniformity on the hypersphere

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    Two new omnibus tests of uniformity for data on the hypersphere are proposed. The new test statistics leverage closed-form expressions for orthogonal polynomials, feature tuning parameters, and are related to a "smooth maximum" function and the Poisson kernel. We obtain exact moments of the test statistics under uniformity and rotationally symmetric alternatives, and give their null asymptotic distributions. We consider approximate oracle tuning parameters that maximize the power of the tests against generic alternatives and provide tests that estimate oracle parameters through cross-validated procedures while maintaining the significance level. Numerical experiments explore the effectiveness of null asymptotic distributions and the accuracy of inexpensive approximations of exact null distributions. A simulation study compares the powers of the new tests with other tests of the Sobolev class, showing the benefits of the former. The proposed tests are applied to the study of the (seemingly uniform) nursing times of wild polar bears.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables. Supplementary material: 11 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Data-driven stabilizations of goodness-of-fit tests

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    Exact null distributions of goodness-of-fit test statistics are generally challenging to obtain in tractable forms. Practitioners are therefore usually obliged to rely on asymptotic null distributions or Monte Carlo methods, either in the form of a lookup table or carried out on demand, to apply a goodness-of-fit test. Stephens (1970) provided remarkable simple and useful transformations of several classic goodness-of-fit test statistics that stabilized their exact-nn critical values for varying sample sizes nn. However, detail on the accuracy of these and subsequent transformations in yielding exact pp-values, or even deep understanding on the derivation of several transformations, is still scarce nowadays. We illuminate and automatize, using modern tools, the latter stabilization approach to (i) expand its scope of applicability and (ii) yield semi-continuous exact pp-values, as opposed to exact critical values for fixed significance levels. We show improvements on the stabilization accuracy of the exact null distributions of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cram\'er-von Mises, Anderson-Darling, Kuiper, and Watson test statistics. In addition, we provide a parameter-dependent exact-nn stabilization for several novel statistics for testing uniformity on the hypersphere of arbitrary dimension. A data application in astronomy illustrates the benefits of the advocated stabilization for quickly analyzing small-to-moderate sequentially-measured samples.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 8 table

    Estado de salud dental y gingival de los pacientes internos con trastornos mentales del Hospital Psiquiátrico “José Dolores Fletes Valle” en el año 2014

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    Los pacientes con trastornos mentales presentan diversas dificultades para apropiarse de técnicas en higiene oral, lo que proporciona un ambiente favorable para el crecimiento de las bacterias oportunistas, las cuales agregadas a las limitaciones en el ámbito de salud oral son factores que inciden directamente en la salud bucal, causándole una serie de problemas de salud como alteraciones periodontal, caries, traumatismos teniendo como resultado la pérdida de piezas dentales. Este estudio plantea determinar el estado de salud oral en los pacientes internos del “Hospital José Dolores Fletes Valles” en el año 2014. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional de corte transversal basado en la inspección de la cavidad oral y la revisión de expedientes clínicos con un universo de 193 pacientes y una muestra de 129 con una confiabilidad del 95% y un error muestral del 5%, a los cuales se aplicaron los índices epidemiológicos CPOD, índice de placa visible simplificado (IPVS) e índice gingival reducido (IGR). Se determinó que de los 91 pacientes el 91.1% de estos paciente presentan acumulo de placa, el 99.9% presentan experiencia de caries y el 92.3 presentan gingivitis severa. Siendo también el trastorno mental más común esquizofrenia presentándose en el 33% de los pacientes seguido del trastorno orgánico con el 22%. Los resultados de este estudio llevan a concluir que la mayoría los pacientes presentaron la puntación máxima de los índice aplicados, lo que se interpreta como una deficiente salud oral de estos pacientes. Mismas que llevan a recomendar al centro hospitalario mejorar la atención de los paciente

    Estudio de la inclusión del sistema PCE en redes GMPLS

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    Nuevas narrativas y formatos en comunicación

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    Introducción a la sección Informe del número 24

    Oxylipin biosynthesis genes positively regulate programmed cell death during compatible infections with the synergistic pair potato virus x-potato virus Y and tomato spotted wilt virus

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    15 p.-11 fig.One of the most severe symptoms caused by compatible plant-virus interactions is systemic necrosis, which shares common attributes with the hypersensitive response to incompatible pathogens. Although several studies have identified viral symptom determinants responsible for systemic necrosis, mechanistic models of how they contribute to necrosis in infected plants remain scarce. Here, we examined the involvement of different branches of the oxylipin biosynthesis pathway in the systemic necrosis response caused either by the synergistic interaction of Potato virus X with Potato virus Y (PVX-PVY) or by Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in Nicotiana benthamiana. Silencing either 9-lipoxygenase (LOX), 13-LOX, or α-dioxygenase-1 (α-DOX-1) attenuated the programmed cell death (PCD)-associated symptoms caused by infection with either PVX-PVY or TSWV. In contrast, silencing of the jasmonic acid perception gene, COI1 (Coronatine insensitive 1), expedited cell death during infection with compatible viruses. This correlated with an enhanced expression of oxylipin biosynthesis genes and dioxygenase activity in PVXPVY-infected plants. Moreover, the Arabidopsis thaliana double lox1 α-dox-1 mutant became less susceptible to TSWV infection. We conclude that oxylipin metabolism is a critical component that positively regulates the process of PCD during compatible plant-virus interactions but does not play a role in restraining virus accumulation in planta. © 2013, American Society for MicrobiologyThis work was supported by grant BIO2009-10172 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and InnovationPeer reviewe

    Data-driven stabilizations of goodness-of-fit tests

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    Exact null distributions of goodness-of-fit test statistics are generally challenging to obtain in tractable forms. Practitioners are therefore usually obliged to rely on asymptotic null distributions or Monte Carlo methods, either in the form of a lookup table or carried out on demand, to apply a goodness-of-fit test. Stephens (1970) provided remarkable simple and useful transformations of several classic goodness-of-fit test statistics that stabilized their exact-n critical values for varying sample sizes n. However, detail on the accuracy of these and subsequent transformations in yielding exact p-values, or even deep understanding on the derivation of several transformations, is still scarce nowadays. We illuminate and automatize, using modern tools, the latter stabilization approach to (i) expand its scope of applicability and (ii) yield semi-continuous exact p-values, as opposed to exact critical values for fixed significance levels. We show improvements on the stabilization accuracy of the exact null distributions of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramér-von Mises, Anderson-Darling, Kuiper, and Watson test statistics. In addition, we provide a parameter-dependent exact-n stabilization for several novel statistics for testing uniformity on the hypersphere of arbitrary dimension. A data application in astronomy illustrates the benefits of the advocated stabilization for quickly analyzing small-to-moderate sequentially-measured samples

    A genomic approach highlights common and diverse effects and determinants of susceptibility on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to distinct antimicrobial peptides

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The mechanism of action of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) was initially correlated with peptide membrane permeation properties. However, recent evidences indicate that action of a number of AMP is more complex and involves specific interactions at cell envelopes or with intracellular targets. In this study, a genomic approach was undertaken on the model yeast <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>to characterize the antifungal effect of two unrelated AMP.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two differentiated peptides were used: the synthetic cell-penetrating PAF26 and the natural cytolytic melittin. Transcriptomic analyses demonstrated distinctive gene expression changes for each peptide. Quantitative RT-PCR confirmed differential expression of selected genes. Gene Ontology (GO) annotation of differential gene lists showed that the unique significant terms shared by treatment with both peptides were related to the cell wall (CW). Assays with mutants lacking CW-related genes including those of MAPK signaling pathways revealed genes having influence on sensitivity to peptides. Fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry demonstrated PAF26 interaction with cells and internalization that correlated with cell killing in sensitive CW-defective mutants such as Δ<it>ecm33 </it>or Δ<it>ssd1</it>. GO annotation also showed differential responses between peptides, which included ribosomal biogenesis, <it>ARG </it>genes from the metabolism of amino groups (specifically induced by PAF26), or the reaction to unfolded protein stress. Susceptibility of deletion mutants confirmed the involvement of these processes. Specifically, mutants lacking <it>ARG </it>genes from the metabolism of arginine pathway were markedly more resistant to PAF26 and had a functional CW. In the deletant in the arginosuccinate synthetase (<it>ARG1</it>) gene, PAF26 interaction occurred normally, thus uncoupling peptide interaction from cell killing. The previously described involvement of the glycosphingolipid gene <it>IPT1 </it>was extended to the peptides studied here.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Reinforcement of CW is a general response common after exposure to distinct AMP, and likely contributes to shield cells from peptide interaction. However, a weakened CW is not necessarily indicative of a higher sensitivity to AMP. Additional processes modulate susceptibility to specific peptides, exemplified in the involvement of the metabolism of amino groups in the case of PAF26. The relevance of the response to unfolded protein stress or the sphingolipid biosynthesis, previously reported for other unrelated AMP, was also independently confirmed.</p

    Desarrollo de una pasta para gres porcelánico de color blanco

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    El principal objetivo es obtener dos pastas de óptimas características físico-químicas que se puedan emplear en la industria del porcelánico usando arcillas diferentes y en distinta proporción de la forma más económica posible. De estas dos se decidirá cual es la que mayor beneficio le aporta a la empresa en la que se desarrolla el TFG. Las arcillas son tanto nacionales, de Teruel y Asturias, como internacionales, de Ucrania.<br /