2,174 research outputs found

    The neutrino self-energy in a magnetized medium

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    In this work we calculate the neutrino self-energy in presence of a magnetized medium. The magnetized medium consists of electrons, positrons, neutrinos and a uniform classical magnetic field. The calculation is done assuming the background magnetic field is weak compared to the WW-Boson mass squared, as a consequence of which only linear order corrections in the field are included in the WW boson propagator. The electron propagator consists all order corrections in the background field. Although the neutrino self-energy in a magnetized medium in various limiting cases has been calculated previously in this article we produce the most general expression of the self-energy in absence of the Landau quantization of the charged gauge fields. We calculate the effect of the Landau quantization of the charged leptons on the neutrino self-energy in the general case. Our calculation is specifically suited for situations where the background plasma may be CP symmetric.Comment: 13 Pages, Latex file. Minor corrections included. To be published in Modern Physics Letters

    Advanced Positioning and Location based services in 4G Mobile-IP Radio Access Networks

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    2004 IEEE 15TH IEEE International Symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio communications (PIMRC 2004), Barcelona, Spain, 5-8 september 2004.This paper proposes an evolved architecture from 3G networks to provide basic and advanced positioning methods for location based services in mobile IPv6-based radio access networks. We start analyzing current status of location-based services (i.e. LBS or LCS) and architectures in 3G networks as well as state-of-the-art research on LBS and mobile Internet. Next we set the requirements the solution should fulfill. We continue proposing the evolved architecture for support of basic and advanced positioning methods, using MIPv6 and HMIPv6 as mobility scenario for the mobile IPv6 based RAN, describing element's functions and changes from current approaches as well as description of the dynamic behavior. We complete the proposal with a bandwidth analysis of the signaling, identifying issues when planning implementation of LCS services in the network

    Characteristics of and determinants of the density of contributions in a Private Social Security System

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    This paper investigates previously unresearched issues pertaining to the well-known Chilean innovations in Social Security. Previous empirical studies of the Chilean system used aggregate and macro data, without attention to individual heterogeneity. This study uses new household survey data, linked with Social Security records for over 20 years, to analyze selected reform issues related to social security coverage and the density and continuity of contributions to the social security system. The results lead to a better understanding of the participation determinants and the distributional aspects of the Chilean system, lay the groundwork for policy changes, and illuminate implications of the system reforms for other countries.

    Régimen constitucional tributario autonómico boliviano

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    Es objeto de atención el principio de responsabilidad personal por hecho propio, también conocido como principio de personalidad de las penas. Dentro de la amplia gama de manifestaciones de esta garantía constitucional se abordan a continuación las de carácter cuantitativo, esto es, las que impiden una acumulación indebida de responsabilidad penal en dos o más sujetos por un mismo hecho. Tras el análisis de los elementos que delimitan el ámbito de aplicación del principio (persona responsable / hecho / consecuencia jurídico-penal), se analizan otras consecuencias y la posible contradicción del referido principio con algunos preceptos del Código Penal español. Este artículo ha sido escrito para el Libro que será editado en Homenaje a Juan Bustos. Trabajo realizado en el marco del Proyecto de investigación del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DER2008-05980/JURI, del que soy Investigador principal. A la memoria de Juan Bustos, penalista honesto y socialista comprometid

    Higher order correction to the neutrino self-energy in a medium and its astrophysical applications

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    We have calculated the 1/M^4 (M the vector boson mass) order correction to the neutrino self-energy in a medium. The possible application of this higher order contribution to the neutrino effective potential is considered in the context of the Early Universe hot plasma and of the cosmological Gamma Ray Burst fireball. We found that, depending on the medium parameters and on the neutrino properties (mixing angle and mass square difference) the resonant oscillation of active to active neutrinos is possible.Comment: 10 pages, revtex style, uses axodraw.sty, 1 figur

    SOUND PLANIMETRY, from Kahn to Miralles

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    [EN] The current professional architectural mapping is sometimes determined by default options provided by the traditional drawing software. We must set references for the students, such as notable cases in which the asepsis, usually associated with the planimetric representation, is replaced by a deliberate way of developing architectural blueprints. Two architectural productions distant in time and methods, Miralles and Kahn, share that quality: to generate a suggestive reading of their plans. Their projects there represented differ, but both of them have the capacity of containing sounds that are perceived when viewing the graphic document. The sound planimetry in some plants and sections is a common quality.[ES] La planimetría arquitectónica profesional actual viene determinada en ocasiones por las opciones que por defecto proporcionan los programas informáticos de dibujo al uso. Por ello, en la docencia de arquitectura se deben fijar referencias notables a los estudiantes, casos en los que la asepsia, generalmente asociada con la representación del plano arquitectónico, sea sustituida por una manera intencionada de elaborarlo. Dos producciones arquitectónicas distantes en el tiempo y los métodos, Miralles y Kahn, serían referencias notables, sus proyectos pueden diferir, pero comparten en ocasiones una capacidad común, la de contener sonidos que se perciben al observar su producción gráfica, una sugerente planimetría sonora frente a la representación indiferente.Bravo De Laguna Socorro, A. (2011). PLANIMETRÍA SONORA, de Kahn a Miralles. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 16(17):198-198. doi:10.4995/ega.2011.928SWORD198198209161

    Tebeos sobre Le Corbusier. Cinco historietas gráficas sobre su vida y obra. Sobre la narración gráfica y la intervención de la arquitectura. (2/2)

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    [ES] Se reúnen en este artículo cinco historietas gráficas sobra la vida y obra de Le Corbusier. Una colección cuyos componentes individualmente podrían no tener entidad para ser objeto de estudio, pero re-contextualizados y analizados conjuntamente formarán parte de una serie, una reunión de propuestas gráficas diferentes que comparten el ser protagonizadas, en distinto grado, por el arquitecto. Somos conscientes de la desigual intervención de Le Corbusier y su arquitectura en ellos, y del dispar interés que pueden tener para una revista de este campo, por ello optamos por sacarlos de su contexto y juntarlos, conocedores de su heterogeneidad, y observar en ellos diversas maneras gráfico/narrativas de abordar a Le Corbusier dentro del cómic. En una zona fronteriza entre seriedad, rigor y entretenimiento, estas cinco historietas merecen una interpretación común desde el personaje, la narración gráfica, la intervención de la arquitectura y su dibujo.[EN] This article explores five comics about the life and work of Le Corbusier. It is a collection the individual components of which may not have enough substance to merit study, but which, recontextualised and jointly analysed, make up a series, an assemblage of different graphic approaches that share one thing in common: that they feature the architect to varying degrees. We are aware of  the variable attention paid to Le Corbusier and his architecture in these comics, and of the limited interest that they may have  or a journal in this field. For that reason, we have chosen to take them out of their context and to study  them as a unit – acknowledging their heterogeneity – to assess the various graphic and narrative approaches to Le Corbusier in comic form. Blurring the boundaries between seriousness, rigour and entertainment, these five comics will benefit from being interpreted together from a perspective that includes character, graphic narrative, architecture and drawing.Bravo De Laguna Socorro, A. (2020). Comics and Le Corbusier. Five graphic stories about his life and work. On graphic narrative and the role of architecture (2/2). EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(38):216-231. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.10476OJS2162312538Bordes Cabrera, E., Cómic, arquitectura narrativa. Describiendo cuatro dimensiones en dos, Tesis Doctoral. Madrid: Departamento de Ideación Gráfica Arquitectónica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Madrid.Dion, Cyril, Laurent, Mélanie, Mahe, Vincent, 2015, Demain : Les aventures de Léo, Lou et Pablo à la recherche d'un monde meilleur !, París: Coédition Editions de l'Amandier.Eisner, W. ,1985, Comics & sequential art, Florida, Poorhouse Press.Fernández-Galiano, L., 1987. "La mirada de Le Corbusier. Hacia una arquitectura narrativa", A&V Monografía de Arquitectura y Vivienda, nº9, 28-35.Escoda Pastor, Carmen, 2012, "La arquitectura diagramática y sostenible de BIG". EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, [S.l.], n. 20, 184-193 doi: https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2012.1440.Gay, F., Camberos, M.I.,1966, "Le Corbusier", Vidas Ilustres nº 139, Méjico, Novaro, reeditado por Centre d'Investigacions Estètiques ,2009, Barcelona,Massilia.Gómez Salamanca, D. ,2013, Tebeo, comic y novela gráfica: la influencia de la novela gráfica en la industria del cómic en España, Tesis Doctoral, Barcelona, Departamento Comunicació Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon LlulGórriz León, J., 2014, "De arquitectura y viñetas: reflexiones a propósito del 21 Festival International de la Bande Dessinée de Sierre (Suiza)". Recuperado de http://www.tebeosfera.com. Acceso: 21/05/2018Gubern, R., 1974, El lenguaje de los comics, Barcelona, Ediciones Península.Jardí, P., Sierra, M. (ed.),1994, ""Presentación". Las ciudades ilustradas. Barcelona, Destino.15-17.Lus Arana L. M. ,2013, "Le Corbusier leía tebeos. Breves notas sobre las relaciones entre arquitectura y narrativa gráfica", Ra Revista de Arquitectura, vol. 15, 47-58.Mahé, V. ,2015, "Le Corbusier. La bâtisseur du xxº siécle. Télérama-hors-série nº195, París.Martín, Antonio 1978 Historia del cómic español: 1875-1939. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.McCloud, S.,1993, Understanding comics. The invisible art, Estados Unidos, Harper PerennialMuro Munilla, M. Á., 2004, Análisis e interpretación del cómic: ensayo de metodología semiótica, La Rioja, Universidad de la Rioja. Servicio de Publicaciones.Oelek, S., 2008, Lénfance d'un architecte. Le Corbusier, Glattbrugg, Ed.du Linteau.Oelek, S., 2009, Stockalper: Roi du Simplon, Zürich, Castagniééé Editions.Peeters, B., 1991, Lire la bande dessinée, France, FlammarionPeñalosa, J., Camberos, M. I.,1966, El amor de Dante Alighieri, Méjico, Novaro Vidas Ilustres, nº145.Ramírez, J. A., 1998, La metáfora de la colmena, Madrid, Siruela.Richelle, P., Rebéna, F.,2015, Mitterrand, un jeune homme de droite, Paris, Rue de Sèvres.Thévenet, J.-M.(texto), Baudouï R.I(texto), Rébéna, F. (ilustraciones), 2010, Le Corbusier, Architecte parmi les hommes, París, Dupuis.Torres, D., 2016, "La máquina de habitar", La casa. Crónica de una conquista, Barcelona, Norma, 447-468.Torres, D. ,1999, Rocco Vargas, Barcelona, Norma Editorial. https://doi.org/10.2307/2556341

    Static Analysis of Usefulness States in Transition P systems

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    Transition P Systems are a parallel and distributed computational model based on the notion of the cellular membrane structure. Each membrane determines a region that encloses a multiset of objects and evolution rules. Transition P Systems evolve through transitions between two consecutive configurations that are determined by the membrane structure and multisets present inside membranes. Moreover, transitions between two consecutive configurations are provided by an exhaustive non-deterministic and parallel application of evolution rules. But, to establish the rules to be applied, it is required the previous calculation of useful, applicable and active rules. Hence, computation of useful evolution rules is critical for the whole evolution process efficiency, because it is performed in parallel inside each membrane in every evolution step. This work defines usefulness states through an exhaustive analysis of the P system for every membrane and for every possible configuration of the membrane structure during the computation. Moreover, this analysis can be done in a static way; therefore membranes only have to check their usefulness states to obtain their set of useful rules during execution