156 research outputs found

    A la recerca de la pesta porcina

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    La pesta porcina és una malaltia infecciosa molt contagiosa que causa una alta mortalitat en el bestiar. Atès que no existeix un tractament per a aquesta malaltia, les autoritats sanitàries sacrifiquen els animals quan es produeix un brot d'aquest tipus. Investigadors de la UAB van observar un cas ocorregut a Catalunya per estudiar els passos que segueix aquest mortal virus.La peste porcina es una enfermedad infecciosa muy contagiosa que causa una alta mortalidad en el ganado. Dado que no existe un tratamiento para esta enfermedad, las autoridades sanitarias sacrifican los animales cuando se produce un brote de este tipo. Investigadores de la UAB han monitorizado un caso ocurrido en Cataluña para estudiar los pasos que sigue este mortal virus

    La persistència de la tuberculosi bovina

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    La tuberculosi bovina és una malaltia crònica que afecta les vaques, però que també pot afectar els humans. Les campanyes de control d'aquesta malaltia que s'han estat duent a terme des de 1956 no han aconseguit eradicar-la i han quedat estancades en un romanent d'aproximadament un 1%. Investigadors de la UAB han estudiat l'èxit d'aquestes campanyes a tot el territori de l'estat i han conclòs que el patró d'eliminació de la malaltia no ha estat homogeni en el territori, sinó que hi ha zones en què la taxa d'eliminació ha estat més gran que en altres.La tuberculosis bovina es una enfermedad crónica que afecta a las vacas, pero que también puede afectar a los humanos. Las campañas de control de esta enfermedad que se han estado llevando a cabo desde 1956 no han conseguido erradicarla, quedando estancadas en un remanente de alrededor de un 1%. Investigadores de la UAB han estudiado el éxito de estas campañas en todo el territorio del estado y han concluído que el patrón de eliminación de la enfermedad no ha sido homogéneo en el territorio, sino que existen zonas en que la tasa de eliminación ha sido mayor que en otras

    Epidemiology, impact and control of bovine cysticercosis in Europe : a systematic review

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    Background: Bovine cysticercosis in Europe has been known for centuries but the data showing the occurrence of this zoonosis are scarce. The aim of this paper is to review and present the current knowledge on bovine cysticercosis in Europe. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of studies published between 1990 and November 2014. Qualitative and quantitative data on prevalence, risk factors, burden and interventions were extracted and analysed. Results: Reports on prevalence were available for 23 European countries, mostly from western and central Europe; for a few of these only data before 1990 were available. Prevalence based on meat inspection was generally low (below 6.2 % in 95 % of the records) and varied between and within countries. Serology and detailed meat inspection provided a higher prevalence range (0.41–14 %). Only few studies analysing risk factors were identified. Reported factors related to access to pastures and risky waters, dairy production and uncontrolled human defecation in the proximity of the farm among others. Only one estimate of the economic impact of the disease could be identified. Recommended interventions were focused on increasing diagnostic tests sensitivity or the application of risk based surveillance strategies. Conclusions: There is a lack of complete and updated data on most countries, especially in eastern Europe. Further risk factor studies might be needed together with estimates on the burden of the disease in all European countries. Risk-based interventions are being encouraged but current data are limited to guide this approach

    Spatial analysis of lumpy skin disease in Eurasia - Predicting areas at risk for further spread within the region

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    Data from affected lumpy skin disease (LSD) locations between July 2012 and September 2018 in the Balkans, Caucasus, and Middle East were retrieved from FAO's Global Animal Disease Information System (EMPRES-i) from the European Commission's Animal Disease Notification System (ADNS) and completed with data from the official veterinary services of some countries. During this period, a total of 7,593 locations from 22 countries were affected. Within this period, over 46,000 cattle were clinically affected by LSD, 3,700 animals died and 17,500 were slaughtered due to culling policies to stop the spread of the disease. Most outbreaks occurred in 2016, between the months of May and November. The affected region was divided into a grid of 10 × 10 km cells and we fit a spatial regression model to analyse the association between the reported LSD outbreaks and climatic variables, land cover, and cattle density. The results showed big differences in the odds of being LSD positive due to the type of land cover: the odds of a cell being LSD positive was increased in areas mostly covered with croplands, grassland, or shrubland. The odds was also increased for higher cattle density, as well as areas with higher annual mean temperature and higher temperature diurnal range. The resulting model was utilized to predict the LSD risk in neighbouring unaffected areas in Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, identifying several areas with high risk of spread. Results from this study provide useful information for the design of surveillance and awareness systems, and preventive measures, e.g., vaccination programmes.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Biosecurity in pig farms: a review

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    The perception of the importance of animal health and its relationship with biosecurity has increased in recent years with the emergence and re-emergence of several diseases difficult to control. This is particularly evident in the case of pig farming as shown by the recent episodes of African swine fever or porcine epidemic diarrhoea. Moreover, a better biosecurity may help to improve productivity and may contribute to reducing the use of antibiotics. Biosecurity can be defined as the application of measures aimed to reduce the probability of the introduction (external biosecurity) and further spread of pathogens within the farm (internal biosecurity). Thus, the key idea is to avoid transmission, either between farms or within the farm. This implies knowledge of the epidemiology of the diseases to be avoided that is not always available, but since ways of transmission of pathogens are limited to a few, it is possible to implement effective actions even with some gaps in our knowledge on a given disease. For the effective design of a biosecurity program, veterinarians must know how diseases are transmitted, the risks and their importance, which mitigation measures are thought to be more effective and how to evaluate the biosecurity and its improvements. This review provides a source of information on external and internal biosecurity measures that reduce risks in swine production and the relationship between these measures and the epidemiology of the main diseases, as well as a description of some systems available for risk analysis and the assessment of biosecurity. Also, it reviews the factors affecting the successful application of a biosecurity plan in a pig farm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CA20103 - Biosecurity Enhanced Through Training Evaluation and Raising Awareness (BETTER)

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    Biosecurity is of paramount importance to prevent the introduction and spread of pathogens and, consequently, to preserve the health of farmed animals. Healthier animals result in better animal welfare, better sustainability of animal production systems and less antimicrobial use. Despite these benefits, biosecurity is limited by different factors: i) lack of knowledge on ways for improvement, especially in extensive systems or settings with low resources; ii) shortage of adequate ways to enhance communication; iii) diversity of methodologies to assess and measure the implementation of biosecurity measures and their cost-effectiveness and iv) low number of trained professionals. To approach these challenges, the Action will evaluate how biosecurity is currently used and will use participative approaches to understand motivators and barriers for biosecurity implementation. Knowledge generated through them will act as the baseline upon which to develop adequate communication and training on biosecurity. The Action will also perform a comparison of existing methods used to evaluate biosecurity. Exploiting these tools will promote the development of tailored options in farms based on the evaluation of their risks, on the feasibility of selected biosecurity measures and on their economic benefits. Moreover, the Action will identify training needs through the evaluation of existing training materials and will develop new courses, increasing therefore the number of trained professionals. Finally, the Action will recommend priority research areas for future biosecurity improvement in animal production systems. The Action objectives will be achieved through a transdisciplinary group where Early Career Investigators will play a key role in their attainment. Action keywords Biosecurity - Animal Health - Diseases - Animal Production System

    Caso clínico : agresividad por dominancia

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    De los perros que acuden a la consulta por trastornos de comportamiento, el problema más frecuente y preocupante es el de la agresividad. En este artículo se describe un caso de agresividad por dominancia en una perra mestiza de 2 años de edad. Este tipo de agresividad se manifiesta hacia las personas que conviven normalmente con el perro. Se trata de un caso estándar en el que se aporta un protocolo de diagnóstico y seguimiento a través de una amplia anamnesis y la elaboración de encuestas, así como un detallado programa de tratamiento.Out of all the dogs that are assisted in the consulting room because of problems in their behavior, the one which worries most and the commonest of all is aggression. In this article ít's described a case of dominant aggression in a two year oid mongrel. This type of aggression is normally projected on the owners of the animal. It's a standard case in which we give a protocol when suggesting the diagnosis, after that on observation through the results of a request, as well as a detailed treatment program

    Análisis de la visibilidad de la producción científica en la comunicación a través de Google Académico en el caso de las áreas de conocimiento de Periodismo, Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad en la Universidad de Sevilla

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    El trabajo que sigue a continuación es un informe analítico sobre la visibilidad de la producción científica del personal docente investigador (PDI) de las áreas de Periodismo, Publicidad y Comunicación Audiovisual de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Sevilla en la base de datos bibliográfica de Google Scholar. El personal docente investigado es aquel cuya dedicación es a tiempo completo, obviándose por tanto los profesores asociados. Se trata de un estudio documental que no solo pretende mostrar esta visibilidad, sino también qué docentes son los que mejor han sabido ordenar y organizar su trabajo para una mejor localización por parte de cualquier interesado en alguno de los numerosos ámbitos del conocimiento que abarcan. Para no comprometer la calidad del trabajo realizado por los profesionales estudiados, se han codificado los nombres reales de los docentes. Partiendo de la hipótesis, concluida a partir de catas aleatorias, de que en general el PDI no es suficientemente visible en una herramienta tan popular como Google Scholar, el presente trabajo pretende arrojar luz sobre ello. Además, el informe también incluye un análisis sobre el grado de impacto que han tenido los artículos publicados en revistas científicas dentro de los listados de Journal Citations Research (JCR) y de Web of Science (WOS)

    Descriptive epidemiology of classical swine fever outbreaks in the period 2013-2018 in Colombia

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    Classical swine fever (CSF) is an infectious viral disease caused by an RNA virus belonging to the Pestivirus genus. A total of 134 outbreaks of CSF have occurred in the last seven years in the North of Colombia. The objective of this study was the characterization of the herds affected by CSF from 2013 to 2018. Most of the outbreaks (95%) occured in backyard piggeries. The principal causes of transmission of CSF were the introduction of infected pigs (38%), movements of people (37%) and unknown origin (13%). The epidemiological relationships with 15 affected farms explained 31 outbreaks. The overall attack and mortality rates were 39% and 32%, respectively. The main clinical signs were high fever (67%), incoordination of movements (54%), and prostration (52%). Seventy-three percent of the herds had not been vaccinated against CSF and 17% had been only partially vaccinated. A spatio-temporal analysis, using a Poisson regression model, revealed two clusters with high risk; the first and largest one from 2014 to 2016 had a relative risk (RR) of 13.4 and included part of the departments of Atlántico, Bolívar, Cesar, La Guajira, Norte de Santander, Magdalena and Sucre; and the second cluster (RR = 9.6 in 2016) included municipalities in the north of the department of Cordoba.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio