10 research outputs found
Bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Santos Bay (Brazil) and its adjacent continental shelf
This study evaluated the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Santos Bay (SB) and theadjacent Santos Continental Shelf (SCS) in Brazil. Biliary metabolites were measured in several fish species toestablish a baseline for future monitoring programs. Bile samples from different species of fish were collected monthlyfrom July to December 2005 in SB, and in August 2005 and February 2006 on SCS. Metabolite concentrationswere determined using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detectors. Naphthalene,phenanthrene, and benzo[a]pyrene metabolite concentrations ranged from 24 to 810 µg g-1 of bile, 1.8 to 68 µg g-1of bile, and below the limit of quantitation to 1.3 µg g-1 of bile, respectively. Despite its high concentrations, the levelsof naphthalene metabolites were in regions of low-contamination, while benzo[a]pyrene metabolite were in thesame range as those reported in moderately contaminated areas, which may indicate pyrolytic contaminationby PAHs. No significant differences in the metabolite concentrations were found between the SB and the SCSsamples or during the periods of collection. Future studies with a single biomonitoring species should be conducted,considering age, sex, and feeding condition of the individuals. The metabolite data presented in this study is animportant baseline information for this urbanized region, which hosts several sources of contaminants
Avaliação da Biodisponibilidade de HPAS na Baía de Santos-SP-Brasil, Através da análise de metabólitos biliares em peixes
A Baía de Santos, localizada na Baixada Santista, porção central do litoral do Estado de São\ud
Paulo é local importante para a economia do país devido à presença do polo industrial de\ud
Cubatão, do Porto de Santos, do grande potencial turístico existente e dos recursos pesqueiros\ud
e naturais proporcionados pelos manguezais que ali ocorrem. A presença marcante de\ud
atividades antrópicas na região acarreta o aporte constante de contaminantes. Ambientes\ud
costeiros marinhos, localizados próximos a grandes centros urbanos e industriais,\ud
normalmente estão sujeitos à contaminação por compostos orgânicos
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography
The global ocean has a key role on the Earth’s climate system. It possesses a direct connection with the atmospheric gases, including the greenhouses, allowing
exchanges between those compartments and oceanic
storage of carbon. Through the years, this exchange of gases occurred based on gas equilibrium between ocean
and atmosphere. After the Industrial Revolution, human activities have increased the emissions of greenhouse
gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2
), which changed the atmospheric concentration from ~280 ppm of CO2
to values as high as 391 ppm between c.a. 1750 and 2011 (Ciais et al., 2013). Recently, the measured CO2
atmospheric values are ranging near or above 400 ppm,
as recorded by the Mauna Loa observatory, in Hawaii (daily CO2
measurements information available on www.scripps.ucsd.edu). A regional study in the south-southeast
Brazilian continental shelf agrees with this value, which has measured an average of 396.7±2.5 ppm in the atmosphere during the spring of October 2014 (Kerr et al.,
2016). This enhancement is reflected in the ocean, which has absorbed about 25% to 30% of the anthropogenic atmospheric CO2 emissions (Sabine and Tanhua, 2010; Le
Quére et al., 2016). The CO2 uptake by the oceans directly affects the seawater chemistry and marine biogeochemical processes, impacting both the ecosystems and their respective biota (Doney et al., 2009)
Mutagenicity of blue rayon extracts of fish bile as a biomarker in a field study
Blue rayon (BR) in combination with the Salmonella/microsome assay was used to evaluate the mutagenicity of fish bile samples. Specimens of Mugil curema from two sites were collected over a 1‐year period. Piaçaguera channel contains high concentrations of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other contaminants, while Bertioga channel was considered the reference sites in this study. Bile was extracted with BR and tested with TA98, TA100, and YG1041 strains with and without S9 in dose response experiments. PAH metabolite equivalents were analyzed using reverse‐phase high performance liquid chromatography /fluorescence. Higher mutagenic responses were observed for the contaminated site; YG1041 with S9 was the most sensitive strain/condition. Mutagenicity ranged from 3,900 to 14,000 rev./mg at the contaminated site and from 1,200 to 2,500 rev./mg of BR at the reference site. The responses of YG1041 were much higher in comparison with the TA98 indicating the presence of polycyclic compounds from the aromatic amine class that cause frameshift mutation. TA100 showed a positive mutagenic response that was enhanced following S9 treatment at both sites suggesting the presence of polycyclic compounds that require metabolic activation. benzo(a)pyrene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene metabolite equivalents were also higher in the bile of fish collected at the contaminated site. It was not possible to correlate the PAH metabolite quantities with the mutagenic potency. Thus, a combination of the Salmonella/microsome assay with YG1041 with S9 from BR bile extract seems to be an acceptable biomarker for monitoring the exposure of fish to mutagenic polycyclic compounds512173179COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaçã
Distribuição e fontes de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) em sedimentos superficiais de uma Baía Tropical influenciada por atividades antropogénicas (Baía todos os Santos, BA, Brasil)
The present study aimed to evaluate the distribution and origin of 16 Priority PAHs in surficial sediment samples
of Todos os Santos Bay (TSB, Brazil). Total PAHs concentrations ranged from below the method detection limit
(< DL) to 533 ng g−1 (dry weight). The toxic equivalent concentrations (TEQcarc) of PAHs in the studied area
ranged from 0 to 104 ng g−1 and were lower when compared to other contaminated bays in the world.
Diagnostic ratios indicated that pyrogenic processes, such as pyrolysis of fossil fuel, biomass, and coal, were the
main PAHs sources for sediments. Proximity of the sources, the hydrodynamics and geochemistry of the sediments were the factor influencing the distribution of PAHs along the studied area.O presente estudo visava avaliar a distribuição e origem de 16 PAHs prioritárias em amostras de sedimentos superficiais da Baía de Todos os Santos (TSB, Brasil). As concentrações totais de PAHs variavam abaixo do limite de detecção do método (< DL) a 533 ng g-1 (peso seco). As concentrações tóxicas equivalentes (TEQcarc) de PAHs na área estudada variavam entre 0 e 104 ng g-1 e eram inferiores quando comparadas com outras baías contaminadas no mundo. As razões de diagnóstico indicavam que os processos pirogénicos, tais como a pirólise de combustíveis fósseis, biomassa, e carvão, eram as principais fontes de PAHs para sedimentos. A proximidade das fontes, a hidrodinâmica e a geoquímica dos sedimentos foram o fator que influenciou a distribuição de PAHs ao longo da área estudada
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Te performance of gas chromatography coupled to high-resolution time-of-fight mass spectrometry (GC-HRTofMS) for
characterizing geochemical biomarkers from sediment samples was evaluated. Two approaches to obtain the geochemical
biomarkers were tested: (1) extraction with organic solvent and subsequent derivatization and (2) in-situ derivatization thermal
desorption. Results demonstrated that both approaches can be conveniently applied for simultaneous characterization of
many geochemical biomarkers (alkanes, alkanols, sterols, and fatty acids), avoiding conventional time-consuming purifcation
procedures. GC-HRTofMS reduces both sample preparation time and the number of chromatographic runs compared to traditional
methodologies used in organic geochemistry. Particularly, the approach based on in-situ derivatization thermal desorption
represents a very simple method that can be performed in-line employing few milligrams of sediment, eliminating the need for any
sample preparation and solvent use. Te high resolving power (m/Δm50% 25,000) and high mass accuracy (error ≤ 1 ppm) ofered
by the “zig-zag” time-of-fight analyzer were indispensable to resolve the complexity of the total ion chromatograms, representing
a high-throughput tool. Extracted ion chromatograms using exact m/z were useful to eliminate many isobaric interferences
and to increase signifcantly the signal to noise ratio. Characteristic fragment ions allowed the identifcation of homologous
series, such as alkanes, alkanols, fatty acids, and sterols. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were also identifed in the samples
by their molecular ions. Te characterization of geochemical biomarkers along a sedimentary core collected in the area of Valo
Grande Channel (Canan´eia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagunar System (S˜ao Paulo, Brazil)) provided evidences of environmental changes.
Sediments deposited before opening of channel showed dominance of biomarkers from mangrove vegetation, whereas sediments
of the pos-opening period showed an increase of biomarkers from aquatic macrophyte (an invasive vegetation)
INCT-APA Annual Activity Report
Classic hydrographical parameters and dissolved nutrients were measured during the Antarctic summers from 2009
to 2012. Physical and biological processes control the nutrient levels in Admiralty Bay, as well as upwelling of deep water from
Brans eld Strait. Additional data on summer land run-o and wind speeds and directions is needed to get a better model for the
factors that control the primary production of the area