466 research outputs found

    Balls tradicionals

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    Aquest treball d’investigació analitzarà l’expressió i llenguatge musical mitjançant la pràctica dels balls de la nostra província. El tema escollit per desenvolupar el TFG és: Balls tradicionals. Més concretament, poder dur a terme l’ensenyament i aprenentatge per part dels alumnes d’una dansa que prové de “Les Useres” anomenada: “Cap de dansa de les Useres”. A més, també treballarem la història del ball , de la gent del poble. la indumentària que utilitzaven , quant el ballaven, on el ballaven… Amb açò, poder aconseguir que agafen interés per la seua cultura, perquè vulguen saber més sobre les danses dels nostres pobles i voler continuar amb la pràctica d’aquests balls. Com que el treball escollit és d’investigació-experimentació i estic realitzant el Pràcticum II, es durà a terme dintre de l’aula de 2n de primària en l’escola “Bernat Artola, Castelló de la Plana” i així, poder comprovar els resultats obtinguts i formular hipòtesis reals.Treball Final de Grau. Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic 2016/201

    Advanced numerical methods for wave propagation problems: The Arlequin method & Potential formulation for elastodynamics

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    The thesis is divided in two parts that, in addition to the intellectual curiosity, share a common aim, the development of efficient techniques for wave propagation problems. First, we develop an ovelapping domain decomposition technique (the Arlequin method) that is well adapted for the treatment of local phenomena. We present the method for Helmholtz and wave equation, but in principle, it can be used in other fields. Second, we tackle the numerical resolution of linear elastodynamics equation for isotropic homogeneous media and we present a potential formulation that allows to discretize separately the pressure and the shear waves. The result is a method that is more efficient when both waves travel with different velocities

    Production of ordered silicon nanocrystals by low-energy ion sputtering

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    We report on the production of ordered assemblies of silicon nanostructures by means of irradiation of a Si(100) substrate with 1.2 keV Ar ions at normal incidence. Atomic Force and High-Resolution Transmission Electron microscopies show that the silicon structures are crystalline, display homogeneous height, and spontaneously arrange into short-range hexagonal ordering. Under prolonged irradiation (up to 16 hours) all dot characteristics remain largely unchanged and a small corrugation develops at long wavelengths. We interpret the formation of the dots as a result of an instability due to the sputtering yield dependence on the local surface curvatureComment: 4 two-column pages (revtex4), 3 figures (higher quality copies in the printed jrnl. version

    Effect of silver on the phase transition and wettability of titanium oxide films

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    The effect of silver on the phase transition and microstructure of titanium oxide films grown by pulsed cathodic arc had been investigated by XRD, SEM and Raman spectroscopy. Following successive thermal annealing up to 1000 °C, microstructural analysis of annealed Ag-TiO2 films reveals that the incorporation of Ag nanoparticles strongly affects the transition temperature from the initial metastable amorphous phase to anatase and stable rutile phase. An increase of silver content into TiO2 matrix inhibits the amorphous to anatase phase transition, raising its temperature boundary and, simultaneously reduces the transition temperature to promote rutile structure at lower value of 600 °C. The results are interpreted in terms of the steric effects produced by agglomeration of Ag atoms into larger clusters following annealing which hinders diffusion of Ti and O ions for anatase formation and constrains the volume available for the anatase lattice, thus disrupting its structure to form rutile phase. The effect of silver on the optical and wetting properties of TiO2 was evaluated to demonstrate its improved photocatalytic performance

    Detection of deep-subwavelength dielectric layers at terahertz frequencies using semiconductor plasmonic resonators

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    Plasmonic bowtie antennas made of doped silicon can operate as plasmonic resonators at terahertz (THz) frequencies and provide large field enhancement close to their gap. We demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically that the field confinement close to the surface of the antenna enables the detection of ultrathin (100 nm) inorganic films, about 3750 times thinner than the free space wavelength. Based on model calculations, we conclude that the detection sensitivity and its variation with the thickness of the deposited layer are related to both the decay of the local THz field profile around the antenna and the local field enhancement in the gap of the bowtie antenna. This large field enhancement has the potential to improve the detection limits of plasmon-based biological and chemical sensors

    Distinct nonequilibrium plasma chemistry of C2 affecting the synthesis of nanodiamond thin films from C2H2 (1%)/H2/Ar-rich plasmas

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    6 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables.We show that the concentrations of the species C2 (X 1Σg+), C2 (a 3Πu), and C2H exhibit a significant increase when the argon content grows up to 95% in medium pressure (0.75 Torr) radio frequency (rf) (13.56 MHz) produced C2H2 (1%)/H2/Ar plasmas of interest for the synthesis of nanodiamond thin films within plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition devices. In contrast, the concentrations of CH3 and C2H2 remain practically constant. The latter results have been obtained with an improved quasianalytic space–time-averaged kinetic model that, in addition, has allowed us to identify and quantify the relative importance of the different underlying mechanisms driving the nonequilibrium plasma chemistry of C2. The results presented here are in agreement with recent experimental results from rf CH4/H2/Ar-rich plasmas and suggest that the growth of nanodiamond thin films from hydrocarbon/Ar-rich plasmas is very sensitive to the contribution of C2 and C2H species from the plasma.This work was partially funded by CICYT (Spain) under a Ramón y Cajal project and under Project No. TIC2002- 03235. One of the authors (F.J.G.V.) acknowledges a Ramón y Cajal contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (MCYT). One of the authors (J.M.A.) acknowledges partial support from CICYT (Spain) under Project No. MAT 2002-04085-C02-02.Peer reviewe

    Extended discrete dipole approximation and its application to bianisotropic media

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    In this research we introduce the formalism of the extension of the discrete dipole approximation to a more general range of tensorial relative permittivity and permeability. Its performance is tested in the domain of applicability of other methods for the case of composite materials (nanoshells). Then, some early results on bianisotropic nanoparticles are presented, to show the potential of the Extended Discrete Dipole Approximation (E-DDA) as a new tool for calculating the interaction of light with bianisotropic scatterers

    All-dielectric chiral metasurfaces based on crossed-bowtie nanoantennas

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    Circular dichroism spectroscopy is a technique used to discriminate molecular chirality, which is essential in fields like biology, chemistry, or pharmacology where different chiral agents often show different biological activities. Nevertheless, due to the inherently weak molecular-chiroptical activity, this technique is limited to high concentrations or large analyte volumes. Finding novel ways to enhance the circular dichroism would boost the performance of these techniques. So far, the enhancement of light?matter interaction mediated by plasmons is the most common way to develop chiral plasmonic structures with extraordinarily strong chiroptical responses. However, absorptive losses of metals at optical frequencies has hindered its practical use in many scenarios. In this work, we propose an all-dielectric low-loss chiral metasurface with unit cells built by high-refractive-index crossed-bowtie nanoantennas. These unit cells, built of silicon, strongly increase the chiroptical effect through the simultaneous interaction of their electric and magnetic modes, which in contrast to other recent proposals shows at the same time a high concentration of the electric field in its gap that leads to the presence of hotspots. The proposed structure exhibits a circular dichroism spectra up to 3-fold higher than that of previous proposals that use complex plasmonic or hybrid nanostructures, making it a clear alternative to develop low-loss metasurfaces with potential applications in chiral target sensing/biosensing. For completeness, single triangular shaped and symmetric (achiral) bowtie nanostructures were also studied as possible candidates for a detection up to the single-molecule level due the lack of a circular dichroism background of the nanostructures themselves.J.R.M.-S. acknowledges the financial support from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development-CNPq (305958/2018-6, 429496/2018-4). F.R.G. thanks the financial support from the Colombian agency COLCIENCIAS. P.A. acknowledges funding from the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship RYC-2016-20831 and from Programa Viera y Clavijo de la Agencia Canaria de Investigacion, Innovacion y Sociedad de la Informacion (ACIISI). This work was also partially supported by RNP, with resources from MCTIC, Grant No. 01250.075413/2018-04, under the Radiocommunication Reference Center (Centro de Referência em Radiocomunicações -CRR) project of the National Institute of Telecommunications (Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações Inatel), Brazil

    Diseño y estudio de viabilidad de un sistema de aislamiento térmico exterior con acabado cerámico aplidado a edificios existentes

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Arquitectura Tècnica. Codi: ED0945. Curs acadèmic 2015-201