5,140 research outputs found

    Generating Interpretable Fuzzy Controllers using Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Programming

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    Autonomously training interpretable control strategies, called policies, using pre-existing plant trajectory data is of great interest in industrial applications. Fuzzy controllers have been used in industry for decades as interpretable and efficient system controllers. In this study, we introduce a fuzzy genetic programming (GP) approach called fuzzy GP reinforcement learning (FGPRL) that can select the relevant state features, determine the size of the required fuzzy rule set, and automatically adjust all the controller parameters simultaneously. Each GP individual's fitness is computed using model-based batch reinforcement learning (RL), which first trains a model using available system samples and subsequently performs Monte Carlo rollouts to predict each policy candidate's performance. We compare FGPRL to an extended version of a related method called fuzzy particle swarm reinforcement learning (FPSRL), which uses swarm intelligence to tune the fuzzy policy parameters. Experiments using an industrial benchmark show that FGPRL is able to autonomously learn interpretable fuzzy policies with high control performance.Comment: Accepted at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2018 (GECCO '18

    Measuring gravitational lens time delays using low-resolution radio monitoring observations

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    Obtaining lensing time delay measurements requires long-term monitoring campaigns with a high enough resolution (< 1 arcsec) to separate the multiple images. In the radio, a limited number of high-resolution interferometer arrays make these observations difficult to schedule. To overcome this problem, we propose a technique for measuring gravitational time delays which relies on monitoring the total flux density with low-resolution but high-sensitivity radio telescopes to follow the variation of the brighter image. This is then used to trigger high-resolution observations in optimal numbers which then reveal the variation in the fainter image. We present simulations to assess the efficiency of this method together with a pilot project observing radio lens systems with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) to trigger Very Large Array (VLA) observations. This new method is promising for measuring time delays because it uses relatively small amounts of time on high-resolution telescopes. This will be important because instruments that have high sensitivity but limited resolution, together with an optimum usage of followup high-resolution observations from appropriate radio telescopes may in the future be useful for gravitational lensing time delay measurements by means of this new method.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA


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    A partir de resultados analíticos de ejemplos ilustrativos y del reporte de características observadas, quedó demostradoque las losas macizas de concreto reforzado para vivienda no son diseñadas ni construidas adecuadamente en el ámbitode la zona de estudio, lo que explica los altos porcentajes de fallas observadas en servicio. Fue calculado el índice deconfiabilidad en seis viviendas representativas al considerar tres posibles escenarios de la corrosión del acero de refuerzo,con lo que se mostró un alto riesgo de falla o cuantiosas inversiones en mantenimiento. Se concluyó que para el correctodiseño de las losas deberá no sólo revisarse la resistencia a flexión sino principalmente controlar las deformacionesverticales, el agrietamiento por contracción y la permeabilidad, lo cual implica especificar un concreto denso y durable.Se presentan recomendaciones específicas

    Static Observers in Curved Spaces and Non-inertial Frames in Minkowski Spacetime

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    Static observers in curved spacetimes may interpret their proper acceleration as the opposite of a local gravitational field (in the Newtonian sense). Based on this interpretation and motivated by the equivalence principle, we are led to investigate congruences of timelike curves in Minkowski spacetime whose acceleration field coincides with the acceleration field of static observers of curved spaces. The congruences give rise to non-inertial frames that are examined. Specifically we find, based on the locality principle, the embedding of simultaneity hypersurfaces adapted to the non-inertial frame in an explicit form for arbitrary acceleration fields. We also determine, from the Einstein equations, a covariant field equation that regulates the behavior of the proper acceleration of static observers in curved spacetimes. It corresponds to an exact relativistic version of the Newtonian gravitational field equation. In the specific case in which the level surfaces of the norm of the acceleration field of the static observers are maximally symmetric two-dimensional spaces, the energy-momentum tensor of the source is analyzed.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures

    Synthesis of MgB4O7:Dy3+and Thermoluminescent Characteristics at Low Doses of Beta Radiation

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    The synthesis and thermoluminescent characteristics of dysprosium-doped MgB4O7 are analyzed. The phosphor at different concentrations (0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 mol%) of the dopant was prepared by the solution-assisted method. The magnesium borate compound was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. The annealing and dopant concentrations effects on the crystalline matrix were investigated. The highest thermoluminescent sensitivity was found with 450°C of annealing temperature and at high Dy3+ concentration too. The un-doped MgB4O7 phosphor shows a broad glow curve which peaked at 199°C and about 306 °C. Introducing Dy3+ dopant in the matrix that behavior was strongly changed. The wide glow curve shows three glow peaks; two small shoulders at 124 and 195 °C, and a highest peak between 323 and 336 °C temperature range. A large linear dose-response (5 – 2000 mGy) beta dose was obtained. The complex glow curves were deconvolved and the kinetics parameters were determined considering the general order kinetics model

    A new initialization procedure for the distributed estimation of distribution algorithms

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    Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are one of the most promising paradigms in today’s evolutionary computation. In this field, there has been an incipient activity in the so-called parallel estimation of distribution algorithms (pEDAs). One of these approaches is the distributed estimation of distribution algorithms (dEDAs). This paper introduces a new initialization mechanism for each of the populations of the islands based on the Voronoi cells. To analyze the results, a series of different experiments using the benchmark suite for the special session on Real-parameter Optimization of the IEEE CEC 2005 conference has been carried out. The results obtained suggest that the Voronoi initialization method considerably improves the performance obtained from a traditional uniform initialization

    Multiobjective Algorithms Hybridization to Optimize Broadcasting Parameters in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Proceeding of: 10th InternationalWork-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009 Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009The aim os this paper is to study the hybridization of two multi-objective algorithms in the context of a real problem, the MANETs problem. The algorithms studied are Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) and a new multiobjective algorithm based in the combination of NSGA-II with Evolution Strategies (ESN). This work analyzes the improvement produced by hybridization over the Pareto’s fronts compared with the non-hybridized algorithms. The purpose of this work is to validate how hybridization of two evolutionary algorithms of different families may help to solve certain problems together in the context of MANETs problem. The hybridization used for this work consists on a sequential execution of the two algorithms and using the final population of the first algorithm as initial population of the second one.This article has been financed by the Spanish founded research MEC projects OPLINK::UC3M, Ref:TIN2005-08818- C04-02 and MSTAR::UC3M, Ref:TIN2008-06491-C04-03.Publicad

    Dynamical ultrametricity in the critical trap model

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    We show that the trap model at its critical temperature presents dynamical ultrametricity in the sense of Cugliandolo and Kurchan [CuKu94]. We use the explicit analytic solution of this model to discuss several issues that arise in the context of mean-field glassy dynamics, such as the scaling form of the correlation function, and the finite time (or finite forcing) corrections to ultrametricity, that are found to decay only logarithmically with the associated time scale, as well as the fluctuation dissipation ratio. We also argue that in the multilevel trap model, the short time dynamics is dominated by the level which is at its critical temperature, so that dynamical ultrametricity should hold in the whole glassy temperature range. We revisit some experimental data on spin-glasses in light of these results.Comment: 7 pages, 4 .eps figures. submitted to J. Phys.

    Numerical Study on Aging Dynamics in the 3D Ising Spin-Glass Model. II. Quasi-Equilibrium Regime of Spin Auto-Correlation Function

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations, we have studied isothermal aging of three-dimensional Ising spin-glass model focusing on quasi-equilibrium behavior of the spin auto-correlation function. Weak violation of the time translational invariance in the quasi-equilibrium regime is analyzed in terms of {\it effective stiffness} for droplet excitations in the presence of domain walls. Within the range of computational time window, we have confirmed that the effective stiffness follows the expected scaling behavior with respect to the characteristic length scales associated with droplet excitations and domain walls, whose growth law has been extracted from our simulated data. Implication of the results are discussed in relation to experimental works on ac susceptibilities.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Implementing Parallel Differential Evolution on Spark

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    [Abstract] Metaheuristics are gaining increased attention as an efficient way of solving hard global optimization problems. Differential Evolution (DE) is one of the most popular algorithms in that class. However, its application to realistic problems results in excessive computation times. Therefore, several parallel DE schemes have been proposed, most of them focused on traditional parallel programming interfaces and infrastruc- tures. However, with the emergence of Cloud Computing, new program- ming models, like Spark, have appeared to suit with large-scale data processing on clouds. In this paper we investigate the applicability of Spark to develop parallel DE schemes to be executed in a distributed environment. Both the master-slave and the island-based DE schemes usually found in the literature have been implemented using Spark. The speedup and efficiency of all the implementations were evaluated on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud, concluding that the island- based solution is the best suited to the distributed nature of Spark. It achieves a good speedup versus the serial implementation, and shows a decent scalability when the number of nodes grows.[Resumen] Las metaheurísticas están recibiendo una atención creciente como técnica eficiente en la resolución de problemas difíciles de optimización global. Differential Evolution (DE) es una de las metaheurísticas más populares, sin embargo su aplicación en problemas reales deriva en tiempos de cómputo excesivos. Por ello se han realizado diferentes propuestas para la paralelización del DE, en su mayoría utilizando infraestructuras e interfaces de programación paralela tradicionales. Con la aparición de la computación en la nube también se han propuesto nuevos modelos de programación, como Spark, que permiten manejar el procesamiento de datos a gran escala en la nube. En este artículo investigamos la aplicabilidad de Spark en el desarrollo de implementaciones paralelas del DE para su ejecución en entornos distribuidos. Se han implementado tanto la aproximación master-slave como la basada en islas, que son las más comunes. También se han evaluado la aceleración y la eficiencia de todas las implementaciones usando el cloud público de Amazon (AWS, Amazon Web Services), concluyéndose que la implementación basada en islas es la más adecuada para el esquema de distribución usado por Spark. Esta implementación obtiene una buena aceleración en relación a la implementación serie y muestra una escalabilidad bastante buena cuando el número de nodos aumenta.[Resume] As metaheurísticas están recibindo unha atención a cada vez maior como técnica eficiente na resolución de problemas difíciles de optimización global. Differential Evolution (DE) é unha das metaheurísticas mais populares, ainda que a sua aplicación a problemas reais deriva en tempos de cómputo excesivos. É por iso que se propuxeron diferentes esquemas para a paralelización do DE, na sua maioría utilizando infraestruturas e interfaces de programación paralela tradicionais. Coa aparición da computación na nube tamén se propuxeron novos modelos de programación, como Spark, que permiten manexar o procesamento de datos a grande escala na nube. Neste artigo investigamos a aplicabilidade de Spark no desenvolvimento de implementacións paralelas do DE para a sua execución en contornas distribuidas. Implementáronse tanto a aproximación master-slave como a baseada en illas, que son as mais comúns. Tamén se avaliaron a aceleración e a eficiencia de todas as implementacións usando o cloud público de Amazon (AWS, Amazon Web Services), tirando como conclusión que a implementación baseada en illas é a mais acaida para o esquema de distribución usado por Spark. Esta implementación obtén unha boa aceleración en relación á implementación serie e amosa unha escalabilidade bastante boa cando o número de nos aumenta.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; DPI2014-55276-C5-2-RXunta de Galicia; GRC2013/055Xunta de Galicia; R2014/04