353 research outputs found

    Kinerja Pelayanan Perijinan pada Kantor Pelayanan Terpadu (KTP) di Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    Licensing service performance is one form of service that often gets complaints from the public so that the community demands for better services. In addition to long- winded bureaucratic chain, arrogant bureaucrats, not the professionals, ultimateTy money. Its also no stranger to public service in the country when it imaged as a source of corruption. Thus, if the sting that should be public service in this cointry difficult to access by the poor, and becomes the trigger high-cost economy that ultimastely burden the macro economic performance, public burden, become embedded in our bureaucracy The results of this study indicate that the Licensing Service Performonce in lntegrated Services Ofice (OPT) Gorontalo regency on service disription Letter Business License (SIGU) can be said to be good, because almost all the indicators used in this study to asseess the performance of Licensing Services at the Office of Integrated services (oPT) Gorontalo regency, indicating satisfaction of tha servici user community. Contribulions and benefits that can be learned from this research is in the form of input for the Integrated Service Office (OpT) Gorontalo regency to be able to improve performance in holding licenses and permits, particularly in the service of non Permit Business Interruption (SIGU) in order to realize a quality service Keyword : Service Performance,quaIity, satisfoction Keyword : Service Performance,quaIity, satisfoctio

    Uji Efek Ekstrak Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata) Pada Luka Sayat Dengan Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar Yang Diberikan Secara Oral

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    Ikan Gabus (Channa striata) merupakan famili dari ikan toman (ChannaMicropeltes) yang sudah terbukti dapat membantu proses penyembuhan luka.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penyembuhan luka sayat ekstrakikan gabus secara oral dan mengetahui konsentrasi yang memberikan efekpenyembuhan luka tercepat. Tikus yang diberi luka sayat dibagi menjadi 4kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok dosis 3,68 g/kg BB,kelompok dosis 7,37 g/kg BB, dan kelompok dosis 14,75 g/kg BB. Tikus putihjantan galur Wistar dilukai pada area punggung sepanjang 2 cm dengankedalaman 2 mm dan diberikan ekstrak ikan gabus selama 10 hari. Pengamatandilakukan setiap hari dengan pengambilan foto pada hari ke 1,3,5,7,9 dan 10. Luasarea luka diukur dengan program Macbiophotonic image J. Hasil analisis statistikOne Way ANOVA dan Post Hoc Test-LSD menunjukkan ada perbedaansignifikan (p<0,05) antara kelompok variasi dosis dengan kelompok kontrolnegatif dimulai pada hari ke-3. Dosis 14,75 g/kg BB memberikan efekpenyembuhan terbaik sebesar (99,21%) pada hari ke-10 jika dibandingkan dengandosis 3,68 g/kg BB (83,55%) dan dosis 7,37 g/kg BB (93,07%). Kesimpulan daripenelitian ini menunjukan ekstrak ikan gabus dengan dosis 14,75 g/kg BBmemiliki efek penyembuhan tercepat terhadap luka sayat

    Are there any ‘hot’ spots and ‘bright’ spots of rice water productivity in Bangladesh? A spatio-temporal analysis of district-level data

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    Employing Bangladeshi district-level time series data as an empirical exploration this paper aims to: (1) estimate two measures of rice water productivity for the main crop seasons; (2) undertake a spatio-temporal analysis; and (3) identify ‘hot’ spots and ‘bright’ spots focusing on the Ganges-dependent (GDA) vis-à-vis other districts (NGDA). The paper finds that (1) kharif (wet) season rice water productivity grew much faster than for the rabi (dry) season across all districts. There was no significant correlation between seasonal growth rates although significant correlation existed between seasonal growth rates and the annual growth rate. Eight Ganges dependent districts experienced faster growth rate in kharif and overall productivity but their rabi season performance was slower relative to other districts. (2) Marginal productivity (MP) experienced fastest growth for the kharif season during 1968-1980. Up to 1990, there was no significant growth in rabi MP. Its growth declined in the 1980s but picked up since the early 1990s. (3) MPs products were slightly lower in the GDA districts for kharif and overall. The study did not find any consistent ‘hot’ spots or ‘bright’ spots in Bangladeshi rice water productivity. The process is highly groundwater intensive and is debatable whether it is sustainable.

    Communication Behaviour of Farmers Adopting Rice Fallow Pulse Technologies

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    A study was conducted to assess the communication behaviour of farmers adopting recommended rice fallow pulse crop technologies in Karaikal district. Karaikal district is a part of Union Territory of Puducherry located in the tail end of Cauvery delta zone where most of the farmers follow the rice fallow pulse crop with the availabe moisture, which fetches more income to them. The communication behaviour was studied under two dimensions viz., information source utilisation and information sharing behaviour. Correlation was worked out to assess the contribution of communication behaviour in the knowledge and adoption of rice fallow pulse technologies. In the case of regular contact, group members, neighbours and family members were the major sources of information. Information source utilization and information sharing were significant in their relationship with knowledge level of farmers whereas information sharing of farmers alone contributed positively to the adoption of technologies

    Participation of ATMA (Agricultural Technology Management Agency) Members in Group Activities and Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Karaikal District, Puducherry

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    A study was conducted in among five selected ATMA (Agricultural Technology Management Agency) groups. A total of 100 farmers from five groups were selected by employing random sampling. Participation was studied in three dimensions viz., group sustainability, sustainable agricultural practices and participation in post harvest technologies. The study reveals that majority of the members belong to medium level of participation in sustainable agricultural practices and participate more in group activities viz., group planning, maintaining transparency, decision making, shouldering responsibilities planning, decision making and auditing. Further, the study reveals that information source utilisation and information sharing behaviour of the group members showed a positive and significant relation with the participation of ATMA group members in sustainable agricultural practices. Addition of new members and lack in guidance were the problems expressed by the respondents. Group promoting initiatives and training on sustainable function of groups were the suggestions offered by the members of the group

    The life and short poems of Isvarcandra Gupta.

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    The present thesis is a monograph on the life and short poems of Isvarcandra Gupta, an extremely popular poet in mid-nineteenth century Bengal, It falls into three parts. The first part discusses the existing accounts of Isvarcandra Gupta's life, assesses the additional information adduced by two modern scholars, Bhabatoa Datta and Brajendranath Bandyopadhyay; and also adds gleanings from a newspaper file not previously examined by other scholars. The second part constitutes a thematic discussion of the contents of Gupta's short poems. This discussion reveals Gupta's attitudes towards religion, contemporary Hindu and European society, contemporary political events, and the glimmerings of patriotism inherent in his poetry. The final part studies the development of literary criticism in Bengal and the beginnings of comparative criticism in Bengali, It also assesses Gupta's place in both contemporary terms and also in terms of Bengali literature as a whole. The final chapter throws light on Gupta's literary technique and suggests that even Gupta was unaware, that his contemporary and posthumous reputation would rest upon his hastily written short satires

    A systematic study of superconductivity in BiPb(Sn)-Sb Sr-Ca-Cu-O systems

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    Superconducting transition above 160 K has been reported in the Bi-Pb-Sb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system. Results of a systematic study emphasizing the correlations between the type and amount of dopant, and superconducting transition is presented. The effect of Sn (instead of Pb) substitution is also highlighted

    Lentera Kata

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    Ionically conducting and photoresponsive liquid crystalline terpolymers: Towards multifunctional polymer electrolytes

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    [EN] We have prepared a series of new ionically conducting polymer electrolytes consisting of side-chain liquid crystal terpolymers with mesogenic azobenzenes, sulfonic acid groups and methyl methacrylate. The poly[10-(4-methoxyazobenzene -4'-oxy)decyl methacrylate] -co-poly[2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid]-copoly [methyl methacrylate]s, 10-MeOAzB/AMPS/MMA terpolymers, were synthesised by a one-pot conventional radical polymerisation. All samples were characterised by NMR, GPC/SEC, FT-IR, POM, XRD, DSC, UV-visible spectrophotometry and EIS. The terpolymers have light responsive properties, and exhibit liquid crystallinity over a wide range of compositions. Above a certain threshold of AMPS content, the 10-MeOAzB/AMPS/MMA terpolymers exhibit ionic conductivities in the 10(-8)-10(-4)S.cm(-1) range, with signs of decoupling of ionic mobility from segmental motions of the polymer.ARG and AMF thank the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Grisolia and Forteza programs, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Research Projects ENE2007-67584-C03 and UPOVCE-3E-013 and the awarding of two FPI and FPU pre-doctoral grants. AMF and NFKA would like to thank the Royal Academy of Engineering for the award of the Newton Research Collaboration Programme grant NRCP1516/4/61. AMF acknowledges the School of Engineering of the University of Aberdeen for financial support.Vanti, L.; Alauddin, SM.; Zaton, D.; Aripin, N.; Giaccinti-Baschetti, M.; Imrie, C.; Ribes-Greus, A.... (2018). Ionically conducting and photoresponsive liquid crystalline terpolymers: Towards multifunctional polymer electrolytes. European Polymer Journal. 109:124-132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.08.033S12413210
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