90 research outputs found

    Supporting sanitation and hygiene in prisons: WaterAid's support for Bolle detention centre in Mali

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    The Bolle detention centre in Bamako is a unique prison for women and girls in Mali with an average of 150 inmates. WaterAid’s intervention started in 2014 to improve the living conditions and health of women prisoners by providing water, hygiene and sanitation. The project involved constructing and rehabilitating sanitation facilities, and providing training and sensitisation for inmates and prison managers in improved hygiene behaviours and maintenance of the facilities. This is consistent with WaterAid’s principle of "equality, non-discrimination and inclusion" in the provision of WASH services. As a result of the intervention more than 130 women and girls now have access to improved toilets and live in a healthier environment. The Ministry of Justice as well as other stakeholders such as United Nations Mission for Mali inspired by the results, have committed themselves to extending the same action in other prisons in Mali

    Risques D’inondation Et Proposition D’un Plan D’évacuation Des Eaux De Pluie Dans La Ville De Kantché, Région De Zinder Au Niger

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    Le Niger connait une hausse exponentielle du nombre d’inondations consĂ©cutives Ă  de fortes pluies. Ce nombre est passĂ© en moyenne Ă  moins de deux (2) par an avant 1990 Ă  plus de huit (8) par an au cours des annĂ©es 2000. Ainsi, ces inondations surviennent chaque annĂ©e dans l’ensemble des villes nigĂ©riennes mais aussi les zones rurales. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude porte sur le cas de la ville de KantchĂ© dans la rĂ©gion de Zinder qui, avec une population de 27615 habitants en 2012, est sujette aux inondations rĂ©currentes et aux problèmes d’assainissement liĂ©s Ă  la mauvaise gestion des eaux pluviales. A titre d’exemple cette commune a connu des inondations graves au cours des annĂ©es 1998, 2007, 2012 et tout rĂ©cemment en 2016, 2017 et 2018. Ces inondations ont occasionnĂ© de nombreux dĂ©gâts matĂ©riels : Effondrement d’habitations, des puits, ruptures des digues, perte de bĂ©tail, et perte en vies humaines. L’objectif global de l’étude vise Ă  analyser les facteurs de l’augmentation du ruissellement et de la recrudescence des inondations dans cette commune afin de proposer un plan d’évacuation des eaux pluviales. A travers une approche diachronique, il s’agit d’analyser les cartes d’occupation de sol dans le bassin versant de cette ville afin de faire un lien entre celles-ci et l’augmentation de ruissellement et du ravinement. Les donnĂ©es topographiques et gĂ©omorphologiques couplĂ©es aux observations de terrain, plus les informations collectĂ©es auprès des populations de KantchĂ© permettent d’établir une cartographie des zones Ă  risque d’inondation afin de proposer un plan d’évacuation des eaux pluviales efficace. Niger faces very high raise in number of floods resulting from heavy rains. The average passes from two (2) per year before 1990 to over than eight (8) in the years 2000. These occur not only in towns, cities but also in Nigerien rural areas. This study deals with in the town of Kantche in Zinder region with a population of 27,615 people in 2012 and subjected to recurrent floods and sanitation problems in connection with the mismanagement of rain water. The commune has witnessed severe floods in 1998, 2007, 2012 and very recently in 2016, 2017 and 2018 the floods have engendered a number of damages: house and wells collapses, levee ruptures, kettle and even human loss. The overall objective of this study is to analyze factors that enhance the streaming and the recrudescence of floods in that community in to suggest vital solutions. Through this diachronic approach, land occupation maps are analyzed in the town basin in order to establish a link between the land occupation and the high streaming and furrow. Topographic and geomorphological data combined with field observations and information obtained from KantchĂ© populations will enable us to mapping flood risk zone in order to work out an efficient rain water draining map

    Environmental Geophysical Study of the Groundwater Mineralization in a Plot of the Cotonou Littoral Zone (South Benin)

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    Geophysical investigations comprising electrical resistivity and electromagnetic conductivities methods were deployed in a 350 m2 sector, strewn with 11 wells. Within the framework of an environmental study on a small scale in the south of Benin, the water conductivity of these wells was measured to determine in a direct way mineralization of the coastal water table in the littoral zone. This environmental study aimed to prospect by the geophysical methods the space extension of the water table mineralization obtained by direct measurements of water conductivity in the well and the depth of the fresh water/salted water interface in the coastal aquifer. Electromagnetic measurements of conductivities made it possible to chart a gradient of mineralization in the northwest direction. The logs of vertical electric soundings showed a deepening of the fresh water/salted water interface in the southern part and its rupture in the northern part. The electrical resistivities of the interface are sensitive to the degree of its mineralization. It has been observed that the geophysical methods in electrical and electromagnetic prospection are a great contribution to the environmental study of the water table mineralization in the littoral zone for a sustainable management of the water resource

    Caracterisation Hydrogeochimique Des Eaux Souterraines Des Aquiferes De Socle De La Commune De Natitingou Au Benin

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de prĂ©ciser la nature hydrochimique des eaux souterraines de la commune de Natitingou et d’identifier les processus responsables de leur minĂ©ralisation, afin de contribuer Ă  leur gestion durable. La mĂ©thodologie appliquĂ©e est basĂ©e sur une combinaison des techniques hydrochimiques et d’analyses statistiques (ACP et CHA). Les rĂ©sultats issus des analyses physico-chimiques montrent une minĂ©ralisation comprise entre 40 et 3240 ÎĽS/cm pour une moyenne de 465,64 ÎĽS/cm. Les eaux souterraines Ă©tudiĂ©es sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement acides Ă  neutres, avec un pH variant entre 4,1 et 7,3. Elles se classent, de par leurs anions, en deux principaux faciès hydrogĂ©ochimiques : celui bicarbonatĂ© (75% des eaux) dont 45% de bicarbonatĂ© calcique et 30% de bicarbonatĂ© sodique et celui chlorurĂ© (25% des eaux) dont 17% de chlorurĂ© sodique et 8% de chlorurĂ© calcique. Les diffĂ©rentes corrĂ©lations entre les ions majeurs et les analyses statistiques ont permis d’identifier trois processus hydrogĂ©ochimiques qui participent Ă  la minĂ©ralisation des eaux. Le processus dominant est l’hydrolyse des minĂ©raux silicatĂ©s, suivi des Ă©changes cationiques, puis l’apport anthropogĂ©nique qui influence la minĂ©ralisation en polluant les eaux. The aim of this study is to specify the hydrochemical nature of the groundwater in the commune of Natitingou and to identify the processes responsible for its mineralization, in order to contribute to its sustainable management. The methodology applied is based on a combination of hydrochemical techniques and statistical analysis (PCAand AHC). The results of the physico-chemical analyses show a mineralization between 40 and 3240 ÎĽS/cm for an average of 465.64 ÎĽS/cm. The groundwater studied is generally acidic to neutral, with a pH varying between 4.1 and 7.3. They are classified, by their anions, in two main hydrogeochemical facies: bicarbonate (75% of the waters) including 45% calcium bicarbonate and 30% sodium bicarbonate and chlorinated (25% of the waters) including 17% sodium chloride and 8% calcium chloride. The different correlations between the major ions and the statistical analyses made it possible to identify three hydrogeochemical processes that participate in the mineralization of the waters. The dominant process is the hydrolysis of silicate minerals, followed by cationic exchanges, then the anthropogenic contribution which influences the mineralization by polluting the waters

    Caractérisation De L’aquifère Superficiel Du Bassin Sédimentaire De Kandi (Nord-Est Bénin, Afrique Ouest): Nature Et Structure Du Reservoir, Hydrodynamique

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    Cet article aborde la caractĂ©risation du bassin sĂ©dimentaire de Kandi, notamment sa structure hydrogĂ©ologique et son fonctionnement hydrodynamique qui sont encore mal connus, prĂ©cisĂ©ment dans sa portion superficielle captĂ©e par des forages d’exploitation et directement concernĂ©e par l’impact de la variabilitĂ© et des changements climatiques. L’analyse de la structure du système aquifère du bassin a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e par corrĂ©lation gĂ©ologique et hydrogĂ©ologique de logs de forages existants. L’étude hydrodynamique a Ă©tĂ© conduite en considĂ©rant les donnĂ©es de pompage d’essai existantes et deux  campagnes de mesures piĂ©zomĂ©triques (aoĂ»t 2016 pour les hautes eaux, puis avril 2017 pour les basses eaux). Les rĂ©sultats confirment la nature essentiellement grĂ©seuse et conglomĂ©ratique de la lithologie des deux couches captĂ©es par les forages hydrauliques, Ă  savoir, selon les secteurs, la formation continentale de Wèrè (Cambro-Ordovicien) et la formation marine de Kandi (Ordovicien supĂ©rieur Ă  Silurien infĂ©rieur). Les nappes phrĂ©atiques de ces deux formations plus ou moins permĂ©ables et directement superposĂ©es l’une sur l’autre, sont en interconnexion hydraulique pour former une seule et mĂŞme nappe d’eau souterraine. Les valeurs des paramètres hydrodynamiques calculĂ©es montrent que la transmissivitĂ© du sytsème aquifère est de l’ordre de 3,08E-02 Ă  2,99E-05 m²/s, et la permĂ©abilitĂ© de l’ordre de 1,30E-03 et 3,37E-06 m/s. L’écoulement de l’eau souterraine s’effectue globalement du Sud vers le Nord, conformĂ©ment au pendage rĂ©gional des couches et Ă  la tectonique. This article deals with the characterization of sedimentary Kandi basin, in particular its hydrogeological structure and hydrodynamic functioning, which are still poorly known, precisely in its superficial part captured by exploitation boreholes and directly concerned by the impact of climate variability and change.  The analysis of the structure of the basin's aquifer system was carried out by geological and hydrogeological correlation of existing borehole logs. The hydrodynamic study was carried out by considering existing test pumping data and two piezometric measurement campaigns (August 2016 for high waters, then April 2017 for low waters). The results confirm the essentially sandstone and conglomeratic  nature of the lithology of the two layers captured by the hydraulic boreholes, namely, depending on the sector, the continental Wèrè formation (Cambro-Ordovician) and the marine Kandi formation (Upper Ordovician to Lower Silurian). The water tables of these two more or less permeable formations, which are directly superimposed on each other, are hydraulically interconnected to form a single groundwater table. The values of hydrodynamic parameters calculated show that transmissivity of the aquifer system ranges from 3.08E-02 to 2.99E-05 m²/s, and permeability ranges from 1.30E-03 to 3.37E-06 m/s. Groundwater flow is generally from South to North, in accordance with the regional dip of the layers and tectonic

    Assessment of the side effects of progestogen only contraception in the immediate postpartum period: the case of implants with levonorgestrel Jadelle®

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the side effects of Jadelle® implants in the immediate postpartum.Methods: To do this, we inserted the implants at two different postpartum period: first, between the first and the seventh day for the immediate postpartum period (IPP) group; second, between the 45th and the 3rd postpartum months for the late postpartum (LPP) group. The variables studied were age, gesture, parity, abortions, number of live children, childbirth, caesarean section, quality of milky climb, age last child, pregnancy-attendant, pregnancy term at time of delivery, complaints, weight.Results: From May 2012 to December 2013, we collected two hundred patients, one hundred from each group (immediate postpartum and late postpartum). The average age of mothers in the IPP group was 28 years and 29 years for LPP group. After insertion, in both group, spotting were the most frequent complaints. The weight variations were between +800 g and -600 g for the group IPP and +260 g and -170 g for the other group; which makes a statistically significant difference. In both groups, at the end of the six months, no patient had menstruation.Conclusions: Our results are encouraging to further promote contraception in the immediate postpartum period in developing countries and thus reach a wide range of users. We can therefore say that the side effects are not different during this period and largely are also tolerated

    Tumeur à cellules de Sertoli-Leydig de l’ovaire: à propos d’un cas chez une jeune fille de 22 ans

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    Les tumeurs à cellules de Sertoli et Leydig sont des tumeurs sécrétantes rares du mésenchyme et des cordons sexuels. Cependant elles constituentl’une des tumeurs le souvent responsables de syndrome de virilisation. La certitude diagnostique est histologique après la chirurgie et il n’ y'a pasde signe échographie spécifique malgré la forte présomption clinique. Le pronostic comme la plupart des néoplasies est lié au degré dedifférenciation cellulaire et la présence d’éléments hétérologue en leur sein. L’objectif de notre travail était de rapporter un authentique syndromede virilisation chez une jeune fille de 22 ans secondaire à une tumeur non épithéliale de l’ovaire à cellule de Sertoli et à cellule de Leydig. Lesformes peu différenciées des tumeurs de Sertoli-Leydig ont un potentiel de malignité non négligeable. Le traitement est chirurgical, lachimiothérapie par association de sels de platine et de taxanes constitue un adjuvant intéressant. Le pronostic après la chirurgie est dominé pardes récidives. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors are rare secreting mesenchymal and sex cord-stromal tumors. However, they constitute one type of tumor most often responsible for virilization syndrome. A definite diagnosis is provided by histological examination following surgical excision of the tumor. It has no characterizing features on ultrasonography, in spite of the strong clinical presumption. Like many neoplasias, prognosis is related to the degree of cellular differentiation and to the presence of heterologous elements. The aim of our study was to report the case of a 22-year old woman suffering from a real virilization syndrome secondary to non-epithelial Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor of the ovary. Poorly differentiated Sertoli-Leydig tumors have high malignant potential. Treatment is surgical; taxane-platinum combination chemotherapy is an interesting adjuvant. Prognosis after surgical resection is related to the risk of relapses. 
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