Supporting sanitation and hygiene in prisons: WaterAid's support for Bolle detention centre in Mali


The Bolle detention centre in Bamako is a unique prison for women and girls in Mali with an average of 150 inmates. WaterAid’s intervention started in 2014 to improve the living conditions and health of women prisoners by providing water, hygiene and sanitation. The project involved constructing and rehabilitating sanitation facilities, and providing training and sensitisation for inmates and prison managers in improved hygiene behaviours and maintenance of the facilities. This is consistent with WaterAid’s principle of "equality, non-discrimination and inclusion" in the provision of WASH services. As a result of the intervention more than 130 women and girls now have access to improved toilets and live in a healthier environment. The Ministry of Justice as well as other stakeholders such as United Nations Mission for Mali inspired by the results, have committed themselves to extending the same action in other prisons in Mali

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