311 research outputs found

    Harmonic mappings and conformal minimal immersions of Riemann surfaces into RN

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    We prove that for any open Riemann surface N, natural number N ≥ 3, non-constant harmonic map h:N→R N−2 and holomorphic 2-form H on N , there exists a weakly complete harmonic map X=(Xj)j=1,…,\scN:N→R\scN with Hopf differential H and (Xj)j=3,…,\scN=h. In particular, there exists a complete conformal minimal immersion Y=(Yj)j=1,…,\scN:N→R\scN such that (Yj)j=3,…,\scN=h . As some consequences of these results (1) there exist complete full non-decomposable minimal surfaces with arbitrary conformal structure and whose generalized Gauss map is non-degenerate and fails to intersect N hyperplanes of CP\scN−1 in general position. (2) There exist complete non-proper embedded minimal surfaces in R\scN, ∀\scN>3.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MTM2007-61775Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MTM2007-64504Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM-508

    Complete minimal surfaces and harmonic functions

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    We prove that for any open Riemann surface N and any non constant harmonic function h : N → R, there exists a complete conformal minimal immersion X : N → R3 whose third coordinate function coincides with h. As a consequence, completeminimal surfaceswith arbitrary conformal structure andwhose Gauss map misses two points are constructed.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MTM2007-61775Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MTM2007-64504Junta de Andalucía P06-FQM-01642

    Complete nonsingular holomorphic foliations on Stein manifolds

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    Alarcón is partially supported by the State Research Agency (AEI) via the grant no. PID2020-117868GB-I00 and the “Maria de Maeztu” Excellence Unit IMAG, reference CEX2020-001105-M, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, Spain. Forstneric is supported by the European Union (ERC Advanced grant HPDR, 101053085) and grants P1-0291, J1-3005, and N1-0237 from ARRS, Republic of Slovenia. We thank an anonymous referee for useful remarks, and the editor for the suggestion to make the introduction more accessible to a wider audience. Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.Let X be a Stein manifold of complex dimension n > 1 endowed with a Riemannian metric g. We show that for every integer k with [ n 2 ] ≤ k ≤ n − 1 there is a nonsingular holomorphic foliation of dimension k on X all of whose leaves are closed and g-complete. The same is true if 1 ≤ k < [ n 2 ] provided that there is a complex vector bundle epimorphism T X → X × Cn−k . We also show that if F is a proper holomorphic foliation on Cn (n > 1) then for any Riemannian metric g on Cn there is a holomorphic automorphism Φ of Cn such that the image foliation Φ∗F is g-complete. The analogous result is obtained on every Stein manifold with Varolin’s density property.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033/, Spain: PID2020-117868GB-I00MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033/, Spain: “Maria de Maeztu” Excellence Unit IMAG, CEX2020-001105-MEuropean Union: ERC Advanced HPDR, 101053085ARRS, Republic of Slovenia: P1-0291, J1-3005, N1- 0237Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Complete CMC-1 surfaces in hyperbolic space with arbitrary complex structure

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    We prove that every open Riemann surface M is the complex structure of a complete surface of constant mean curvature 1 (CMC-1) in the 3-dimensional hyperbolic space H3. We go further and establish a jet interpolation theorem for complete conformal CMC-1 immersions M→H3. As a consequence, we show the existence of complete densely immersed CMC-1 surfaces in H3 with arbitrary complex structure. We obtain these results as application of a uniform approximation theorem with jet interpolation for holomorphic null curves in C2×C∗ which is also established in this paper.State Research Agency (AEI) via the grant no. PID2020-117868GB-I00“Maria de Maeztu” Excellence Unit IMAG, reference CEX2020-001105-M, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, SpainGrant PID2021-124157NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ ‘ERDF A way of making Europe’, SpainComunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, Spain, within the framework of the Regional Programme in Promotion of the Scientific and Technical Research (Action Plan 2022), by Fundación Séneca, Regional Agency of Science and Technology, REF, 21899/PI/2

    Romance caballeresco : comedia melodramática a la española, escrita en verso, en tres actos y un epílogo : original

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    Estrenada el día 30 de septiembre de 1933 en el teatro Lara de Madrid por la Compañía de María Teresa Montoya.Copia Digital : Diputación de Málaga. Biblioteca Cánovas del Castillo, 201

    The cognitive benefits of basketball training compared to a combined endurance and resistance training regimen: a four‑month intervention study

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    Neurocognitive function, especially executive functioning, is positively associated with better fitness or higher levels of physical activity (PA). Previous research suggests that combined endurance and resistance (AER+R) training leads to greater improvements than training in either modality separately. Dynamic team sports with cognitive dimensions, such as basketball (BAS), may be an excellent context for improving cognition. This study compared the effects of following a four-month PA training program in BAS versus AER+R on executive functions along with a control group with low PA. Fifty participants completed the training period and were randomly distributed into three groups: BAS (16 participants), AER+R (18), and control (16). Participants in the BAS group showed improved inhibition and working memory and those in the AER+R group showed improved inhibition and cognitive flexibility, while inhibition deteriorated in the control group. There were significant differences between groups only in inhibition. It appears that following a four-month PA training program is enough to enhance executive functioning, and improvements in inhibition are more evident when the program includes an open sport such as BAS

    La Villa Romana de cortijo de Los Robles (Jaén)

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    En este artículo presentamos la villa romana de Cortijo de Los Robles situada en el espacio suburbano norte del municipio Flavio Aurgitano, en la Zona Arqueológica de Marroquíes Bajos. Se trata de una propiedad que ha conservado una zona residencial y gran parte del área productiva vinculada a la producción de aceite. La villa, con una primera fase más modesta que adscribimos a comienzos del s. I d.C., acometerá a lo largo de la segunda mitad del II d.C. importantes transformaciones en todos sus sectores. Entre éstas destaca las llevadas a cabo en la pars, con la construcción de una de las instalaciones de mayor magnitud vinculada a la producción del aceite que conocemos en la Bética.Artículo revisado por pare

    Resultats d’un cas pràctic d’autoavaluació en educació física en l’etapa de primària

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    En aquest article es mostren els resultats de la posada en pràctica d’un instrument d’Autoavaluació en l’Etapa de Primària amb un grup concret d’alumnes. La finalitat d’aquest sistema d’Autoavaluació és permetre la participació dels alumnes en el propi procés d’ensenyament i aprenentatge per al contingut de l’habilitat bàsica de maneig de mòbils (llançaments, recepcions i bots). Els resultats es van obtenir a partir de qüestionaris d’Autoavaluació dissenyats i preparats per a cadascun dels cicles que conformen aquesta etapa (Ureña, 2004)

    Resultados de un caso práctico de autoevaluación en educación física en la etapa de primaria

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    En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados de la puesta en práctica de un instrumento de Autoevaluación en la Etapa de Primaria con un grupo concreto de alumnos/as. La finalidad de este sistema de Autoevaluación es permitir la participación de los mismos en su proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje para el contenido de la habilidad básica de manejo de móviles (lanzamientos, recepciones y botes). Los resultados se obtuvieron a partir de cuestionarios de Autoevaluación diseñados y preparados para cada uno de los ciclos que conforman dicha Etapa (Ureña, 2004)

    Diseño y dimensionamiento de un generador solar fotovoltaico y sus componentes, para la producción de energía eléctrica presentando como zona experimental el municipio de Tibasosa Boyacá.

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    Se realiza el diseño y Dimensionamiento de un generador fotovoltaico para producir la energía suficiente que requieren las bombas de la bocatoma del acueducto de Tibasosa Boyacá, dando especial importancia al brillo solar de la zona y calculando con la mayor eficiencia posible de los componentes.The design and sizing of a photovoltaic generator is carried out to produce the sufficient energy required by the pumps of the intake of the Tibasosa Boyacá aqueduct, giving special importance to the solar brightness of the area and calculating with the highest possible efficiency of the components