
Harmonic mappings and conformal minimal immersions of Riemann surfaces into RN


We prove that for any open Riemann surface N, natural number N ≥ 3, non-constant harmonic map h:N→R N−2 and holomorphic 2-form H on N , there exists a weakly complete harmonic map X=(Xj)j=1,…,\scN:N→R\scN with Hopf differential H and (Xj)j=3,…,\scN=h. In particular, there exists a complete conformal minimal immersion Y=(Yj)j=1,…,\scN:N→R\scN such that (Yj)j=3,…,\scN=h . As some consequences of these results (1) there exist complete full non-decomposable minimal surfaces with arbitrary conformal structure and whose generalized Gauss map is non-degenerate and fails to intersect N hyperplanes of CP\scN−1 in general position. (2) There exist complete non-proper embedded minimal surfaces in R\scN, ∀\scN>3.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MTM2007-61775Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MTM2007-64504Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM-508

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