240 research outputs found

    Overview of the Parents’ Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Children Vaccinations: A Systematic Review

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    Background: It is the parents' responsibility to vaccinate their children. As a result, parents' attitudes, knowledge, and beliefs about vaccination are critical because they influence their activities toward timely and full immunization.  Objectives: This systematic review comprehensively investigated the recently published literature on parents’ knowledge regarding children’s vaccination.  Methods: PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were systematically searched to include the relevant literature. Rayyan QRCI was used throughout this systematic approach. Results & interpretation: This review included twenty-four studies with a total of 13082 parents, and 70.9% were mothers. Knowledge level about children’s vaccination among parents was significantly related to their fathers' age, education level, women's employment status, and family type. Younger mothers were found to have a higher level of expertise. Good knowledge levels and positive attitudes towards the seasonal influenza vaccine were reported. Good knowledge with caution was reported among parents regarding COVID-19 vaccination. The knowledge about HPV infection and vaccination: All of them reported low vaccination rates and willingness to vaccinate their children. The findings of our study highlight the significance of parental understanding of vaccinations and immunization. Health officials should make additional efforts to promote the benefits of vaccination while emphasizing the risks of non- or late pediatric immunization

    Construction and analysis of experimental designs

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    This thesis seeks to put into focus the analysis of experimental designs and their construction. It concentrates on the construction of fractional factorial designs (FFDs) using various aspects and applications. These dierent experimental designs and their applications, including how they are constructed with respect to the situation under consideration, are of interest in this study. While there is a wide range of experimental designs and numerous dierent constructions, this thesis focuses on FFDs and their applications. Experimental design is a test or a series of tests in which purposeful changes are made to the input variables of a process or system so that we may observe and identify the reasons for changes that may be noted in the output response (Montgomery (2014)). Experimental designs are important because their design and analysis can in uence the outcome and response of the intended action. In this research, analysing experimental designs and their construction intends to reveal how important they are in research experiments. Chapter 1 introduces the concept of experimental designs and their principal and oers a general explanation for factorial experiment design and FFDs. Attention is then given to the general construction and analysis of FFDs, including one-half and one-quarter fractions, Hadamard matrices (H), Balanced Incomplete Block Design (BIBD), Plackett-Burman (PB) designs and regression modelling. Chapter 2 presents an overview of the screening experiments and the literature review regarding the project. Chapter 3 introduces the rst part of the project, which is construction and analysis of edge designs from skew-symmetric supplementary dierence sets (SDSs). Edge designs were introduced by Elster and Neumaier (1995) using conference matrices and were proved to be robust. One disadvantage is that the known edge designs in the literature can be constructed when a conference matrix exists. In this chapter, we introduce a new class of edge designs- these are constructed from skew-symmetric SDSs. These designs are particularly useful, since they can be applied in experiments with an even number of factors, and they may exist for orders where conference matrices do not exist. The same model robustness is archived, as with traditional edge designs. We give details of the methodology used and provide some illustrative examples of this new approach. We also show that the new designs have good D-eciencies when applied to rst-order models, then complete the experiment with interaction in the second stage. We also show the application of models for new constructions. Chapter 4 presents the second part of the project, which is construction and analysis two-level supersaturated designs (SSDs) from Toeplitz matrices. The aim of the screening experiments was to identify the active factors from a large quantity of factors that may in uence the response y. SSDs represent an important class of screening experiments, whereby many factors are investigated using only few experimental runs; this process costs less than classical factorial designs. In this chapter, we introduce new SSDs that are constructed from Toeplitz matrices. This construction uses Toeplitz and permutation matrices of order n to obtain E(s2)- optimal two-level SSDs. We also study the properties of the constructed designs and use certain established criteria to evaluate these designs. We then give some detailed examples regarding this approach, and consider the performance of these designs with respect to dierent data analysis methods. Chapter 5 introduces the third part of the project, which is examples and comparison of the constructed design using real data in mathematics. Mathematics has strong application in dierent elds of human life. The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study(TIMSS) is one of the worlds most eective global assessments of student achievement in both mathematics and science. The research in this thesis sought to determine the most eective factors that aect student achievement in mathematics. Four identied factors aect this problem. The rst is student factors: age, health, number of students in a class, family circumstances, time of study, desire, behaviour, achievements, media (audio and visual), rewards, friends, parents' goals and gender. The second is classroom environment factors: suitable and attractive and equipped with educational tools. The third is curriculum factors: easy or dicult. The fourth is the teacher: wellquali ed or not, and punishment. In this chapter, we detailed the methodology and present some examples, and comparisons of the constructed designs using real data in mathematics . The data comes from surveys contacted in schools in Saudi Arabia. The data are collected by the middle stage schools in the country and are available to Saudi Arabian citizen. Two main methods to collect real data were used: 1/ the mathematics scores for students' nal exams were collected from the schools; 2/ student questionnaires were conducted by disseminating 16-question questionnaires to students. The target population was 2,585 students in 22 schools. Data were subjected to regression analyses and the edge design method, with the nding that the main causes of low achievement were rewards, behaviour, class environment, educational tools and health. Chapter 6 surveys the work of this thesis and recommends further avenues of research

    Proteomic Identification Reveals the Role of Ciliary Extracellular‐Like Vesicle in Cardiovascular Function

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    Primary cilia are shown to have membrane swelling, also known as ciliary bulbs. However, the role of these structures and their physiological relevance remains unknown. Here, it is reported that a ciliary bulb has extracellular vesicle (EV)‐like characteristics. The ciliary extracellular‐like vesicle (cELV) has a unique dynamic movement and can be released by mechanical fluid force. To better identify the cELV, differential multidimensional proteomic analyses are performed on the cELV. A database of 172 cELV proteins is generated, and all that examined are confirmed to be in the cELV. Repressing the expression of these proteins in vitro and in vivo inhibits cELV formation. In addition to the randomized heart looping, hydrocephalus, and cystic kidney in fish, compensated heart contractility is observed in both fish and mouse models. Specifically, low circulation of cELV results in hypotension with compensated heart function, left ventricular hypertrophy, cardiac fibrosis, and arrhythmogenic characteristics, which result in a high mortality rate in mice. Furthermore, the overall ejection fraction, stroke volume, and cardiac output are significantly decreased in mice lacking cELV. It is thus proposed that the cELV as a nanocompartment within a primary cilium plays an important role in cardiovascular functions

    The Impact of Diet-Induced Weight Loss on Inflammatory Status and Hyperandrogenism in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Currently, the primary strategy for addressing polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) involves lifestyle modifications, with a focus on weight loss. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to assess the impact of weight loss through dietary interventions on inflammatory status and hyperandrogenism in PCOS women. Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted to identify randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies assessing the impact of diet-induced weight loss on circulating inflammatory markers (CRP, IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α), androgens (testosterone, androstenedione), SHBG, and luteinising hormone (LH) in PCOS women. The quality and risk of bias of the included studies were assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for RCTs and the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale for cohort studies. Data were entered into RevMan software v5.9 for the calculation of standard mean difference (SMD) and the 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of circulating inflammatory markers, androgens, and LH between baseline and post-weight loss values. Results: Eleven studies (n = 323) were eligible for the systematic review, of which nine (n = 286) were included in the meta-analysis. Pooled analysis of data revealed a statistically significant decrease in circulating CRP (SMD 0.39, 95%CI 0.22, 0.56; 9 studies, n = 286), IL-6 (SMD 0.37, 95%Cl, 0.12, 0.61; 3 Studies, n = 140), TNF-α (SMD 0.30, 95%Cl, 0.07, 0.53; 4 Studies, n = 162), androstenedione (SMD 0.36, 95%Cl, 0.13, 0.60; 4 studies, n = 147) and LH (SMD 0.30, 95% Cl, 0.09, 0.51; 5 studies, n = 197) after weight loss compared to baseline levels among PCOS women. A meta-analysis of five studies (n = 173) showed a statistically significant increase in circulating SHBG after weight loss compared to baseline levels (SMD −0.43, 95%Cl, −0.65, −0.21). Conclusions: These findings suggest that weight loss induced by dietary interventions seems to improve PCOS-related chronic inflammation and hyperandrogenism. The possible causative relationship between the improvement in inflammation and hyperandrogenism remains to be determined

    Plasmonic photo-catalysis using a CdS-silver nanowire composite

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    We examine the potential of cadmium sulfide when combined with plasmonic nanostructures to support photo-induced catalysis. Super-bandgap irradiation of a silver nanowire and cadmium sulfide composite for the probe molecule p-aminothiophenol (PATP) showed the formation of dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB) from PATP. Our results demonstrate that cadmium sulfide can be used as an alternative material to semiconductors, such as titanium dioxide, for plasmonic photocatalysis applications.Saudi Arabian government scholarship programMinistry of Education—Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabian Cultural Missio


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    The asymmetric unit in the title thio­urea derivative, C13H19N3S, comprises three independent mol­ecules (A, B and C). The thio­urea groups are superimposable for the three mol­ecules, but there are significant conformational differences. Mol­ecules A and B are approximate mirror images of each other, and mol­ecule C has an inter­mediate conformation. The dihedral angles between the thio­urea groups and the phenyl rings are 52.10 (5), 63.29 (5) and 66.46 (6)° in mol­ecules A, B and C, respectively. Each independent mol­ecule self-associates into a supra­molecular chain along [100] via N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds. Mol­ecules of A and B assemble into layers four mol­ecules thick in the ac plane via C—H⋯S and C—H⋯π inter­actions. Mol­ecules of C self-assemble into layers in the ac plane via C—H⋯S inter­actions. The layers stack along the b axis with no specific inter­actions between them

    Crystal structure of 2-[(4-bromobenzyl)thio]-5-(5-bromothiophen-2-yl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole, C<sub>13</sub>H<sub>8</sub>Br<sub>2</sub>N<sub>2</sub>OS<sub>2</sub>

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    C13H8Br2N2OS2, monoclinic, Pc (no. 7), a = 13.4050(4) angstrom, b = 4.7716(1) angstrom, c = 11.7303(4) angstrom, beta = 105.885( 3)degrees, V = 721.66(4) angstrom(3), Z = 2, R-gt(F) = 0.0294, wR(ref) (F-2 = 0.0808, T = 160K


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    In the title compound, C26H20N2O4, the central isoindole core is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.043 Å). The phenyl rings lie to either side of the plane [dihedral angles = 88.64 (5) and 67.74 (6)°] and the dihedral angle between the phenyl rings is 63.39 (7)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked by C—H⋯O inter­actions; notably, one carbonyl O atom accepts three such bonds


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    The five-membered ring in the title imidazolidinone derivative, C11H12N2O2S, adopts an envelope conformation with the S-bound C atom being the flap atom. Overall, the mol­ecule has a U-shaped conformation as both rings are folded towards each other [dihedral angle = 31.66 (6)°]. An eight-membered amide {⋯HNCO}2 synthon leads to hydrogen-bonded dimeric aggregates in the crystal: these are additionally linked by C—H⋯π inter­actions


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    Article presents the problem of the approach to the analysis of electrical field distribution in the model insulating system, which, in the author's experimental research, was used to the assessment of the influence of paper insulation on the mechanism of electrical discharge initiation in mineral oil. The main assumptions of the planned numerical works based on the finite element method were described and scientific aim of the numerical analysis were characterized in this paper. Both the assumptions and the scientific aim were related to the conclusions from the experimental works, especially to the measured times to initiation of the discharges developing in mineral transformer oil, indicating on the important role of the oil quality in the process of discharge initiation in the system of the insulated by paper electrodes immersed in oil