955 research outputs found

    Solving modal equations of motion with initial conditions using MSC/NASTRAN DMAP. Part 1: Implementing exact mode superposition

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    Within the MSC/NASTRAN DMAP (Direct Matrix Abstraction Program) module TRD1, solving physical (coupled) or modal (uncoupled) transient equations of motion is performed using the Newmark-Beta or mode superposition algorithms, respectively. For equations of motion with initial conditions, only the Newmark-Beta integration routine has been available in MSC/NASTRAN solution sequences for solving physical systems and in custom DMAP sequences or alters for solving modal systems. In some cases, one difficulty with using the Newmark-Beta method is that the process of selecting suitable integration time steps for obtaining acceptable results is lengthy. In addition, when very small step sizes are required, a large amount of time can be spent integrating the equations of motion. For certain aerospace applications, a significant time savings can be realized when the equations of motion are solved using an exact integration routine instead of the Newmark-Beta numerical algorithm. In order to solve modal equations of motion with initial conditions and take advantage of efficiencies gained when using uncoupled solution algorithms (like that within TRD1), an exact mode superposition method using MSC/NASTRAN DMAP has been developed and successfully implemented as an enhancement to an existing coupled loads methodology at the NASA Lewis Research Center

    Limitations of fasting indices in the measurement of insulin sensitivity in Afro-Caribbean adults

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    In young Afro-Caribbean adults, HOMA-IR compared poorly with other measures of insulin sensitivity. It remains important to determine whether similar findings occur in a more insulin resistant population. However, HOMA-IR correlated with clinical measures of insulin sensitivity (i.e. adiposity), so it may still be useful in epidemiological studies

    The history of AIDS exceptionalism

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    In the history of public health, HIV/AIDS is unique; it has widespread and long-lasting demographic, social, economic and political impacts. The global response has been unprecedented. AIDS exceptionalism - the idea that the disease requires a response above and beyond "normal" health interventions - began as a Western response to the originally terrifying and lethal nature of the virus. More recently, AIDS exceptionalism came to refer to the disease-specific global response and the resources dedicated to addressing the epidemic. There has been a backlash against this exceptionalism, with critics claiming that HIV/AIDS receives a disproportionate amount of international aid and health funding

    Minimum-Uncertainty Angular Wave Packets and Quantized Mean Values

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    Uncertainty relations between a bounded coordinate operator and a conjugate momentum operator frequently appear in quantum mechanics. We prove that physically reasonable minimum-uncertainty solutions to such relations have quantized expectation values of the conjugate momentum. This implies, for example, that the mean angular momentum is quantized for any minimum-uncertainty state obtained from any uncertainty relation involving the angular-momentum operator and a conjugate coordinate. Experiments specifically seeking to create minimum-uncertainty states localized in angular coordinates therefore must produce packets with integer angular momentum.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Interventions to improve social circumstances of people with mental health conditions: a rapid evidence synthesis

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    BACKGROUND: Poor social circumstances can induce, exacerbate and prolong symptoms of mental health conditions, while having a mental health condition can also lead to worse social outcomes. Many people with mental health conditions prioritise improvement in social and functional outcomes over reduction in clinical symptoms. Interventions that improve social circumstances in this population should thus be considered a priority for research and policy. METHODS: This rapid evidence synthesis reports on randomised controlled trials of interventions to improve social circumstances across eight social domains (Housing and homelessness; money and basic needs; work and education; social isolation and connectedness; family, intimate and caring relationships; victimisation and exploitation; offending; and rights, inclusion and citizenship) in people with mental health conditions. Economic evaluations were also identified. A comprehensive, stepped search approach of the Cochrane library, MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science and Scopus was conducted. RESULTS: One systematic review and 102 randomised controlled trials were included. We did not find RCT evidence for interventions to improve family, intimate and caring relationships and only one or two trials for each of improving money and basic needs, victimisation and exploitation, and rights, inclusion and citizenship. Evidence from successful interventions in improving homelessness (Housing First) and employment (Individual Placement and Support) suggests that high-intensity interventions which focus on the desired social outcome and provide comprehensive multidisciplinary support could influence positive change in social circumstances of people with mental health conditions. Objective social isolation could be improved using a range of approaches such as supported socialisation and social skills training but interventions to reduce offending showed few benefits. Studies with cost and cost-effectiveness components were generally supportive of interventions to improve housing and vocational outcomes. More research is needed to ensure that social circumstances accompanied by high risks of further exacerbation of mental health conditions are adequately addressed. CONCLUSIONS: Although there is a large body of literature examining how to support some aspects of life for people with mental health conditions, more high-quality evidence is required in other social domains. Integration into mental health services of interventions targeting social circumstances could significantly improve a number of social outcomes

    CPT and Lorentz Tests in Penning Traps

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    A theoretical analysis is performed of Penning-trap experiments testing CPT and Lorentz symmetry through measurements of anomalous magnetic moments and charge-to-mass ratios. Possible CPT and Lorentz violations arising from spontaneous symmetry breaking at a fundamental level are treated in the context of a general extension of the SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) standard model and its restriction to quantum electrodynamics. We describe signals that might appear in principle, introduce suitable figures of merit, and estimate CPT and Lorentz bounds attainable in present and future Penning-trap experiments. Experiments measuring anomaly frequencies are found to provide the sharpest tests of CPT symmetry. Bounds are attainable of approximately 102010^{-20} in the electron-positron case and of 102310^{-23} for a suggested experiment with protons and antiprotons. Searches for diurnal frequency variations in these experiments could also limit certain types of Lorentz violation to the level of 101810^{-18} in the electron-positron system and others at the level of 102110^{-21} in the proton-antiproton system. In contrast, measurements comparing cyclotron frequencies are sensitive within the present theoretical framework to different kinds of Lorentz violation that preserve CPT. Constraints could be obtained on one figure of merit in the electron-positron system at the level of 101610^{-16}, on another in the proton-antiproton system at 102410^{-24}, and on a third at 102510^{-25} using comparisons of HH^- ions with antiprotons.Comment: 31 pages, published in Physical Review