1,737 research outputs found

    Switching modalities in a sentence verification task: ERP evidence for embodied language processing

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    In an event related potential (ERP) experiment using written language materials only, we investigated a potential modulation of the N400 by the modality switch effect. The modality switch effect occurs when a first sentence, describing a fact grounded in one modality, is followed by a second sentence describing a second fact grounded in a different modality. For example, "A cellar is dark" (visual), was preceded by either another visual property "Ham is pink" or by a tactile property "A mitten is soft." We also investigated whether the modality switch effect occurs for false sentences ("A cellar is light"). We found that, for true sentences, the ERP at the critical word "dark" elicited a significantly greater frontal, early N400-like effect (270370 ms) when there was a modality mismatch than when there was a modality-match. This pattern was not found for the critical word "light" in false sentences. Results similar to the frontal negativity were obtained in a late time window (500700 ms). The obtained ERP effect is similar to one previously obtained for pictures. We conclude that in this paradigm we obtained fast access to conceptual properties for modality-matched pairs, which leads to embodiment effects similar to those previously obtained with pictorial stimuli

    Non-Markovian Persistence and Nonequilibrium Critical Dynamics

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    The persistence exponent \theta for the global order parameter, M(t), of a system quenched from the disordered phase to its critical point describes the probability, p(t) \sim t^{-\theta}, that M(t) does not change sign in the time interval t following the quench. We calculate \theta to O(\epsilon^2) for model A of critical dynamics (and to order \epsilon for model C) and show that at this order M(t) is a non-Markov process. Consequently, \theta is a new exponent. The calculation is performed by expanding around a Markov process, using a simplified version of the perturbation theory recently introduced by Majumdar and Sire [Phys. Rev. Lett. _77_, 1420 (1996); cond-mat/9604151].Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, no figures, requires multicol.st

    Response of non-equilibrium systems with long-range initial correlations

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    The long-time dynamics of the dd-dimensional spherical model with a non-conserved order parameter and quenched from an initial state with long-range correlations is studied through the exact calculation of the two-time autocorrelation and autoresponse functions. In the aging regime, these are given in terms of non-trivial universal scaling functions of both time variables. At criticality, five distinct types of aging are found, depending on the form of the initial correlations, while at low temperatures only a single type of aging exists. The autocorrelation and autoreponse exponents are shown to be generically different and to depend on the initial conditions. The scaling form of the two-time response functions agrees with a recent prediction coming from local scale invariance.Comment: Latex, 18pp, 2 figures (final version

    Riemann's theorem for quantum tilted rotors

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    The angular momentum, angular velocity, Kelvin circulation, and vortex velocity vectors of a quantum Riemann rotor are proven to be either (1) aligned with a principal axis or (2) lie in a principal plane of the inertia ellipsoid. In the second case, the ratios of the components of the Kelvin circulation to the corresponding components of the angular momentum, and the ratios of the components of the angular velocity to those of the vortex velocity are analytic functions of the axes lengths.Comment: 8 pages, Phys. Rev.

    Ageing phenomena without detailed balance: the contact process

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    The long-time dynamics of the 1D contact process suddenly brought out of an uncorrelated initial state is studied through a light-cone transfer-matrix renormalisation group approach. At criticality, the system undergoes ageing which is characterised through the dynamical scaling of the two-times autocorrelation and autoresponse functions. The observed non-equality of the ageing exponents a and b excludes the possibility of a finite fluctuation-dissipation ratio in the ageing regime. The scaling form of the critical autoresponse function is in agreement with the prediction of local scale-invariance.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, Latex2e with IOP macro

    Anomalous WW-Gamma Vertex in Gamma-p Collision

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    The potential of LC+HERAp based Gamma-p collider to probe WW-Gamma vertex is presented through the discussion of sensitivity to anomalous couplings and P_T distribution of the final quark. The limits of -0.04<\Delta\kappa<0.04 and -0.11<\lambda<0.11 at 95% C.L. can be reached with integrated luminosity 200(1/pb). The limit for \Delta\kappa is comparable to one which is expected from LHC. The bounds are also obtained from corresponding ep collider using Weizsacker-Williams Approximation to compare with real photons.Comment: 8 pages, 2 eps figure

    An SF1 affinity model to identify branch point sequences in human introns

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    Splicing factor 1 (SF1) binds to the branch point sequence (BPS) of mammalian introns and is believed to be important for the splicing of some, but not all, introns. To help identify BPSs, particularly those that depend on SF1, we generated a BPS profile model in which SF1 binding affinity data, validated by branch point mapping, were iteratively incorporated into computational models. We searched a data set of 117 499 human introns for best matches to the SF1 Affinity Model above a threshold, and counted the number of matches at each intronic position. After subtracting a background value, we found that 87.9% of remaining high-scoring matches identified were located in a region upstream of 3′-splice sites where BPSs are typically found. Since U2AF65 recognizes the polypyrimidine tract (PPT) and forms a cooperative RNA complex with SF1, we combined the SF1 model with a PPT model computed from high affinity binding sequences for U2AF65. The combined model, together with binding site location constraints, accurately identified introns bound by SF1 that are candidates for SF1-dependent splicing

    Surfactant phosphatidylcholine half-life and pool size measurements in premature baboons developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia

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    Because minimal information is available about surfactant metabolism in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, we measured half-lives and pool sizes of surfactant phosphatidylcholine in very preterm baboons recovering from respiratory distress syndrome and developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia, using stable isotopes, radioactive isotopes, and direct pool size measurements. Eight ventilated premature baboons received (2)H-DPPC (dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine) on d 5 of life, and radioactive (14)C-DPPC with a treatment dose of surfactant on d 8. After 14 d, lung pool sizes of saturated phosphatidylcholine were measured. Half-life of (2)H-DPPC (d 5) in tracheal aspirates was 28 +/- 4 h (mean +/- SEM). Half-life of radioactive DPPC (d 8) was 35 +/- 4 h. Saturated phosphatidylcholine pool size measured with stable isotopes on d 5 was 129 +/- 14 micro mol/kg, and 123 +/- 11 micro mol/kg on d 14 at autopsy. Half-lives were comparable to those obtained at d 0 and d 6 in our previous baboon studies. We conclude that surfactant metabolism does not change during the early development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, more specifically, the metabolism of exogenous surfactant on d 8 is similar to that on the day of birth. Surfactant pool size is low at birth, increases after surfactant therapy, and is kept constant during the first 2 wk of life by endogenous surfactant synthesis. Measurements with stable isotopes are comparable to measurements with radioactive tracers and measurements at autopsy