86 research outputs found

    Unpublished Mediterranean and Black Sea records of marine alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species

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    To enrich spatio-temporal information on the distribution of alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, a collective effort by 173 marine scientists was made to provide unpublished records and make them open access to the scientific community. Through this effort, we collected and harmonized a dataset of 12,649 records. It includes 247 taxa, of which 217 are Animalia, 25 Plantae and 5 Chromista, from 23 countries surrounding the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Chordata was the most abundant taxonomic group, followed by Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Annelida. In terms of species records, Siganus luridus, Siganus rivulatus, Saurida lessepsianus, Pterois miles, Upeneus moluccensis, Charybdis (Archias) longicollis, and Caulerpa cylindracea were the most numerous. The temporal distribution of the records ranges from 1973 to 2022, with 44% of the records in 2020–2021. Lethrinus borbonicus is reported for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea, while Pomatoschistus quagga, Caulerpa cylindracea, Grateloupia turuturu, and Misophria pallida are first records for the Black Sea; Kapraunia schneideri is recorded for the second time in the Mediterranean and for the first time in Israel; Prionospio depauperata and Pseudonereis anomala are reported for the first time from the Sea of Marmara. Many first country records are also included, namely: Amathia verticillata (Montenegro), Ampithoe valida (Italy), Antithamnion amphigeneum (Greece), Clavelina oblonga (Tunisia and Slovenia), Dendostrea cf. folium (Syria), Epinephelus fasciatus (Tunisia), Ganonema farinosum (Montenegro), Macrorhynchia philippina (Tunisia), Marenzelleria neglecta (Romania), Paratapes textilis (Tunisia), and Botrylloides diegensis (Tunisia).peer-reviewe

    Evaluation of long-term iridocorneal angle and corneal endothelial changes in blunt eye trauma patients

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    Tıpta Uzmanlık TeziKünt göz travmasının iridokorneal açı ve kornea endoteli üzerine geç dönem etkilerini araştırdığımız bu çalışmada; Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı'nda takip ve tedavileri yapılan 31'i hifemalı, 20'si hifemasız 51 künt göz travmalı olgunun klinik verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Çalışmaya alınan olguların dosya kayıtlarından ilk muayeneleri, kontrol muayeneleri, iridokorneal açı ve kornea endoteli hücre analiz bulguları elde edilerek, olguların kontrol gözlerine ait bulgularıyla karşılaştırıldı. Yapılan istatistiksel değerlendirmeler sonunda; travmatik hifemalı olguların, yaş ortalamalarının hifemasız olgulara göre daha küçük olduğu ve hifemalı olguların sağlık kurumuna daha erken başvurdukları tespit edildi. Başvuru görme keskinliği bakımından iki grup arasında fark olmadığı, ancak başvuru göz içi basıncının hifemalı grupta daha yüksek olduğu görüldü. Sonuç görme keskinliği bakımından gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık görülmedi. Hifemalı grubun %67.7'sinde, hifemasız grubun %20'sinde değişik derecelerde iridokorneal açı resesyonu tespit edildi. Hifemalı grubun %54.8'inde, hifemasız grubun %10'unda periferik anterior sineşi saptandı. Hifemalı gruptan 2 olguda (%6.5) sekonder glokom geliştiği görüldü. Olguların travmatize gözlerine ait kornea endotel hücre analizi sonuçları değerlendirilip, kontrol gözleriyle karşılaştırıldığında; santral, alt, temporal, nazal kadranlardaki endotel hücre yoğunluğu azalırken, üst kadran endotel hücre yoğunluğunun travmadan etkilenmediği görüldü. Hifemalı grupta; santral, alt, temporal ve nazal kadranlarda, hifemasız grupta ise temporal kadranda endotel hücre yoğunluğunun azaldığı belirlendi. Kornea endotel hücre yoğunluğundaki azalmanın, travmatik katarakt, lens subluksasyonu ve periferik anterior sineşi varlığı ile ilişkili olduğu görüldü. Künt göz travmaları, erken dönemde klinik önemi olmayan, ancak geç dönemde izlem gerektirecek iridokorneal açı ve kornea endotel değişikliklerine neden olabilmektedir. İridokorneal açı değişiklikleri sonucu ortaya çıkan sekonder glokom izlem gerektirirken, kornea endotel hücre yoğunluğundaki değişikliklerin geç dönemde de klinik önemi olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Künt göz travması, hifema, iridokorneal açı, kornea endoteli.AbstractIn this study where we investigated the long term effects of blunt eye trauma on the iridocorneal angle and the corneal endothelium; clinical data of 51 blunt eye trauma patients (20 presenting with hyphema and 31 without it) who were followed up and treated at the Ophthalmology Department of the Faculty of Medicine Trakya University were retrospectively studied. Data on the initial eye examinations, follow-up examinations, iridocorneal angle and corneal endothelial cell analysis results obtained from the records of patients included in the study was compared to that of the control patients eyes. In the statistical analysis, the mean age of the patients presenting with trauma-related hyphema was seen to be younger than that of those patients presenting without hyphema; and that the patients with hyphema sought medical help earlier than those without hyphema. While there was no difference in visual acuity between the two groups during the initial visit, the intraocular pressure in the patients with hyphema was higher than in the patient group without hyphema. The difference in the resultant visual acuity between the two groups was statistically non-significant. 67.7% of the patients presenting with hyphema and 20% of those presenting without hyphema had different degrees of iridocorneal angle recessions. Peripheral anterior synechiae was seen in 54.8% of the patients presenting with hyphema and 10% of those presenting without hyphema. Two patients (6.5%) in the hyphema group developed secondary glaucoma. Upon comparison of the injured eye's corneal endothelial cell analysis results with those of the patient controls eyes; a trauma-related endothelial cell density reduction was seen in the lower, central, temporal and nasal quadrants whereas no endothelial cell density change was observed in the upper quadrant. While in the hyphema group endothelial cell density reduction was seen in the lower, central, temporal and nasal quadrants; in the patient group without hyphema this reduction was only observed in the temporal quadrant. The reduction in endothelial cell density was associated with traumatic cataract, lens subluxation and Peripheral anterior synechiae. Blunt eye traumas bear no short term clinical significance but can cause long term iridocorneal angle and corneal endothelium changes that may require monitoring. It was concluded that while glaucoma secondary to iridocorneal angle changes needs monitoring, corneal endothelium density changes have no long term clinical significance. Key words: Blunt eye trauma, hyphema, iridocorneal angle, corneal endotheliu

    Gross anatomical and scanning electron microscopic studies of the oropharyngeal cavity in the European magpie (Pica pica) and the common raven (Corvus corax)

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    There is no descriptive information about morphology of the oropharyngeal cavity including tongue, palate, and laryngeal region in Corvidae family. This study not only presents the first definitive anatomical description of the structures in the oropharyngeal cavity of magpie and raven but also reviews and compares the scattered information on the morphology of the other avian species available in the literature. In this study, the organs of four birds (two magpies and two ravens) were used. The tongue in magpie and raven was considerably elongated and terminated with an oval-shaped apex. Although the lingual apex in the magpie was divided by fissure, no such bifurcation existed on that of raven. Lingual apex was quite distinctive in both species, and multiple acicular processes covered the apex. These occurrences on the tongue of magpie were replaced by thread-like processes as approaching the lingual body. In raven, these processes were mostly foliated, becoming longer toward the back of the lingua, and denser compared with raven. Moreover, we observed conical papillary crest, which was pointed backward and located between the lingual body and the radix of the tongue and pharyngeal conical papillae around the glottis and palate clefts in both species. There was a transversal fold separating the choanal cleft from the infundibular cleft in raven. Anatomy of the oropharyngeal cavity in the raven and magpie, which are the member of the same family, Corvidae, showed little differences and overall their oral morphological features were excessively similar. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2011. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Light and scanning electron microscopic studies on the lingual papillae of 80 day old wild pig fetal siblings

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    This study examined the lingual papillae of 80-day-old wild pig fetal siblings through macroscopic and light and scanning electron microscopic observations. Te results revealed that fungiform papillae were located on every aspect of the tongue except the ventral surface and the center of the dorsal surface. Conical papillae were present on the dorsal surface of the root of the tongue and marginal papillae were observed on the lateral edges of the tip of the tongue. Tere were 2 vallate papillae on the dorsal and 2 foliate papillae on the lateral aspects of the root of the tongue. Te fliform papillae normally seen in the mature stage were not observed at this stage. Taste buds were identifed in all the gustatory papillae examined. On the other hand, taste pores were perceived only in the fungiform papillae. Te fndings acquired will surely contribute to the literature as an essential base for further related research.This study examined the lingual papillae of 80-day-old wild pig fetal siblings through macroscopic and light and scanning electron microscopic observations. Te results revealed that fungiform papillae were located on every aspect of the tongue except the ventral surface and the center of the dorsal surface. Conical papillae were present on the dorsal surface of the root of the tongue and marginal papillae were observed on the lateral edges of the tip of the tongue. Tere were 2 vallate papillae on the dorsal and 2 foliate papillae on the lateral aspects of the root of the tongue. Te fliform papillae normally seen in the mature stage were not observed at this stage. Taste buds were identifed in all the gustatory papillae examined. On the other hand, taste pores were perceived only in the fungiform papillae. Te fndings acquired will surely contribute to the literature as an essential base for further related research

    Tendo Calcaneus Communis Achilles Tendon in Rabbit

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    Tendons are fibrous connective tissues which lead to transmission o f musclecontractionfor ceto the bone fo reffective moving of limbs. The commoncalcanean tendon is for medby lateral and medial gastrocnmius, soleus and superficial digital flex or tendon. Thecommoncalcaneal tendon is at tachedto the tubercalcanei.Inthisstudy it was aimedtoreveal macro-anatomical, histological structure sandmechanical properties of common calcanean tendon. Achillestendon of rightandlefthindlimbof 5 adult New Zealandrabbitused in thisstudy. Results shared which was obtained fromproject of morphology and mechanicalproperties of tendo of rabbit.Data recorded which was obtained with dissection of commoncal canean tendon.Tissues stained with Crossman's triplestainingtechnic in ordertodetermineoverallhistological structure and obtained resultse valuated semiquantatively. Macroanatomicand histological data visualized with photographs. Tensile and tearstrength tests appliedtothe tendons in Autograph machine with 2 mm/min speed. Results revealed to form ofseveral tables and graphics.Keywords:Achillestendon, Anatomy, Histology, Tensile strenght</p

    Termal Anatomi

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    Gerze Horozunda Pecten Oculi nin Makroanatomik Işık ve Elektron Mikroskobik İncelenmesi

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    Amaç:Yapılan çalışma ile ülkemize ait yerel bir ırk olan gerze horozlarında pekten oculi’ninmakroanatomik, ışık ve elektron mikroskobik yapısının detaylı bir şekilde incelenmesiamaçlandı.Materyal ve Metod:Çalışmada 5 adet Gerze horozuna ait toplam 10 adet göz kullanıldı. Gözlerden 4tanesi ışıkmikroskopta, 3tanesi ise SEM’da, diğer gözler ise makroanatomik incelemede kullanıldı.Alınan doku örneklerine rutin histolojik prosedürü takiben genel yapıyı belirlemek içinCrossman’m üçlü boyaması uygulandı. SEM incelemelerinde kullanılacak dokular, dokutakibi işlemleri ardından Au-Pd kaplanarak farklı büyütmelerde incelendi.Bulgular:Gerze horozunda pectenoculi, discus nevri optici’nin hemen üzerinden başlayarak cameravitı-ea bulbi’ye doğru uzanmaktaydı. 19-21 adet plikadan oluşmuş bir yapı olarak gözlenenPecten oculinin şekli bir akordiona benzemekteydi. Pectenoculinin retinaya bağlı olan tabanıortalama olarak 7.75±0,37mm, en uzun noktadaki yüksekliği 4,45±0,40mm, kalınlığı isel,20±0,19mm olarak ölçüldü. Plicalarm serbest olan apikal uçları bir köprü ile birbirlerinebağlanmaktaydı. Rengi tabanda açık kahve başlayıp apikal kısma doğru yapısındaki pigmentnedeniyle koyulaşmaktaydı.Histolojik ve SEM incelemede içerisinde bol miktarda kan damarıve melanin pigmenti içerdiği saptandı.Sonuç:Bu bulgular ışığında gerze horozunda pekten okuli’nin pilikalı tipte olduğu,makroanatomik, ışık ve elektron mikroskobik yapı bakımından diğer kanatlı türleri ilebenzerlik gösterdiği saptandı.Anahtar Kelimeler.-Anatomy, gerze horozu, pekten oculi, SEM,Purpose:Aim of this study to investigate in detail the pecten oculi of Gerze rooster in a local race ofour country, by using macroscopic, light and electron microscopic techniques.Material and Methods:A total of 10 eyes that were obtained from 5 Gerze rooster were used. Four of the eyes wereexamined by light microscope while the other three with an electron microscope. Afterroutine histological procedures the resulting tissue samples stained using Crossman’s triplestain technique. The resulting tissue samples were covered with gold-palladium, and wereexamined by scanning electron microscope (Leica, Leo 440, UK) with differentmagnifications.Findings:Pecten oculi in Gerze rooster immediately starting from discus n. optici is to camera vitreabulbi extends. The pecten was composed of 19-21 pleats, and its appearance resembled anaccordion. The length of the pecten oculi at the basal part attached to the retina was7.75±0,37mm on average, The average height on the longest point of the pecten was4,45±0,40mm and the thickness was 1.20 ± 0,19mm. The dorsal ends of the pleats wereconnected to each other. Its brown color darkened from basal part to apex because it containsmelanin pigment. Histological and SEM examination revealed that in plenty of blood vesselsand contain melanin pigment.Result: These findings from that Gerze rooster in the pecten oculi the pilikal type,macroanatomic, light and electron microscopic structure was found to be similar with respectto other avian species.Key Words: Anatomy, gerze rosster, pecten oculi, SEM.</p