32 research outputs found

    Isoprene nitrates: preparation, separation, identification, yields, and atmospheric chemistry

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    Isoprene is an important atmospheric volatile organic compound involved in ozone production and NO<sub>x</sub> (NO+NO<sub>2</sub>) sequestration and transport. Isoprene reaction with OH in the presence of NO can form either isoprene hydroxy nitrates ("isoprene nitrates") or convert NO to NO<sub>2</sub> which can photolyze to form ozone. While it has been shown that isoprene nitrate production can represent an important sink for NO<sub>x</sub> in forest impacted environments, there is little experimental knowledge of the relative importance of the individual isoprene nitrate isomers, each of which has a different fate and reactivity. In this work, we have identified the 8 individual isomers and determined their total and individual production yields. The overall yield of isoprene nitrates at atmospheric pressure and 295 K was found to be 0.070(+0.025/−0.015). Three isomers, representing nitrates resulting from OH addition to a terminal carbon, represent 90% of the total IN yield. We also determined the ozone rate constants for three of the isomers, and have calculated their atmospheric lifetimes, which range from ~1–2 h, making their oxidation products likely more important as atmospheric organic nitrates and sinks for nitrogen

    Measurements of ambient HONO concentrations and vertical HONO flux above a northern Michigan forest canopy

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    Systems have been developed and deployed at a North Michigan forested site to measure ambient HONO and vertical HONO flux. The modified HONO measurement technique is based on aqueous scrubbing of HONO using a coil sampler, followed by azo dye derivatization and detection using a long-path absorption photometer (LPAP). A Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>-coated denuder is used to generate "zero HONO" air for background correction. The lower detection limit of the method, defined by 3 times of the standard deviation of the signal, is 1 pptv for 1-min averages, with an overall uncertainty of ±(1 + 0.05 [HONO]) pptv. The HONO flux measurement technique has been developed based on the relaxed eddy accumulation approach, deploying a 3-D sonic anemometer and two HONO measurement systems. The overall uncertainty is estimated to be within ±(8 × 10<sup>−8</sup> + 0.15 <i>F</i><sub>HONO</sub>) mol m<sup>−2</sup> h<sup>−1</sup>, with a 20-min averaged data point per 30 min. Ambient HONO and vertical HONO flux were measured simultaneously at the PROPHET site from 17 July to 7 August 2008. The forest canopy was found to be a net HONO source, with a mean upward flux of 0.37 × 10<sup>−6</sup> moles m<sup>−2</sup> h<sup>−1</sup>. The HONO flux reached a maximal mean of ~0.7 × 10<sup>−6</sup> moles m<sup>−2</sup> h<sup>−1</sup> around solar noon, contributing a major fraction to the HONO source strength required to sustain the observed ambient concentration of ~70 pptv. There were no significant correlations between [NO<sub>x</sub>] and daytime HONO flux and between <i>J</i><sub>NO<sub>2</sub></sub> × [NO<sub>2</sub>] and HONO flux, suggesting that NO<sub>x</sub> was not an important precursor responsible for HONO daytime production on the forest canopy surface in this low-NO<sub>x</sub> rural environment. Evidence supports the hypothesis that photolysis of HNO<sub>3</sub> deposited on the forest canopy surface is a major daytime HONO source

    Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals (EPFRs). 3. Free versus Bound Hydroxyl Radicals in EPFR Aqueous Solutions

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    Additional experimental evidence is presented for in vitro generation of hydroxyl radicals because of redox cycling of environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) produced after adsorption of 2-monochlorophenol at 230 °C (2-MCP-230) on copper oxide supported by silica, 5% Cu(II)O/silica (3.9% Cu). A chemical spin trapping agent, 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO), in conjunction with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was employed. Experiments in spiked O17 water have shown that ∼15% of hydroxyl radicals formed as a result of redox cycling. This amount of hydroxyl radicals arises from an exogenous Fenton reaction and may stay either partially trapped on the surface of particulate matter (physisorbed or chemisorbed) or transferred into solution as free OH. Computational work confirms the highly stable nature of the DMPO–OH adduct, as an intermediate produced by interaction of DMPO with physisorbed/chemisorbed OH (at the interface of solid catalyst/solution). All reaction pathways have been supported by ab initio calculations

    Impacts of groundwater extraction on salinization risk in a semi-arid floodplain

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    In the lower River Murray in Australia, a combination of a reduction in the frequency, duration and magnitude of natural floods, rising saline water tables in floodplains, and excessive evapotranspiration have led to an irrigation-induced groundwater mound forcing the naturally saline groundwater onto the floodplain. It is during the attenuation phase of floods that these large salt accumulations are likely to be mobilised and discharged into the river. This has been highlighted as the most significant risk in the Murray–Darling Basin and the South Australian Government and catchment management authorities have subsequently developed salt interception schemes (SIS). The aim of these schemes is to reduce the hydraulic gradient that drives the regional saline groundwater towards the River Murray. This paper investigates the interactions between a river (River Murray in South Australia) and a saline semi-arid floodplain (Clark's floodplain) that is significantly influenced by groundwater lowering due to a particular SIS. The results confirm that groundwater extraction maintains a lower water table and a higher amount of fresh river water flux to the saline floodplain aquifer. In terms of salinity, this may lead to less solute stored in the floodplain aquifer. This occurs through three mechanisms, namely extraction of the solute mass from the system, reducing the saline groundwater flux from the highland to the floodplain and changing the floodplain groundwater regime from a losing to a gaining one. It is shown that groundwater extraction is able to remove some of the solute stored in the unsaturated zone and this can mitigate the floodplain salinity risk. A conceptual model of the impact of groundwater extraction on floodplain salinization has been developed

    Modeling hydrological impacts of afforestation on intermittent streams

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    Although the majority of river networks across the world are intermittent or ephemeral, afforestation management of these catchments is mostly founded on studies in perennial catchments. The hydrological model CATHY (CATchment HYdrology) was used here to simulate the effects that different degrees of progressive conversion from pasture to plantation have on the streamflow generation in intermittent streams. The model was applied to two rural catchments with different size and topographic features in southwest Victoria, Australia. Simulated scenarios included different levels of plantation establishment in pasture areas planting gradually from downslope to upslope and vice versa. Different models for root water uptake were compared to account for water stress, oxygen stress, and root water compensation. A function of root growth over time was also explored to see how it affected model results. The model results show that complex interactions between topographic features and afforestation patterns are crucial in controlling catchments hydrological behavior. In particular, results show that planting in the prone-saturation areas has the largest effects on streamflow. Oxygen stress has a more significant impact than root water compensation on streamflow changes. A time dependent root growth results in smaller streamflow reduction on average, although with different impacts on the two catchments, also due to the interplay between topography and plantation patterns. Overall, our results show that there are multiple factors affecting the water balance when a catchment is partially or completely afforested and those must be taken into account when implementing forestry management strategies

    Measurements of ambient HONO concentrations and vertical HONO flux above a northern Michigan forest canopy

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    Systems have been developed and deployed at a North Michigan forested site to measure ambient HONO and vertical HONO flux. The modified HONO measurement technique is based on aqueous scrubbing of HONO using a coil sampler, followed by azo dye derivatization and detection using a long-path absorption photometer (LPAP). A Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>-coated denuder is used to generate "zero HONO" air for background correction. The lower detection limit of the method, defined by 3 times of the standard deviation of the signal, is 1 pptv for 1-min averages, with an overall uncertainty of ±(1 + 0.05 [HONO]) pptv. The HONO flux measurement technique has been developed based on the relaxed eddy accumulation approach, deploying a 3-D sonic anemometer and two HONO measurement systems. The overall uncertainty is estimated to be within ±(8 × 10<sup>−8</sup> + 0.15 <i>F</i><sub>HONO</sub>) mol m<sup>−2</sup> h<sup>−1</sup>, with a 20-min averaged data point per 30 min. Ambient HONO and vertical HONO flux were measured simultaneously at the PROPHET site from 17 July to 7 August 2008. The forest canopy was found to be a net HONO source, with a mean upward flux of 0.37 × 10<sup>−6</sup> moles m<sup>−2</sup> h<sup>−1</sup>. The HONO flux reached a maximal mean of ~0.7 × 10<sup>−6</sup> moles m<sup>−2</sup> h<sup>−1</sup> around solar noon, contributing a major fraction to the HONO source strength required to sustain the observed ambient concentration of ~70 pptv. There were no significant correlations between [NO<sub>x</sub>] and daytime HONO flux and between <i>J</i><sub>NO<sub>2</sub></sub> × [NO<sub>2</sub>] and HONO flux, suggesting that NO<sub>x</sub> was not an important precursor responsible for HONO daytime production on the forest canopy surface in this low-NO<sub>x</sub> rural environment. Evidence supports the hypothesis that photolysis of HNO<sub>3</sub> deposited on the forest canopy surface is a major daytime HONO source

    In situ split plus portal vein ligation (ISLT) - a salvage procedure following inefficient portal vein embolization to gain adequate future liver remnant volume prior to extended liver resection.

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    BACKGROUND Right extended liver resection is frequently required to achieve tumor-free margins. Portal venous embolization (PVE) of the prospective resected hepatic segments for conditioning segments II/III does not always induce adequate hypertrophy in segments II and III (future liver remnant volume (FLRV)) for extended right-resection. Here, we present the technique of in situ split dissection along segments II/III plus portal disruption to segments IV-VIII (ISLT) as a salvage procedure to overcome inadequate gain of FLRV after PVE. METHODS In eight patients, FLRV was further pre-conditioned following failed PVE prior to hepatectomy (ISLT-group). We compared FLRV changes in the ISLT group with patients receiving extended right hepatectomy following sufficient PVE (PVEres-group). Survival of the ISLT-group was compared to PVEres patients and PVE patients with insufficient FLRV gain or tumor progress who did not receive further surgery (PVEnores-group). RESULTS Patient characteristics and surgical outcome were comparable in both groups. The mean FLRV-to-body-weight ratio in the ISLT group was smaller than in the PVEres-group pre- and post-PVE. One intraoperative mortality due to a coronary infarction was observed for an ISLT patient. ISLT was successfully completed in the remaining seven ISLT patients. Liver function and 2-year survival of ~ 50% was comparable to patients with extended right hepatectomy after efficient PVE. Patients who received a PVE but who were not subsequently resected (PVEnores) demonstrated no survival beyond 4 months. CONCLUSION Despite extended embolization of segments I and IV-VIII, ISLT should be considered if hypertrophy was not adequate. Liver function and overall survival after ISLT was comparable to patients with trisectionectomy after efficient PVE

    Reduce blue water scarcity and increase nutritional and economic water productivity through changing the cropping pattern in a catchment

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    Water-stressed countries need to plan their food security and reduce the pressure on their limited water resources. Agriculture, the largest water-using sector, has a major role in addressing water scarcity and food security challenges. While there has been quite some attention to water management solutions like soil mulching and improved irrigation, less attention has been paid to adapting the cropping pattern to save water. Here, we investigate how a change in which crops are grown where and when can influence the green and blue water footprint (WF) of crop production, save blue water, reduce blue water scarcity and increase both food and cash crop production, using FAO's AquaCrop model. The performance of two potential solutions, first a strategy of mulching plus drip irrigation, and second a strategy with changing the cropping pattern in addition to mulching and drip irrigation, were compared in one of the most water-stressed catchments in the world, the Upper Litani Basin in Lebanon. Our results show a substantial potential for more efficient use of green water resources for food production while saving scarce blue water resources. Whereas mulching and drip irrigation together decrease the blue WF in the basin by 4.5%, changing the cropping pattern as well can decrease it by 20.3%. Food and cash production could increase by 3% and 50% by changing the cropping pattern, compared to 1.5% and 2.1% by mulching and drip irrigation. Changing the cropping pattern could thus significantly reduce water scarcity and enlarge food and cash production in the basin. © 2020Authors are thankful for the support from the UN-FAO headquarter and FAO-Lebanon. The ground data used for the simulation and modelling were collected during the field visit of the Litani Basin funded by the FAO-WaPOR project (FRAME consortium