165 research outputs found

    Patients & Family caregivers’ Satisfaction with Care Delivered by Saudi Nurses at National Guard Health Affairs Hospitals in Saudi Arabia

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    In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) nursing profession is young and comprises only 30% of total nursing workforce .A cross-sectional descriptive design was used to explore patients and family caregivers’ satisfaction with the care delivered by Saudi nurses in National Guard Health Affairs (NGHA) hospitals across KSA. Three hundred and two respondents completed satisfaction questionnaire that was self developed by the investigators. The overall mean satisfaction score of patients and family caregivers with the care was 4.45 out of 5. Areas of highest satisfaction were: respecting religion & culture, maintaining privacy and confidentiality, communication and professionalism. Areas of least  satisfaction were related to: discharge instructions and updating patient’s family with changes in patient’s condition. Keywords: Saudi nurses, patient satisfaction, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), family satisfaction, nursing care, saudization

    The Job Placement and Employment Pathways of the Nursing Graduates of College of Nursing Riyadh for the Academic Year 2005 – 2011

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    Objective: This study has explored the employment pathways of the nursing graduates of ×× University - College of Nursing-Riyadh relative to their job placement and employment behavior from September 2005-2011. Method: A qualitative research design using exploratory descriptive interpretive approach for the purpose of extensiveness, understanding and in-depth explanation. College of Nursing, Riyadh, KSA All College of Nursing graduates was considered eligible for the study provided they had passed the minimum of two years after graduation until the time of data collection. 374 graduates were qualified for the study. A self-developed questionnaire was utilized with the following categories: Demographic, Academic, Job placement (employment, transfer, and  resignation), career promotion and post graduate studies. The data were collected from subjects utilizing different techniques, depending on their geographic locations, such as a face to face interview, phone interview and e-mail correspondence. Results: Out of 374 subjects, 367 were initially employed after earning a BSN degree which leads to the general employment rate of approximately 98% among CON graduates.  91% of graduates retained their first two years employment, 89% retained till the end of their third year and 86.4% up to the end of their fifth employment year. 99% of the graduates were staff nurses during the first employment and only 1% belonging to education/research position. Moreover, 58.4% of the subjects chose the specialized areas such as: critical and cardiac unit, operating room and emergency nursing as career paths. Conclusion: The result of this study is reflecting an emerging image of a dedicated career- oriented female nurses and sustainable workforce of the country.  The study is a valuable contribution to quality improvement relative to preparation and building of a credible workforce along with peer academic institutions and concerned policy makers. Similar studies are extremely needed on national workforce performance in the country

    The leadership style of headteachers and its relationship with primary school pupils' achievement in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    This study utilised a descriptive research methodology to determine the leadership styles of primary school headteachers in Riyadh City and their relationship with pupils' achievement. Following a review of the literature, questions were generated as follows:1. Is there a relationship between the number of years of experience of the headteacher and his educational level (qualification of the headteacher)?2. Is there a relationship between the educational level (qualification of the headteacher) and school size (number of pupils in school)?3. Is there a relationship between school size and experience of the headteacher?4. Is there a relationship between the educational level (qualification) of the headteacher and the achievement of pupils?5. Is there a relationship between the experience of the headteacher and the achievement of the pupils?6. Is there a relationship between school size (number of pupils in school) and pupil achievement?7. Is there a relationship between the educational level (qualification) and the style of the headteacher in leading the school?8. Is there a relationship between the experience of the headteacher and his style in leading the school?9. Is there a relationship between the school size and the style of the headteacher in leading the school?10. Is there a relationship between the achievement of the pupils and the style of the headteacher in leading the school? Pfeiffer and Jones' (1972) adaptation of the Leader Behaviour Descriptive Questionnaire (LBDQ) was used. The findings of the study revealed three administrative styles: Spokesman and Manager, Striving for Achievement and Professionalism, and Autocratic. These three styles are predominant in primary schools in Riyadh. They do not have a link with pupil achievement, but there was a relationship between the qualification of the headteacher and the achievement of pupils and also the experience of the headteacher and pupil achievement. No evidence was found to suggest that any other relationships existed. The study supports the need for qualifications and experience and other general criteria to be taken into consideration when selecting school headteachers, and formal training to be given prior to becoming primary school headteachers. With all this in mind, it should be noted that in measuring pupil achievement, we cannot take the headteacher's leadership style for granted

    اقتران لفظي اللعب واللهو في القرآن الكريم (دراسة دلالية) The conjunction of the word “play” and the word “fun” in the Qur’an (semantic study)

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    ملخص يقصد هذا البحث إلى دراسة الاقتران بين لفظي (اللعب) و(اللهو) في القرآن الكريم، مع التفريق بينهما وبين ما يقاربهما من الألفاظ؛ من حيث اللغة والدلالة، بهدف بيان أثر السياق القرآني في ذلك؛ لاستنباط الفوائد القرآنية التي يحملها هذا الاقتران؛ وذلك بسلوك منهج الاستقراء؛ باستقراء لفظي(اللعب) و(اللهو) في الآيات التي اقترنا فيها، ثم منهج الاستنباط؛ باستنباط العلاقة بينها وبين السياق القرآني؛ وكشف البحث أن ورود هذا الاقتران في القرآن جاء في ستة مواضع في خمس سور، وكان منسجما مع أغراض كل سورة، ويوصي البحث بزيادة العناية بدراسة الاقتران اللفظي في القرآن؛ لما يُقدِّمه من فوائد قرآنية وإعجازية كثيرة. الكلمات الدالة: اللهو، اللعب، اقتران. The conjunction of the word “play” and the word “fun” in the Qur’an (semantic study) Abstract This research aims to study the verbal conjugation (play) and (fun) in the Holy Quran, with differentiation between them and between the nearest words, regarding the language and the indication, for the purpose to identify the effect in the Holy Quranic context, to conclude the Qur\u27anic benefits of this conjugation, by conducting the induction approach, by extrapolating the words (play) and (fun) in linguistic dictionaries, the verses in which we are included, and then the conclusion method, b concluding the relationship between it and the Quranic context. The research revealed that the occurrence of this conjugation in the Qur’an came in six places in five surah, and was consistent with the purposes of each surah, and the research recommends to increase the attention to studying the verbal conjugation in the Qur’an, because it provides many Quranic and miracle benefits. Keywords: have a fun, play, conjugation

    An investigation of the strategies that Saudi university students use when writing in English and the linguistic challenges they encounter: a comparative and correlational study

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    This study investigates the writing strategies that Saudi university students utilise and the linguistic challenges they encounter during the process of writing in English. The study also compares the writing behaviour of two groups of writers: skilled vs. less skilled and male vs. female writers. Further, the possible inter-relationships between the main writing strategies and major linguistic challenges are explored. Data was collected using a writing proficiency test, think-aloud protocols (TAPs), observation, written compositions and stimulated recalls. The main sample consisted of 28 participants (14 skilled vs. 14 unskilled writers, 18 male vs. 10 female writers). Data analysis reveals that the writers frequently use ten writing strategies and encounter ten linguistic challenges. Some of the strategies are used more frequently by the skilled writers while others are more common among the unskilled ones. Similarly, male writers generally utilise fewer writing strategies than their female peers. While no significant differences are found between male and female writers in any one type of error, unskilled writers were found to make a larger number of errors in each category compared to the skilled writers. The study concludes with implications and recommendations for English writing pedagogy and research

    Attitudes of Saudi nursing Students on AIDs and Predictors of willingness to provide care for patients in Central Saudi Arabia

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    Objectives. This study aimed to assess HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and risk perception among Saudi nursing students, and to identify predictors of their willingness to provide care for patients with AIDS. Methods A cross sectional study of 260 baccalaureate nursing students at King Saud bin-Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia was done using  a previously validated instrument.  Results. Students’ knowledge percentage mean score (PMS) on HIV/AIDS was 72.93±10.67 reflecting an average level of knowledge. There were many misconceptions about how HIV is transmitted, e.g. use of same toilets and bathrooms and washing clothes together (24.9%), swimming (53.7%) and coughing and sneezing (49.6%). Nursing students reported an overall negative attitude towards AIDS, with a PMS of 43.48±9.21. The majority of students agreed that AIDs patients should be isolated from other patients (83%), and should not share the room with other non-infected patients (81.8%), and some reported that PLWA deserve what has happened to them (24.7%). After controlling for confounders, students’ poor knowledge and negative attitude were associated only with having never been given nursing education as their primary high education (p=0.012 & p=0.01 respectively).  Conclusion. These findings have implications for development of teaching strategies and curricular approaches for nursing to address this health care issue.Â

    Uterine Artery Embolization in Patients with a Large Fibroid Burden: Long-Term Clinical and MR Follow-up

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    Uterine artery embolization (UAE) in patients with a large fibroid burden is controversial. Anecdotal reports describe serious complications and limited clinical results. We report the long-term clinical and magnetic resonance (MR) results in a large series of women with a dominant fibroid of >10 cm and/or an uterine volume of >700 cm3. Seventy-one consecutive patients (mean age, 42.5 years; median, 40 years; range, 25–52 years) with a large fibroid burden were treated by UAE between August 2000 and April 2005. Volume reduction and infarction rate of dominant fibroid and uterus were assessed by comparing the baseline and latest follow-up MRIs. Patients were clinically followed at various time intervals after UAE with standardized questionnaires. There were no serious complications of UAE. During a mean follow-up of 48 months (median, 59 months; range, 6–106 months), 10 of 71 patients (14%) had a hysterectomy. Mean volume reduction of the fibroid and uterus was 44 and 43%. Mean infarction rate of the fibroid and overall fibroid infarction rate was 86 and 87%. In the vast majority of patients there was a substantial improvement of symptoms. Clinical results were similar in patients with a dominant fibroid >10 cm and in patients with large uterine volumes by diffuse fibroid disease. In conclusion, our results indicate that the risk of serious complications after UAE in patients with a large fibroid burden is not increased. Moreover, clinical long-term results are as good as in other patients who are treated with UAE. Therefore, a large fibroid burden should not be considered a contraindication for UAE

    Cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery for treatment of uterine fibroids

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of a treatment strategy for symptomatic uterine fibroids, which starts with Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) as compared with current practice comprising uterine artery embolisation, myomectomy and hysterectomy. DESIGN: Cost-utility analysis based on a Markov model. SETTING: National Health Service (NHS) Trusts in England and Wales. POPULATION: Women for whom surgical treatment for uterine fibroids is being considered. METHODS: The parameters of the Markov model of the treatment of uterine fibroids are drawn from a series of clinical studies of MRgFUS, and from the clinical effectiveness literature. Health-related quality of life is measured using the 6D. Costs are estimated from the perspective of the NHS. The impact of uncertainty is examined using deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incremental cost-effectiveness measured by cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained. RESULTS: The base-case results imply a cost saving and a small QALY gain per woman as a result of an MRgFUS treatment strategy. The cost per QALY gained is sensitive to cost of MRgFUS relative to other treatments, the age of the woman and the nonperfused volume relative to the total fibroids volume. CONCLUSIONS: A treatment strategy for symptomatic uterine fibroids starting with MRgFUS is likely to be cost-effective