267 research outputs found

    Scalability Improvement Of Multicast Source Movement Over Mobile Ipv6 Using Clustering Technique

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    Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) describes how a mobile node can change its point of attachment to the Internet. While MIPv6 focuses on unicast communications, it also proposes two basic mechanisms, known as bi-directional tunnelling and remote subscription, to handle multicast communications with mobile members. In the mean time, the deployment of Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) is of great interest, using the Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLDv2) protocols. In the particular case of mobile IPv6 SSM sources, the mechanism proposed in MIPv6 to support multicast communications introduced a number of problems that need to be addressed. First, in most scenarios the MIPv6 solution leads to suboptimal routing by setting up a tunnel to forward packets between the home agent in its home network and the current location in the foreign network. The use of a third party when roaming which is the home agent leads to suboptimal routing. Second, it introduces a central point of failure (i.e. the Home Agent (HA)) that is not to be neglected. The proposed MIPv6 solution also induces a great traffic concentration around this central point. Third, the processing task of the central point increases with the number of mobile sources it serves, thus reducing the efficiency of multicast delivery. The objective of this thesis is to remove some of the obstacles encountered in the way of multicast deployment in the Internet, thereby making Mobile IPv6 better equipped to support mobile SSM sources. Recent proposals to provide multicasting over mobile IP focuses mainly on recipient mobility but little attention has been given to the case of source mobility. This thesis attempts to address this problem. The basic essence of the problem is that while the effect of receiver movement on the multicast tree is local, the effect of source movement may be global and it may affect the complete multicast delivery tree. The initial design was motivated by the need to support one-to-many and many-to-many applications in a scalable fashion. Such applications cannot be serviced efficiently with unicast delivery. As the overall problem statement of “Scalability Improvement of Multicast Source Movement over IPv6 Using Clustering Technique” is extremely complex, we divide the problem into the following components: build the multicast delivery tree for source specific multicast which is a routing issue; clustering receivers based on their IPv6 addresses; improve the state scalability of these clusters which is a deployment issue; find an efficient way for service distribution which is a deployment issue as well; and finally, the seamless integration of the work with Mobile IPv6 allowing it to support multicast efficiently for mobile nodes. The combined solution provides a comprehensive procedure for planning and managing a multicast-based IPv6 network. The outcome of this thesis are: a software to represent an architecture of a multicast delivery tree for one-to-many type of group communication, a group management scheme that could handle the end nodes subscription/un-subscription process with the required updates, an average subscription delay of between 0.255 ms-0.530 ms and un-subscription delay of between 0.0456 ms-0.087 ms for up to 50000 nodes, an approach to multicast forwarding state reduction that could support small-size groups as well as large-size groups, and finally the integration of the work with Mobile IPv6 to handle the multicast source movement

    Estimation of Gini-index from continuous distribution based on ranked set sampling

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    This paper introduces the idea of using the novel ranked set sampling scheme for estimating the Gini index from continuous distributions. A one dimensional integral estimation problem based on ranked samples was discussed. It is demonstrated by a simple Monte Carlo experiment that this approach provides an unbiased and more efficient Gini index estimators than the traditional estimators based on simple random sampling

    A comparative study for estimating the parameters of the second order moving average process

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    EnMoving Average process is a representation of a time series written as a finite linear combination of uncorrelated random variables. Our main interest is to compare a classical estimation method; namely Exact Maximum Likelihood Estimation (EMLE) with the Generalized Maximum Entropy (GME) approach for estimating the parameters of the second order moving average processes. In this paper, in applying EMLE we have to find the exact likelihood function through deriving the probability density function of the series. Differentiating the function with respect to the parameters, we can obtain the exact maximum likelihood estimates. On the other hand, the idea of GME is to write the unknown parameters and error terms as the expected value of some proper probability distributions defined over some supports. We carry a simulation study to compare between the presented estimation techniques


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    Although the Internet came into existence in the second half of the twentieth century, its influence on language began to escalate in 1990 onwards. It has drastically changed the way people communicate and use English both in writing and speaking. Consequently, the world has become increasingly interconnected through synchronous and asynchronous communicational scripts, such as SMS, online chat, Yahoo messengers, emails, blogs, and wikis, which have become retrievable as accessible corpora for analysis. These corpora can yield anecdotal evidence of historical language change. The arrival of Web 2.0 tools and applications, such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, WhatsApp, and Viber, can likewise reveal changes that English has recently undergone. The Internet has given rise to what is arguably a new variety of English that differs from standard varieties. This article provides an account of the development of English from dialects spoken by a small number of people in the British Isles to an international and global language. It emphasizes the language shifts that have taken place more recently since the widespread use of the Internet. The pervasiveness of the Internet has led to new changes in form and usage described as Internet English

    Sustainable Warehouse Features: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Development in the field of IT and competition in the market forces companies to increase their market share and revenue. To satisfy this goal, companies can apply and adopt plans that may lead to making the supply chain (SC) lengthy and too rigid to control/monitor. The longer the SC the more it can be disrupted by expected and unexpected events (e.g., Digital security incidents, climate). For that purpose, the SC must be built in a way to respond fast to disruptive events in an effective way and to bounce back to its original state to be considered a resilient SC, which gives a competitive advantage to the companies. To achieve SC resilience, several studies have discussed enablers. Some of these studies, focused on increasing velocity through the SC, others argued that high adaptability leads to SC resilience, and others mentioned information sharing as a key to achieving SC resilience. In addition, applying technology in the SC processes can add strength. As such, the Internet of Things can support/enhance the level of Velocity, Adaptability, and Information sharing, which leads to enhancing SC resilience. This research explores the opportunities that IoT presents to enhance resilience enablers and boost SC resilience

    Optimization Parameters and Some Electronic Properties of AlSb Diamondoids: A Density Function Theory Study

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             استخدمت نظرية دالية الكثافة ضمن المستوي LSDA مع الدالة الاساس3-21G  لفحص الامثلية الهندسية (الزوايا والاواصر) وبعض الخواص الالكترونية التي اشتملت على (طاقة الربط ,فجوة الطاقة والثابت الشبيكي) لجزيئة انتمونايد الالمنيوم في الابعاد النانوية للجزيئات المدروسة باحجامها المختلفة المتمثلة في الجزيئات(الخطية, الحلقية, الثنائيمانتان, والثلاثيمانتان).         اظهرت النتائج ان قيم الزوايا الناتجة تتراوح بين96.21-126.05 degrees)) وكانت مقاربة للزاوية القياسية للجزيئات الماسية والتي تساوي (109.47 degrees) .         وكما اظهرت النتائج ان طاقة الربط للجزيئات المدروسة انها في حالة تناقص مع زيادة عدد الذرات وكذلك نقصان فجوة الطاقة بشكل تدريجي من (5.2-2.1eV) اقترابا من القيمة العملية المدروسة  للمادة في حالتها الصلبة والتي تساوي1.68eV) ) وهذا ما ينطبق على الثابت الشبكي ايضا.        مما سبق نستنتج ان للحجم الجزيئي النانوي تأثير مباشر على الخواص الالكترونية للمادة المدروسة وبالتالي ذلك مما يتيح امكانية استخدامه بالتطبيقات المختلفة وحسب الحاجة .Density function theory with LSDA/3-21G basis set is used to investigate the optimization parameters such as (angles and bonds) and some electronic properties include (cohesive energy, energy gap and lattice constant) of AlSb at nano diamantine and different size of(Linear, Ring, Diamantine and Tetramantine). The results of the present work show that the angles of AlSbH nano molecule in range (96,21-126.05 Å) are near to standard angle of diamond (109.47 Å). Therefore, it is found that the cohesive energy for molecules of studied in decrease state with increase size but the energy gap decreased in gradually shape from (5.2-2.1eV) with increase of the number of atoms, that typical is on the lattice constant. It is finally shown that the size molecules has direct effect on electronic properties to material studied that can used this material in different applications and according to the purpose asked fo

    High breakdown estimators to robustify phase II multivariate control charts.

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    Control chart is a statistical process control tool that is used to monitor the changes in a process. Hotelling's T2 chart is one of the most popular control charts for monitoring independently and identically distributed random vectors. This chart detects many types of out-of-control signals, but it is not sensitive to small shifts in the mean vector. This study propose a more efficient T2 control charts based on the re-weigted robust estimators of location and dispersion. The proposed control charts are attained by substituting the classical estimators of the mean vector and covariance matrix in the Hotelling's T2 by the re-weighted MCD and re-weighted MVE estimators. In this study, Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to establish the proposed robust control limit. Following that, we suggested suitable estimators for each condition. Our advice in this study is replacing the classical mean vector and covariance matrix of the data in the Hotelling's T2 statistic by there weighted MCD and Re-weighted MVE estimators

    Study the Optical and Spectral Properties of the Acridine Dye As an Effective Medium in Dye Lasers

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        تم في هذا البحث دراسة اطياف الامتصاص والفلورة لمحلول صبغة الاكريدين المذابة في الايثانول وبتراكيز مختلفة، اذ تم حساب الخصائص البصرية (معامل الامتصاص ومعامل الانكسار الخطيين) والخصائص الطيفية (العمر الزمني للفلورة والنتاج الكمي للفلورة). اذ لوحظ ان زيادة التركيز يؤدي الى زيادة قيم الامتصاصية ونقصان قيم النفاذية ومن ثم زيادة  قيم معامل الامتصاص ومعامل الانكسار، كذلك تزداد قيم شدة الفلورة وتزاح قمة طيف انبعاث الفلورة نحو الاطوال الموجية الاطول(red shift)  وبالتالي يزداد العمر الزمني للفلورة ويقل النتاج الكمي بزيادة تركيز المحلول.         In this study, the absorption and fluorescence spectra of the dissolved Acridine solution were studied in ethanol and different concentrations. The optical properties (absorption coefficient, linear refraction) and spectral characteristics (Fluorescence time and quantitative fluoridation efficiency) were calculated. It is observed that increasing the concentration increases the absorbance values and decreases the permeability values, thus increasing the values of the absorption coefficient and the refractive index. Also, the values of the fluorine intensity increase. The peak of the emission spectrum is transferred to the longer wavelengths.                                                                                                                   &nbsp

    Study of Absorption Spectra, Fluorescence and Energy Levels of Fluorescein Dye

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        درس في هذا البحث اطياف الامتصاص والفلورة لمحلول صبغة الفلورسين المذابة في الايثانول وبتراكيز مختلفة، اذ تم حساب الخصائص البصرية (الامتصاصية ،النفاذية، معامل الامتصاص والانكسار الخطيين وكذلك حساب  العمر الزمني والنتاج الكمي للفلورة). تبين من النتائج ان نقصان التركيز يؤدي الى نقصان قيم الامتصاصية وزيادة قيم النفاذية مما يؤدي ذلك الى نقصان قيم معامل الامتصاص ومعامل الانكسار وهذا ما يتفق مع قانون لامبرت، كذلك تقل قيم شدة الفلورة وتزاح قمة طيف انبعاث الفلورة نحو الاطوال الموجية الاطول(red shift)  وبالتالي يقل العمر الزمني للفلورة ويزداد النتاج الكمي ، وبالتالي استخدام هذه الصبغة كوسط فعال ليزري في ليزرات الحالة السائلة. كذلك درس طيف الأشعة تحت الحمراء عمليا ونظرياً لهذه الصبغة باستخدام برنامج(Gaussian 9) للتعرف على أنماط الاهتزاز للصبغة المستخدمة.The absorption and fluorine spectra of dissolved fluorescein solution in ethanol and different concentrations were studied. The optical properties(absorbance, permeability, linear absorption, and refractive index, as well as time and fluoridation)were calculated. The results showed that a decrease in concentration leads to a decrease in absorption values and an increase in permeability values. This results in a decrease in the values of the absorption coefficient and refractive index. This is in accordance with Lambert's law. Also, the values of the fluorine are lower. The top of the emission spectrum is transferred to the longer wavelengths. The temporal age of fluoride decreases and the quantitative output increases, thus using this dye as an effective laser medium in liquid state lasers. The infrared spectroscopy of the dye was also studied using the (Gaussian 9) program.                                        &nbsp

    Outcome of pregnancies in epileptic women: a study in Saudi Arabia

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    AbstractWe studied the outcome of 79 pregnancies in 44 Saudi women who had epilepsy. Their mean age was 28 ± 6.5 years and the number of pregnancies studied varied from one to six. Nineteen subjects had generalized seizures, 16 had partial seizures and nine were unclassified. The commonest drug prescribed was carbamazepine and the majority of the women (61%) were on monotherapy. The seizures were controlled in 53 pregnancies (67%). Spontaneous vertex deliveries were the commonest. The indications for intervention by lower segment Caesarean section, forceps or ventouse were foetal distress, pre-eclamptic toxaemia (PET), eclampsia, breech presentation and prolonged labour. The most frequent adverse outcome in the babies was low birth weight (<2.5 kg) in nine pregnancies. The frequency of congenital malformation was 2.5%. Low birth weight was associated with prematurity, PET, congenital malformation and polytherapy. Avoidance of polytherapy appears to be the most feasible intervention in reducing the frequency of low birth-weight children by epileptic mothers