2,486 research outputs found

    Concentrations, Sources and Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAHs) Compounds in Basrah soils, Iraq

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    تسبب الفعاليات البشرية في تلوث التربة بملوثات خطيرة, منها المركبات الهيدروكربونية الأروماتية متعددة الحلقات. في الدراسة الحالية تم تقييم التلوث بالمركبات الهيدروكربونية الأروماتية المتعددة الحلقات  في عينات التربة التي جمعت من ثلاثون موقع موزعة في كافة انحاء البصرة- العراق خلال الفترة 2019-2020 , وقسمت هذه المواقع الى ثمان مناطق شملت ( مناطق سكنية, مناطق نفطية, مناطق زراعية, شوارع عامة, محطات وقود, محطات كهرباء, متنزهات عامة, مولدات كهربائية). قيست خصائص التربة ( الرطوبة النسبية, الأس الهيدروجيني, التوصيلية الكهربائية, الكاربون العضوي الكلي). وأظهرت النتائج ان قيم خصائص التربة تراوحت (الرطوبة النسبية ((%0.18-0.03 , الأس الهيدروجيني (8.16-6.90) , التوصيلية الكهربائية  (104.80-2.48) مليسيمنز\سم, الكاربون العضوي الكلي (%20.50-9.90)). استعمل جهاز الكروماتوغرافيا الغازية (GC) في قياس المركبات الهيدروكربونية الأروماتية المتعددة الحلقات في عينات التربة المستخلصة, وأظهرت النتائج ان تركيز المركبات الهيدروكربونية الأروماتية المتعددة الحلقات الكلي تراوح بين(5864.86-499.96) نانوغرام\غم وزن جاف  . أكثر المركبات الأروماتية السائدة محسوبة كنسبة مئوية في مناطق الدراسة ( مناطق سكنية, مناطق نفطية, مناطق زراعية, شوارع عامة, محطات وقود, محطات كهرباء, متنزهات عامة, مولدات كهربائية) في الفصل الجاف كانت (BghiP 36% , Chy 29% ,BkF 26% , BaP 18% ,BghiP 27% , InP 40% , BbF 19% and BbF 12%)  على التوالي, بينما في الفصل الرطب كانت (Pyr 22% , BbF 16%, BkF 32% , BbF 36% , BkF 38% , Pyr 26% , BbF 43% and Pyr 35%) على التوالي. وبتطبيق مجموعة من الادلة الحسابية لمعرفة مصادر المركبات الأروماتية في الترب المدروسة تبين ان المصدر مشترك ما بين التلوث النفطي وعمليات الحرق. وصنفت التربة بين مستوى ضعيف الى شديد التلوث بالمركبات الهيدروكربونية الأروماتية متعددة الحلقات.  Anthropogenic activities cause soil pollution with different serious pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) compounds. This study assessed the contamination of PAHs in soil samples collected from 30 sites divided into eight groups (residential areas, oil areas, agricultural areas, roads, petrol stations, power plants, public parks and electrical generators) in Basrah city-Iraq during 2019-2020. The soil characteristics including (moisture, pH, EC and TOC) were measured. Results showed the following ranges (soil moisture (0.03-0.18%),pH (6.90-8.16), EC (2.48-104.80) mS/cm and TOC (9.90-20.50%)). Gas Chromatography (GC) was used to measure PAHs in extracted soil samples. The total PAH range (499.96 - 5864.86) ng/g dry weight (DW). The most dominant percentage of PAHs in (residential areas, oil areas, agricultural areas, roads, petrol stations, power plants, public parks and electrical generators) in dry season were (BghiP 36% , Chy 29% ,BkF 26% , BaP 18% ,BghiP 27% , InP 40% , BbF 19% and BbF 12%) respectively, while in wet season the most dominant PAHs were (Pyr 22% , BbF 16%, BkF 32% , BbF 36% , BkF 38% , Pyr 26% , BbF 43% and Pyr 35%) respectively.  According to some calculated ratios, the sources of PAHs in Basrah soil were mixed between petrogenic and pyrogenic origins. The soil is classified from weakly to heavily contaminated with PAHs

    Strategies of linear feedback control and its classification

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    This paper is concerned with the control problem for a class of nonlinear dynamical (hyperchaotic) systems based on linear feedback control strategies. Since the obtaining positive feedback coefficients are required for these strategies. From this point of view, the available ordinary/dislocated/enhancing and speed feedback control strategies can be classified into two main aspects: control the dynamical systems or can't be control although it own a positive feedback coefficients. So, we focused on these cases, and suggest a new method to recognize which system can be controller it or not. In this method, we divided the positive feedback coefficient which obtain from these strategies in to four categories according to possibility of suppression and show the reason for each case. Finally, numerical simulations are given to illustrate and verify the results

    Comparison Between Deterministic and Stochastic Model for Interaction (COVID-19) With Host Cells in Humans

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    في هذا البحث ,تم اقتراح النموذج الحتمي والعشوائي لدراسة تفاعل فيروس كورونا (كوفيد -19) مع الخلايا المضيفة داخل جسم الانسان  .في النموذج الحتمي تحدد قيمة رقم الاستنساخ الأساسي  استمرار أو انقراض كوفيد-19.اذا كان رقم الاستنساخ الأساسي أقل من واحد   فأن خلية واحدة مصابة ستصيب أقل من خلية واحدة ,وهذا يعني ان الشخص الذي يحمل فيروس كورونا قد تم شفاؤه. اذا كان رقم الاستنساخ الاساسي اكبر من واحد  ستكون الخلية المصابة قادرة على القضاء على مجموعة الخلايا المستهدفة .في النموذج التصادفي , نثبت أنه اذا كانت المعلمات التصادفية  كبيرة بدرجة كافية فأن هذه المعلمات التصادفية تعطينا  الانقراض النهائي للمرض على الرغم من رقم الاستنساخ الاساسي اكبر من واحد . وقد تم أثبات هذه الحقائق أيضا من خلال المحاكاة الحاسوبية.In this paper, the deterministic and the stochastic models are proposed to study the interaction of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) with host cells inside the human body. In the deterministic model, the value of the basic reproduction number   determines the persistence or extinction of the COVID-19. If   , one infected cell will transmit the virus to less than one cell, as a result,  the person carrying the Coronavirus will get rid of the disease .If   the infected cell  will be able to infect  all  cells that contain ACE receptors. The stochastic model proves that if  are sufficiently large then maybe  give  us ultimate disease extinction although ,  and this  facts also proved by computer simulation

    Optimization of Cutting Condition for Turning Operation Based On the Taguchi Method

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    البحث الحالي هو محاولة لنمذجة ظروف القطع في عملية الخراطة باستخدام طريقة تاكوشي وتصميم التجارب. المخرجات (الاستجابة) كانت فقط خشونة السطح. استخدم الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ AISI 316 SS كمادة مشغلة واختيرت سرعة القطع، معدل التغذية، عمق القطع ونصف قطر رأس العدة كظروف للقطع. استخدمت المصفوفة العمودية القياسية L18 لتصميم التجارب. حللت النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها باسخدام البرنامج Minitab16. نفذ تحليل التباين ANOVA لايجاد العوامل المؤثرة على خشونة السطح. حسبت القيم المستحصلة كاستجابة باستخدام صيغ رياضية وتم تاكيدها بواسطة اختبار التاكيد. من النتائج العملية نلاحظ ان معدل التغذية له التاثير الاكبر على قيم الخشونة متبوعا بسرعة القطع ونصف قطر رأس العدة وعمق القطع.Present dissertation work has attempted to optimize the various significant cutting conditions for turning process by Taguchi method and design of experiments. The response variable is surface roughness (Ra). The stainless steel AISI 316 SS has been used as a workpiece material. The various cutting conditions selected for the study were cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and nose radius. A standard L18 orthogonal array was selected for design of experiments. The results obtained from the experimental runs were analyzed using Minitab16 software. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was done to find the most contributing cutting conditions affecting the Ra. The corresponding values of the response parameter were also calculated using mathematical formulae and confirmed by performing validation experimentation. From the present experimental study, it is observed that Ra in turning process is mainly affected by all input parameters. Feed rate was the most significant factor affecting the Ra followed by cutting speed, nose radius and depth of cut

    Evaluation of Wheat Triticum aestivum L. Genotypes with High Productivity in Al-Muthanna and Thi-Qar Provinces

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    A field experiment was conducted to evaluate  the performance of different genotypes of soft wheat crop at two locations, the first location in the agricultural research station and trials of the College of Agriculture / Muthanna province and the second location in Al-Garraf district / province of Thi- Qar. Ten genotypes (IR885, IR899, IR1123 , IR981, IR1131, IR969, IR1069) are used and Abu Ghraib, Furat and IBA 99 as comparison cultivars) , Three replicates of each treatment were randomized using a randomized complete block design factorial experiments. The effect of genotypes, locations and the interactions between them has been studied in some growth and yield traits and its components. IR98 genotype record higher rate of seed yield kg / donum for both Al-Muthanna and Thi- Qar locations in which reached (1847.667 and 1889.000 kg / donum), respectively while the results showed that the superiority of Furat cultivar giving the highest rate of height plant, spike length and number of spikes / m 2 which reached ( 105.333 cm and 17,000 cm and 805.333 spike / m 2 ), respectively. As well as my agriculture disagreed with each other in most of the studied traits where the second location (Thi- Qar) gave the highest averages for plant height and spike length and number of the forest and the number of spikes / m 2 and weight of 100 tablets and dry weight / m 2 and holds the grain reached (96.400 cm and 14,800 cm and 8.600 and 615.000 spike / m 2 and 3.725 g and 245.700 g / m 2 1889.000 kg / sq.m), respectively. With regard to the interactions between the genotypes and locations, Furat cultivar had superiority in Thi- Qar location, in which gave the highest rate of plant height and spike length which reached (113.333 cm and 20.000 cm), respectively, while the cultivar surpassed EBA 99 in Thi- Qar location, giving the highest rate of Leaf area reached (76.633 cm 2) while the interactions between genotype IR1069 in Thi- Qar location, the highest average of 100 seed weight reached (5.020 g). Keywords: Performance evaluation , genotypes , fine wheat, agricultural locations

    Sustainable Warehouse Features: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Development in the field of IT and competition in the market forces companies to increase their market share and revenue. To satisfy this goal, companies can apply and adopt plans that may lead to making the supply chain (SC) lengthy and too rigid to control/monitor. The longer the SC the more it can be disrupted by expected and unexpected events (e.g., Digital security incidents, climate). For that purpose, the SC must be built in a way to respond fast to disruptive events in an effective way and to bounce back to its original state to be considered a resilient SC, which gives a competitive advantage to the companies. To achieve SC resilience, several studies have discussed enablers. Some of these studies, focused on increasing velocity through the SC, others argued that high adaptability leads to SC resilience, and others mentioned information sharing as a key to achieving SC resilience. In addition, applying technology in the SC processes can add strength. As such, the Internet of Things can support/enhance the level of Velocity, Adaptability, and Information sharing, which leads to enhancing SC resilience. This research explores the opportunities that IoT presents to enhance resilience enablers and boost SC resilience

    Assessment of rock slope stability and structurally controlled failures along Samma escarpment road, Asir Region (Saudi Arabia)

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    Samma escarpment road is located in Asir Region, Saudi Arabia. It is located NW of Abha city. This escarpment road represents a major corridor in the area which connects different cities and touristic resorts in the region. It is descended from Sudah plateau at about 2700 m above sea level (asl) toward Wadi al Aws at about 1500 m asl. The total length of the road section is about 8 km which is passing through a highly mountainous area characterized by a complex geological and structural elements. This road has been exposed to frequent slope failures from time to time due to various factors such as intense rain storms, different geological and structural elements (weak rocks, shear zones, and faults), road characteristics (different horizontal/vertical curvatures and narrow road section), and human activities (uncontrolled rock cuts). Many sliding events have been documented along this escarpment road, particularly during and following rainstorms. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the geology and structures by applying the rock mass rating (RMR) and slope stability (structurally controlled failures) along the Samma escarpment road. The stability analysis was performed using two Dips and RockPack III programs with the help of RocLab software. The Summa escarpment rock cuts were classified into 51 stations which were investigated in detail. Results indicated that most rock stations are poor quality, and 31, 32, and 41 stations are stable, 4, 6, and 7 stations are marginally stable, and 16, 13, and 3 stations are potentially unstable due to planar, wedge, and toppling failures, respectively. Finally, different recommendations and remediation methods were suggested as mitigation measures

    Health promotion, disease prevention and periodic health checks: perceptions and practice among family physicians in eastern Mediterranean region

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to identify the current practices and perceptions of family physicians regarding health promotion, disease prevention including periodic screening and health checks in Eastern Mediterranean Region. Methods: A multi-country cross-sectional study was conducted in six countries of EMR, from September 2014 to March 2015. Family Physicians who were currently practicing in different countries of EMR were invited to participate in the study through email. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was entered and analyzed on SPSS 19 and logistic regression analysis was performed. Results: A total of 100 physicians data was included in the final analysis. The majority were female physicians (76%): 63% were 25 to 35 years of age. Approximately 53% of Family physicians always recommend periodic screening and health checks to their patients. The common screening question asked to patients in medical history was related to their blood pressure (86%). Almost all (99%) of the Family physicians believe they should conduct periodic health checks. Those who had postgraduate training in Family Medicine (OR: 0.5; 95% CI: 0.39-1.67) and attended CME sessions regularly (OR: 0.11; 95% CI: 0.01-0.93), are more likely to recommend periodic screening and health checks to their patients. Conclusion: Periodic screening and health check is an important strategy to prevent disease and maintain health. It is an underutilized practice and a great need exists for its implementation in family practice

    Basidiobolomycosis of the Colon Masquerading as Stenotic Colon Cancer

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    Basidiobolus ranarum is a widespread saprophyte fungus with pathogenic potential. It affects mainly the subcutaneous tissues of the trunk and limbs. Relatively recently, occasional reports of gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis appeared in the literature. Due to the rarity of the condition and the nonspecific presenting features, the correct diagnosis is usually hard to reach. In this paper, we describe the clinical course of an otherwise healthy female, who presented with a colonic mass. She received subtotal colectomy followed by oral itraconazole, with successful outcome